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Just got banned from d3 forums (you'll laugh)

stygianapothstygianapoth Member UncommonPosts: 185

Apparently I was "cursing" when I pressed shift+3546 (#%$^) and they labeled that as cursing. The filter didn't block out any words I was using, I manually inputed those characters so anyone could interpret anyway they'd like. The fact is I didn't curse and am now banned (permanently I think).


They also took away my ability to sell on the RMAH. Got a message from paypal saying Blizz deactivitated my paypal sales.


Pretty crazy!


  • AvanahAvanah Member RarePosts: 1,628

    "My Fantasy is having two men at once...

    One Cooking and One Cleaning!"


    "A good man can make you feel sexy,

    strong and able to take on the whole world...

    oh sorry...that's does that..."

  • stygianapothstygianapoth Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Originally posted by Jessina
    edit: retracting my statements, a lot of people have responded with similar stories or confirmation about "hiding" curse words. It's a strange policy but I meant no harm posting this thread, just frustrated with d3 and the mods on their forums!
  • DeivosDeivos Member EpicPosts: 3,692

    Hell probably. That's where all the free thinkers go any ways.


    On a more serious and less culturally insensitive note, uh...


    ...I got nothin'. Just wanted to make a mindless jab. :p


    Would have imagined they would chect what was going on with the post perhaps before doing a ban, guess I'd have to know the context though.

    "The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay

    "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin

  • TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498

    It's never too late for a refund.


    EDIT: Sometimes it is too late for a refund but I've never personally found that to be true.

  • CromicaCromica Member UncommonPosts: 657
    Originally posted by stygianapoth

    Apparently I was "cursing" when I pressed shift+3546 (#%$^) and they labeled that as cursing. The filter didn't block out any words I was using, I manually inputed those characters so anyone could interpret anyway they'd like. The fact is I didn't curse and am now banned (permanently I think).


    They also took away my ability to sell on the RMAH. Got a message from paypal saying Blizz deactivitated my paypal sales.


    Pretty crazy!

    I was banned from the wow forums 6 years ago for the same thing, they consider it hiding curse words.

  • AnirethAnireth Member UncommonPosts: 940

    I think thats taking it a bit too far. Even if it's clear that it "hides" curse words. If they define it as "hiding" curse words it means that there were were no actual curse words, so everything is fine. And stuff like that is used in childrens comics since decades exactly because of this. Conveying the meaning beyond curse words without actually using them.

    Especially when worse stuff is ingame. Like, "Hell" difficulty.. Ad the behaviour displayed by Jay Wilson and other Blizzard employees stands in stark contrast to this, too, even if it's not in the official forums.

    Where there is a will, there is a way anyways, so if someone wants to curse, they will do so. The most basic way is to set the latters appart or replace it with leet, so most automated systems do not pick it up, meaning they have to read every post, or hope it gets reported. And the more words you ban, the more options to avoid it come up, too.

    And long before you removed even the most common ways to curse, it gets ridicilous, like if Blizzard filters "hell" in an automated word filter. I don't know if they do, i do not play Diablo III, but it's included in most word filters i know. In some game you couldn't even write the publishers name, i think it was a game by Nexon, not sure though.

    And if you have an international audience, it gets even worse, as many character combinations have completey different meanings in different languages. Like "the German word "hell" means bright, pale and such. "Dick" is another such word.

    tn a game where the brightness is important, like, for stealth, or simply day/night cycles, at least 90% of the uses of some quite common filtered words are regular usage in another language, and not curses.

    They should spent the energy on tracking down people who really cisrupt the community, not someone who uses a curse word now and then.

    I'll wait to the day's end when the moon is high
    And then I'll rise with the tide with a lust for life, I'll
    Amass an army, and we'll harness a horde
    And then we'll limp across the land until we stand at the shore

  • stygianapothstygianapoth Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Originally posted by Cromica
    Originally posted by stygianapoth

    Apparently I was "cursing" when I pressed shift+3546 (#%$^) and they labeled that as cursing. The filter didn't block out any words I was using, I manually inputed those characters so anyone could interpret anyway they'd like. The fact is I didn't curse and am now banned (permanently I think).


    They also took away my ability to sell on the RMAH. Got a message from paypal saying Blizz deactivitated my paypal sales.


    Pretty crazy!

    I was banned from the wow forums 6 years ago for the same thing, they consider it hiding curse words.

    Well thanks for confirming. Glad you responded kindly, was just a bit shocked. Anyway don't want to let this thread get out of control so if any mods venture in, feel free to delete it if it doesn't obey the guidelines. Just needed to vent somewhere! Again Cromica thanks for responding, it makes me feel a bit better knowing I am not alone when I get banned for things that I didn't mean.


  • KeyloggerKeylogger Member Posts: 250

    I've been banned on every forum you can think of multiple times.


    The pansies whining over curse words never cease to amuse me.


  • stygianapothstygianapoth Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Originally posted by Cinatrot

    I've been banned on every forum you can think of multiple times.


    The pansies whining over curse words never cease to amuse me.


    As much as I don't like to admit it, I've been banned on several forums as well. Some may label me as a troll and such but I am like this in real life too, I curse and speak my mind. Why should I be censored on the internet as well? If a company is ripping off players or utilizing a scheme to pinch pennies then I will say, "hey, stop that, that's not a good way to keep longevity in your game (eredan is a very good example)."

    If I want to censor myself since I know REAL curse words aren't allowed, then I will throw out some randon shift+34325 numbers. Still, not good enough.

    I don't even think cursing was the main issue here. Sometimes companies just try to "damage control" certain areas that they don't want the users who can't think for themselves to read a post by a user who actually can evaluate and criticize business strategies and reasons behind recent updates.

    Sometimes I feel like those companies should hire me instead of banning me if I have such high capacities for seeing through their strategies. I mean it's like why the CIA hires hackers that hack into their sites. If someone is good enough, best to hire them cause trying to shut them out will only make them spread their information to the uninformed masses.


    End result = failure of company.


    I'm especially waiting for this "Eredan" game to fail, I predicted it over a year ago and now they are proposing a subscriptioni plan for 25 bucks a month (most than all MMORPGs) for a stupid card game that creep levels every week. Amazing how many people don't see this.

  • KeyloggerKeylogger Member Posts: 250
    Originally posted by stygianapoth
    Originally posted by Cinatrot

    I've been banned on every forum you can think of multiple times.


    The pansies whining over curse words never cease to amuse me.


    As much as I don't like to admit it, I've been banned on several forums as well. Some may label me as a troll and such but I am like this in real life too, I curse and speak my mind. Why should I be censored on the internet as well? If a company is ripping off players or utilizing a scheme to pinch pennies then I will say, "hey, stop that, that's not a good way to keep longevity in your game (eredan is a very good example)."

    If I want to censor myself since I know REAL curse words aren't allowed, then I will throw out some randon shift+34325 numbers. Still, not good enough.

    I don't even think cursing was the main issue here. Sometimes companies just try to "damage control" certain areas that they don't want the users who can't think for themselves to read a post by a user who actually can evaluate and criticize business strategies and reasons behind recent updates.

    Sometimes I feel like those companies should hire me instead of banning me if I have such high capacities for seeing through their strategies. I mean it's like why the CIA hires hackers that hack into their sites. If someone is good enough, best to hire them cause trying to shut them out will only make them spread their information to the uninformed masses.


    End result = failure of company.


    I'm especially waiting for this "Eredan" game to fail, I predicted it over a year ago and now they are proposing a subscriptioni plan for 25 bucks a month (most than all MMORPGs) for a stupid card game that creep levels every week. Amazing how many people don't see this.


    Generally the masses - even given the ability to listen to AND comprehend a well-reasoned train of thought - are unwilling to change their views because it goes against what they wish on a personal level. (See: All religious and political affiliations for good examples.)

    It's just human nature.

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