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My first impressions

reanorreanor Member UncommonPosts: 441

Pre-ordered and got 6 + 2 months sub + master package. Its a great game if you play it with friend(s). Otherwise not so much. Funcom portrays TSW as something you've never done before in your life. I am not sure which zombie booze they have got themselves drunk with. Game mechanics is a regular quest system. They have cutscenes and good story element like in LOTRO. Customization is ok I guess, but I'd say its lacking. Crafting system is very boring and falls behind because you can get everything from questing and looting.

Setting is great, great graphics and pretty much everything that is not related to game mechanics is great. But looting, combat, crafting, PvP all those are so so. Some games have it done better others worse. TSW is somewhere in the middle. Presentation is great but after you play a bit you start running into bugged quests that dont advance, lack of customization (while Item Store has huge inventory of cosmetic clothes you will find little to none of those in game until you reach specifc faction standing or get a specific achievement).

All in all - good fun with friends. Even though a lot of quest objectives are not shared between team members so you have to do them multiple times for each team member. Dungeons are fun, but pretty much everything gets to the same as on surface except mobs have more HP and Boss int he end sometimes has 'some' strategy behind killing it.

As further you get in game as duller it becomes. Seems likes a regular case of beginning levels polished like in every MMO and then higher level contect gets dull with time.


  • andypandyrandypandyr Member UncommonPosts: 89

    I'm sorry but the more I read of your post , the duller it became ...  ;)

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