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Guild Wars 2 and SLI?

AragoniAragoni Member UncommonPosts: 384

So I got my salary today and have extra money to spend, preparing my computer for Guild Wars 2 and it's epicness. I'm just wondering if GW2 supports SLI? Got a 560Ti (KFA2 Anarchy Edition) and was thinking of purchasing another 560Ti (thinking of a card from Asus that has 2gb memory) but before doing it I really wish to know: Does the game support SLI? I've looked through the net but cannot find any information about it from the developers. At all. 


  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,560

    I don't think a GeForce GTX 560 Ti is a fast enough card to justify SLI.  If you want something faster, then sell the card you have and buy a faster card, like a GeForce GTX 670 or a Radeon HD 7970.  That would get you a drastically better gaming experience than two GeForce GTX 560 Tis in SLI.

  • AragoniAragoni Member UncommonPosts: 384
    Originally posted by Smikis

    [mod edit]

    Well aren't you aggressive? 

    What would you consider a "proper upgrade" then? Spending an additional 200 euro for a 670-card? 

  • AerowynAerowyn Member Posts: 7,928

    best bang for your buck card right now I would say is the windforce 670 it can easily reach 680 speeds for $100 bucks less than the 680 but $399 is still little more than a lot are willing to spend on a graphics card

    I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg

  • WoopinWoopin Member UncommonPosts: 1,012

    SLI cost cards is not worth the boost SLI gives just do some research find some good prices and go for a single card.

    Also to note a GTX580 runs GW2 maxed out no problem at all even when WvW was bugged and zergs of people could get in causing the servers to crash.


    As other have said 670 is the best card for price to performance right now.


  • dellirious13dellirious13 Member Posts: 205
    Originally posted by Woopin

    SLI cost cards is not worth the boost SLI gives just do some research find some good prices and go for a single card.

    Also to note a GTX580 runs GW2 maxed out no problem at all even when WvW was bugged and zergs of people could get in causing the servers to crash.


    As other have said 670 is the best card for price to performance right now.

    Agreed. Don't go SLI. It isn't worth it for any games right now, the better vid card almost always beats a vid card lower that is SLI. Plus, GW2 is not a resource hog in any respect (especially once they optimize for launch), my old computer still runs the beta at almost the highest graphics with over 30fps constant :)

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