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I haven't played beta and have only read mostly about the PvE side so was wondering if this is another game with and excess of stuns, snares and the like in PvP or is it more hit and heal?
There are stuns in the game but each profession has at least two abilities to get out of the stun.
All CC is very short duration, so it is not like SWTOR where you go get a cup of coffee while stunned.
That's good, there is nothing more anoying than being stunned from 100-0% health before you can do anything.
As Naevis said, the CC is short duration. It's the pushbacks and knockdowns that are the most annoying and fun. Ever seen a tornado blow 30 people off a cliff and falling to their death? No? Well, in Guild Wars 2, as more people progress to level 30, you WILL see this. And it's funny as hell.
Longest stun is probably the Air field that ele with a staff puts down. 3 Sec stun. Pretty sure will be shorter in the future.
No need for it to be shorter. As others have said, every profession has access to skills that break CC. Remember that most CC are also conditions and skills that clear you of conditions provide a counter, not just skills that specifically clear stun/immobilize effects.
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To me, it seemed like stuns were just one part of a large number of things happening. Yes, you can get stunned, but it's nothing like WoW or Rift where once you're stunned, you're going to likely die. There are options.
One thing that I really liked was the gap between the damage a character could deal out, and the damage a character could take. Instead of being able to deal ten times the damage that any one character could live through, it seems like characters can live through ten times the damage that any one character can deal out. It's a nice change and adds to the overall dynamic feel of the PvP.
All my opinion, of course.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Yeah, as people pointed back, all these various effects have really really short durations. 1-3 seconds or so. Considering the longish cooldowns on many of them, it's impossible to stunlock somebody to death. Well, unless they were nearly almost dead, or you have a person or two helping. In which case the problem is being outnumbered or starting the fight with low life, not the stuns.
Hehe, coming from a background in GW1. Where CC was cruical to get kills. The CCs were really short. Max hard CC in GW1 was also 3 seconds I think. When I play other MMOs I just get baffled that the devs actually let classes have CCs that last for tens of seconds at a time. This is where the mage class in every MMO comes in, BOOM you are now a tree and cant do shit for 30 seconds> boom now you are asleep and dreaming about GW2 for 30 seconds. You get the point. There will be nothing like this in GW2.
There is a lot of CC in the game, but it's fairly spread out amongst all the classes. Certain classes can spec in a way to barrage you with stuns, though, but they only last a couple seconds each time.
Most stuns only last ~2 seconds, there are some that last 4, but they have long cooldowns.
Furthermore, every class has at least 1 stun breaker. Some even have stun immunity skills (like balanced stance).
From what I've seen of sPVP, though, most fights you get hit w/ a stun here and there, but I don't think I've ever gotten stunlocked. They function more like interrupts in a lot of cases, to be honest. The fights aren't exactly hit & heal either though. When you get into a fight it may be overwhelming at first, and look like just a flurry of skills, but fights are pretty tactical, and based around attacks, counters, and heals / support. The fast pace of the combat can make it kinda difficult to think about all 3 all the time, though.
The average fight is basically engage, try and do as much damage as you can, dodge the stuns / big attacks your enemy throws at you, and stun him when he tries to use anything troublesome. Heal yourself back up before your health gets too low, rinse repeat. If it's a longer fight, then proper use of stuns, and LoS become a lot more important, as you will generally be taking a lot more damage than you can heal through.
edit: Here, just watch some skilled sPvP fights: Teldo's Burning Engineer These guys are pretty good, and more importantly they explain their fights, what builds they use, and what they are doing throughout a fight and why. Will definitely give you a better understanding of how higher-lvl pvp is played in GW2, and how more skilled fights tend to play out.
although not a stun the longest cc in the game is Moa Morph.
Well thats a elite on a 3 min or something cooldown. But yea, I guess thats the longest CC in the game, if you look away from stacking any kind of condition.
If you guys wanna get that technical about it, I believe Tornado is the longest duration. (lasts 15 seconds, and repeatedly knocks down)
but that can be dodged or kited. if i hit you with moa morph, yur SOL.
Guild Wars 2 isn't balanced around 1v1, it's balanced around team fights. And there's plenty of spike damage in structured PvP to kill any class inside a three second stun. I'm sure the "100 blades" warriors agree with me. So, yeah, you will be stunned from 100-0% health before you can do anything in Guild Wars 2 too.
If you don't have any stun breaker in PvP be ready for that to happen, and to die in 3 sec.
You do know that spec only really works on noobs, right?
Only way I've seen it used successfully in skilled sPvP matches, is when the warrior has another teamm8 keeping track of how many dodges / stunbreakers a target is using, and deliberately trying to force a target to use them. In short, he's never killing them on his own, he's just there to finish off a target quickly for his teamm8.
Without the above scenario, there are just way too many ways to avoid getting hit by that spec. You can dodge if your timing doesn't suck, you can use a stun breaker, you can stun the warrior, lotta options. It's also very cooldown heavy, so as soon as it's dodged you won't see it again for at least another 60 seconds.
I have to strongly disagree with you on this one, I've been in every BWE and stress test and I spent a lot of time in sPvP and for BW3 I spent all weekend just testing all the classes in sPvP and not once was I ever stunned killed from 100-0% even when out numbered on the squishy classes like mesmer and elementalist. compared to a game like Aion where whoever gets a CC spell off first wins.
GW2 is much more balanced.
CC adds an extra tactical layer. Its the best crowd controll system in any game so far, its a viable option to use, but not the only option.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
You have cc, breaking cc, imunute to cc skill, so this is well done. CC are all very short timer, apart from very few exception like some elite speudo cc like the moa, they are all around 3sec. You can still chain them though, if your char have few cc stun, or if you are in group And even chaining 2, this mean 6sec stun and in GW2 that mean a lot with some burst build that can drop you in that time. I have been taken down a few time by chain stuning mesmer brust damage, and i personally think it's stupid, and ye i'm probably a skilless player. Generally speaking i think it's well done, a lot better than most mmo for sure. But there is room to improvement imo, it's not perfect far from that, i suggested them to forbid them to stack cc effects, i think you should be immune to cc at least a sec after you got one on you, my point of view naturally, that would need to be tested since we have only very few skill in GW2, but i think that would make combat in group a lot better. They could tweak their burst too, which would be an other way to fix this "problem" (chain cc + burst = i win button).
If you have Stability (Immunity to stuns) then the chain CC would be wasted on you. It's best to always have a way to get out of their stuns or prevent the stuns altogether. There are even traits that help with this on different classes, things like "Gain the protection boon when you get stunned" or "Go invisible when you get immobilized or stunned" etc etc. If you don't have any of that stuff, then you are quite susceptible to getting ping ponged.
This is not a game.
In a perfect world you'd break the crowd control and dodge spike damage all the time. In the "real" world, however, you run out of endurance and crowd control breakers or simply miss the 100 blades animation and end up dying. I guess that's why top tier teams like Team Paradigm [TP] and Super Squad [SS] have 100 blades warriors in their setup when doing tournament fights against other top tier teams.
SS vs. TP:
Every player in that fight is probably a lot more skilled than either of us, and if they get hit by 100 blades then so will we.
In sPvP and WvW is probably a good idea to bring a Stability skill and/or Stun Breaker skill if you think you'll need em. Also Stability can be gained through some profession's traits. So stunlock isn't a mindless thing anyone can pull off. You'll need to be careful attempting it otherwise you'll waste it on the wrong target.
I know, i listed it at the beginning of my post (immune to cc skills).