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TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498

I really like doing it in MMO's, especially since there's often enough a good reason for it. Like avoiding giving that asshat opposite faction enemy the satisfaction of getting the kill or the points. Even just wanting to head back to a rez location or nearby town / city.

What I really don't like is that I usually have to find a cliff, or the rare time there is a / command for it in-game. wouldn't it be great to have a PROPER suicide move, dagger comes out, slit your own throat or wrists, or even the femoral artery full on animation etc...

I hate having to run around looking for cliffs or creatures to beat on me while I lay down and auto get up and lay down again. Even assisted suicide would be cool, you just prompt a party member or nearby friend and they whip out what looks like a morphine I.V drip and you just DIE.

ANYWAY <.< lol not too much to ask, letting me take myself out. It's not like violence is such a huge issue considering the nature of these games isn't to pet furry pretty animals. The very way you level is by murdering what I consider to be passive and peaceful creatures.

C'mon peeps, back me up, suicide is great right?


  • ToxiaToxia Member UncommonPosts: 1,308

    Not sure if serious...

    The Deep Web is sca-ry.

  • Branko2307Branko2307 Member UncommonPosts: 346

    cool story bro...


    Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum!! ~Planescape: Torment~

  • CavemanBECavemanBE Member UncommonPosts: 78

    3 words "You need help" LOL

  • MexorillaMexorilla Member Posts: 313

    it's not worth it.  go talk to someone.  

  • TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498
    I'm sure my mind is riddled with psychological issues but, really? I didnt think I'd be alone on this one, then again I suppose one is always alone when committing the /suicide lol
  • GTwanderGTwander Member UncommonPosts: 6,035

    I've dabbled with it in design before, namely in horror settings. In one concept you are a ghost that possesses NPCs and use their bodies as a kind of HP buffer, and to enter the 'hell realm' you have to ride alongside the NPC's death - meaning you'd usually have to go to a tall building and jump. I put high suicide rates in the lore specifically because I figured players would do this, but returning from the hell realm requires a 'mercykill' from another player, ensuring that no matter the case, somebody has to stick behind in order to safely usher people out of there.

    Was an interesting document, for sure.


    ~I also got a book I always wanted to write about teen angst + suicide leading to a kind of "groundhog's day" time reversal mechanic, but they'd never publish it. Well, if I could guarantee dollar signs without the risk of class action lawsuits filed by every parent whose kid popped themselves, regardless of whether the victims read it or not. It's a risky subject, to say the least.

    (Yes, I have a f**ked up mind)

    Writer / Musician / Game Designer

    Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
    Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture

  • TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498
    Originally posted by GTwander

    I've dabbled with it in design before, namely in horror settings. In one concept you are a ghost that possesses NPCs and use their bodies as a kind of HP buffer, and to enter the 'hell realm' you have to ride alongside the NPC's death - meaning you'd usually have to go to a tall building and jump. I put high suicide rates in the lore specifically because I figured players would do this, but returning from the hell realm requires a 'mercykill' from another player, ensuring that no matter the case, somebody has to stick behind in order to safely usher people out of there.
    Was an interesting document, for sure.


    +1 someone who understands.
  • AmarantharAmaranthar Member EpicPosts: 5,852

    Kids these days don't know how good they have it.

    We used to walk 10 miles to the Dragon Den and back every day, uphill both ways, through 3 feet of blood and gore, with a 1500# backpack forcing us to a walk, and with no mounts or extra cash shop back packs. And we couldn't walk off a cliff to respawn back in town!

    We were real men. You kids these days......

    Once upon a time....

  • inmysightsinmysights Member UncommonPosts: 451

    Originally posted by Amaranthar

    Kids these days don't know how good they have it.

    We used to walk 10 miles to the Dragon Den and back every day, uphill both ways, through 3 feet of blood and gore, with a 1500# backpack forcing us to a walk, and with no mounts or extra cash shop back packs. And we couldn't walk off a cliff to respawn back in town!

    We were real men. You kids these days......

    oh...and dont forget the train to zone to start that trek back into town! image

    I am so good, I backstabbed your face!

  • AmarantharAmaranthar Member EpicPosts: 5,852

    Originally posted by inmysights

    Originally posted by Amaranthar

    Kids these days don't know how good they have it.

    We used to walk 10 miles to the Dragon Den and back every day, uphill both ways, through 3 feet of blood and gore, with a 1500# backpack forcing us to a walk, and with no mounts or extra cash shop back packs. And we couldn't walk off a cliff to respawn back in town!

    We were real men. You kids these days......

    oh...and dont forget the train to zone to start that trek back into town! image

    And the PKer gauntlet on the way. image

    Once upon a time....

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505

    This is why MMORPGs need a death penalty that has meaning... if you die there needs to be somthing really bad that happens to you none of this instant rez back in your home town with all your gear..

    Then maybe this stupid crap of killing yourself will stop..

  • AmarantharAmaranthar Member EpicPosts: 5,852

    Originally posted by Caldrin

    This is why MMORPGs need a death penalty that has meaning... if you die there needs to be somthing really bad that happens to you none of this instant rez back in your home town with all your gear..

    Then maybe this stupid crap of killing yourself will stop..

    I agree. It's not just that either. Remember the times you watched someone throw themselves at death time and time again to wear down a MOB and eventually beat it. Such senseless game play. Death means nothing, it's just another means to "win". Of course they've come up with equally senseless answers to that one (MOBs instantly regaining HPs).

    I really want a game that makes sense.

    Once upon a time....

  • timtracktimtrack Member UncommonPosts: 541

    While it probably wouldn't work very well, it would be hillarious to see all the lowbies slit their own throat as soon as a max--level-epic-gear ganker aproaches. It would probably end up with frustrated and angry gankers, and laughing lowbies.

  • tollboothtollbooth Member CommonPosts: 298

    Don't really care for the thread title, and think that the idea behind /suicide has been replaced with /stuck in most games.

  • NickraiderNickraider Member UncommonPosts: 131

    Yuppp, would be nice. a one click button that removes all gear and kills you so you don't have to make that long walk back home.


  • TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498
    Originally posted by Amaranthar

    Kids these days don't know how good they have it.
    We used to walk 10 miles to the Dragon Den and back every day, uphill both ways, through 3 feet of blood and gore, with a 1500# backpack forcing us to a walk, and with no mounts or extra cash shop back packs. And we couldn't walk off a cliff to respawn back in town!
    We were real men. You kids these days......


    Uphill BOTH WAYS! lol.
    True also about /stuck, it never used to actually kill ppl until recently, it also feels just as fake as cliff jumping, I'd like to see parts separate at the end of the fall.
  • AmarantharAmaranthar Member EpicPosts: 5,852

    Originally posted by Trionicus

    Originally posted by Amaranthar

    Kids these days don't know how good they have it.

    We used to walk 10 miles to the Dragon Den and back every day, uphill both ways, through 3 feet of blood and gore, with a 1500# backpack forcing us to a walk, and with no mounts or extra cash shop back packs. And we couldn't walk off a cliff to respawn back in town!

    We were real men. You kids these days......


    Uphill BOTH WAYS! lol. True also about /stuck, it never used to actually kill ppl until recently, it also feels just as fake as cliff jumping, I'd like to see parts separate at the end of the fall.

    Just so you know, and I'm sure lots of people never heard that one, but it's a very old joke.

    Once upon a time....

  • JabasJabas Member UncommonPosts: 1,249

    I agree with OP idea...





    ... as long result in permadeath image

  • xDayxxDayx Member Posts: 712

    Mortal Online has a suicide button, it has a 60-second countdown till you die though. Its useful if you want to turn ghost form if you are lost.

  • GoresonGoreson Member Posts: 122

    Well, hard to agree or disagree with this...

    being an old gamer, yes, I know not just the track out to your adventure zone and back but also the (gost) runs you had to do to get your body/gear back when you died.

    These days, yeah, I've let monsters kill me just because it took me back straight to a city saving me a long track...

    and I've mostly done so because there was little in negative "feedback" to that "suicide": some damage to gear? Easily repaired. And no XP lost. At all!


    to be honest, I think if my character would suffer more from being killed/dying (in which case I'd care more about him), and assuming that "travel" is made "easier" (don't get me wrong, no istant *pop* and you are there all the time but also not running for 30 min just to get to a vendor you can sell your loot to and then back 30 min just to continue your quest), yeah, I would skip the whole "suicide" bit...

    but as it is rather convinient in most games these days... *shrug*

    Maybe they should include a feature where you can get pack mules and servants when killing (in PvE) sop that rather than having your small backpack you can load all that loot up on your mules and potentially even send your servant back home to sell the junk and then come back to me...

    or I could just play SWTOR and shoo my companion off to sell all my gray stuff... *shrugs again*

  • BizkitNLBizkitNL Member RarePosts: 2,546

    I refuse to die in games. I do die, obviously, but I dont let it go cheap. Not even for a shortcut.

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505

    Originally posted by xDayx

    Mortal Online has a suicide button, it has a 60-second countdown till you die though. Its useful if you want to turn ghost form if you are lost.

    Yes but you then loose all your gear and loose stat points in HP/Stam/man until to rest back up... then to top it off your still in exactly the same spot just as a ghost.. ah there is a return to nearest priest but that could get you even more lost LOL.. plus most people are slower in ghost form so not only do you loose all your gear, get stat loss, get lost your also really slow and it can be annoying having the world all grey and wobbly..


    This is a perfect example of a good death penalty..

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