First, let me begin by telling you all that I have played World of Warcraft for over 8 years. For those who have been under a rock WoW has been the leading and #1 MMO since it was created. While I am not one to use resume's to justify an analysis I think we can all agree that Drew Brees or an elite quaterback on an elite team has a better understanding of the game of football because of his experiences on that team. So because of my experience with the #1 MMO I certainly have a knowledge of "what works". Add in that I have played other online games like Travian, Dragonvale, and I even still have memories of my older brother playing th Legendary Everquest. I think it is sufficient to say that I may not know EVERYTHING about every game but I certainly know more than at least 96% of gamers. So please enjoy as I let you in on a little secret.
The Real WoW Killer
Thanks to the miracle of youtube I have an intimate understanding of almost all MMO's since wow. I have watched almost every gameplay video and immediately realized that the game would not be a WoW killer. I predicted that SWTOR would not kill wow. Then I predicted that Rift would not kill wow. Then I predicted that Cataclysm would not kill WoW even though people don't like fighting dragons as much anymore in WoW. And of course recently most through beta testing we have come to the harsh realization that even GW2 will have to go F2P and lose most of its subscribers in the first month. But if I knew about all those failures before they happened why am I telling you about a WoW-killer now? Well that is because the true wow-killer has arrived.
Enter the Champion
The real wow killer will be a game called "Salum". Below I will give you just a few of the gameplay features that set this game apart from all others. As well as an in-depth analysis of each item.
Larger Game World
Unique Leveling System
More Diverse Mob Engagements
Thriving Open World PVP
Death Penalty
Player Housing
Larger Game World
Yes thats right this world is HUGE! So large that I imagine the development team probably spent 5+ years just in designing the whole map. To give you a clear perspective of how large this world is if you were to take the entire surface area of Mars where the USA Rover just landed it is probably that big. I believe it would take our rover over a week to walk the entire surface of mars and this world I imagine is no different.
Unique Leveling System
DING!. Congrats! Oh the words you loved to hear. But do you hear them anymore? All too frequently games make you the max level too fast or offer a recruit-a-friend option that allows you to hit max level super fast. While some people feel accomlishment for getting there they then realize that their life is empty and lacks focus. Why play if you have no more ding's to achieve? In this game there are tons of levels each in their own skills so if you max one then you can move on to the next meaning there are many more "dings" to be had. When you took Football away from Joe Paterno we all know what happened. The same fate will be suffered by WoW since their player base has so many long lull's with nothing to look forward to.
More Diverse Mob Engagements
In Salum you start by killing Crickets. Thats right! A cricket! In WoW when you killed a dragon it was not as big a deal because honestly I remember killing baby dragons and wolves as low as level 7. The gap and diversity of just wasn't there which again hinders your sense of pride and inevitably makes you question your manhood. Nobody wants that. By struggling with a cricket and yes sometimes even losing you will feel that much stronger when you are powerful enough to slay a dragon in salum.
Thriving Open World PVP
I havn't seen a single battleground in Salum. Everywhere you go you have to scared which means you have to be focus'd. The more you focus on something the more intense it gets. A big focus is the reason that a magnifying glass can get so intesnse it can burn things. The gameplay of this game is equally intense which will let them keep more subscribers and maybe even raise subscription costs if they wanted to. WoW could never get away with raising costs so when inflation turns on $14.99/mo might as well be $4.00 if they can't raise it.
Death Penalty
This game has a Death penalty. Not just a run back to your body death penalty but you actually lose stuff. In WoW I would also just kill my character so I could see the new zones without having to dodge mobs. In this game there is no ghost mode so if I want to try to find a new zone I have to run there dodging crickets myself. This changes the entire perception and play.
Player Housing
This is by far the most important aspect of any MMO and WoW really missed the boat here. I even offered WoW a profit sharing split where they can take my revolutionary idea to make houses in a MMO and we can split the $$. They didn't even have the curtiousy to return my e-mails. Now it is too late as Salum beat everybody to it. You can build houses in this game. Everybody wants a house and everybody wants to play games so it was only a matter of time before people put the 2 together.
The WoW-killer has arrived. It just wasn't the game anybody expected to do it. But thats what always gets you. The guy you weren't paying attention to. Nobody even knew who Blizzard was before WoW and because of that element of surprise they took over the market. Expect the makers of Salum to do the same.
You heard it here first,
Wow, I didnt even feel like reading but couldn't help but notice that because I go to Penn State. So please tell me, what happened when they took football away from Joe Paterno... Because if you honestly think THAT is what killed Penn state football then I can tell you are retarded and ANYTHING you posted in here isn't worth even a single bit of my time.
Edit: I retract my statements. Game looks amazing now I watched it... *shutter* Sorry fingers slipped, cant say that with a serious face. Think I'm going to go stab my eyes out now.
1. you can't prove an opinion true or false that is like saying its an objective fact that red is a better color than blue. I shouldn't have to tell people the 'wow killer'' term is as opinion as it gets.
I think the fundamental problem here is our definition of hte word "prove". Sometimes an opinion and facts can be hte same thing. For example, if it is my opinion that the Olympics should be in 2012 then that would also be a fact because they are in 2012.
2. I am looking forward to GW2 as much as anybody , I'm totally sick and tired of wow dominating the MMO industry and inspiring clones to the point where imho all they are doing is re-packing the same thing with a few minor tweaks.
We actually agree on this one. Thats why SWTOR, Rift, and GW2 have all failed. That is where Salem succeeded in beting different and selling it in a different box.
3. all these threads that are full of hyperbole do is give fanatical people something to talk about, If you have ever had someone unload on you while playing a MMO for practically nothing than you have met the type of person i just described.
I don't mind when people completely unload on me as it gives an opportunity to gank them when they reload. But I have absolutely no clue why you are bringing up FPS tactics in a MMo thread. I think you are in the wrong forum.
5. All i want is more variety in the MMO's I play , i don't care what blizzard does so long as there fininacial success doesn't inspire legions of clone games ( notice i didn't blame blizzard i blamed the people too chicken *bleep* to try develop something different)
I can already tell you are a starved and poor soul by the fact that you have to play more than one MMO. Salem is going to be the MMO that has everything and is so broad that it will be the only MMO you need to have installed. I am going to uninstall all my other games in anticipation.
Wow. I have included my responses in your quote but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Originally posted by Luxely I was in Salem's Beta. All I can say is it's definitely NOT a WoW-Killer. Far from it. LOL
I lasted about 5 minutes before I laughed and clicked uninstall.
There is no uninstall for the game because it is using Next-Gen Java Technology. This is how I know you are lying.
There is no uninstall. It's like .Hack, once you play, you play for life, the game consumes you. Probly why this OP is not very bright, sucked everything from him for playing so long and replaced it with a representative from the company who was too much of a drop out that he was never allowed to actually post about the games on his own website. "But I argue good" he says to the marketting team. "Of course you do Billy, now go play nice in the corner and don't touch anything." says the rest of the team.
Just looked it over and ......No not going to happen. Its not going to be better than WoW and it wont be better than GW2 which is where you posted about the wrong game.
1. you can't prove an opinion true or false that is like saying its an objective fact that red is a better color than blue. I shouldn't have to tell people the 'wow killer'' term is as opinion as it gets.
I think the fundamental problem here is our definition of hte word "prove". Sometimes an opinion and facts can be hte same thing. For example, if it is my opinion that the Olympics should be in 2012 then that would also be a fact because they are in 2012.
2. I am looking forward to GW2 as much as anybody , I'm totally sick and tired of wow dominating the MMO industry and inspiring clones to the point where imho all they are doing is re-packing the same thing with a few minor tweaks.
We actually agree on this one. Thats why SWTOR, Rift, and GW2 have all failed. That is where Salem succeeded in beting different and selling it in a different box.
3. all these threads that are full of hyperbole do is give fanatical people something to talk about, If you have ever had someone unload on you while playing a MMO for practically nothing than you have met the type of person i just described.
I don't mind when people completely unload on me as it gives an opportunity to gank them when they reload. But I have absolutely no clue why you are bringing up FPS tactics in a MMo thread. I think you are in the wrong forum.
5. All i want is more variety in the MMO's I play , i don't care what blizzard does so long as there fininacial success doesn't inspire legions of clone games ( notice i didn't blame blizzard i blamed the people too chicken *bleep* to try develop something different)
I can already tell you are a starved and poor soul by the fact that you have to play more than one MMO. Salem is going to be the MMO that has everything and is so broad that it will be the only MMO you need to have installed. I am going to uninstall all my other games in anticipation.
Wow. I have included my responses in your quote but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
ya when i said unload i was referring to verbally , how you managed to drag FPS in to this discussion is almost comically retarded
I'm not the one that tried to say one of his opinions was fact genius, thanks for proving you don't know what the words subjective and objective mean.
Wow, I didnt even feel like reading but couldn't help but notice that because I go to Penn State. So please tell me, what happened when they took football away from Joe Paterno... Because if you honestly think THAT is what killed Penn state football then I can tell you are retarded and ANYTHING you posted in here isn't worth even a single bit of my time.
Edit: I retract my statements. Game looks amazing now I watched it... *shutter* Sorry fingers slipped, cant say that with a serious face. Think I'm going to go stab my eyes out now.We actually agree on this one. Thats why SWTOR, Rift, and GW2 have all failed. That is where Salem succeeded in beting different and selling it in a different box.
I don't mind when people completely unload on me as it gives an opportunity to gank them when they reload. But I have absolutely no clue why you are bringing up FPS tactics in a MMo thread. I think you are in the wrong forum.
I can already tell you are a starved and poor soul by the fact that you have to play more than one MMO. Salem is going to be the MMO that has everything and is so broad that it will be the only MMO you need to have installed. I am going to uninstall all my other games in anticipation.
Wow. I have included my responses in your quote but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
I lasted about 5 minutes before I laughed and clicked uninstall.
There is no uninstall for the game because it is using Next-Gen Java Technology. This is how I know you are lying.
If only there were a way to unsee the horror that is Salem gameplay footage. But there is not. Thus we are doomed.
There is no uninstall. It's like .Hack, once you play, you play for life, the game consumes you. Probly why this OP is not very bright, sucked everything from him for playing so long and replaced it with a representative from the company who was too much of a drop out that he was never allowed to actually post about the games on his own website. "But I argue good" he says to the marketting team. "Of course you do Billy, now go play nice in the corner and don't touch anything." says the rest of the team.
Actually there is an uninstall. Look under 'Programs and Features" if you're running Win 7.
Next-gen Java Technology! Wooooooooo!
Dont you know?
The new way to viral advertise is to post in the GW2 forum.
Lolipops !
Playing GW2..
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
ya when i said unload i was referring to verbally , how you managed to drag FPS in to this discussion is almost comically retarded
I'm not the one that tried to say one of his opinions was fact genius, thanks for proving you don't know what the words subjective and objective mean.