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TSW - Anyone Else Feel Alone? Slow and Painful Advancement?



  • atuerstaratuerstar Member Posts: 234

    You dont have to play alone.


    This game, any game that is an mmo - you really dont HAVE to quest alone. Youve made that choice. You are going to ruin every game you ever play with that one decision.


    All you had to do was visit Aggartha and say "looking for questing partner - zone". Seeing as this message, from this location, can be seen across all the servers there is a great chance you would find someone to run around with and have some fun. Or find a Cabal, there are many members in all zones in my cabal and im sure others would be the same.


    Any game - you do not HAVE to play alone.

  • UnkillableUnkillable Member UncommonPosts: 123

    Yeah we agree then haha, that was my point most modern games are like this to find something like I think the OP wants he is going to have to go back and play some older games or wait for that mythical super MMO most vets are waiting on perpetually.

    admittedly i am waiting on the "Mythical super MMO" and i think its about damn time someone made a real game. how many times have players expressed what they want only to be forced into playing bullshit.

    i have 20 mmos installed right now, and i cant bring myself to dedicate myself to one of them.

    PS. (sounds like a personal problem)

  • eugameugam Member UncommonPosts: 984
    Originally posted by Unkillable


    i have realized this game is not for me, that much is obvious. i coudnt agree with your stance more. its not that im not down for the difficulty im just not down with the "progression"

    seems like the whole game is a rinse repeat of  "quest alone for gear 90% of the time, play with others 10% of the time"

    shit just doesnt seem like an mmo to me either.

    I think you just dont want to try.

    There is no questing for gear as in other mmo.


    Kingsmouth and Savage Coast is still full of players.


    Random duo usually do not break up after a mission, but keep going till one needs to log. Because the game is much more fun/doable as duo. Try. Once you hit a mob you cant beat wait there and invite the next one comming round the corner.


    However, if its not fun dont play.

  • ThorqemadaThorqemada Member UncommonPosts: 1,282

    I dont feel so, played +88 hours and be still in Blue Mountain.
    I enjoy the quests and the story they tell, sometimes get angry when i feel a hint or mechanic is not working well, at all i am connected to the game.

    I have not witnessed a decrease in population, London is probably more crowded, Agartha a bit less at the entrance but you see more people travelling on it, the zones be crowded as usual with some changed hotspots.

    I agree that the "Locusts" may have been rushed through already and you may miss their appearance.

    But at all there is no significant decrease i have witnessed yet.

    The progression is ok, i toned down my playtime to around 2 healthy hours a day and move forward nicely.

    The MMO-aspect is as good or bad as in other games.
    Example: As i have to catch up levels to be on par with the group of friends i do instance runs i see almost nobdy around me in WOW beside Stormwind, everything else is empty like a barren desert so far.
    In TSW i meet ten or twenty times the amount of players while playing, most of them open to group along the way.

    The test of time still awaits TSW but for now its a pretty fine journey with pretty much people on the same path.

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  • eugameugam Member UncommonPosts: 984
    Originally posted by Unkillable

    admittedly i am waiting on the "Mythical super MMO" and i think its about damn time someone made a real game. how many times have players expressed what they want only to be forced into playing bullshit.

    The good old times are over. There have been super MMO. Like Ryzom where 300 players did world travels for like 8 hours to colelct teleporter tickets for the noobs. Or vanilla EQ2 where guilds with 400 active palyers competed for the server first guild level 50 and so on.


    TSW is a gem in that regard. It has enough old and new to please a lot of people.

  • SlickShoesSlickShoes Member UncommonPosts: 1,019
    Originally posted by Unkillable

    Yeah we agree then haha, that was my point most modern games are like this to find something like I think the OP wants he is going to have to go back and play some older games or wait for that mythical super MMO most vets are waiting on perpetually.

    admittedly i am waiting on the "Mythical super MMO" and i think its about damn time someone made a real game. how many times have players expressed what they want only to be forced into playing bullshit.

    i have 20 mmos installed right now, and i cant bring myself to dedicate myself to one of them.

    PS. (sounds like a personal problem)

    Archeage looks promising as having enough of a mix of older and newer features but that won't be out here for years. You could maybe try Vanguard when it goes free if you want a fantasy game, I have never played it but I hear it has things like a large explorable world and player housing, probably worth trying since it will be free.

    If you are trying that many MMO's though just take a break and play something else, the steam sale is on just now so you can pick up some good games for pretty cheap that may help kill some time.

  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916

    OP, you're the first one to complain in these forums about leveling speed in TSW "being too slow". Most other complaints have been from people that have "finished all the content" and are bored.


    As far as quest rewards are concerned, the rewards in Kingsmouth are well balanced. Each quest that rewards gear gives you 3 choices of the item, each one of three will have either tanking, healing or dps stats. If you do all the action quests (red/brown icon), you'll pretty much have a talisman for each slot. As far as I've seen, all the quests give standard (green) quality rewards. Loot-wise, there are no "must do" quests that reward exceptional items. Good gear comes from the instances in each zone.


    I've seen more casual grouping (specially duo's) in leveling zones in this game than I've seen in any recent MMO. Besides, formal grouping for open-world quests has not been a big feature in AAA MMO's for many, many years. It most likely never will be a feature again. Even in games like Rift and GW2, you don't join a group to do public quests (rifts or DE's). You just pile in when you see a bunch of people fighting something. You get your rewards, they get theirs. If you stay, fine, if you leave, fine too.


  • 7star7star Member Posts: 405

    If the game feels slow and painful, it's clear you're not having fun.


    Since it's a game, you're supposed to have fun. 




    Maybe play something else?  It's obviously subjective when we talk about what's fun for one person and not another. I love the game and it doesn't at all feel slow or painful. I have a lot to do. I often pvp, and then I go pve and do quests when my pvp quests are on cool down. 


    I like that I can advance my toon doing what I like (pvp-ing) instead of running instances. I can get geared all the way up to QL 10 with pvp!!! And my gear is still good for pve.  I can't even tell you how much I love having that freedom choice.


    But if you don't like the game for whatever reason...quests, combat, I don't know...then it's time to move on. Good luck. GW2 is just around the corner and there are arpgs like Torchlight 2, and Path of Exile (which you can play right now). Minecraft is always nice for me because there is so much you can do. But maybe I'm just easily entertained.


    EDIT: I don't feel alone. I always see people LFG and I've joined a few. I meet a lot of people in pvp as a Dragon. We get to know eachother since there are relatively few of us, and it's pretty easy to make contacts/friends, from my experience. I found my cabal by pvping with this dude who is uber. I'm liking it a lot.

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029

    Look at SP gains as getting a new level and it seems like you are leveling fast even though there isn't really any levels in the game. PvP is actually a good way to level as you get xp for the 3 missions there as well as capturing facilities. I thought just starting up it was a bit too easy. Joining a cabal helps too. It takes about 10 hours to max out one weapon with SP which is pretty fast. Try running afew dungeons if you think it's too slow.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,263
    Originally posted by atuerstar

    You dont have to play alone.


    This game, any game that is an mmo - you really dont HAVE to quest alone. Youve made that choice. You are going to ruin every game you ever play with that one decision.


    All you had to do was visit Aggartha and say "looking for questing partner - zone". Seeing as this message, from this location, can be seen across all the servers there is a great chance you would find someone to run around with and have some fun. Or find a Cabal, there are many members in all zones in my cabal and im sure others would be the same.


    Any game - you do not HAVE to play alone.

    OP is really looking for  MMORPG which strongly encourages, if not outright forces players to group up on a regular basis, (rewarding them accordingly for doing so) and those days are long gone, probably forever. 

    TSW most certainly is not that game.

    Like most modern MMO's, players will spend a majority of their time soloing interspersed with some group encounters which as you point out are completely dependent on player desire and willingness to join up, but there's no real practical reason to do so.

    I'm told at higher levels grouping becomes far more "encouraged" but in the starter areas I haven't seen any real need to.



    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • tharkthark Member UncommonPosts: 1,188
    Originally posted by Unkillable

    thanks for the reply.

    i just dont think finding a cabal would even help in this case, because questing with someone else is not really in this games design.

    i bought the game thinking i could do something other then just quest to advance, i guess i was just plain wrong. if there are no rewards for pvp then playing the game all day alone doesnt seem to justify any "end game" for me.

    i just dont enjoy running around alone in an mmo, it kinda saddens me that so many mmoers like this type of gameplay.

    im kinda at a loss for words on how unenjoyable this game has been for me in my first 24 hours of played time.

     In some ways I agree with you..but

    The design fiosophy that gives "solo players" 80% game and "groupers 20% is a disgrace towards certain type of gamers, like you and me..

    But honestly it isn't Funcoms fault at heart, they have only done the same as the rest of the gaming companies do, market serveys. And I guess they indicate that "solo"  and "casual" are words that signal "masses" and that in turn equals "money". We may never get a MMO that gives groupers 80% and Solo players 20 %

    My typical reaction towards this is why not introduce a dynamic system where mobs change difficulty based on how many party members you have..

    However...Funcom has done what other companies didn't dare..They have been trying to change large parts of the tired WOW formula to something diffrent, with how quests are done, and introduce new types of quests and even introduced something that has been missing all the time, meaningful interaction with quest objects, like you can see ID cards, notes, books etc etc. This is a very small change that does get a HUGE diffrence.

    And...The Dungeons that are available for groups are really tough...

    TSW is probably the BEST MMO that has been released in years...Let's just hope that it introduces more for the group mentality in the future..I'd say stick with it..:)

  • AngztAngzt Member UncommonPosts: 229

    you never die alone.

    there is always someone watching, thinking "lol, what a noob"!

    "believe me, mike.. i calculated the odds of this working against the odds that i was doing something incredibly stupid… and i did it anyway!"

  • ProfRedProfRed Member UncommonPosts: 3,495

    OP I know what you are feeling, and it is a catch 22 with games having a good difficulty.  It is an MMO and that means that grouping, being with people, etc. should be an optimal way to play.  The game is definitely soloable, but you have to build your spec around that and it just isn't as fun.

    What I do is hit up my cabal, or just go to a quest area and wait for someone to come along and then invite them.  Do the quest together and you will breeze through.  Talk to strangers, and have fun.  The further you get the more AP you get so it starts to come in heavy. 

  • ZooceZooce Member Posts: 586
    Originally posted by angzt

    you never die alone.

    there is always someone watching, thinking "lol, what a noob"!

    This is so true!  When I see someone circling the drain I first inspect them and see if I can guess what abilities they are using from observation.  No point helping unless its a quest mob, since they respawn within 10 seconds usually.  Plus its entertaining watching them flail about- as I'm certain it is when someone watches me struggle till the end.

  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    Originally posted by Zooce
    Originally posted by angzt

    you never die alone.

    there is always someone watching, thinking "lol, what a noob"!

    This is so true!  When I see someone circling the drain I first inspect them and see if I can guess what abilities they are using from observation.  No point helping unless its a quest mob, since they respawn within 10 seconds usually.  Plus its entertaining watching them flail about- as I'm certain it is when someone watches me struggle till the end.

    Lmao, you people are EVIL ! image


    If I see someone near me struggling with a mob, I'll click on them (I play without player and mob info displayed) and check their healthbar and faction rank. That will tell me if the player could use a hand. Most of the time I'll jump in and help. And quite often I'll get a "Thank you" /tell, which is not expected, but appreciated all the same.

    But those people that do the same stupid thing over and over, I normally leave to their fate.

  • BigRock411BigRock411 Member Posts: 299

    Not sure if progression is slow and painful...this is the first mmorpg where ive felt no rush to keep up and hit endgame.


    Stop racing to clear content and it might not feel so painful..if you cant seem to stop your instinct to race through content then there are about 100 other games out there with a quick easy mode trip to endgame.  And then you can go through the awesome experience of rerolling a new alt for other roles, which im sure is never painful or slow, at least not to get every class in game to endgame....right...

  • WickedjellyWickedjelly Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,990
    Originally posted by Zooce
    Originally posted by angzt

    you never die alone.

    there is always someone watching, thinking "lol, what a noob"!

    This is so true!  When I see someone circling the drain I first inspect them and see if I can guess what abilities they are using from observation.  No point helping unless its a quest mob, since they respawn within 10 seconds usually.  Plus its entertaining watching them flail about- as I'm certain it is when someone watches me struggle till the end.


    I usually help them unless they pulled so many I think I'll end up dying as well.

    As for the OP, can't say I agree. Just because there isn't forced grouping doesn't mean you have to solo everything. I've grouped quite a bit in this game outside of dungeons.

    1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.

    2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.

    3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.

  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309
    Originally posted by Unkillable

    I had to make this thread to ask other players that have just started playing TSW recently if they feel the same way i do when attempting to be happy with this game. from the moment you log in as a completely new player to about 24 hours played time you are confronted with the most lonely and uninformative "quest or quit" gameplay.


    In my eyes i dont really see "randomly questing" at "random" contacts that arent even clearly outlined as to what gear you will recieve as a reward fun at all. "run around this large landscape randomly accepting and doing quests, that use the same old mmo quest mecahnics, for chances at random gear advancements". i know ill get flamed for this entire thread, but i thought id ask:


    does anyone else find this game lonely, slow advancing, and lacking in new player help/ explainations of how to get gear and even advance at all?

    is anyone else dissatisfied with playing alone almost all the time and being forced to "quest" the entire time they are logged on?

    Does grinding missions to get gear to do 1 instance, then mission grinding more gear to get to the next instance really appeal to this many people?

    what good does fusang do if you cant even level from pvp? does loging into fusang to get facrolled by anyone and thier mother really appeal to a player that has 24-72 hours played time under thier belt?


    my experience with TSW has been unfortunate, because the game has great graphics and a great skill system. i just cant see continuing to play to reach "end game" if 90% of my time spent playing alone. i wish The Matrix Online never shut down....

    The major good thing about TSW is its story and setting.  These things are mainly presented through questing.  To be honest with you, if you're not getting anything out of the questing, that probably means the game isn't for you as the best thing about the game IS the questing.   I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way in SWTOR - the entire game was questing and the quests were shit and the story was terrible.  So i didn't get anything out of it.    I feel different about TSW because i actually enjoy the quests.  But if you don't, I suggest choosing a different game.


    You CAN group up with people and level up by killing mobs.  If you group up in the Kingsmouth area, a group of 2-3 people can easily and quickly progress by just slaughtering the more difficult mobs such at the ones near the scrapyard.   You will get tons of XP and tons of QL3 equipment drops.  This will negate the need to do any questing whatsoever.   If you think that this type of thing is more fun than questing... you can do that.  But like i said, in my opinion, if you don't actually enjoy the questing in TSW, there is absolutely no reason to play TSW.  For everything other than the questing, there are much better MMOs out there.


    Also, I've never felt alone.  There are always just enough people around to make the world feel "just right" and never so many as to overrun everything.  


    P.S.  forgot to mention.. you also CAN progress entirely by doing dungeons.  You get a TON of xp every time you do one of the instances AND you get the best gear for the tier from them.  You get blue QL3 from Polaris, a full set of which is good enough to do Hell Raised in, you get blue QL5 from Hell Raised, which is good enough to do DW, you get blue QL6 from DW, etc.   I really enjoyed Hell Raised, so i ran it about 10 times over a couple of days and ended having practically outlevelling all of the Savage Coast.    So yeah, you don't HAVE TO quest.. i just think there is not much reason to play the game if you don't. 


    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by Unkillable

    thanks for the reply.

    i just dont think finding a cabal would even help in this case, because questing with someone else is not really in this games design.

    i bought the game thinking i could do something other then just quest to advance, i guess i was just plain wrong. if there are no rewards for pvp then playing the game all day alone doesnt seem to justify any "end game" for me.

    i just dont enjoy running around alone in an mmo, it kinda saddens me that so many mmoers like this type of gameplay.

    im kinda at a loss for words on how unenjoyable this game has been for me in my first 24 hours of played time.m

    If I may be blunt, there's been a lot of MMOs made for players like yourself.  As other have said, there's nothing stopping you from joining up with other people to do these quests. I pop in and help others all the time even when I'm not grouping with them because I feel that if I was really in a land of zombies that is what I would do. I don't need some "extra "reward for doing that. The attitude of some gamers that they need some game given reward for doing something is IMO what is wrong with this genre. What ever happened to doing something because you find it fun in its own right? There are times that I'll spend a few hours doing nothing but defend the sheriff station from zombie attacks because I enjoy doing it. The game offers a lot of freedom to do your own thing and explore. 

    Yes, the advancement is slow, but after years of mindless questing and easy leveling its refreshing to play a game that throws a few curves at you.  I love the fact that I 'm hitting barriers and having to rethink my tactics or group up to complete a quest.  The AI in this game is remarkable. I'm no longer attacking stick figures that stand in one spot all day, I actuallly have enemies coming at me from all directions and the world feels so much more alive because of it.

    In short, if you're one of those players that likes to zip to end game, this is not the game for you.  There are too many missions that require you to think and too many mobs that require you to change up your strategies for that to happen. 

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • Lazarus71Lazarus71 Member UncommonPosts: 1,081
    Originally posted by aesperus

    Well.. first up, there is nothing 'random' about this game (except for maybe the bugs, lol).

    Quests are static, always.

    - That said, I'm not surprised by the OP's post. Many of the zones in this game feel very empty. There was the initial rush of players, but they are now almost all at the end of the game. There just aren't that many people in kingsport atm, and even egypt is starting to dry up.

    I tried going back through on an alt last week, and it definitely did feel 'dead'. What doesn't help is that the environment reinforces this feeling, because it's a zombie / demon invested post-apocalyptic setting. It's designed to feel like there aren't that many survivors (which the exception of egypt).

    The way the game is currently, newer player will probably want to find a cabal that will help them w/ newer content, or bring friends to play with. Many aspects of the game are more fun with others, but most of the game isn't designed for groups. You can group, sure (aside from solo-instances), but most of the PvE content outside of dungeons is soloable.

    I have seen you say this in multiple threads now yet I just started on Leviathan a few days ago and Kingsmouth and Savage Coast have both been full of players.

    No signature, I don't have a pen

  • SlickShoesSlickShoes Member UncommonPosts: 1,019
    Originally posted by ktanner3
    Originally posted by Unkillable

    thanks for the reply.

    i just dont think finding a cabal would even help in this case, because questing with someone else is not really in this games design.

    i bought the game thinking i could do something other then just quest to advance, i guess i was just plain wrong. if there are no rewards for pvp then playing the game all day alone doesnt seem to justify any "end game" for me.

    i just dont enjoy running around alone in an mmo, it kinda saddens me that so many mmoers like this type of gameplay.

    im kinda at a loss for words on how unenjoyable this game has been for me in my first 24 hours of played time.m

    If I may be blunt, there's been a lot of MMOs made for players like yourself.  As other have said, there's nothing stopping you from joining up with other people to do these quests. I pop in and help others all the time even when I'm not grouping with them because I feel that if I was really in a land of zombies that is what I would do. I don't need some "extra "reward for doing that. The attitude of some gamers that they need some game given reward for doing something is IMO what is wrong with this genre. What ever happened to doing something because you find it fun in its own right? There are times that I'll spend a few hours doing nothing but defend the sheriff station from zombie attacks because I enjoy doing it. The game offers a lot of freedom to do your own thing and explore. 

    Yes, the advancement is slow, but after years of mindless questing and easy leveling its refreshing to play a game that throws a few curves at you.  I love the fact that I 'm hitting barriers and having to rethink my tactics or group up to complete a quest.  The AI in this game is remarkable. I'm no longer attacking stick figures that stand in one spot all day, I actuallly have enemies coming at me from all directions and the world feels so much more alive because of it.

    In short, if you're one of those players that likes to zip to end game, this is not the game for you.  There are too many missions that require you to think and too many mobs that require you to change up your strategies for that to happen. 

    I can't agree with any of that, the advancement in this game is not slow at all so I disagree with you and the OP on that point. I don't think the OP wants rewards thrown at him for doing certain things either I have no idea where you came up with that one. 

    I like this game but it does not offer a lot of freedom to advance your character, it has all the standard ways any modern MMO has, pvp, dungeons and quests. As for there being a lot of things to explore I would disagree, the zones are very well made but theres nothing really great about exploring them, your quests will take you to pretty much every part of the zones anyway so there really isn't anything hidden or a world to explore just zones connected by loading screens. The cities are even worse for exploring, I understand they are simply hub areas but they are tiny and offer no value to exploring.

    The basic assumption that people that don't like this game are too thick to understand or "get" the investigation quests is condescending to the max, not everyone that dislikes the game doesn't have the brainpower to work out simple puzzles.

  • MephsterMephster Member Posts: 1,188

    The one thing I did not like about the design was that this game is like a single player game with optional multiplayer. You can solo just about everything except dungeons.  The art and immersion of this game is great though. 

    Grim Dawn, the next great action rpg!

  • WickedjellyWickedjelly Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,990
    Originally posted by SlickShoes

    I like this game but it does not offer a lot of freedom to advance your character, it has all the standard ways any modern MMO has, pvp, dungeons and quests.

     What else are they supposed to have?

    1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.

    2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.

    3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.

  • marcustmarcust Member UncommonPosts: 495

    To me the more I play solo the more immersive it feels.

    The less I see others running around, the more immersive it feels.

    I would like a dungeon finder app however as I am in the savage coast and have not yet tried Polaris.


    Great game, having a ball, if I want to get social I log into Lotro, if I want to escape into this immersive world I stay in TSW.


    Playing: Darkfall New Dawn (and planning to play Fallout 76)
    Favourite games have included: UO, Lineage2, Darkfall, Lotro, Baldur's Gate, SSX, FF7 and yes the original Wizardry on an Apple IIe

  • s1fu71s1fu71 Member Posts: 220

    I did not feel "lonely." I've no problem finding a quick group. The bulk of my grouping experience has been with only 1 or 2 additional people. I have not tried any dungeons just yet. But, I haven't tried a dungeon yet due to time. I've no idea how long it takes to go thru the first or second dungeon, so I wanted to put time aside on the weekend to give it a shot.

    As far as gear goes, I only had problems gettting better gear half way or more thru Kingsmouth. Most of the drops or rewards had nothing to do with what I chose to start with. And at that time, I wasn't crafting.

    As far as advancement goes: no. I did not find it too slow. I actually thought it was pretty cool that I had an "elite" active and passive skill available before I was done with Kingsmouth. But, I guess time is relative. That might be too slow for some people. I really liked it.

    Grinding out missions? I guess it depends on what you call grinding. I already knew that this game was based on doing missions. So, when I had to actually do missions, it was far from a shock. I don't find the missions to be a grind though. I like that there are different types of missions. I like that some of them really had me scratching my head.

    No, if I had to pick a "gripe" with the game, it would be how unforgiving the ability wheel is. I really like that there are a lot of different combinations. When I first started to play, I didn't read the skills and their effects too closely. So, my initial build was very poor and I suffered for it. But, after talking to a few people in game and reading up on it, I got my skills back on track.

    It's not about fighting, it's about balance. It's not about enlightenment, it's about balance. It's not about balance.

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