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So, BW fails again and accidentally deleted all the equipped Matrix Cubes.
At first they said that they're not knowing why, but then slowly information was dripping in, that they did infact change the way mission-items are handled... guess what... Matrix Cubes are treated like Mission Items.
So yeah, they did infact change something and didn't check back if anything related is working before the ypplkied the patch.
BW is so much of fail by now, that the shouldn't even start to make another gae for the next two or three years... just to be sure that the fail has gone away.
Please explain what these cubes do, and where yo get them and what they are used for?
Every MMO company that has ever ran a MMO for any amount of time has done the exact same thing so I guess they all fail in your book. There are millions of lines of code in a game like TOR and thousands of interdependances. While in a ideal world mistakes like this wouldn't happen they do. Either deal with it or play games where you can control the patch schedule (getting rarer all the time with things like Steam).
Relax[mod edit], one bug, which they have immediately acknowledged and plan on patching tomorrow. [mod edit]
They could certainly be foregiven if they had made a great game and then screwed some minor thing up like this. However, they made a terrible game. They are bleeding subscribers left and right. They needed to be extra careful in this kind of situation because even minor things could push their declining player base over the edge. And they failed, lol. RIP SWTOR
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I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
You locate Datacrons, some have coloured Matrix Shards in them, they can be combined at the relevant location (Jedi Temple on Repub) and depending on the colour combinations used (3 slots and 4 colours for each slot) you can create a Matrix Cube that can be slotted on your chars Relic slot.
These then enhance your stats and make you 'stronger'
Wow, north of a million subs paying what probably on average 12-14 bucks a month in sub fees is a "failed" game? Even if the game drops to 500K subs over the next 4-6 months it's still going to be a huge success for EA and a 500k sub game is still in the top 5 biggest MMO's easily.
You should know you can't come here and get away with that. We ALL know that sub counts includes the free month give-a-ways and people on trials. Even people not playing are being counted in the free month because they are eligible for it, can long in if they want to but don't. EA don't care, they can log in so they are being counted.
How stupid do you think we are that we can't see through that 1.3 million? Wasn't it just a month about they were still claiming to have 1.7 million? They lost 400k subs in a months time after having a 100% retention since launch? LOL just LOL!
Don't give me that drivvle.
SWTOR has the biggest budget in gaming history. This game should shit diamonds, instead we got this.
First it was:
"1.7 million is failing, huh? Suck it haters!"
Now it's:
"1.3 is very successful! Go troll somewhere else!"
Soon, it will be:
"...500k is pretty good, right guys?.... Guys?"