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Very Interesting Concept.. PvE servers Needed



  • xpiherxpiher Member UncommonPosts: 3,310
    Originally posted by mmozombie

    I tried the game out, looked interesting.. Permadeath i can deal with, but Permadeath bundled with PvP i cant stomach... But as everyone knows, Open PVP means griefers, and griefers are not fun... Either make PvE servers, Allow us to flag PVE, or make PVP only avalible via factions... ill be following this game, but wont be playing it... Heres hoping for PvE



    The game would be pointless as a PvE only game. If you want that, go play farmvil. Without conflict its just a crafting sim. And any PvE player worried about grifing can do what humans do IRL, build really really high walls with multiple gates. Problem solved.

    Currently playing:Nothing
    Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
    Past games:
    Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
    Xpiher's GW2
    GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
    Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
    AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
    Warhammer - Xpiher

  • LarsaLarsa Member Posts: 990
    Originally posted by StarI
    Originally posted by Netspook


    Ok, if I read this correctly:

    You need to unlock an ability to be able to attack others, but others (who have unlocked it) can still attak you, hence the "don't leave town" comment? That's bloody retarded.

    A PvP game where you appearently have to spend a lot of time to unlock the PvP ability...



    Actualy it's a feature well done. In a (permadeath) system like this it has to be relatively easy to survive if you wish so and ability to kill someone needs to be penalised. It is good that people have to spend some time on their toon before they can attack somene else, otherwise any noob could make an alt and go grief.


    But in Salem you do not have to spend time to make a grief and PvP alt - you make a new character, feed him inspirationals and food from the village coffers and it's done. In Salem you can make a viable PvP alt (including all the stats and skills to murder others) in 2 days.

    All what is needed is access to food and inspirationals - and an etablished village has an oversupply of those.

    I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981
    Originally posted by mmozombie

    I tried the game out, looked interesting.. Permadeath i can deal with, but Permadeath bundled with PvP i cant stomach... But as everyone knows, Open PVP means griefers, and griefers are not fun... Either make PvE servers, Allow us to flag PVE, or make PVP only avalible via factions... ill be following this game, but wont be playing it... Heres hoping for PvE


    You obviously didnt play the game.

    You can barely kill a frog there. Killing a player is not easy


  • WhitebeardsWhitebeards Member Posts: 778

    And since we are on the subject. I also demand PVE servers for EVE, MO, Darkfall, WO, The War Z etc.

    Please do it.

  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987
    Originally posted by Larsa
    Originally posted by StarI

    Actualy it's a feature well done. In a (permadeath) system like this it has to be relatively easy to survive if you wish so and ability to kill someone needs to be penalised. It is good that people have to spend some time on their toon before they can attack somene else, otherwise any noob could make an alt and go grief.


    But in Salem you do not have to spend time to make a grief and PvP alt - you make a new character, feed him inspirationals and food from the village coffers and it's done. In Salem you can make a viable PvP alt (including all the stats and skills to murder others) in 2 days.

    All what is needed is access to food and inspirationals - and an etablished village has an oversupply of those.


    All what is needed??

    Best food and inspirations drop from sky for you when you log in game first 2 days???

    Obviously that requires a lot of effort and work and an established player to do. It also requires continuous work because at no point does the food and inspirations start droping from sky.

    Definitely not something every noob (or even less a newb) will do or be able/willing to do.

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    Even when you are defeated you get knocked out. Only if the player keeps attacking you once yoru knocked out will you die permanately. I don't like perma death much either but this game is made so it works. Since you respawn at your home point eventually as opposed to just recovering where you got knocked out.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • IchmenIchmen Member UncommonPosts: 1,228
    Originally posted by StarI
    Originally posted by Larsa
    Originally posted by StarI

    Actualy it's a feature well done. In a (permadeath) system like this it has to be relatively easy to survive if you wish so and ability to kill someone needs to be penalised. It is good that people have to spend some time on their toon before they can attack somene else, otherwise any noob could make an alt and go grief.


    But in Salem you do not have to spend time to make a grief and PvP alt - you make a new character, feed him inspirationals and food from the village coffers and it's done. In Salem you can make a viable PvP alt (including all the stats and skills to murder others) in 2 days.

    All what is needed is access to food and inspirationals - and an etablished village has an oversupply of those.


    All what is needed??

    Best food and inspirations drop from sky for you when you log in game first 2 days???

    Obviously that requires a lot of effort and work and an established player to do. It also requires continuous work because at no point does the food and inspirations start droping from sky.

    Definitely not something every noob (or even less a newb) will do or be able/willing to do.

    umm they said the new pure pk toon would be funded by a village. which is totally possible, the only hard part as you should know going by your posting habits is the glutteny grinding. its not very hard to level cloak and dagger to unlock the pvp skills if that is all you focus on.  the majority of pvpers in salem are from the old clans of haven so they are already well versed in setting up villages and pvp in seatribe's games. 

    expecting a brand new player fresh from WoW or GW2 to know how to play a seatribe game would be a strech. 

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505

    LOL why there are always a few people who want a pve server in a pvp game..


    There are even people asking for a PVE server for darkfall.. i dont get it..

  • IchmenIchmen Member UncommonPosts: 1,228
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    LOL why there are always a few people who want a pve server in a pvp game..


    There are even people asking for a PVE server for darkfall.. i dont get it..

    they like the game but dont like the greifers that come with pvp i guess. or they want the consentual pvp :/

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403
    Originally posted by Loktofeit

    The downwardspiral to Reductio ad Hitlerum should take at least three pages, not three posts. Way to jump the gun there, kiddo.

    I have nothing to add.


    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • LarsaLarsa Member Posts: 990

    Originally posted by StarI

    All what is needed??
    Best food and inspirations drop from sky for you when you log in game first 2 days???
    Obviously that requires a lot of effort and work and an established player to do.
    It also requires continuous work because at no point does the food and inspirations start droping from sky.
    Definitely not something every noob (or even less a newb) will do or be able/willing to do.


    Nobody said it's what a new player does, it's what you do in Salem once you're no longer a new player. When your main character has all skills (or all skills you care for - and it's darn easy) you still find inspirationals in the forest, you get them through farming and you get them through ore smelting. What do you do with those inspirationals? Your main character has zero use for them, he has all skills. Thus you either throw the stuff away or you feed them to your alts - and that's what most of the people do once they have an established base.

    Same with food for gluttony, for the player it's practically the same effort, no matter whether he has one pumpkin field or 4, the stuff grows on it's own. Thus you easily get food that you feed to your alts for their humour stats.

    I started playing Salem in an earlier beta wave (don't play it anymore), played the game as hermit and could easily have 6 or 7 other characters by now, all of them with all PvP-related skills and body humours in the 50 to 60 range. In an organised village the humours would probably be close to 100 by now. Hardly anyone in Salem fights or griefs with their main character - you use alts for that cause it's so easy to "breed" them.

    I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.

  • xpiherxpiher Member UncommonPosts: 3,310
    Yes, you use alts. But the grifers/pvpers can be hunted down by bouty hunters, summoned when they are offiline or online, and killed on the spot. GG

    Currently playing:Nothing
    Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
    Past games:
    Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
    Xpiher's GW2
    GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
    Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
    AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
    Warhammer - Xpiher

  • SpiiderSpiider Member RarePosts: 1,135

    I have all my humors over 60 and I have never pvped nor have I ever been attacked. If you don't want to pvp you don't have to (just don't go afk while you are in the game) and you can even build yourself a fortress to protect your lands (takes a lot of iron but it's something you can aim for as part of the game).

    But if you want to compete for high purity lands then you probably need a good band of people and need to count on pvping to be able to hold it.

    Griefers are already in the game and most have alts so be careful who you attack when stealing from your lands, they are there to get your scent. Just let your defense mechanism handle low alt thieves and do not attack them yourself (most players don't even have skill to hit let alone kill other players).

    No fate but what we make, so make me a ham sandwich please.

  • DAS1337DAS1337 Member UncommonPosts: 2,610

    It's the same argument in every MMO with PvP in it.  Some want PvE servers, and then some others insult those people because it isn't in the 'spirit of the game'.


    All along, those others aren't quite intelligent enough to figure out that if there were separate servers, it wouldn't actually affect their gameplay in the 'hardcore' servers one tiny bit.


    Those others are too interested in looking 'badass' to their 'internet peers' to consider that there could, quite possibly, be room for both if done right.  If the developer wants to do it, they will.  That's really all there is to it.


    Ultimately, it would do the game a LOT of good.  It would bring so many more players into the game than it ever could doing PvP permadeath alone.  If those new 'carebears' want to try some 'hardcore', then they can do so at any point by switching servers.  However, those players will never have the chance to do so without the ability to play a PvE server environment.


    I support multiple server mechanics in MMO's.  

  • IchmenIchmen Member UncommonPosts: 1,228
    Originally posted by DAS1337

    It's the same argument in every MMO with PvP in it.  Some want PvE servers, and then some others insult those people because it isn't in the 'spirit of the game'.


    All along, those others aren't quite intelligent enough to figure out that if there were separate servers, it wouldn't actually affect their gameplay in the 'hardcore' servers one tiny bit.


    Those others are too interested in looking 'badass' to their 'internet peers' to consider that there could, quite possibly, be room for both if done right.  If the developer wants to do it, they will.  That's really all there is to it.


    Ultimately, it would do the game a LOT of good.  It would bring so many more players into the game than it ever could doing PvP permadeath alone.  If those new 'carebears' want to try some 'hardcore', then they can do so at any point by switching servers.  However, those players will never have the chance to do so without the ability to play a PvE server environment.


    I support multiple server mechanics in MMO's.  

    thats a debatable point. i honestly dont know if salem or havenandhearth (which salem is based) would be the same game with a purely pve server, or even consenting pvp.  the big draw about the game is the fact, if some retard wants to talk trash and run around willy nilly and attack people. they can infact be killed them selves very easily. so it to a very limited extent controls how the community interacts. as for looking badass.. idk, the most vocal are always wanna be tough guys and its typically the same people from haven that act like that on salem.  the more active pvpers dont seem to dance in the limelight.

    i dont see them making a purely pve server for and of their games or making pvp consentual.  the premise is to be realistic to some extent.  in real life you could kill people at random, but you screw your selve over. similar system/mechanic in salem.

    like Eve hnh and salem will be a very minior gaming group of people. it will never draw the WoW numbers just like FPS games never draw the same RTS numbers and visa versa.

    while i would most likely try a salem pve server as it could be interesting. i just dont think it would be the same drawing element. 

  • Kaol1Kaol1 Member Posts: 2

    I think i would prefer a pvp server without permadeath. From what i gather the only people pvping are the ones with no real life, because to lose a character that is maxed out every time you go and pvp would be very grindy.

    I like the total sandbox concept of the game but it feels like a massive grind and anyone who is remotely casual is liable to quit if their work was all destroyed by a griefer. Perhaps if the new characters were more useful it would be better. At the moment you have to grind about 50 levels to be able to do anything at all and that is just not fun. I would make every characte start with 15 in all skills.

    The people who grief, don't risk much as they have most of their wealth banked away in unreachable alt accounts. In fact that is the whole problem with the game. Most of the "pvp" is just griefing. A much better system would be to lose say 25% of your max humours and skills.


  • IchmenIchmen Member UncommonPosts: 1,228
    Originally posted by Kaol1

    I think i would prefer a pvp server without permadeath. From what i gather the only people pvping are the ones with no real life, because to lose a character that is maxed out every time you go and pvp would be very grindy.

    I like the total sandbox concept of the game but it feels like a massive grind and anyone who is remotely casual is liable to quit if their work was all destroyed by a griefer. Perhaps if the new characters were more useful it would be better. At the moment you have to grind about 50 levels to be able to do anything at all and that is just not fun. I would make every characte start with 15 in all skills.

    The people who grief, don't risk much as they have most of their wealth banked away in unreachable alt accounts. In fact that is the whole problem with the game. Most of the "pvp" is just griefing. A much better system would be to lose say 25% of your max humours and skills.


    starting with points in skills would ruin the game. the idea being the prof grinding is to make you work to personalize the character. as well the higher some profs are the better you are at something.  hammer and nails improves the odds for getting dry boards instead of moldy ones from a timber pile. i find with my 20+ forage i get a crap ton more mushrooms and berries then when im at say 6 prof. 

    instantly starting at 15 would be the same as starting up WoW and instantly being like level 20 or something.  totally not what the game is about.  salem is not built to be an instant gratification game.  if a greifer(s) messes with your stuff. you can either A ) quit. B) relocate (which is painful on silver)  or C) try and pick up the peices and improve.  ultimately only the character is important in salem.  so as long as you dont lose that you are fine. 

    griefers do not operate alone. most of them hide out in the darkness in villages and roam around in groups of 2+ for the simple reason like everyone else they dont want to lose their pvp toon, which is what happens when people catch them finally.

  • Kaol1Kaol1 Member Posts: 2
    Originally posted by Ichmen


    starting with points in skills would ruin the game. the idea being the prof grinding is to make you work to personalize the character. as well the higher some profs are the better you are at something.  hammer and nails improves the odds for getting dry boards instead of moldy ones from a timber pile. i find with my 20+ forage i get a crap ton more mushrooms and berries then when im at say 6 prof. 

    instantly starting at 15 would be the same as starting up WoW and instantly being like level 20 or something.  totally not what the game is about.  salem is not built to be an instant gratification game.  if a greifer(s) messes with your stuff. you can either A ) quit. B) relocate (which is painful on silver)  or C) try and pick up the peices and improve.  ultimately only the character is important in salem.  so as long as you dont lose that you are fine. 

    griefers do not operate alone. most of them hide out in the darkness in villages and roam around in groups of 2+ for the simple reason like everyone else they dont want to lose their pvp toon, which is what happens when people catch them finally.


    If grinding your character is supposed to be such a major part of the game then they need to lessen the penalty of death. While it is unusual to just be killed out in the wilds it would be rubbish to lose your character because of non concensual pvp. If you simply lost a proportion of skills and humours it would be much better. The reincarnated character would still be able to carry on playing and still have quite a penalty to death.

    This wouldn't impact negatively on the game in any way.


  • IchmenIchmen Member UncommonPosts: 1,228

    the reincarnated toon recives a portion of the dead toons skills. the higher then they are the more you generally would get back. 

    if you died at +1 over the starting 5.. you wont get  much. but if they are say 20+ you would in theory get back alot more.  as well apart from the gear the toon had on, you get pretty much everything you had at your claim.

    the only trouble i have had with the game so far apart from the BS tanning system. is the bile grinding aspect. at my current setup i have no issue finding witch hats or gourds hell i had about 16 chestnuts at one point. and my prof level is still really low level. so perma death while harsh really isnt has harsh as it sounds. as you would have the personal experiance to know how to regain the lost points quickly, as well you would start with generally boosted stats to a point over that of a brand new toon. 


    in HnH the only pain with dying was losing the ability to build walls until you unlocked it again (that meant you had to rediscover everything... even if you had access of it already) i havent died in salem so i cant tell if you have to rediscover stuff, but so far i automatically unlock all recipes with my crafting skills. so if i died after learning split rail fence, when i buy the skill again i automatically can place them agian. 


    my personal experiance with HnH is these games you need to be really bloody stubbern to play/enjoy them. other wise the first death you are gone :/

  • xpiherxpiher Member UncommonPosts: 3,310
    Originally posted by Kaol1

    I think i would prefer a pvp server without permadeath. From what i gather the only people pvping are the ones with no real life, because to lose a character that is maxed out every time you go and pvp would be very grindy.

    I like the total sandbox concept of the game but it feels like a massive grind and anyone who is remotely casual is liable to quit if their work was all destroyed by a griefer. Perhaps if the new characters were more useful it would be better. At the moment you have to grind about 50 levels to be able to do anything at all and that is just not fun. I would make every characte start with 15 in all skills.

    The people who grief, don't risk much as they have most of their wealth banked away in unreachable alt accounts. In fact that is the whole problem with the game. Most of the "pvp" is just griefing. A much better system would be to lose say 25% of your max humours and skills.


    Not true. You PvP with a PvP only created ALT. You feed that alt with your builder character by creating things to study. In fact, you don't have to play with your PvP only character at all until you have everything you'd need for him to be PvP ready, which is easy if you already have an established homestead/village. 

    Currently playing:Nothing
    Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
    Past games:
    Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
    Xpiher's GW2
    GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
    Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
    AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
    Warhammer - Xpiher

  • IchmenIchmen Member UncommonPosts: 1,228
    Originally posted by xpiher
    Originally posted by Kaol1

    I think i would prefer a pvp server without permadeath. From what i gather the only people pvping are the ones with no real life, because to lose a character that is maxed out every time you go and pvp would be very grindy.

    I like the total sandbox concept of the game but it feels like a massive grind and anyone who is remotely casual is liable to quit if their work was all destroyed by a griefer. Perhaps if the new characters were more useful it would be better. At the moment you have to grind about 50 levels to be able to do anything at all and that is just not fun. I would make every characte start with 15 in all skills.

    The people who grief, don't risk much as they have most of their wealth banked away in unreachable alt accounts. In fact that is the whole problem with the game. Most of the "pvp" is just griefing. A much better system would be to lose say 25% of your max humours and skills.


    Not true. You PvP with a PvP only created ALT. You feed that alt with your builder character by creating things to study. In fact, you don't have to play with your PvP only character at all until you have everything you'd need for him to be PvP ready, which is easy if you already have an established homestead/village. 


    only the "foolish" pvper runs their main as both gather/crafter and pk.  typically the long surviving pkers roll 2 + alts as well as their main just to support the pvp toon. 

    as it takes a hell of alot to effort to pump YB/BB and combat skills. as well as all the crafting/gathering skills as well on the same toon.


    normally you would have toons set up like:

    1) first rolled toon typically a pure gather/harvester. 

    2) 1st alt. typical forcused toon. either pure gather/harvest (for increased purity/ when they activate purity ingame)

    3) 2nd alt normally a support classed toon, focused on stuff like econ/crafting. (for salem it would be the miner/smith/shop toon

    4) 3rd alt, normally the pvp set toon. as the other 3 would be funneling their run off gear to it.  by 4th toon you would have a fully defended solo claim or a full running village. that would pretty much get the biles and stats to atleast 20-40 within 24hrs atleast. 

    then after you get the main pvp toon to the desired points you can roll multiple other pvp toons should it die. as you have the 3 main econ toons active, you would have no trouble replacing gear lost at death or pumping a brand new toon to high bile/stats over night. 

  • xpiherxpiher Member UncommonPosts: 3,310
    Originally posted by Ichmen
    Originally posted by xpiher
    Originally posted by Kaol1

    I think i would prefer a pvp server without permadeath. From what i gather the only people pvping are the ones with no real life, because to lose a character that is maxed out every time you go and pvp would be very grindy.

    I like the total sandbox concept of the game but it feels like a massive grind and anyone who is remotely casual is liable to quit if their work was all destroyed by a griefer. Perhaps if the new characters were more useful it would be better. At the moment you have to grind about 50 levels to be able to do anything at all and that is just not fun. I would make every characte start with 15 in all skills.

    The people who grief, don't risk much as they have most of their wealth banked away in unreachable alt accounts. In fact that is the whole problem with the game. Most of the "pvp" is just griefing. A much better system would be to lose say 25% of your max humours and skills.


    Not true. You PvP with a PvP only created ALT. You feed that alt with your builder character by creating things to study. In fact, you don't have to play with your PvP only character at all until you have everything you'd need for him to be PvP ready, which is easy if you already have an established homestead/village. 


    only the "foolish" pvper runs their main as both gather/crafter and pk.  typically the long surviving pkers roll 2 + alts as well as their main just to support the pvp toon. 

    as it takes a hell of alot to effort to pump YB/BB and combat skills. as well as all the crafting/gathering skills as well on the same toon.


    normally you would have toons set up like:

    1) first rolled toon typically a pure gather/harvester. 

    2) 1st alt. typical forcused toon. either pure gather/harvest (for increased purity/ when they activate purity ingame)

    3) 2nd alt normally a support classed toon, focused on stuff like econ/crafting. (for salem it would be the miner/smith/shop toon

    4) 3rd alt, normally the pvp set toon. as the other 3 would be funneling their run off gear to it.  by 4th toon you would have a fully defended solo claim or a full running village. that would pretty much get the biles and stats to atleast 20-40 within 24hrs atleast. 

    then after you get the main pvp toon to the desired points you can roll multiple other pvp toons should it die. as you have the 3 main econ toons active, you would have no trouble replacing gear lost at death or pumping a brand new toon to high bile/stats over night. 


    And you only need 3 alts if you play by yourself. If you are in a village, it should be set up in a way to be completely selfsustaining with a division of labor

    Currently playing:Nothing
    Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
    Past games:
    Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
    Xpiher's GW2
    GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
    Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
    AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
    Warhammer - Xpiher

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