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Anyone playing this? Open Beta is going on and I logged in last night and it reminded me ALOT of an updated UO. I didnt spend much time in game, just searchd a town for a bit but I will be playing this weekend.
I want to know if this is an updated UO type game and have a few questions from anyone who has played. So far I am hopeful. Thanks.
I'm not playing, but you've peaked my interest with the words "reminded me ALOT of an updated UO".
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
I am being very serious too- There are even non combat classes.
I logged into the beta and was very surprised by what I saw- I saw a new UO. That said I only ran around town and I didnt see anyone playing but this weekend I am going to really check it out fully. There seems to be Housing/crafting/conquest and PKing but also a focus on non combat activities as well.
I have some hope rtight noew that this could be my new game. Really hope someone who has played can answer some questions because their Form is pretty dead. I want to know if this is going to have a cash shop (game killer for me) oir a sub
I would recomend checking it out - Its open beta and only takes a few mins to dl. I will be logged in periodicly this weekend with my Wizard named Eppenguar... So far I have not left town but being in town was...Interesting.
Cool ty for the info. Going to download and play with it this weekend.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
SirSmksAlot joining the world.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
Okay, some news.
I first off have to say that this will be a short post since I am actually playing this game right now and am enjoying exploring every building I am coming across and getting happier by the moment.
The Devs are seriously fantastic. I spent a good 10-- 15 mins asking questions in game and getting attentive responses.
-This game will be "Buy To Play" and they only want a very nominal fee ($5-$10) EDIT: You will still be able to play Free buyt cannot own a house and have limited slots
-There will be cash shop but mostly for house items/cosmetics/gold and the like. Nothing gamebreaking
-This is very much like UO (or has the potential to be) with three factions and territoty control
-The Devs have put their hearts into this project.
Now come check it out. I will be posting an actual review on my thoughts with this game after I have spent some real time with it. So far I am very excited.
Typically buying gold from a cash shop is pretty pay to win sounding. I will check it out though. . sounds interesting. You can't just through "gold" in with cosmetics like that. Can you use that gold to buy equipment?
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
I do not know- It looks to me like everything is player made so buying gold would still relegate you buy the items from a person. It looks to me like only very basic supplies are sold via NPCs and the economy will be player created fro the most part- Could be mistaken.
I am finding that the NPCs sell house furnishings, basic gear, food (you have need of eating) and many other types of basic items . I have been to two towns now. The only major thing I could see the Gold being purchased for which wouldnt go into the economy would be Housing and housing upkeep (which is what I feel the gold will be bought for) other than that it would seem to me that it would go to player craafted items.
Again, I just began messing around with this and am anti-cash shop. But speaking with the dev and exploring the game leads me to beive it wont be problmatic..lus...Plus...Plus...Its kinda like UO man
Okay well here is my view so far (not a review by any means:
The good:
-It is the type of game that I love and could see myself playing despite the graphics
-It has a dedicated crafter class that can not attack (it would seem)
-It is certainly styled after UO (the minimap is a good example)
- It looks like a fairly sandboxish game
- I like some of the things that are different from UO. . . it is not as "grindy" for craft skills.
-there seems to be more interesting elements at least planned. . attacks on towns.
- the core of the game is nice. I like the way things work and the graphics and interface can get some love afterwards.
The "could be improved".
-Character models are worse than UO with less options
-the interface takes a bit of getting used to and could be more "intuitive".
- The graphics are not "dated" so much as far as pixelization goes but they are certainly something I would look at improving once the core mechanics are working etc.
The game window seems like it is made for lower resolutions. I have a 1920X1080 and screen takes up about 1/3 1/4 of my monitor. I am guessing I can use the rest ala UO but it is hard to see the tiny icons. (getting used to it already and hardly notice after a bit)
It have not been playing long but will keep playing to check it out. Could be a good diversion.
EDIT certainly modeled after UO.. . the bag. . mining. . the message for ore etc.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Yeah- I ran across a farm and there were farming implements for sale and an area for growing things-
I still havnt leveled yet nor fought anything. I have spent a good deal of time figuring out what this game has to offer. I am really liking what I see thus far and the potential that is here.
Day/Night cycles having varied enemies is great and the feeling of exploration without mobs everywhere is also a breath of fresh air.
I agree with the resolution- I play windowed right now because full screen doesnt really work properly for me. The graphics are not overly important to me (personally) and some of the enemies are well done- My Character (the mains) I am not overly happy with. But all in all I am willing to overlook lots of shit for a decent game.
I am going to give this a shot. This has me interested the most of any game since MO . I think this could be a diamond in the rough.
EDIT: I am taking a break but will be in game probably all night... I havnt lost myself in a MMO all night in- Well, a long time.
My name is Eppenguar Magistra and I will be in global chat later on if anyone needs assistance figuring anything out.
I am logged out of the game for the night- That was the longest stretch of gaming I have had in many, many years. I would love to give a great review here but I am too tired.
Met a few cool people. Had some laughs. Killed some shit. Got some loot. Explored... Learned that even lowbies can encounter things which can 1 hit you and can even chase your friends upstairs as they race towards the exit of the dungeon...And then these horrid 1 hitting Beasts decide to hang out upstairs in the Lowbie zone to feast on unsuspecting and defenceless miners. Had a blast.
ANYONE who enjoyed UO needs to check this out. Now is the time to start a new game from the begining where PVP is going to have some meaning behind it. This could be Mayhem done RIGHT.
See you tonight.
Yeah I saw your corpse in town before I logged. Wasn't sure it was you. I will be back on soon to check it out again.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
just downloaded the game, i'll check it out this weekend as well.
thanks for the heads up.
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
Damn this is seriously a blast-
Just wanna bump this post so we can hopefully get a nice group of people on this evening. I logged in and am messing around with selling loot and chatting right now but will not be up to serious play until later tonight after dinner- Need to also pay a LITTLE attention to the wife to avoid wife agro lol... Actually she is much happier to lose me for the weekend actually PLAYING a game that bitvhing that everything sucks and there is nothing to play =D
With enough population this game is going to epic. Its a work in progress and wont be for everyone. There is steep learning curve nd lots of depoth to uncover (without "walkthroughs everywehere) and there os no handholding... But damn. I have finally found my game after alot of years...I really think.
See you guys tonight.
I wish nothing bad for devs and game itself, but cash shop + sandbox = me not playing.
Cosmetics and house items are important for me as well, epscially in sandbox.
Gold in CS - well this I don't have to explain right?
Not to mention always possible danger of shop changing in bad way and most of them do sooner or later.
Have fun all who will play though.
Yeah I was a bit torn on that as well-
But heres the thing. Its a FFA game and gear that is bought does not seem OP (very basic) except if someone crafts it (I think)- So far I see no advantage to gold since the items for sale are basic and IF someone crafts Sword of Smiting +20- They can be killed and the item taken (past lvl 30)
The only thing Gold is going to be bopught for (IMHO) will be Housing since some of the large Homes are very expensive and only the small ones are relativly cheap.
At this time there is no cash shop , accont upgrades, etc. (meaning you cannot purchase a house yet) and yes, things could change. However, it seems to me that the Devs are not trying to get "rich" through any means possible, rather trying to market this game and makea little something for their hard work. THis will be a truly F2P game (no limits onlevel, areas, gear, etc.) and the ONLY money you could spend is to upgrade your account and buy a home ($5-$10) and then you are playing under the exact same rules/limits as a true free player.
This is just a way to gain a bit of income from people who are playing an otherwise free game (truly free)
In most cases I would fully agree with you- But in this case I think they have really thought things through. They know their audience and its a niche audience. Having a sub would mean only hardcores would be playing (and Wolves need Sheep). I just dont see Gols as being important nor gamechanging (just convienent)- But thats my opinion as an anti- Cash Shop person, Maybe I ambeing overly forgiving due to the nature of this game. Time will tell.
EDIT: sorry for typos, multitasking
In other words I suppose what I am saying is this- If I had a Million Gold right now there really isnt anything to spoend it on but a home or something someone crafts for me and sells me. There is No OP gear that I have seen yet (been to like four cities) either in store or crafted. One guy got a rare driop of some glowing armor in a fight but we dont even know what it does and nowhere sells that armor.
But even if someone found a way to buy Uber gear- You could kill him and take it and have ubur gear yourself... So anything anyone buys with Gold still hits the economy (Tey buy player made crafts and potentially lose their gear anyhow) So there really is no advantage OTHER THAN having one of the badass houses which you couldnt otherwise afford. Hell, I am pretty sure you can even loot gold from the gold buyer...
It all goes back into the game- At worst it will cause hyperinflation if too many people buy it BUT there seems to be money sinks in place to alieveate that.
Its really in the hands of the devs but in this cxase I am not too worried after seeing the game mechanics.
EDIT 2: Personally when the decide they are ready to take my money they have an upgraded account immediatly and I will rpobably even look at the cost of Gold because I have my house picked out and I do not think I will be able to afford it, lol. If it cost me $5-$10/month to keep mu house payments up- Thats a bargain IMO since I will be playing the Hell out of this game 5 nights a week... In all honestly I would prefer a sub and have no problem paying above $15-$20/month for a game I enjoy. In this case I will consider my Gold purchases as a monthly contribution because there is no sub (and I will get a House out of the deal)-
I also understand the reasonings you give for Gold being "gamebreaking"- Had I not already started playing when I learned there was a cash shop I would never have tried this game at all. So I totally get where you are coming from. I just feel you are mistaked IN THIS INSTANCE.
UO vets, if your still looking for a game there is no point in NOT trying. We need a good opulation for a potentially great game.
When you said "like UO" I was interested. I checked out the features and it said, "Level-UP your character!" and I disregarded the game and your statements completely.
LOL- No it isnt exactly like UO as in skill based... More like UO than anything out since UO (I should have said)- It isnt a carbon copy or clone (Freeshards for that) its a new game with differences and similarities. Far more similar than different.
Sorry to have caused you to take 5 mins to look over features and discount the game because there are levels and you choose where to place skill points.
EDIT: There was much more to UO than skilled based "leveling" - If that is the only feature than yes, Mortal Online and Skyrim are lke UO. =/
Plus to discount a game and my statements because it...Has ...Classes ...And ...Levels. Boy, what game are you playing? You are throwing the Baby out with the bathwater because of 1 feature (which seems like its going to work well)- If you enjoyed UO I am telling you to TRY THIS GAME. Give t an hour or two (there is a learning curve) and then tell me I am idiot (I can be an idiot, lol)- If you dont, its your loss and you who will keep searching for your UO fix (and one less peorson to play with which hurts us all)
-Its FREE. There is no loss in trying the game. You might think it sucks anyhow...You might not =P
Just asking UO vets to TRY this and not discount it immediatly. There is no loss except for an hour or two.
I'll definitely be down to check this out.
I just want to say one thing about the people that automatically won't be trying it because they sell gold in the cash shop -
EVE Online has done this for YEARS. It helps control the MT black-market and is a surprisingly effective way to keep revenue coming in. This has allowed CCP to offer every expansion for free etc. Again, selling gold in a CS doesn't have to be the worst thing in the world if it's implemented properly.
I agree- Although I understand people issues because I have them as well. I just have seen how they are implementing it and since this isnt really a "gear" game and items break/degrade- Any bought monies will go back into the economy or to housing (it seems)...Its a risk but I have been without a good game for so long I am wiulling to take it.
-If anyone plays, make sure to hit Global Chat... There is a stellar bunch of people to answer questions or just bullshit with.
Will be playing around with the game once I get tired of my steam summer sales :P
Hope to see you then.
Went to official forums and read up a bit, extremely interested so DLing it now.
I like the fact that Chris is in almost every thread I read and the fact that crafted items are going to be needed, want to make a Merchant, but going with a Combat Class too so I can go out and "stock up" on items for him.
Also like the fact that people can't gank a merchant since they don't fight, now just to decide on other class Hmmm....:)
Still going very well- Just want to bump this post and say that now that I have put some time in this game I KNOW I have found a new "home"- Hope to see some of you guys soon.
What do you recommend someone to do when they log in? I ran around and couldn't find anything to kill. I attacked a guard in town and they chased me to my doom lol.
You can do pretty much anything- There are quests (but not Quest grind type quests) which Shopkeepers and such will have sometimes if you talk to them or other NPCs as well, these quests will lead you into Dungeons and across the Landscape - There are no ? above their heads or anything. These quests also are not "level" dependant so its possible to take a quest which will send you to your DOOM... There is also the option to fully ignore the quests and just go adventuring, which is what I do.
The game is more of a "world" and there isnt much direction given- While exploring you can easily wander into very dangerous places. The dungeons are also VERY unforgiving and deadly so I wouldnt recomend going at it alone until you are probably at least level 15- 20 (class dependant)
Right now its Open Beta but there will not be a character wipe- So personally I am just grinding mobs for XP and trying to level my Wizard quickly (before the game goes Gold and begins adverising)- BUT I have done dungeon runs (alone and in groups) exploring and some friendly PVP. Plus trying to bank as much Gold as possible so that I may purchse a Home once the game goes live.
The World is pretty large (and what we are playing in now is 1/8 of the actual World) and systems are being tweked and tested. The "idea" isthat we will be in a three faction War with Terrirory Control and events which will effect the World. An example given by the Dev on how this will work involved capturing and holding a Goblin Camp and then sending the Goblins to attack the opposing side- This among other things which he hasnt speculated on.
There will also be systems added to attack opposing Towns (currently we have a "good" and "evil" Town) to garner some other benefit... The territory control system is not yet in place-
SO yeah- Its pretty sandboxy and the gist of the "game" will come from us The Players... But the Quests seem well done if you are looking for some direction. You can also craft/mine/tailor and all that good stuff with a crafter Character but I have not yet done that yet and that is a whole nother game in itself it seems. Crafters will be VITAL to the World but CANNOT fight and have to use stealth and subterfuge to stay alive.
I would recomend hitting the Global chat. The game is quite complex and the learning curve steep and even if you are just reading what others are asking or doing it will help- There are Dragons to Slay, Magicks to learn and even talk of curses and such being added to game. Plus the game is a work in progress and suggestions and comments are taken seriously.
As far as things to kill- Oh boy. They are there. Probably head South to Wolven wood and fight Wolves or kill deer at first- Plaus at night there can be different beasts...
I will be glad to give you a tour of the land and introduce you to some cool people but I wont be on today I dont think... Well Maybe I will =P
But my name is Eppenguar in game.
I know I am not doing the game justice here, and there is so much to do- I am jusr...Blah today =/
EDIT/ADD- Also not that these dungeons are not "typical" run through and slay everything- You need to supply yourself properly from town (bring food/potions/extra weapons/reagents/etc.) and you must slowly make your way through them and often take "rests" to heal between battles. These are deadly mazez- REAL DUNGEONS and personally are a complete blast to try to defeat (hidden doors/switches and all)