I have 3 invites as of now, if you want one, just PM me your email.
One thing i want to say, I tried the game in beta and also when it had free trial, both times I was far from impressed. Thought the combat wasn't worth a damn and writting was over the top. Saw the game as mediocre, nothing more.
I was really bored when it went B2P and since it cost 10$ here, I was like: "Why the heck not, if I get few hours of fun out of it, it will be worth it."
Now I have few days in and I'm absolutely loving the game and thinking of buying lifetime sub. Really wasn't expecting this. LOL
What I want to say is, don't go into it looking for faults (like I did :-D ) and try to accept and enjoy the game for what it is. :-)
Edit: bought the lifetime, got 2 bonus invites, so I still have 3 left :-)
Do you still have any spare? Any chance I could grab one? Been interested since before B2P came in, but im really thinking of Buying now, but want to test it 1st.
If someone has a spare key I would love to check the game out myself before purchasing. The setting intrigues me, but I hear alot of back and forth about the combat / gameplay.
If anyone has an extra one I wouldn't mind. Haven't played since beta but bored with everything else so want to see if this can get by till something comes along.
Originally posted by TwiggLe If anyone has an extra one I wouldn't mind. Haven't played since beta but bored with everything else so want to see if this can get by till something comes along.
Hey guys really interested in this game. Would appreciate a buddy key to try this game out. If anyone has a spare key please PM me @ [email protected].
Hello, im not sure that should i buy the secret world or not, and ive been checking it from steam from time to time for couple weeks. Its price isn't bad, but i dont want to buy it before trying (luckily theres this buddy key system). So i dont just spend my money on it and then get disappointed. If someone has buddykey available, i would really appreciate it if you could send it to my email: [email protected]
Originally posted by zombie_overlord Hey guys really interested in this game. Would appreciate a buddy key to try this game out. If anyone has a spare key please PM me @ [email protected]. Thanks!
still got 3 keys left if anyones interested..only problem is i cant send to gmail for some reason..hotmail is nps sent 2 already..come and get em while you can
Originally posted by zombie_overlord Hey guys really interested in this game. Would appreciate a buddy key to try this game out. If anyone has a spare key please PM me @ [email protected]. Thanks!
Originally posted by kevjards still got 3 keys left if anyones interested..only problem is i cant send to gmail for some reason..hotmail is nps sent 2 already..come and get em while you can
people should check their spam mail, its probably in there
Do you still have any spare? Any chance I could grab one? Been interested since before B2P came in, but im really thinking of Buying now, but want to test it 1st.
Thank you
Key sent to you via PM. Enjoy!
Would love to try this game out before buying it. If anyone has an extra key i would greatly appreciate it.
[email protected]
As many others, id really like a buddykey if possible to try out the game
FC's Anarchy online was a blast so i got good hopes on this, only tried beta but it must be better now?
GW - 11 Ranger/Elementalist
- 7 Necromancer/Mesmer
I would love to have a couple buddy keys if anyone has them to spare. One for myself and one for my wife would be awesome.
Thanks in advance.
CANCEL. Purchased game. Ignore my requests now.
Looking for a buddy key so i can try before I buy. Thanks in advance
Edit: Guess it helps to have email. Send it to [email protected]
Hello, im not sure that should i buy the secret world or not, and ive been checking it from steam from time to time for couple weeks. Its price isn't bad, but i dont want to buy it before trying (luckily theres this buddy key system). So i dont just spend my money on it and then get disappointed. If someone has buddykey available, i would really appreciate it if you could send it to my email: [email protected]
Thanks in advance!.
would like one very much!
[email protected]
Sent you a key m8..not sure if you had already got one or not.
sent you a key m8
Pls send me a buddy key for [email protected]
Thank you!
i would love a buddy key too please [email protected]
Awesome thanks Kev!
people should check their spam mail, its probably in there