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PWI and Neverwinter. Sorry Neverwinter, I'll not be trying the latest installment. Didn't play neverwinter 1 and 2 because I wanted to grind for years on mobs to get 1 level.
I'm a unique and beautiful snowflake.
PWE are only the publisher, surely Cryptic have control and final say on the style and gameplay within the game? Can't see why it would be a grindfest like PWI just because NWN has the same publisher.
NO grind and Neverwinter. Sorry Neverwinter, I'll not be trying the latest instamaxlv. Played Neverwinter 1 and 2 because I wanted to grind on mobs to get my levels.
PWE owns Cryptic so they are more than the publisher.
You know this game is going to suck, right? I think it would just be stupidly optimistic to think otherwise at this point. Cryptic didn't feel that it was good enough to save them and Perfect World is known for shoddy programming, crappy ideas and pimped out cash shops. Good luck with that!
PWE is definately a huge turn off for me.
im looking forward to this title. wether or not i try it depends on what the cash shop looks like.
Ignorance is bliss? People need to get there heads out of their ass and quite talking utter nonesense.
Did it ever occurr to you that maybe *gasp* you dont like these types of games?
Its like going onto a forum for Minivan lovers and making a post like:
"Sorry Dodge, i wont be buying your next Grand Caravan. Didnt buy the last 2 because i didnt want to drive a big egg shaped soccer mom car that has sliding doors."
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Maybe he enjoyed the first two games and is a huge D and D fan from the old days of tabletop gaming and sees a company known for P2W cash Shops destroying something he loves...Nah, couldnt be that. Must be him.
Must be me too. I must "hate these kind of games" *Looks around gaming room at bookcase full of D & D 1st and 2nd Edition collection*
I am sure it has noting to do with the Publishers other grindy cash shop games- He Just hates games. Damn him.
EDIT: When I DM my next game I am putting a Jar in the middle of the table. Every time I place a deadly encounter you can pay $1.00 to pretend it didnt happen... .50 cents for instant healz... Warps to town are 75 cents... Unlock doors for only 10 cents (this week only) so no need for a rogue. Magical weapons now degrade (pretty damn fast) but repairs are only 13 cents every 10 minutes- Its a bargain.
I will use the Magical Treasure section of the DM guide as a catalouge of sorts- Prices will be listed next to each item and can be bought instantly...Cant kill that Dragon? +5 Holy Avenger for $12.99 INSTANTLY!!!!! Too many items? Bag of holding for ONLY a NOMINAL fee of $4.99.
Hey, its F2P right?
NEXT week I will sell DOUBLE XP pots ($3.99 + tax- not availible to residents of California, some restrictions apply)
SHIT- Why even play? Pay me $100 and you WIN D&D... You totally win man.
The issue with this game will be the cash shop, the whole concept behind this is an in game editor where you can create your own worlds. What that = is ...
you want that wall? 10 bucks
you want that torch? 5 bucks
you want that mob? 20 bucks.
The company famous for draining it's player base quickly of cash is running this. Meh, sorry but this will be horrible.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I'm looking forward top it. I like 4th ed D&D sometimes more so then 3.5 or pathfinder and I like Cryptic. Champion's Online was probably my 4th or 5th favorite MMO (EQ, WoW, FFXI, AO before it in that order) I've ever played. So I'm giving it a shot.
Apologize level what the NWE. Cryptic Neverwinter instamaxlevel if the grind. For mobs latest installment is mobs for level.
Its not that people are being stupidly optimistic, its just that you are being stupidly pessimistic. You haven't even tried the game and are writing it off of horrible because of the company that is publishing it.
Also, Perfect World is known for absolutely none of those things. Their programming is not shoddy. Their latest in house developed game, Forsaken World, has gotten high marks from everyone who has reviewed it, which is more than can be said for games like TERA and The Secret World. The vast majority of people who hate TERA and The Secret World played the games and didn't like them, while the vast majority of people who hate Forsaken World and other PWE games never even played them and are, like you, writing them off due to their publisher. Their ideas aren't crappy, or at least most of them aren't, as, once again, proven by Forsaken World. Finally, their cash shops are, for the most part, handled very well, with the only stumbling points being their lotto/lockboxes.
So please, stop being stupidly pessimistic and save your judgements until after you have tried it.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
Only if that is how the foundry works in STO. If not, expect this prediction to be 101% false.
P.S. From what I heard, that is not how the STO foundry works.
P.S.S. Perfect World is not the villain you make them out to be. Please stop demonizing them.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
I'm not a fan of either of them TBH. Cryptic did pretty well with CoH release and has been churning out mediocre content at best ever since.
And calling this an MMO is laughable. the most multiplayer thing you can do is run group dungeons, and that's straight from the developers mouths. No more an MMO than D3 is.
Well my only big PWE hate at this moment is the silly way they've set up their log in conversions. That whole linking crap almost makes it seem like they don't want you to play. Once you do get it to work it's fine, it's just the frustration factor in getting to that point.
As far as cash shops go; Only thing in STO I've used it for was to get the Mirror Universe bundle which gave me the interior, uniforms, shuttle and the ST dress uniforms. They called it the Classic bundle or some such. Other than that ...... hey if YOU want to throw money into the pot go for it. You don't have to and I don't.
With Neverwinter, I'm more worried about setting up groups. Only in a tavern in true D&D fashion, or on the fly out in the field? I'd rather see the tavern aspect.
SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter
1. Neverwinter was initially slated to be a dungeon crawler, so good to know it hasn't changed too much from the original design.
2. Since the only times you team up with others in D&D is to run dungeons, Neverwinter is probably going to be very faithful to the source material.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
I am very familiar with STO as I have a lifetime membership. But if you don't think their concept will be design different graphics for different type of walls, doors, floors, items and more and not charge you for them? Your crazy. It's the best concept of money mall sense sliced cheese (if you like sliced cheese) ... Point being. Most of all money malls (definitly from this company ) source out , (we only give out cosmetic items) , if you don't think there will not be a ton of cosmetic items to change looks of your dungeon and or hero, your sadly mistaken.
I don't need an inside source a direct link or any afflication to know this is where this is going. I know two things, the company that is making it and it's history of the free to play model and that this game is free to play. Enough for me and many to pre-judge the game. Tell you what, when the game comes out and they don't have items for sale to ehance your dugeon within the first 3 months, you can come back and tell me I was full of it and I will happily accept that. But I KNOW they won't do it. This is the perfect cash shop , you just refuse to see it.
Why would this concept be the perfect cash shop? Just the same reason many of using the foundy will use items not ment for what we use them for. IE mulitple tables, some lamps lights and you made yourself a customized transported pad and the list goes on. Have a company that will dedicated time to making custom items for a "small fee" people will buy into it no doubt about it. After all just like in startrek, you want that "perfect" dungeon and people will pay.
Point for me and it's a good amount of people is, we won't fall for it, we won't even give it the time of day it might deserve. You want me to play your game go the Guildwars rout, one time fee done or do a monthly. Take the money mall concept right out of the game and I would be in it as soon as it launched even knowing nothing of only combat atm and that is going to use foundry technology. I would be all over that, but this is a money mall game based on the concept of selling these items to rack in the cash to suckers. I won't be a sucker for cash shops anymore. Sure, I don't have to buy anything, but if i want that cool dugeon I better!
So there you go, myself and others don't beleive this will be the friendly game they make it out to be. It will be ....
you want that cool door? 5 bucks!
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I direct you to my previous statement: only if that is how it works in the STO foundry.
There have been no blogs, interviews, or press releases that state that that is how the foundry is going to work. You beliefs are solely based on unrealistic paranoia and a hatred for some minor mismanaging of the cash shop (i.e. lockboxes). It's not that you don't need sources or direct links, its that you don't HAVE sources or direct links to submit as proof. In other words, you are making stuff up and "claiming from experience" (which I really doubt you have) that this is how the foundry is going to be in Neverwinter. In fact, you disproved your own argument by saying that the foundry in Neverwinter will charge people to make dungeons like the foundry in Star Trek Online will charge people to make missions. The STO foundry only charges people to actually MAKE the missions (and from what I understand, its a one time charge for one slot, so if you only by one slot, you can make one mission at a time, but make as many missions as you want so long as you finish one before moving onto the next). Everything else, the NPCs, objects, lighting, etc. is all available to the player once the player has paid to make the mission. The way Cryptic charges people to use the foundry is the same way Arenanet charges people for Guild Wars.
I will wait those three months, and once those three months are up, you can come find me and apologize for judging a game mechanic you obviously know nothing about.
You want that cool door? It comes free with your first foundary slot!
You want that torch? It comes free with your first foundary slot!
You want that mob? It comes free with your first foundary slot!
You want that wall? It comes free with your first foundary slot!
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
Foundry for lifetime players has no charge. Heck I pay for nothing in that game as it is because I am exempt. However I do know for FACT that the foundry technology is being used in the game. If you actual read any dev notes about the foundry during it's founding and development you would know for instance that the foundry was introduced at first as a concept for another game called neverwinter! As time progressed we where told that the foundry would have no updates beyond those that would be finalized in the game for neverwinter as the team for the foundry has shifted from testing possiblities to actual development of the tool for that game.
Neverwinter pc history is based on customizing your own story and inviting your friends to let you gm the event. (neverwinter 1,2). The whole concept is based on this. Nothing officially is being said for the title atm for many reasons I am sure. I beleive the number one reason would be IP. to protect their IP and ideas till they are released, so another company doesn't take on the idea and do it themselves.
As far as knowing for fact a money mall will be buy ehancement for such a feature, yea I think it's blatently obvious. Anything you want that looks cool or is unique in STO is where? In the store. If you don't see the easy relation to having a money mall selling items to customized your dungeon in the game a possiblity you have wishfull thinking. The name of the game for any company is to make money period. While the developers might not see it that way as many enjoy what they do, that same development team has to prove the value of their game.
I would be a blind fool not to say to my bosses and investors "Listen, here is the concept, we make a game where players can customize their own stories just like in the previous single player editions. We have proven this works well in STO and the player base loved the concept. Imagin if you would, that we now add this to a roleplaying game, but sell unique items like different stone works, doors, items that would enhance a players dungeon and make it look unique to their story!"
Sorry but that is a perfect selling point to any investor, production crew. Your blind if you think otherwise and btw, I have been gaming way to long, my experiance is 40+ and that's all I got to say on that subject. But to be honest, I could be a 5 year gamer and see this coming with any point of logical business sense.
So now , they can not only sell clothing and unique items for characters, they have a whole catalog of items that relate to the world itself, leading to the biggest moneymall released in history. That is my guess and I will stick to it unless proven otherwise.
In the end we are both assuming things for nothing has been officially released on this. But we can with a bit of actual common sense and business savey understand what we know of the company and ftp mmo's in general, how this will end up.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Blatantly obvious? Without any official word from the company that that is how it is going to be, your "fact" is reduced to mere speculation. Just because something makes sense from a business standpoint, doesn't mean that the people who work at Cryptic are as greedy or money grubbing as you make them out to be (or as you are, if I am to assume that if you were in charge of Cryptic, that is what you would do judging by your wording)
No, you are the only one assuming things. I have not assumed anything. I have taken evidence from how the foundry has worked in previous games (i.e. STO) and used it to prove that your beliefs are unreasonable. You have taken your fears and belief that Cryptic wants to drain their customers of their funds in the cash shop and made up a prophecy of what you believe Cryptic will do. Is it possible that they will do it? Maybe. Is it probable? Definitely not. Now maybe if they were to release a service for the foundry where people got to create their OWN objects, mobs, etc. from scratch, then it would be reasonable to assume that they would charge us for it, but as your belief stands, I would say that you have absolutely no business savy at all. So please, stop making stuff up. It only makes you look arrogant and close-minded (not to mention annoying).
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
+1 ^ this is classic; although your description of table top going the way of MMOs is hilarious, it also scares me that so much of the direction of gaming is doing just this.
It shouldn't scare you, because it is all made up. PWE does not work that way. It never has. It is a gross overexaggeration of the workings of a company misunderstood by many due to them taking the word of people who obviously have never played any of their games or seen how they manage their cash shop as fact. Play their games. Play any of them, and you will see how unrealistic his post is. People like this guy have preconceived notions about a game company they know nothing about, and not even irrefutable proof that they are wrong can change their minds.
So don't worry about it. Play Neverwinter and enjoy it. Or play it, hate it, and download a different game and enjoy that one. Star Wars The Old Republic is going free to play this fall, although from what I heard, you need to buy some of the races to play them (something tells me that this guys description of how Neverwinter's cash shop is going to work will actually more closely resemble the one SWTOR will have).
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
Well I hate to break it to you, but GW2 HAS an item shop as well. So you not ONLY pay $60 for the game (or more), you can then also buy character slots, inventory slots and many other things...