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Ill make this simple
games I've played for at least 2years or more
ultima online (2)
star wars galaxies (2)
guild wars (5)
eve online (4)
Looking for a game with at least one of these criteria, Just one of these 4 will do
1. Complex and elaborate crafting Resource management. (not Eve online)
2. Land air sea space gameplay (like battlefield series or armaII series)
3. Feels like virtual world and less like a game (little to no instancesand )
4. Ridiculously stupid large world
None of the suggestion can be a game by SOE
not necessarily MMO but multiplayer is a must.
Dont care if it's FTP BTP or PTP
P.S. currently following
DayZ standalone client, the repopulation, infinity quest for earth.
Buying GW2 because I'm a fan of the GW series. At worse it will be another paperweight.
i like your list.
sadly, most of the games that seem like what you are looking for are on the horizon at best. as you mentioned the repopulation. there is also archeage that may be coming to the west some time before 2020 hopefully.
you could try mortal online, darkfall, and Wurm. i can't vouch for any of them personally though as i don't play first person locked games..
all have a free trial though.
Did the free trial for both
mortal is not complete Riddled with bugs and stupid lagg. Good concept bad game.
Darkfall is better but the mechanics for clan and alliances are not worth me paying. Maybe if it was FTP. There are plenty of fps games that are free. That feel just like DFO or better.
Besides mortal or dark fall don't math neither of the 4 points I described.
Is Infinity still in development? I stopped following it about a year ago.
They are having problems funding it, they are looking into kickstarter but want other solutions than that.
What they said they will be doing is probably get the tech demo into an actual working game. Then with the money they make with that they will expand their engine.
Read the latest interview on their page.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
i'm looking for your point 1 if you know any , let me know please
SOE game
No matter hot good it can be I'm not touching it.
Read the p.s. reqs on the op
I want almost the same. Your points 1, 3 and 4 and NOT run by SOE.
Must be mmo though.
If you have not tried eve online do so. Has #1
i just got tired of it after 4+ years and can no longer give that much time or effort. And CCP went into another direction which turned me away from the game. Though the crafting system is still there.
What they said they will be doing is probably get the tech demo into an actual working game. Then with the money they make with that they will expand their engine.
Read the latest interview on their page.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll re-bookmark it hehe. I'd say The Repopulation is your best bet. I'll revisit the genre when that one comes out.
Uncharted Waters Online
Fallen Earth
Asheron's Call?
Old but contains 1, 3, and 4.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
i watched some videos battles on youtube about this game , it seems really nice and fantatisc game but i found it also hard to play
i will take a look if i have the opportunity , thanks
Well you may want to try "Perpetuum" It has a very similar if not borderline identical crafting depth to Eve Online. It also easily falls into your third demand, and debatably into your fourth demand. Only has ground based combat however.
To find an intelligent person in a PUG is not that rare, but to find a PUG made up of "all" intelligent people is one of the rarest phenomenons in the known universe.
Squal, I surprises me that you have played the original Guild Wars for so long, despite the fact that it doesn't meet any of your 4 criteria.
Blatantly untrue.
There are no mid products, you just mine/harvest resources and put them together with "recipe".
LOTRO has more complex crafting. Not to say the game is pretty much dead according to people on forums reporting general chat activity.
i went through an e-sports phase
i played ladder tournaments
along with magic the gathering tournaments.
was fun but didnt get far in either :S
yeah i looked a bit into that game on youtube, though i am still not sure i like it. it does seem to have the 1-3-4 elements, i just dont know how i feel about mechs, is there a trial or buddy key?
Saw someone else mentioned these but yea:
Uncharted Waters Online
And also since you say MMO is not a requirement, just multiplayer I will throw in:
Also although there's no trial (and a heavy up front investment) probably one of the most realistic (heck its based off a real world location) and immersive indie games I've tried... although it has loads of issues as an indie:
I did try Perpetuum, think there is a 2-4 week trial period. It's a decent game, good quality, just lacks a real playerbase. Also you may get very annoyed that "its not EVE Online" after coming from EVE, because its similar but different. I'd say its much "simpler" in its systems than EVE.
"They essentially want to say 'Correlation proves Causation' when it's just not true." - Sovrath
Yes, there is a 15 days trial with restriction on market access and alike usual trial restrictions.
that still exists? hasnt that game changed hands more often than i change underwear?
i guess i can also take a look see what has changed since last time i played