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The graphics on this game look very promising I must say... Lets hope the mechanics match..
Have a look at the screens here:-
Its an exciting time for us gamers.. From the screens it appears the game is well into the development cycle..
You haven't really been following the forums lately, have you?
This was leaked days ago and has been all over these forums, might want to do a search next time before posting a new thread.
World of Skyrim: Kill 10 rats and we give you the key to join a boring raid! But don't let that get in the way of faction point farming. You still have 1000000 mobs to kill to get that new epic!
Are you a Pavlovian Fish Biscuit Addict? Get Help Now!

I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
Thanks OP, yeah it was posted before but there's not a thing that doesn't get re-hashed here at least as many times as Themeparks have levels.
I'm waiting to see the details. It does seem like it's likely another Thenepark, but it's not hard to turn a Themepark design into a Sandbox with Themepark elements, and that can be a great game if done right. We'll see. I don't have much hope in today's landscape of MMORPGs, but I'll wait for details.
Edit to add: Damn Devs, gotta have housing! And stuff to display as trophies.
Once upon a time....
Thanks for the link, OP.
I just hope they work the game with a good engine and make something worth playing out of it.
Some needs to make a mock interview video with all the spin I can see it now.
'the problem with a skill based system is that you never know if you are a fighter or a mage so with that we have updated and improved the system to include classes!'
'housing we feel is a burden to your adventuring. How can you explore when you are in your house doing house stuff? besides, doing housing like people want really isnt possible in an MMO anyway'
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
What you did there is quite visible.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
lol funny stuff because i can picture them at a meeting room saying these same exact things.
World of Warcraft is the original creation of God. Real Life is in fact a WoW clone.
Well this is the first that I have heard/seen of these screens, And I do follow the site pretty closely (was sick last week)
So thanks for the thread OP!
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More like Skyrim Wars.
There's a big pile of rat tails behind the NPC.
And he asks you to stop the invasion of rats.