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"Keep NcSoft from shutting down City of Heroes" petition passes 10,000 names

therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039

Pretty much what the subject says.  I'm not sure what exactly the petition will do to change the situation, but I'm impressed that it has over 10,000 signatures over the course of a holiday weekend.

Check it out here:





  • LummLumm Member UncommonPosts: 134
    Unless your sending them a nice chunk of money in with that petition then you can kill CoH goodbye.
  • fenistilfenistil Member Posts: 3,005
    Usually I have a weak heart and I fall for that kind of thing.  Not now though. Let it rest seriously.
  • TheLizardbonesTheLizardbones Member CommonPosts: 10,910

    Originally posted by smokedogg311
    Unless your sending them a nice chunk of money in with that petition then you can kill CoH goodbye.

    Yup. It's based on how much money it costs to develop and run. If there's not enough money, it will be shutdown.

    I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    it have allready been deemed to cost to much money to run and develop... That is why they shut it down.


    Loved the game... But nothing lasts for ever.

    This have been a good conversation

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,098
    Originally posted by smokedogg311
    Unless your sending them a nice chunk of money in with that petition then you can kill CoH goodbye.

    That's similiar to my thought. if 10,000 people actuall buy something or sub or "whatever" then that might go farther than any 10,000 people signing that petition.

    I could sign the petition but I have no intent on playing it. And that wouldn't be fair to the studio if they saw umteen thousand signatures yet they didn't get any additional money if they were to keep it open.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • DibdabsDibdabs Member RarePosts: 3,241
    Originally posted by therain93

    Pretty much what the subject says.  I'm not sure what exactly the petition will do to change the situation, but I'm impressed that it has over 10,000 signatures over the course of a holiday weekend.

    Another 190,000 people willing to pay a sub every month should do it.

  • DracogeekDracogeek Member UncommonPosts: 31
    City of Heroes is dying.  NC Soft won't stop that now.  The only chance that CoH has is for another company to buy it from them.
  • YaoimanYaoiman Member Posts: 51

    Most of the people upset about this game closing didn't even play it. They just want to hop on the bandwagon.


    10,000 sigs of random people who aren't going to play the game is not going to do anything.

    A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one.

    We will always remember your sacrifice, Louisoux!

  • LachyFTWLachyFTW Member UncommonPosts: 181
    This is pointless, the decision is already made and a petition won't change a thing.
  • munecaroonmunecaroon Member Posts: 88

    if paragon studios could work on a skeleton crew in the ballpark of a grinding gear games company (15-20 workers) i could see the community getting their butts rezzed with a kickstarter proggy, to let them keep on trucking cox

    i was under the impression the main issue would be getting the license off of pwe/old cryptic but someone on union last night said that zwillinger had that debunked so i can't really see whats keeping us from having a relaunch

    hellgate was relaunched with only 10-20k votes on their petition as well - albeit it was a rather weak relaunch

  • superniceguysuperniceguy Member UncommonPosts: 2,278
    Originally posted by LachyFTW
    This is pointless, the decision is already made and a petition won't change a thing.

    The decisioon has not been fully made, as no plans of what is happening have been outlined, and people can change their minds.

    EQmac was to shut down on 27th Feb, Smedley wrote a letter to the community and posted it on the forums on 31st Jan, explaining why it had to close, then 2 weeks later, he changed his mind, and it did not close. Something happened within those 2 weeks which made him see that it would be better for it not to close.

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042
    I'd rather they move on and create something new rather than drag out CoH. It's been going for 8 years, let it rest in peace.
  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649

    PWE should pick it up and merge CoX and CO - in the sense, that either could continue playing in their own worlds...or they could travel to the other world.  Yes, massive investment - not going to happen - imagine the CO world rendered as if it were in CoX, imagine the CoX world rendered as if it were in CO - imagine fighting along side somebody from CO or from CoX, whichever was your preference... oh well, one can dream of it continuing on in some fashion.

    Then again, perhaps PWE will pick it up - then they'll shut it down again,shut down CO as well...and create City of Chamipions and Heroes Online... CoCaHO.  How badass would it be to play a game called CoCaHO, eh?

    Yeah, I uninstalled CoX with the news and have not hit anything - so I'm losing my, carry on.

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

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  • KrytycalKrytycal Member Posts: 520
    CoH actually makes more money than GW1, so the reason they're shutting it down it's not so much the game, but the fact that Paragon studio is not the one coming up with a super duper sequel.
  • CujoSWAoACujoSWAoA Member UncommonPosts: 1,781
    These things never accomplish anything.
  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988
    Originally posted by Krytycal
    CoH actually makes more money than GW1, so the reason they're shutting it down it's not so much the game, but the fact that Paragon studio is not the one coming up with a super duper sequel.

    It would be nice if we could get an official word out of NC/Paragon, but I did read the same thing somewhere. There's also this theory:

    Whatever the reason, it most certainly has nothing to do with the game being to expensive to sustain.


  • VirusDancerVirusDancer Member UncommonPosts: 3,649
    Originally posted by Wolfenpride
    Originally posted by Krytycal
    CoH actually makes more money than GW1, so the reason they're shutting it down it's not so much the game, but the fact that Paragon studio is not the one coming up with a super duper sequel.

    It would be nice if we could get an official word out of NC/Paragon, but I did read the same thing somewhere. There's also this theory:

    Whatever the reason, it most certainly has nothing to do with the game being to expensive to sustain.


    That is something interesting to consider.  You get into things like Mission Architect, then thing about all the Foundry stuff with STO and Neverwinter... licensing.  Thing is, were this the case - why wouldn't NCSoft just come out and say that?  Think of all the hate they've received over this... they could have passed that hate along to PWE - folks like to hate PWE too.  :)

    I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?

    Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%

  • therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by VirusDancer
    Originally posted by Wolfenpride
    Originally posted by Krytycal
    CoH actually makes more money than GW1, so the reason they're shutting it down it's not so much the game, but the fact that Paragon studio is not the one coming up with a super duper sequel.

    It would be nice if we could get an official word out of NC/Paragon, but I did read the same thing somewhere. There's also this theory:

    Whatever the reason, it most certainly has nothing to do with the game being to expensive to sustain.


    That is something interesting to consider.  You get into things like Mission Architect, then thing about all the Foundry stuff with STO and Neverwinter... licensing.  Thing is, were this the case - why wouldn't NCSoft just come out and say that?  Think of all the hate they've received over this... they could have passed that hate along to PWE - folks like to hate PWE too.  :)

    I wonder how much of the Foundry scripting in Neverwinter is based on LUA......

    One of the devs posted this link for some new scripting implementationin CoH:

    "The second link shows off LUA scripting. This was implemented by our brilliant programming team for Issue 24. The video only shows off a small portion of what we did with it; for example, Arbiter Hawk implemented the new Paladin event in Kings Row entirely through LUA. This scripting language is incredibly powerful and, the best for us, very easy to iterate upon."

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
    Originally posted by Wolfenpride
    Originally posted by Krytycal
    CoH actually makes more money than GW1, so the reason they're shutting it down it's not so much the game, but the fact that Paragon studio is not the one coming up with a super duper sequel.

    It would be nice if we could get an official word out of NC/Paragon, but I did read the same thing somewhere. There's also this theory:

    Whatever the reason, it most certainly has nothing to do with the game being to expensive to sustain.



    this thread explain it


    Simply apart from GW1 (a PR nightmare to close down at this time die to GW2) CoH was making the least money and out of GW1 and CoH, CoH cost the most to run as it still have a development team unlike GW1.

    This have been a good conversation

  • KrytycalKrytycal Member Posts: 520
    Originally posted by Wolfenpride
    Originally posted by Krytycal
    CoH actually makes more money than GW1, so the reason they're shutting it down it's not so much the game, but the fact that Paragon studio is not the one coming up with a super duper sequel.

    It would be nice if we could get an official word out of NC/Paragon, but I did read the same thing somewhere. There's also this theory:

    Whatever the reason, it most certainly has nothing to do with the game being to expensive to sustain.


    That theory doesn't make much sense. If that were the case NCSoft could've tactfully shifted the blame, and saved themselves a lot of grief in the process.

  • superniceguysuperniceguy Member UncommonPosts: 2,278
    Originally posted by CujoSWAoA
    These things never accomplish anything.

    I disagree. NOT doiung these things never accomplish anything


    EQmac closure announcement:


    People start emailing SOE, Smedley and doing petitions, and SMedley comes to the forums and explains the closure perosnally:


    Then 2 weeks later, after more emails and petitions, Smed sees that it is best for EQmac to stay up.



    So, to say "These things never accomplish anything." is just wrong

  • superniceguysuperniceguy Member UncommonPosts: 2,278
    Originally posted by tawess
    Originally posted by Wolfenpride
    Originally posted by Krytycal
    CoH actually makes more money than GW1, so the reason they're shutting it down it's not so much the game, but the fact that Paragon studio is not the one coming up with a super duper sequel.

    It would be nice if we could get an official word out of NC/Paragon, but I did read the same thing somewhere. There's also this theory:

    Whatever the reason, it most certainly has nothing to do with the game being to expensive to sustain.



    this thread explain it


    Simply apart from GW1 (a PR nightmare to close down at this time die to GW2) CoH was making the least money and out of GW1 and CoH, CoH cost the most to run as it still have a development team unlike GW1.

    That may be the case now, but GW2 has only just launched, and chances are that most people will end up switching from GW1 to GW2, and GW1 will become dead / less than CoH

    If that is the case then they are acting prematurely, and maybe if they see GW1 figures bombing before Nov, this might be what may change their mind in shutting it down.

    It is stupid having 2 GW games and no City of Heroes. It does not make much variety in their line up. I have not played GW1, and with GW2 released, I have no intention in starting with GW1 now.

    I bet if GW1 was announced to close, I bet it would not get 10,000 names, as people would just accept it and go play GW2 which is actually better than GW1. City of heroes is unique, and there is nothing else like it that is better.

  • tixylixtixylix Member UncommonPosts: 1,288
    Instead of signing the petition those people coulda been playing to keep it alive.
  • superniceguysuperniceguy Member UncommonPosts: 2,278
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    vote with your wallets, people. your petition says yes-yes, your wallet says no-no.

    The stupid thing now is you can not buy anything with real money. You can not even buy more points.

    The only thing you probably can buy are Time Cards from retailers like Amazon if your subscription is not active.

  • rdrakkenrdrakken Member Posts: 426
    No freemium game deserves to survive long.
This discussion has been closed.