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Just looking for a good mmo, thats mildly addictive. to play with someone.. most of my friends that i generally game with have moved away or just dont like mmo's sooo im reaching out here to make some new friends and find a game. ill include a list of games ive played. and some likes and dislikes.!
Aion, loved it when it first hit then the grind kinda draged on so long i got bored.
L2. Loved this game.. when i played there was a Internet radio on the main site it was good. but kinda dead nowdays.
Lotro.. Liked the setting mostly.. but the having to buy content kinda kills it for me.
DDo, played for 2 weeks with a friend and then he quit and so did i.. never got to enjoy it.
WoW, Played to cap on 3-5 toons.. killed raid bosses had fun. cata first patch hit... i left
EQ2 loved it when it was P2p had alot of fun with a cat paladin.. tryed playing again just seemed dead ..
LoL. still play occationally when im bored at work...
C9 Beta, just played this recently.. seems kinda stale compared to me..
Maple Story.. played it when i was younger got tired of the side scroll fast..
theres been a few other just can pop them off the top of my head.. im open to any suggestions.. I wanna meet some cool peeps. soo give me your game and why i should come play with ya! thanks!
I've been looking for an MMO parter as well, so if you decide on a game I'm down
I've been playing Aion lately, Its pretty fun, but I just get bored a lot because I have nobody to talk to/play with.
I've been thinking about Lotro...starting out as a ftp player...then I'll decide if I want to subscribe, still not sure though...I've played a lot of other F2P mmo's, too. The main reason I quit so many of them is because I have nobody to play with haha, most of my friends are waiting for Tera, but I'm still not sure about that game either. me at [email protected], or just reply here.
I am in the same boat. Maybe we can just bounce between F2P MMOs until one catches our fancy.
I have played most of them and I am willing to try whatever. Have either of you played Allods Online? I had a lot of fun with that one for a long time and I played solo. Just a suggestion though. I am up for anything.
It's gotten to the point where some MMOs have been reduced to little more than success dispensers. Don't think. Don't challenge yourself. Do as little as possible... but still be rewarded for it. Yeah.. *that's* fun.
-- WSIMike
I played Allods for about a month, I don't know whats changed or new with it, but I was pretty bored with it. I felt like it was WoW with a different storyline...
im down to start a mmo with someone who is active .. add me on my aim scheme7
ive played like every mmo out threre so we would have to come to a agreement xD
Well, how about we just each post a list of what we may be interested in and then choose from there?
Off the top of my head the following free games would interest me (they are in no particular order):
Fallen Earth
Everquest 2 (Play on the Freeport server, lots of people still play there)
Runes of Magic
Dungeons and Dragons Online
Lord of the Rings
Star Trek Online
Allods Online
Forsaken World
DC Universe
City of Heroes
Realms Online
It's gotten to the point where some MMOs have been reduced to little more than success dispensers. Don't think. Don't challenge yourself. Do as little as possible... but still be rewarded for it. Yeah.. *that's* fun.
-- WSIMike
Interesting. I've tried every game on the list except the hero mmos, which doesn't really appeal to me that much. I enjoyed the games more or less, forsaken world maybe not so much. The controls and combat is just weird and not smooth enough.