You explore, find rare items and sell them for godly prices. I also like to explore because it helps me find mobs, better passageways (don't know if that's one or two words) to other cities, etc.
It's fun. I like to solo, and exploring is a good way to solo and get things.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
Your type is: EKA. 1% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Shots out!
_________________________________ Vic - "Androzzi here" John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open." Vic - "So close it for me!" John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
Roh Ro! I'm OUTTED .. There goes my fluffy bunny facade ..
Bartle quotient - results (respondent #215241)
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 215241 to take it.
Your type is: KSE. 2% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows: Killer 73% Socializer 60% Explorer 46% Achiever 20%
People of type KSE play the following MUDs. Click on the name to see the MudConnectory entry, and on the profile to see detailed statistics from the database:
Thieves World (30% of 10 are KSE) The Oracle of Delphi (25% of 8 are KSE) Banished Lands (22% of 9 are KSE) Mortal Realms (19% of 26 are KSE) Balzhur (18% of 11 are KSE) Following known mud.people most closely match your profile (number describes relative difference):
Richard Woolcock - Creator of Godwars (12) Benny Theisen - Provider of German translation (16) Damion Schubert - Lead Designer of Ultima Online 2 and Meridian 59 (26) Brandon A. Downey - Co-creator of this test (38)
Guess what? I share the same personality type as Richard Woolcock. Guess what? I used to play Godwars :P (character name was Dana Scully). I even became someone to be ph33r3d at one point. Ah! Glory days that have sadly passed. Now I'd rather be sat somewhere like East Commonlands, gossiping like some 13 discussing a school crush on TSO.
KSE? Make new friends and KILL EM' ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem.
Regards, Riotgirl
Just .. have .. to .. resist .. that .. powergamer .. inside .. of .. me ..
"she's like this cleavagey, slut-bomb walking around going 'oh, check me out. i'm wicked cool. i'm five by five'."
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
You explore, find rare items and sell them for godly prices. I also like to explore because it helps me find mobs, better passageways (don't know if that's one or two words) to other cities, etc.
It's fun. I like to solo, and exploring is a good way to solo and get things.
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
what if u don't know where u are....and u get hit by an urber train...and die
where are you going to get ur corpse?
*cough cough*
I always know where I am... And when I hear "choo choo" I get my 3l337 arse out of the way.
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
lol...but what if someone sneeks up behind you..and pk's you?
what then?
I'm always playing in 3rd person view and I know what's going on. . . I did the whole UO thing for years, I know how to run!
If someone can PK... they are pretty good then.
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
what if they are a ranger..and start shooting arrows at you..?
or what if they are a mage...and start nuking u from far?
what if they root you?
and they kill you?
what then?
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
I'm 4% AKE. Hehe
Your type is: EKA. 1% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Shots out!
Vic - "Androzzi here"
John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
Vic - "So close it for me!"
John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
Your type is: SEK. 4% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Yeah...I never did achieve much in any game I played...;)
-.:You think I'm beautiful; beautifully insane:.-
-.:You think I'm beautiful; beautifully insane:.-
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 215112 to take it.
Your type is: KAE. 6% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
....Great post BTW Djin
"A good man knows his limits, a Great man knows he has none...."
"A good man knows his limits, a Great man knows he has none...."
Your type is: ASE. 3% of respondents so far fall into that type.
haha i beat you ALL in acheiving...
(then why is my highest char a level 34?)
Roh Ro! I'm OUTTED .. There goes my fluffy bunny facade ..
Guess what? I share the same personality type as Richard Woolcock. Guess what? I used to play Godwars :P (character name was Dana Scully). I even became someone to be ph33r3d at one point. Ah! Glory days that have sadly passed. Now I'd rather be sat somewhere like East Commonlands, gossiping like some 13 discussing a school crush on TSO.
KSE? Make new friends and KILL EM' ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
Just .. have .. to .. resist .. that .. powergamer .. inside .. of .. me ..
"she's like this cleavagey, slut-bomb walking around going 'oh, check me out. i'm wicked cool. i'm five by five'."
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
Your type is: KEA. 3% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
What will he do next?
My Test Results:
Achiever 76%
Socializer 60%
Explorer 60%
Killer 6%
I seem to like everything.
ASK-53%-acheiver/socializer/killer 40%-explorer
closest to damien schubert, lead designer of ultima online 2.
whatever that means..
KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod's forums.