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Guild Wars 2: a good sandbox game

Syno23Syno23 Member UncommonPosts: 1,360
I hate themepark games where you go to one area get the quests and do them and move onto the next area. In GW2 you can explore every inch of every area. Don't have to do the story quest right away. Different areas to explore like all the starting areas for each race PLUS other areas. I don't feel like I'm in a linear game. But a nice relaxing sandbox style.


  • KrytycalKrytycal Member Posts: 520
    4/10. The topic has potential, but you made it a little too obvious.
  • MyrdynnMyrdynn Member RarePosts: 2,484

    wow, I found zero sand in GW2 so far.  Being able to explore every inch and not do quests, doesnt make it a sandbox


  • SaydienSaydien Member Posts: 266

    Obvious baiting. GW2 can be called enough but calling it anything even remotely close to a sandbox just is fishy.

  • DeriumsDeriums Member Posts: 38
    I'm loving the game, but it's NOT a sandbox at all. You can't build anything (houses, bases, eye cndy), there are levels, item stats, limited interaction with the enviroment ect ect.
  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001

    You have no idea what a sandbox MMO is, do you?


  • GamefunGamefun Member Posts: 290

    You obviously don't know what a sandbox mmo is. Guild Wars 2 is anything but sandbox.


    Lols IRL...

  • oubersoubers Member UncommonPosts: 855
    Originally posted by tom_gore

    You have no idea what a sandbox MMO is, do you?




  • MaxJacMaxJac Member Posts: 185

    Obviously it is not a sandbox game. Not that this is a bad thing. The game is a very well done theme park. It doesn't need to be a sandbox to be good. As someone who swears by sandboxes, stop treating theme park like a dirty word. It can be fun and GW2 exemplifies this.

  • RaysheRayshe Member UncommonPosts: 1,279
    i wouldnt call GW2 a sandbox game since it doesnt have enough of the elements. However i will agree that it is a great step for someone who wants to go from Themepark to Sandbox as a learning tool

    Because i can.
    I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
    Logic every gamers worst enemy.

  • SeariasSearias Member UncommonPosts: 743
    Originally posted by Syno23
    I hate themepark games where you go to one area get the quests and do them and move onto the next area. In GW2 you can explore every inch of every area. Don't have to do the story quest right away. Different areas to explore like all the starting areas for each race PLUS other areas. I don't feel like I'm in a linear game. But a nice relaxing sandbox style.

    I think you got the sandbox definition wrong :P.

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  • MaxJacMaxJac Member Posts: 185
    Originally posted by Rayshe
    i wouldnt call GW2 a sandbox game since it doesnt have enough of the elements. However i will agree that it is a great step for someone who wants to go from Themepark to Sandbox as a learning tool

    Don't be quick to measure it that way. It is an improved theme park. Implying that it is a stepping stone puts sandbox on a pedistal. Them parks can be just as fun. It is just that sandboxes are usually more risk prone. This time the theme park took risks and it paid off. Give it its dues.

  • Atlan99Atlan99 Member UncommonPosts: 1,332
    Originally posted by Syno23
    I hate themepark games where you go to one area get the quests and do them and move onto the next area. In GW2 you can explore every inch of every area. Don't have to do the story quest right away. Different areas to explore like all the starting areas for each race PLUS other areas. I don't feel like I'm in a linear game. But a nice relaxing sandbox style.

    This thread made me think of this.

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975
    Hook, line and sinker.
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Its neither a thempark, nor a sandbox. Its GW2 style, which means that noboddy is holding your hand and you have a lot of freedom to choose what to do or how to build your character.

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • SeariasSearias Member UncommonPosts: 743

    <InvalidTag type="text/javascript" src=""></script><div class="cce_pane" content-slug="which-world-of-warcraft-villain-are-you" ctype="quiz" d=""></div>;

  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987

    uhmm the most themepark game of them all

    almost wipes your behind instead yourself

  • RaysheRayshe Member UncommonPosts: 1,279
    Originally posted by MaxJac
    Originally posted by Rayshe
    i wouldnt call GW2 a sandbox game since it doesnt have enough of the elements. However i will agree that it is a great step for someone who wants to go from Themepark to Sandbox as a learning tool

    Don't be quick to measure it that way. It is an improved theme park. Implying that it is a stepping stone puts sandbox on a pedistal. Them parks can be just as fun. It is just that sandboxes are usually more risk prone. This time the theme park took risks and it paid off. Give it its dues.

    You misunderstood what i was saying. however somone jumping from WoW to Eve usually quits because they dont understand the freedom in it. so a game like GW2 which acts as a middle ground is quite nice for somone who wants to try out sandbox without diving in cold turkey.

    Because i can.
    I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
    Logic every gamers worst enemy.

  • GamefunGamefun Member Posts: 290
    Originally posted by Atlan99
    Originally posted by Syno23
    I hate themepark games where you go to one area get the quests and do them and move onto the next area. In GW2 you can explore every inch of every area. Don't have to do the story quest right away. Different areas to explore like all the starting areas for each race PLUS other areas. I don't feel like I'm in a linear game. But a nice relaxing sandbox style.

    This thread made me think of this.

    Agreed. lols @ boxxy video.

  • azmundaiazmundai Member UncommonPosts: 1,419

    its not a sandbox, otherwise known as US Mail Questing where you practically have to deliver the letter yourself if you want it to get there, and it's not a themepark, otherwise knows as FedEx Questing, where press a button and your package is magically lifted off to your destination .. it's more like UPS questing where you have to ... oh who am I kidding, if you've read this far you are probably just going to call me a hater.

    LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
    I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already :)

  • AeliousAelious Member RarePosts: 3,521
    Originally posted by coretex666
    It is pure themepark.

     So far (1-15) it technically is though it hides it really well.  It's not a sandbox by any means though, sorry OP.  Personally I think there should be a few more catagories, themepark and sandbox just don't cut it anymore.

    I would call GW2 a freeform game since it has backwards compatibility and events.

  • SiugSiug Member UncommonPosts: 1,257
    GW2 is as much sandbox as I'm an aeroplane. Personally I'm ok with this because I don't mind good themeparks but threads like this are kind of ... weird.
  • azmundaiazmundai Member UncommonPosts: 1,419

    Originally posted by Piiritus
    I'm an aeroplane.

    Are you Flee?

    LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
    I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already :)

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505

    LOL @ the OP



  • TomBaker_fanTomBaker_fan Member Posts: 131
    It's a theme park with a giant sandbox in the middle. WvWvW can be played anytime anylevel, anywhere.


  • dariuszpdariuszp Member Posts: 182
    Originally posted by Syno23
    I hate themepark games where you go to one area get the quests and do them and move onto the next area. In GW2 you can explore every inch of every area. Don't have to do the story quest right away. Different areas to explore like all the starting areas for each race PLUS other areas. I don't feel like I'm in a linear game. But a nice relaxing sandbox style.

    Sorry to say that but GW2 is NOT a sandbox. It's a themepark like every other game out there. Sandbox are games where players create content. EVE is great example of sandbox. Living economy, focus on PVP (real game starts in 0.0 where players, not NPC rule the sectors), ability to shape the world, player driven gameplay etc.

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