I pre-ordered this game and playe for a month. I left to go back to wow because I did not like the combat mechanics. I would like a key to RETURN to the game if possible so i can check out the changes?
Not sure if funcom do that, but I dont wanna pay £12 if its just the same as it was at launch.
I am suprised Funcom have not invited me back tbh
My friend says it is becasue NOTHING has changed and its still the same mess as it was at lauch lol
I can send 3 keys. Please drop me a PM here with your eMail address. 1st come 1st served ;-)
I jsut saw that the buddy keys are for 24 hours now (not sure if it's playtime or an actual day). So I guess it's best to play during the coming hollidays ;-)
I'm out of keys now. I hope someone else will post here for 3 other lucky players ;-)
Please anyone send me a buddy key. I wish to try the game before i buy, because still Im not sure if its worth and if i can find something interesting in this game.
I have played other Funcom games before. I had in Anarchy Online engineer and metaphysicist around level 100. Also played Age of Conan as a Necromancer.
I have 3 invites as of now, if you want one, just PM me your email.
One thing i want to say, I tried the game in beta and also when it had free trial, both times I was far from impressed. Thought the combat wasn't worth a damn and writting was over the top. Saw the game as mediocre, nothing more.
I was really bored when it went B2P and since it cost 10$ here, I was like: "Why the heck not, if I get few hours of fun out of it, it will be worth it."
Now I have few days in and I'm absolutely loving the game and thinking of buying lifetime sub. Really wasn't expecting this. LOL
What I want to say is, don't go into it looking for faults (like I did :-D ) and try to accept and enjoy the game for what it is. :-)
Edit: bought the lifetime, got 2 bonus invites, so I still have 3 left :-)
I pre-ordered this game and playe for a month. I left to go back to wow because I did not like the combat mechanics. I would like a key to RETURN to the game if possible so i can check out the changes?
Not sure if funcom do that, but I dont wanna pay £12 if its just the same as it was at launch.
I am suprised Funcom have not invited me back tbh
My friend says it is becasue NOTHING has changed and its still the same mess as it was at lauch lol
Not sure these are still working, but there's a free trial on the TSW website. Give it a whirl.
I would appreciate a buddy key very much if anyone has an extra one.
Thanks in advance!
All out, but here's a good deal on the game:
Best Regards, ...
Can I get a buddy key too please?
-- Edit: Got one from Reizla! Thanks.
Now waiting for the download, damn is that a large one before you can start.
can i have buddy key pls i want try before buy
I can send 3 keys. Please drop me a PM here with your eMail address. 1st come 1st served ;-)
I jsut saw that the buddy keys are for 24 hours now (not sure if it's playtime or an actual day). So I guess it's best to play during the coming hollidays ;-)
I'm out of keys now. I hope someone else will post here for 3 other lucky players ;-)
Hey guys, I'd love to try this game if anyone has a beta key.
Email is: [email protected]
Thanks. :]
If there is still anyone with a buddy key to spare I would love to try the game out before I buy it.
My Email is: [email protected]
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps out a fellow gamer.
Please anyone send me a buddy key. I wish to try the game before i buy, because still Im not sure if its worth and if i can find something interesting in this game.
I have played other Funcom games before. I had in Anarchy Online engineer and metaphysicist around level 100. Also played Age of Conan as a Necromancer.
I would also love to have a buddy key if possible
Did not have the opportunity to take advantage of the $15 offer on Amazon.com, want to try out the game again (played in beta).
I was going to buy the game now that it no longer has a sub, but I would like to test it first. Thank you in advance
I have 3 invites as of now, if you want one, just PM me your email.
One thing i want to say, I tried the game in beta and also when it had free trial, both times I was far from impressed. Thought the combat wasn't worth a damn and writting was over the top. Saw the game as mediocre, nothing more.
I was really bored when it went B2P and since it cost 10$ here, I was like: "Why the heck not, if I get few hours of fun out of it, it will be worth it."
Now I have few days in and I'm absolutely loving the game and thinking of buying lifetime sub. Really wasn't expecting this. LOL
What I want to say is, don't go into it looking for faults (like I did :-D ) and try to accept and enjoy the game for what it is. :-)
Edit: bought the lifetime, got 2 bonus invites, so I still have 3 left :-)
Edit2: all keys gone...