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I never liked GW. What I mean is, I appreciated it and thought it was a very good game, but it never appealed to me personally. I didn't like the lore much and it didn't feel like a virtual world, didn't really feel like an MMO but like an odd hybrid.
So I've been somewhat detached from the hype for GW2, just looking on.
But I've got to say: GW2 really is a fucking masterpiece. The attention to detail is astounding. The DEs work very well as a sort of half-way house between soloing and grouping. Even the personal story quests aren't too bad (I expected much, much worse). In fact the only thing that's bad is some of the dialogue and voice acting.
But most of all - the gameplay, the fluidity and responsiveness, the intrinsic addictiveness and trance-inducing essential MMO-ey-ness, are just awesome to behold. Not only that, but it's actually beautiful, visually and aurally.
The much-anticipated "WoW Killer" has arrived.
Well, of course that's always been a stupid concept really, but if it has any meaning at all (and ignoring the difference between p2p and b2p), the meaning is fulfilled in this game.
Amusing to see the "locusts" have descended though. Apparently the game isn't Jesus. Who would've thought, eh?
Very wise move to shut the forums down for launch, methinks.
You are joking right?? Masterpiece come on! AH broke to force people to spend real money on gems
Forums broke to keep the blind sheep blind
Mail broke
Guild features broke
Stuck in the overflow parking lot and cant group with friends or guild members
Broke or lack of endgame
Insane wait times for wvwvw
Repeative heart quest and DE
Nothing new at all I can keep going if you like Its fine you people enjoy the game its a descent game i agree nothing and I mean not even close to masterpiece.
"The much-anticipated "WoW Killer" has arrived."
Ha - Ha - Ha , Don't make me laugh.
This game is only about to kill itself and it's reputation at front of gamers.
At the moment the game is a free to play quality nothing else.
Let's hope it gets
Hyperlinks are awesome.
You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks
~ WC
This is crazy and I have to wonder what the motives for all of these over the top positive threads are. It almost seems forced, as if the goal is to convert everyone to liking a dumbed down themepark like they were going door to door selling bibles.
A masterpiece this is not. No open world pvp, everything separated by loading screens, no player housing/cities, no real economy, no real crafters, no anything that resembles a masterpiece.
Waiting on: The Repopulation
lol @ metacritic
Pretty much this. The game is OK, probably a 7/10 on its best day. The fanboy rhetoric is insane, but it will probably die down in a few weeks as people discover it's just an average game.
What's wrong with metacritic? It's the largest review site around. All major critic reviews are posted there. In addition to million of everyday users.
Please provide a better review site. I'll slap you if you link IGN.
The cumulative critic reviews aren't bad. But generally the user scores are either purposely inflated or low-balled, so it kills the reliability.
QFT. Get so sick of that. People are so incapable of rational thought anymore its gotten to the point absurdity.
People don't even try to look inside and h ave some sort of litmus test to try and determine if what they're about to say is tainted by bias or not.
I actually bought GW2 because i sat down and thought to myself, do i really hate the game/arenanet, or do i hate it indirectly because of the zealotry of the fanbois and the immensity of the hype train? I realized although i have some misgivings (and some of them were true) that i wasnt being objective.
Is it a masterpiece? Not even close. Is it a game changer? No, not even close. The only thing "game changing" about it is the lack of a sub fee.
The "dynamic content" is no different than Rift's "rift" system, except that its not just "rifts". Otherwise this idea that things would just organically develop before you is the biggest load of crap thats ever been foisted upon any community.
Does it do some things brilliantly? yes. The animations and fluidity of the combat is fantastic. The world is immense, well designed, beautiful, etc. I love that there are multiple cities and starting "towns" and such. One of the nicest things is they don't reuse art assetts left and right. Look at wow for an example, every inn in every town in every expansion is the exact same thing. Its just lazy. I'm glad Anet had the decency not to do that.
Overall i'd give the game an 8/10, provided that you enter into it understanding that its not going to be a traditional MMORPG. What i mean by that is no progression raiding. Endgame focus is primarily PVP.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Agreed. People are not realistic or rational. 0/10s and 10/10s. First, I'm not sure any MMO deserves a 0/10 and I am positive GW2 does not deserve a 10/10. When a large percentage of the votes are those 2, how the hell is anyone supposed to take the overall score seriously? They will not cancel each other out as one side will have more 10/10s than 0/10s.
Waiting on: The Repopulation
The problem with metacritic is it is an aggregate score site. Its meaningless because the data is skewed by BS reviews. If you could somehow guarantee that every review that it aggregates from was completely unbiased, then yes, it would be a fantastic system. The problem is any game that is even remotely decent these days gets 90+ from all the major reviewers because they don't want to risk the loss of advertising income from companies that got pissed at them because they gave their game a bad review. Its impossible for them to be truly unbiased and objective.
Think Top Gear, Top Gear only works on the BBC because the BBC is not funded by advertisements. If it was, every time Clarkson or May or Hammond went off on a truly crap car for being crap, that company would pull all its advertisements from the channel which is BIG TIME money.
Same things happen in the magazine/website review industry.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
You really think so? They've gotten so much backlash for that, I don't see how it could help them in the long run. I don't think anybody actually believed their line about forums putting their server infrastructure under more stress and affecting gameplay, since no company that knows what it's doing would use the same servers for its site that it uses to run the game itself. So now they have a substantial percentage of their customers believing they left the forums down specifically as a means to reduce negative feedback from unsatisfied players.
I think it's more likely that they just left them down because they don't have a large enough customer service or community management staff to moderate forums and handle the large number of support tickets at the same time, but then again, that begs the question as to why they didn't properly prepare for a launch they knew would have between 1 and 2 million players. One of ANet's business practices has always been to maintain profitability by minimizing customer service costs, which means providing minimal customer service, which won't really fly with GW2 the way that it did with the first game.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
LOL 5 critics Vs 57.
check my post history have stated reasons and long explainations numerous times.. sorry if liking a game in the games own forum offends you
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Sounds cool. Wait, I can play BF3 or TF2 for PvP lacking any risk or reward though. I can play any FPS where dying means I wait about 20 seconds or less to just respawn and get back in the fight. I don't see any fun in that.
Waiting on: The Repopulation
DAOC for 4 hours was fun, WvW for 4 hours, is well 3 hours too long. This DAOC wannabe is painful in long timeframes.
check my post history have stated reasons and long explainations numerous times.. sorry if liking a game in the games own forum offends you
and yet I disagree:)
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Says who?
I liked your post, but what Golden Age are you referring to when rational thought was the norm? Logically, games like GW2 are supposed to equal fun. Even when there are financial motives a product titled 'game' has to be enjoyable to succeed.
People are enjoying the game, and it's clear from the Internet as a whole, that many more are enjoying than not. Even after the honeymoon period has subsided and the dust has settled GW2 has changed the landscape. An F2P with AAA quality hasn't existed before now, at least not right from launch day. The WvW also has the potential to hit a sweet spot that many games since DaoC have been unable to find. The inability to grief people in GW2 is a breath of fresh air that I hope many more games will take note of. Arena has done a lot right. In terms of launch issues I'm sure if they are affecting you they are very frustrating, but looking at the company's behaviour so far it should also be evident that they will be fixed sooner rather than later.
WoW for example was plagued with launch problems of a far greater magnitude but they didnt' stop me loving the game. They frustrated me because I wanted to get back in and have fun. I'd actually forgotten how bad things were back then until I read this article recently - - and it all came back to me. I think the list of issues Arena have to deal with is far less daunting.
Poking fun of people who aren't as cynical and analytical about the game and the state of MMO's as you are because they are having fun and enjoying themselves isn't really rational, which is kind of ironic. And being 'sick' of other people enjoying something is a bit of a worry. And it's an affliction that seems to be very common here.
You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks
~ WC