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People have been discussing this for ages and I'd be curious to see how many actually want mounts to be in this game.
Personally, I could see ANet adding them in an expansion, with mounted combat being a bit like underwater combat - a completely separate and well-developed system. However, I'd hate to see typical MMO mounts that are just speed buffs that go poof every time you enter combat and look stupid.
I think mounts in GW2 should be handled like they were handled in UO, A pet you had to actually take care of, and was still there when you dismounted. It could even have its own set of skills to help the player fight mobs. Even in UO because of the way mounts were handled not everyone had one. Sometimes they were more of a pain to keep track of and keep alive than was worth the 200 gold it cost to get one. It was a real pain to have a horse following you through a dungeon and everything wanting to kill it. The only people that consistantly had a mount were the people that had a vet reward mount that could be shrunk and placed in your bag.
All Murlocs must die horrible, painful, bloody deaths!
I don't see flying mounts, especially since Anet said no flying and considering jumping puzzles.
I wouldn't mind terrestrial mounts, even if they gave no speed buff at all.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
I'm all for mounts if they are handled like mounts are in UO, where they are actual animals that can be ridden into combat and killed, instead of just a fancy looking speed buff.
Mounts in GW2 would unbalance the WvW map. They would have to re design the whole map for the speed increase that they provided. I can see them adding mounts for Pve area's.
Or make mounts not increasing speed at all.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
I've always said I would like to see them purely as an aesthetic. Imagine galloping through the beautiful scenery that ANet has created instead of just running everywhere. It should be a common method of transportation in a fantasy game, whether it gives a bonus speed boost or not.
One of the reasons GW2 exploration is refreshing is that you dont fly past everything fast to bet to point b. As you are not rushing past stuff you are more involved with the environment/events etc.
Mount that is same speed as normal is good though, with same sprint mechanisms as you would have if you are walking - nice cosmetic touch to game then, and could be pretty spectacular.
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
WvWvW mounts that are built the same way as siege weapons and that give you new abilities.
Persistent PvE mounts with the same new ability feature.
Both with extremely limited speed increases, both with new mechanics that actually make you less optimal while in the mount, but still able to fight.
And that's that.
Edit: I'm also quite sure that as plans for expansions and that mounted combat will be there.
human ---> horse
sylvari ---> flying leaf
asura ---> golem
charr ---> beast
norn ---> bear
could be fun ^_^
It is only thing i miss in gw2
. Sure i would like to have mounts. Even some old horse would be nice
I would like to see mounts but without an increase in movement speed. I have always liked the way they look and think it would work really well with the "collecting" aspects of GW2.
norn turn into bears and are already just as big as bears
Yes, even if it's just fancy speed buffs.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
This, I would much rather it be a more complex mechanic, I would love to see mounted combat of some sort, they could integrate it with the "change weapon and get new set of skills" system fairly well. But just having them as speed buffs would be alright, if player housing is indeed coming a stable would be awesome aswell to keep all the mounts.
not only are they stupid clutter, but it would accually make me rethink every playing it. if anything devalues a game in my eyes its mounts
No mounts, thank you. GW2 doesn't have gameplay that supports it. Mounts as they are usually done in games will cancel out your skills. In GW2 that means noone traveling will stop to rez or help anyone anymore, because it's just too much of a nuisance to dismount, rez, mount, and thus be counterproductive to the ideal and experience of the game.
For mounts to be in a game, i believe the game has to be designed from the ground up around having mounts there. Systems should be in place to support mounts, such as huge spaces of nothing to traverse, mounted combat, anything that gives an actual reason for having one. Just feeling cool sitting on one isn't enough imo.
Mounts only serve to get you from point A to point B without caring what's inbetween those two. Quick Travel does that, without making exploration a joke. I can't tell you how often I've just used mounts to run past all challenges...
Also, I think it's a very defining feature of GW to not have mounts. Every other game has these, and they never really feel real, they feel cheap in my opinion.
I would like mounts, but it isnt such a big deal that it makes me not want to play. Just something I wish we could have.
in W vs W it could be nice to rent a mount so you can rush and protect the dolyak for example or go help allies at point B then go back to point A
yeah i know for norn it was just an example
it could be wolf, fox, deer ,giant salamander ^_^
Yes, but NO flying mounts!
I see many people complaining about no mounts, ANet would definitely earn lotsa money because players WANT mounts. They would be the most popular items in the cash shop.
I actually don't really care but I would get one for the lulz.
in expension, put all mount in cash shop for 5 to 15$ maybe 1 that is free but no skill on it, (only ground no flying ) able use skill, some for speed some for attack
bang big hit alot of money for anet,
~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~
Maybe they are saving it for a future expansion or their ingame-shop. It could be just diabled in PvP. An official statement on this topic would be interesting. One of the very few negative aspects of the game.
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
Mounts are a waste with all the gates around to move around with. They also are really not a good way to explore either.
Please this is not WoW - don't need them never did.
There's little risk for that I think... actually I'm confident it will never happen. The world is just not designed for flying mounts, even if Anet had the stupid idea of wanting to add them.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?