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Can't Find a Thread on The Unreal Engine 4?!?!

TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498

Wanted to know what you guys thought about it. First search result on YouTube.


If there is another thread on it, feel free to redirect me pls :)


  • KenFisherKenFisher Member UncommonPosts: 5,035

    Sweet vid!  I can only imagine how much hardware it takes to run.

    Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security.  I don't Forum PVP.  If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident.  When I don't understand, I ask.  Such is not intended as criticism.
  • TheLizardbonesTheLizardbones Member CommonPosts: 10,910

    With the new lens flares, they could make STO look like the movie!

    But wow. The rendering is awesome, but the tools they're using themselves are really, really cool.

    I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.

  • TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498

    Word is, it's better than the CryENGINE 3.

    I'm sitting here imagining lightsabers in that demo, drooling.

  • zellmerzellmer Member UncommonPosts: 442

    Well,  it depends really..

    If you saw Square Enix's new engine then Unreal 4's video then you're left shaking your head at how much worse Unreal 4's is..

    Tons of particle effects and lens flares don't make it look better....


    Guess we'll see once they release more footage, but as it stands "MEH"


  • AnnwynAnnwyn Member UncommonPosts: 2,854
    Originally posted by zellmer

    Well,  it depends really..

    If you saw Square Enix's new engine then Unreal 4's video then you're left shaking your head at how much worse Unreal 4's is..

    Tons of particle effects and lens flares don't make it look better....


    Guess we'll see once they release more footage, but as it stands "MEH"


    I believe what Square Enix showed with the Luminous Engine was CGI cinematics. What you're seeing with UE4 is actual in-game graphics. Still, both engine will require very powerful platforms for players to run games at their maximum setting.

  • Kaijin2k3Kaijin2k3 Member Posts: 558
    Originally posted by zellmer

    Well,  it depends really..

    If you saw Square Enix's new engine then Unreal 4's video then you're left shaking your head at how much worse Unreal 4's is..

    Tons of particle effects and lens flares don't make it look better....


    Guess we'll see once they release more footage, but as it stands "MEH"


    Well Square's tech demo was more impressive graphically. But this one gets me far more excited since it's the actual editor that is being showed.

    I know I'll be using this in the future, so some of the things shown make me... well, giddy ^^

    Now I wonder if they made any changes to the material editor, or if that'll be the same as 3.x...

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