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GW2 My impression of your impression

TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498

[mod edit] . You guys really LOVE GW2, so much so that it's making me think I should try it.

I swear it's like you guys had a second Christmas or something. I only have one small problem, the only consistant thing I read or hear is that combat is AWESOME. That's it really, nothing else of note. Then again, I tend to skim when I read. Anyway can I get a GW2 fanboy [mod edit]   point me to where I can find the most informational post about this game.

Truth is, if the only improvement is jerky combat then [mod edit] I only have one more shit game in me before I have to quit MMO's forever.

Alternatively I have to admit, after watching some of the beta vids on the Tube it looks 1million times better then swtor, [mod edit] 


  • MeowheadMeowhead Member UncommonPosts: 3,716

    There's a couple stickies in here that might come in handy.

    The exploration factor and the dynamic events (What they ACTUALLY do, not what people who dislike the game pretend it was supposed to do so they can say it didn't do that) are both pretty nice too, just to point out a couple things that caught my eye.

    The aesthetics is a total YMMV sort of thing.

  • TrionicusTrionicus Member UncommonPosts: 498

    Originally posted by Alot

    This should do the trick.

    Not to be clichè but that was perfect.

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