hello - i absolutely loved the concept of this game when it came out (and funcom's other work [AO, dreamfall]), but simply couldn't afford it on my shoestring budget.
and now at 30 bucks it's taking a massive amount of self-control to not just take out my debit card and buy it on the spot. like many people nowadays, i have to really watch what i can spend, so if i could just get some time to really soak in the atmosphere / vibe (and almost inevitably sign onto funcom's website and purchase afterwards), i would be immensely grateful. i would be letting my partner take a look at it too, so that'd be two new players who would benefit from this buddy key!
yes, that was kind of grovling. so, i'll just give my email - [email protected] - and hopefully some of you still have keys left over.
Would love to try this game out!! Major MMORPG gamer, anyone with a spare buddy key please pass on? I promise to do the same if I buy it. [email protected] Thanks
I would LOVE a buddy key. I'm not sure if my laptop will run it, even after comparing system specs. I seem to be on the border between playable and not so I want to try it out before I buy Please send one over anyone who has an extra one handy.
I would love a gamekey if someone is willing. I am finally getting back into MMO's and I wanted to try something different than your normal "shoot 20 orcs in the face and then pick some flowers" type of game. If anyone is willing to send me a key, I woul appreciate it. Thank you.
hi there , really intrigued by this game and before shelling out 25 quid i was hoping there was a kind sharing person that has a buddy code so i may look before i buy .. thanks kindly ,, my email is [email protected] thanks kindly
Just was curious about getting two possible keys. My fiancee wants to try a game with me and this one interested her. So I would like to be able to let her have a trial with me. Appreciate help from any one or two that can help out with that. Thanks.
Would like to try this game before I fully buy just a shame they don't do the 3day trials anymore.
If there are any spare buddy keys going I would be very grateful if considered.
[email protected]
hello - i absolutely loved the concept of this game when it came out (and funcom's other work [AO, dreamfall]), but simply couldn't afford it on my shoestring budget.
and now at 30 bucks it's taking a massive amount of self-control to not just take out my debit card and buy it on the spot. like many people nowadays, i have to really watch what i can spend, so if i could just get some time to really soak in the atmosphere / vibe (and almost inevitably sign onto funcom's website and purchase afterwards), i would be immensely grateful. i would be letting my partner take a look at it too, so that'd be two new players who would benefit from this buddy key!
yes, that was kind of grovling. so, i'll just give my email - [email protected] - and hopefully some of you still have keys left over.
thanks for reading,
I would love to try this game before i decide to buy it. My email is [email protected] if anyone would like to offer me a buddy key.
Looking for a buddy key. Would really like to give this game a try before spending the money on it. Thanks in advance
[email protected]
I wish to check game before buying it, email adress : [email protected]
Thanks in advance
I would love to try the game out, so if anyone have a free key to give, please kindly spare one for me. Ur help is much appreciated. Thank you!
my email is [email protected]
If free key is available - [email protected]
Thank You.
Found some old codes I had, not really sure if they still work, so if anyone wants to try, go ahead :-)
Hmm.... credit card info stil needed even for free trial?
If so, i will pass...
I would LOVE a buddy key. I'm not sure if my laptop will run it, even after comparing system specs. I seem to be on the border between playable and not so I want to try it out before I buy
Please send one over anyone who has an extra one handy.
[email protected]
If anyone has a spare key they could give me, I would appreciate it.
You can pm me here, I check back daily.
Very interested in trying out TSW; if anyone has a buddy key available, please send to [email protected]
Are they still doing buddy keys? If so I would love to give the game a spin. I got into the beta but never got a chance to really try it out.
[email protected]
LF for trial key please. Looking to try before I possibly buy
Mdpats at hotmail.com
I would love a gamekey if someone is willing. I am finally getting back into MMO's and I wanted to try something different than your normal "shoot 20 orcs in the face and then pick some flowers" type of game. If anyone is willing to send me a key, I woul appreciate it. Thank you.
My email is [email protected]
I keep hearing good things about this game. if anyone can offer a buddy key that would be awesome.
Hi. Looking for a buddy code/trial for this game. Wanna try before i buy!!
message me!
Just was curious about getting two possible keys. My fiancee wants to try a game with me and this one interested her. So I would like to be able to let her have a trial with me. Appreciate help from any one or two that can help out with that. Thanks.
Emails are
[email protected]
[email protected]
I have been interested in trying this game for a while. I missed out on trying it when it was subscription based and would really like to try it now.
If anyone has a spare key, I would be grateful.
[email protected]
Hi!If anyone have a key to spare i will much apreciate!
Thx in advance!
[email protected]
Hi! I would love to be able to try this game out before I buy it !
My email is [email protected]