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No thanks BW

Ok so I logged in with my Sentinal to get my free week. First I had to reset all my skill points... great. I'm on Tatooine. Next I had to go back into the starport to my ship to pick up story mission (at least now I can ride my speeder through the starport to save time, get into ship) take off, etc... pick up mission 'Go to Tatooine...' er ok, so why did I just take off? Back to Tatooine, story mission looks familiar. I figure I'll just play the story this week on my characters.

Go to the 'crashed Jedi ship site'

It's a mission i've already done! The game has rolled back. So 3 Sith Harrowers to kill, tough to kill first time for a Sentinal, kill one, next one kills me, I decide I can't be bothered to go through all this again. Log out.

Bye Bioware. Thanks for the free time, but no thanks. It's the irritating things like that that keep me away. I wanted to spend some time playing SWtoR this week, give it a second chance, but five minutes in and it disappoints again (more like ten minutes but the other five was spent staring at load screens).



  • djmtottdjmtott Member Posts: 177

    Dear Matt,

               Thanks for helping us recoup our development costs by purchasing Star Wars: The Old Republic.


    Your favorite game company, EA

  • MckiedizMckiediz Member Posts: 48
    So you quit because you are too lazy to do a 5-minutes easy quest again?
  • arctarusarctarus Member UncommonPosts: 2,581
    Op, why don't you group up if its difficult?

    RIP Orc Choppa

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420

    Originally posted by Mckiediz

    So you quit because you are too lazy to do a 5-minutes easy quest again?


    No I quit because I shouldn't have to do it again.

  • elockeelocke Member UncommonPosts: 4,335

    OP has a point.  I tried to play yesterday a bit too, see if it would draw me in.  It's lacking compelling gameplay.  For me, it's the lack of epic music playing and the dull planet feel.  There are no vistas around the corner to draw my eyes and make me go OOH, unlike other games that always give me something nice to look at.  SWTOR has some good points...but it's lacking in the most important and basic of what draws me into these types of games.  Immersion and Exploration.

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420

    Originally posted by elocke

    OP has a point.  I tried to play yesterday a bit too, see if it would draw me in.  It's lacking compelling gameplay.  For me, it's the lack of epic music playing and the dull planet feel.  There are no vistas around the corner to draw my eyes and make me go OOH, unlike other games that always give me something nice to look at.  SWTOR has some good points...but it's lacking in the most important and basic of what draws me into these types of games.  Immersion and Exploration.


    Thanks Elocke. I think the reason I logged in today was because I really did want to like this game, and still wonder if there is something there, but it just keeps disappointing in the areas that matter. It's just not intuitive enough for me or welcoming enough, and the rollback on the mission, ok a small thing, was just the last straw.


    Time to stop bothering about this now and move on, although i'll never see the money I payed for the game or the couple of months I payed for again.

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420

    Originally posted by arctarus

    Op, why don't you group up if its difficult?


    It's not that difficult, i'd already done it once... that's the problem. In fact it's a pretty dull mission i'd rather not do again.

  • DanitaKusorDanitaKusor Member UncommonPosts: 556

    Your posts might be taken more seriously Matt if 99% of them, going back months now, weren't anti-SWTOR.  You seem to have something negative to say in every post on these focus going back to at least November.

    [mod edit]

    The Enlightened take things Lightly

  • Darklighter1Darklighter1 Member UncommonPosts: 250

    IOriginally posted by DanitaKusor

    Your posts might be taken more seriously Matt if 99% of them, going back months now, weren't anti-SWTOR.  You seem to have something negative to say in every post on these focus going back to at least November.

    [mod edit]

    I was going to say the same thing, but DanitaKusor just beat me to it.

    For everyone playing at home, OP is claiming that for MONTHS he's been bashing SWTOR every chance he gets, yet he resubs?

    I call dog doodoo....

    Sad grab at attention is sad...

  • KakkzookaKakkzooka Member Posts: 591

    Originally posted by elocke

    OP has a point.  I tried to play yesterday a bit too, see if it would draw me in.  It's lacking compelling gameplay.  For me, it's the lack of epic music playing and the dull planet feel.  There are no vistas around the corner to draw my eyes and make me go OOH, unlike other games that always give me something nice to look at.  SWTOR has some good points...but it's lacking in the most important and basic of what draws me into these types of games.  Immersion and Exploration.

    And this is why they'll never fix the game. They (EA) can't see, and the players who can't quite put their fingers on what's wrong (regardless of whether they admit it to themselves that something IS wrong) with this game - that it is the lack of ambiance and feel of an MMORPG that is the core problem.

    There is very little music on the worlds. There are minimal ambient activities taking place when you're on Coruscant or any of the other worlds. Static NPCs. It's not the damn gameplay. They ripped that off from Blizzard. It's the idiot suits who couldn't show you what a fucking MMO looks like if their very lives depended on it dictating to coders that "we can save costs without the bells and whistles."

    Any dipshit can wear a suit and tell us what they found on their marketing graphs. That doesn't make them game designers.

    It's like how the medical field is completely fucked in the United States. Asshole representatives allowed lobbyists to take over Congress, Insurance lobbyists coerced said Congresspeople to push through legislation that allowed the insurance industry to capture the medical field. Now you have jackasses with nary an I.Q. of 70 making medical decisions on behalf of your doctor.

    "Can't afford those sounds and moving NPCs. Cut them out."

    "Sorry, Mr. Smith, but replacing your heart would be too costly in the long term."

    Same concept.

    EA never had a fucking clue. They had to steal the algorithims for Madden from Bethesda to make a good football game. They've been stealing ever since. They bought BioWare and laid into this company about how to save money. Because all they care about is profit.

    Short-term profit.


    This game will be gone by December.

    Re: SWTOR

    "Remember, remember - Kakk says 'December.'"

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420

    Originally posted by Darklighter1

    IOriginally posted by DanitaKusor

    Your posts might be taken more seriously Matt if 99% of them, going back months now, weren't anti-SWTOR.  You seem to have something negative to say in every post on these focus going back to at least November.

    [mod edit]

    I was going to say the same thing, but DanitaKusor just beat me to it.

    For everyone playing at home, OP is claiming that for MONTHS he's been bashing SWTOR every chance he gets, yet he resubs?

    I call dog doodoo....

    Sad grab at attention is sad...


    I didn't resub, i'm using my free time. Read my posts properly next time please. Yes I have bashed SWotR, so what? [mod edit]

  • MortisRexMortisRex Member UncommonPosts: 350

    Originally posted by Darklighter1

    IOriginally posted by DanitaKusor

    Your posts might be taken more seriously Matt if 99% of them, going back months now, weren't anti-SWTOR.  You seem to have something negative to say in every post on these focus going back to at least November.

    Might have to point out this from the rules of conduct for this site


    • Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling on the forums.

      For example: If there is one game that you did not enjoy, voicing your opinion is encouraged. Posting this opinion in every thread concerning that game to the point that it disrupts all other conversation is not tolerated.

    I was going to say the same thing, but DanitaKusor just beat me to it.

    For everyone playing at home, OP is claiming that for MONTHS he's been bashing SWTOR every chance he gets, yet he resubs?

    I call dog doodoo....

    Sad grab at attention is sad...

    I think it's interesting that you're impugning the integrity of other posters while posting such obvious lies like yesterdays patch was "perfect" and "flawless" (your exact words).

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420

    Originally posted by MortisRex

    Originally posted by Darklighter1

    IOriginally posted by DanitaKusor

    Your posts might be taken more seriously Matt if 99% of them, going back months now, weren't anti-SWTOR.  You seem to have something negative to say in every post on these focus going back to at least November.

    Might have to point out this from the rules of conduct for this site


    • Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling on the forums.

      For example: If there is one game that you did not enjoy, voicing your opinion is encouraged. Posting this opinion in every thread concerning that game to the point that it disrupts all other conversation is not tolerated.

    I was going to say the same thing, but DanitaKusor just beat me to it.

    For everyone playing at home, OP is claiming that for MONTHS he's been bashing SWTOR every chance he gets, yet he resubs?

    I call dog doodoo....

    Sad grab at attention is sad...

    I think it's interesting that you're impugning the integrity of other posters while posting such obvious lies like yesterdays patch was "perfect" and "flawless" (your exact words).



  • SakerasoSakeraso Member Posts: 45

    Lets face it, the game isn't what everyone wanted it to be.

    In my play experience the game was more of a single player game then anything, even when you play with other plays the game has a feel of playing with all NPC's am I right? Theres not enough diversity to the game, Everyone playing the same missions, and they couldn't step up the PVP in time, They might of well just said this was our last chance.

    For the people who still enjoy the game and to the people who are really just wicked fanboys because you can't let another group of people critisize something-- GET OVER IT. The game wasn't developed properly. Everyone has a right to be mad about this, Taunting us for years making us think it would be good, Personally I thought it was shit looking even when they released the first gameplay, I bought it because I am a true fan of starwars being a true fan I have to try everything. What is sad is that SWG had a better run then this did and its dead, so that must speak really loudly to BIoware.

  • synnsynn Member UncommonPosts: 563

    Originally posted by Matt_UK

    Ok so I logged in with my Sentinal to get my free week. First I had to reset all my skill points... great. I'm on Tatooine. Next I had to go back into the starport to my ship to pick up story mission (at least now I can ride my speeder through the starport to save time, get into ship) take off, etc... pick up mission 'Go to Tatooine...' er ok, so why did I just take off? Back to Tatooine, story mission looks familiar. I figure I'll just play the story this week on my characters.

    Go to the 'crashed Jedi ship site'

    It's a mission i've already done! The game has rolled back. So 3 Sith Harrowers to kill, tough to kill first time for a Sentinal, kill one, next one kills me, I decide I can't be bothered to go through all this again. Log out.

    Bye Bioware. Thanks for the free time, but no thanks. It's the irritating things like that that keep me away. I wanted to spend some time playing SWtoR this week, give it a second chance, but five minutes in and it disappoints again (more like ten minutes but the other five was spent staring at load screens).

    I've been playing since headstart and unless they did a rollback yesterday while i was pulling 24 hour duty I don't recall any other roll backs. They didn't even do rollbacks after the whole Ilum fiasco. I might be wrong and if I am I apologize in advance but I honeslty think your full of it.


  • Four0SixFour0Six Member UncommonPosts: 1,175

    All these, "Stomp my feet and take my keyboard home" posts are starting to make me both laugh and cry.

    I find tantrums amusing, then I figure you are probably an adult and I get sad at your childish behavior.

  • Matt_UKMatt_UK Member Posts: 420

    Originally posted by synn

    Originally posted by Matt_UK

    Ok so I logged in with my Sentinal to get my free week. First I had to reset all my skill points... great. I'm on Tatooine. Next I had to go back into the starport to my ship to pick up story mission (at least now I can ride my speeder through the starport to save time, get into ship) take off, etc... pick up mission 'Go to Tatooine...' er ok, so why did I just take off? Back to Tatooine, story mission looks familiar. I figure I'll just play the story this week on my characters.

    Go to the 'crashed Jedi ship site'

    It's a mission i've already done! The game has rolled back. So 3 Sith Harrowers to kill, tough to kill first time for a Sentinal, kill one, next one kills me, I decide I can't be bothered to go through all this again. Log out.

    Bye Bioware. Thanks for the free time, but no thanks. It's the irritating things like that that keep me away. I wanted to spend some time playing SWtoR this week, give it a second chance, but five minutes in and it disappoints again (more like ten minutes but the other five was spent staring at load screens).

    I've been playing since headstart and unless they did a rollback yesterday while i was pulling 24 hour duty I don't recall any other roll backs. They didn't even do rollbacks after the whole Ilum fiasco. I might be wrong and if I am I apologize in advance but I honeslty think your full of it.



    I didn't say they did any other roll backs. I said I noticed one today. I didn't play yesterday so it's probably the one you mention. So, i'm not full of it. I don't lie. Thanks for the apology.

This discussion has been closed.