It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.
There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.
thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.
There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you do search you will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search. Infact there is one 35 minute long video of gameplay from this very month.
Also i wouldn't knock it without playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.
why would you think I haven't played it... NDA! all I can say >.<
Because you anyways said a lot;) NDA means you are not even supposed to talk about NDA
I am pretty sure you can say there is an NDA....
I am fairly sure that their NDA says you can't say NDA. because you cant' admit that you are in Beta under the NDA in the 1st place. You have clearly implied that you are in the beta.
I am truly not trying to be a jerk, please don't think I am, but I am just telling you that you should consider being more careful.
I have no idea who you really are, but that doesn't mean someone can't figure it out somewhere. (someone you know)
There is a reason FC is giving so many "pay extra" options before the release. They have failed twice now, they know their reputation is complete crap. The fact the offered all these extra options for more $ ( on top of box and sub fees) shows to me they are just trying to get as much money as they can right away. They probably don't have a lot of confidence themselves in their own game.
FUncom learned with both of their previous titles to get as much as you can BEFORE the game launches....What still amazes me is how many gamers will just hand over money blindly without hardly knowing a single thing about what they are buying.
It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.
There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.
thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.
There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you do search you will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search. Infact there is one 35 minute long video of gameplay from this very month.
Also i wouldn't knock it without playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.
why would you think I haven't played it... NDA! all I can say >.<
Because you anyways said a lot;) NDA means you are not even supposed to talk about NDA
I am pretty sure you can say there is an NDA....
I am fairly sure that their NDA says you can't say NDA. because you cant' admit that you are in Beta under the NDA in the 1st place. You have clearly implied that you are in the beta.
I am truly not trying to be a jerk, please don't think I am, but I am just telling you that you should consider being more careful.
I have no idea who you really are, but that doesn't mean someone can't figure it out somewhere. (someone you know)
actually I said I cant say because of NDA, everything I said was visible in the vids listed. I dont imply anything here I meant that you shouldn't assume that I hadn't played.. especially when I can't say if I had because of NDA
Actually you are right.. funcom HAS infact learned from their previous releases and are in position to revolutionize the genre.. something i am certain scares the crap out of most of you eho have spewn nothing but bad vibes and troll bait... god forbid youde have to learn a different way to play an mmo.. gw2 offers you the same wow clone crap you all complain about but un mindlessly to as the "way it should be" you talk about no informatinlon or hype being releaseed when in fact much detail has been.. i also think fc hasnt hyped their game to those who were mmo-born in the WoW era... thats not their target demographic. Will the game go free to play? Its not even a question that should ne asked... the game hasnt released.. thus , many of your points are extremely bias, and linear, much like the way many of you game. Anyways i guess we will see which upcoming mmo offers the chang of pace which MANY OF US seek.
I have been a long-time fan of Funcom... unlike many people who nitt-pick the crap out of funcom and their games, it truly is the ONLY company to offer something different and revolutionary to the genre with each game... We need more FUNCOMS ... not more Blizzards and Anets... I dont make tons of money, but I wanted to support funcom for trying a brand new spin on the genre through TSW... such balls (regardless of whether it works or not) deserves to be supported.. especially in a genre full of clones trying to be EQ or WoW... This game is being done unlike any game before its time.. for the amount of time they have been working on it (4 - 5 years anyone?), I believe this game will be good at launch, and spectacular in time. WHO ELSE BOUGHT LifeTime?!
Honestly "different" I would have to say is relative to the person viewing the rpoduct because Funcom doesn't strike me as revolutionary in the least. While the first mmo they made certainly had a different setting I don't know of anything that really sets it apart from other mmo's in terms of actual gameplay. and AOC in theme and in many game play elements offers not much different than some of the games and companies you dismiss. I like the concept that I've seen surrounding TSW but it hasn't blown me away by any stretch.
But these to me aren't even Funcoms biggest problems what are is the history of the mmo releases they have had problems abound from the beginning in both and some of the other problems faced by AOC went further to me like advertised features on the box not being in game and so much of the story elements dropping out after tortage while reviews hardly touched on anything beyond it (not sure if the company restricted this but i seem to remember them as having done so).
I wish them luck with this game but when companies like SOE releaseing statements claiming to have always intended to go free to play with DCUO after having taken so much money from customers I can't see myself throwing away money with a company that has shown itself to be less than forthcoming on multiple occasions.
I hope it works out for all who pre ordered but it's far too big a risk given who we are talking about.
Actually you are right.. funcom HAS infact learned from their previous releases and are in position to revolutionize the genre.. something i am certain scares the crap out of most of you eho have spewn nothing but bad vibes and troll bait... god forbid youde have to learn a different way to play an mmo.. gw2 offers you the same wow clone crap you all complain about but un mindlessly to as the "way it should be" you talk about no informatinlon or hype being releaseed when in fact much detail has been.. i also think fc hasnt hyped their game to those who were mmo-born in the WoW era... thats not their target demographic. Will the game go free to play? Its not even a question that should ne asked... the game hasnt released.. thus , many of your points are extremely bias, and linear, much like the way many of you game. Anyways i guess we will see which upcoming mmo offers the chang of pace which MANY OF US seek.
In fact implies you are talking about something that has proof behind it and to my knowledge we are still waiting for Funcom to have a first smooth release so how do you know they have learned anything?
If they have a successful this release maybe you could say that in regards to the next game after TSW but that would still give them one successful release compared to two crappy ones.
Nothing wrong with you having faith but your faith doesn't automatically become absolute no matter how hard you believe.
I cant remember the launch if any mmo being spectaular... they all lack in some area... if its not buggy, it has no content and is easily branded as a wos clone or korean grindfest. It is usual for complex games to have difficult launches.. AO was exactly that. No other mmo requored the brains that AO took.. also in AoC it took quite a bit of skill to pvp effectively, something people werent used to.. yes indeecld every game they have released has been different and definitely not Ez mode
If you fork out $200+ for ANYTHING your yet to even see outside of developer/press marketing you are the sole reason why the MMO genre has bcome nothing more than a bait and switch cash grab. Congrats.
Actually you are right.. funcom HAS infact learned from their previous releases and are in position to revolutionize the genre.. something i am certain scares the crap out of most of you eho have spewn nothing but bad vibes and troll bait... god forbid youde have to learn a different way to play an mmo.. gw2 offers you the same wow clone crap you all complain about but un mindlessly to as the "way it should be" you talk about no informatinlon or hype being releaseed when in fact much detail has been.. i also think fc hasnt hyped their game to those who were mmo-born in the WoW era... thats not their target demographic. Will the game go free to play? Its not even a question that should ne asked... the game hasnt released.. thus , many of your points are extremely bias, and linear, much like the way many of you game. Anyways i guess we will see which upcoming mmo offers the chang of pace which MANY OF US seek.
How do you know they have learned from their previous releases? where is the proof of that? seems like we would have to wait until TSW is released to even talk about them learning anything.
"Much detail has been released"...lets examine, you know alot about how the game is supposed to work. You have seen montages of developers playing the game or taking other people through specific parts of the game, which actually dont look that groundbreaking at all. Have you seen any footage of people enjoying the game by themselves, doing what they want and trying out the game's ideas on their own? Have you seen articles from people doing that?
I pre-ordered on day one, but even being a fan of Funcom, i didn't go for lifetime. Fact is that there are plenty of reasons why I may not end up sticking with the game. For example, while I quite enjoyed AoC at launch and played it for a few months, it simply turned out to be a lot more PvP-focused than I like in my games. Nothing wrong with that as I'm sure many people enjoy PvP, however, i do not, so because the game had more of a PvP focus, it ended up being not for me.
I see the same potential with TSW. There is a lot of talk of 3-way PvP and massive battles and such.. if this ends up being the focus of the game, I probably won't stick around. I enjoy PvE and buy MMOs to partake in PvE. So for me to stay with a game for more than a year, it needs to be heavily PvE focused.
Now, if funcom ever announces AO2, i'm willing to pay $200 for lifetime based on announcement alone
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Tried: AO,EQ,EQ2,DAoC,SWG,AA,SB,HZ,CoX,PS,GA,TR,IV,GnH,EVE, PP,DnL,WAR,MxO,SWG,FE,VG,AoC,DDO,LoTRO,Rift,TOR,Aion,Tera,TSW,GW2,DCUO,CO,STO Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall Currently Playing: ESO
I wouldnt say that. I guess 200$we is alot when your working at mcd's but i myself (luckily) dont work there and am able to support funcom through money from my own business. Funcom knows this is their last chance to release a grea tproduct starting at launch. 200 dollars is 2 pennies in the grand scheme of things.. but if my 200$own will help pay wages to work overtime to make sure theirfinal effort one in which will brwak the mold, i am willing to support ir.
I wouldnt say that. I guess 200$we is alot when your working at mcd's but i myself (luckily) dont work there and am able to support funcom through money from my own business. Funcom knows this is their last chance to release a grea tproduct starting at launch. 200 dollars is 2 pennies in the grand scheme of things.. but if my 200$own will help pay wages to work overtime to make sure theirfinal effort one in which will brwak the mold, i am willing to support ir.
Your own business, huh? That business wouldn't entail uhh... "online community management" now, would it?
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I cant remember the launch if any mmo being spectaular... they all lack in some area... if its not buggy, it has no content and is easily branded as a wos clone or korean grindfest. It is usual for complex games to have difficult launches.. AO was exactly that. No other mmo requored the brains that AO took.. also in AoC it took quite a bit of skill to pvp effectively, something people werent used to.. yes indeecld every game they have released has been different and definitely not Ez mode
To say that you can't remember the launch of any mmo being spectacular is relative and at the least we can atleast rate games by release as in better or worse. From my experience games like LOTRO,COH,EVE(from what I hear) had relatively smooth releases games like Vanguard,AO,and AOC had some of the worse.
I do agree it seems that some of the games that try for complexity seem to have worse releases. Honestly though I'm a consumer and if I consume a good I expect a certain level of quality one that Funcom has yet to reach while many other mmo's have until they get that fixed I wouldn't trust them to give them money for something I haven't seen work completely as intended.
No matter if it's an indie company or a large corporation, if I like what I see in their product I'll buy it. In the case of The Secret World I know I like it and I'll leave it at that so yes I had no issue paying them for something I liked and truth be told I will have a harder time giving ArenaNet a similar amount for their MMO at this point in time but that's because I have yet to see it for myself.
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
I wouldnt say that. I guess 200$we is alot when your working at mcd's but i myself (luckily) dont work there and am able to support funcom through money from my own business. Funcom knows this is their last chance to release a grea tproduct starting at launch. 200 dollars is 2 pennies in the grand scheme of things.. but if my 200$own will help pay wages to work overtime to make sure theirfinal effort one in which will brwak the mold, i am willing to support ir.
Why do all of your posts assume to otell us what Funcom "knows" how do you "know" what they "know" you can't even prove they believe that.
What I would assume Funcom knows at this point is that they haven't messed up too bad yet because folks are still willing to give them money before seeing the product while they have already squandered two opportunities to build a positive rep in this industry.
Whether you think $200 is alot or not is irrelevant to me I wouldn't be happy about giving a single dollar to someone who was either decieving me to get it or simply wasn't going to deliver what I expect for that money.
honestly if you believe so much in Funcom and what they do (and money is no object) why not go all in and actually invest in the company.
No matter if it's an indie company or a large corporation, if I like what I see in their product I'll buy it. In the case of The Secret World I know I like it and I'll leave it at that so yes I had no issue paying them for something I liked and truth be told I will have a harder time giving ArenaNet a similar amount for their MMO at this point in time but that's because I have yet to see it for myself.
Even though most of the lifetime subs have tanked and not being worth of their value. Lotro is still a game that was worth the lifetime subscription. Is TSW worth a lifetime? Time will tell.
I've seen the concepts of TSW, I know what the game is all about. I know what Funcom has done with AoC and what was great about AoC. I know the gameplay itself is nothing revolutionizing. It's another hotkey MMO with a twist. I like the skill/build system, crafting system, theme, missions, story cutscenes, dialoque. That's enough for me to pay for a lifetime sub.
What funcom has is a product with a lot of potential and I want to give my support to them and hope they will make the game what they've promised it to become.
When you spend a lot of time in research you know what you are paying unless they pull Anet and implement a shit for brains CS in the last stretch.
considering they already implemented a CS, i guess you're not so hot on the research.
The CS in TSW was planned from day one and it will be purely cosmetical. Unlike in GW2 where you basically get a pop-up whether you want to continue or not :j
I don't know if you're trolling or not but taht GW2 reference was complete nonsense. When you buy GW2 you get the full game with nothing that needs to be unlocked through a cash shop purchase.
As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, the cash shops in GW2 and TSW are very similar in a sense that they both offer mostly cosmetic options and character slots. The major difference is that GW2 devs didn't have the audacity to charge a monthly fee on top of their cash shop.
Yup I'm trollin. But the basic difference with TSW and GW2 cashshop is that GW2 won't be purely cosmetical.
TSW will get their income from subscriptions, GW2 will only get income from CS. It's obvious which one will be more intruisive.
You'd be a fool to beleive that the CS in TSW will be purely cosmetical, no CS ever is because if Devs can smell profit then they will go for it. There is a bit contraversity behind the GW2 CS but it sticks to their philosophy that they published.
Also how many people would have bought lifetime subs for SWTOR? PRolly a whole crap ton considering the amount of the ridiculously overpriced CE of the game was. Of those that would have been life-time subs, what proportion do you think would have still be playing? Prolly only a fraction, being generous lets say 2/3 stayed Point is one can never know how a game will be purely from a Beta or doing research on the game and just shelling aout a few hundred dollars on a possibility is just foolishness.
I don't remember who posted in one of these threads but as he basically said.
They are getting their profits from the subscriptions, they have no need to get major profits from the CS. Games like GW2 get all of their profit from CS so their approach is a lot different. If TSW actually had P2P + Must buy CS to stay competitive it would be plain redonkulous and people would leave Funcom before they had the chance to say "Oops!"
When it comes to SWTOR the people who would've bought lifetime subscription were most likely downloading the client again as we speak since 1.2 is the patch that BW wanted to launch the game as. SWTOR has only gotten better since launch and I don't think it's farfetched to say TSW won't perfect at start. It'll take some time :j
Actually, games like GW2 get most of their profits from box sales. The cash shop is suplementary income for them. That is why they are able to maintain GW1 and continue to add content to this day without resorting to milking their players for money at every turn.
The box sales might cover a large part of the development costs but it's the stream of revenue that keeps them developing the game until their next expansion is ready. CS is going to play a large part in GW2 and in their funding whether you like it or not :j
Not only do they get their income from box sales and CS, but also from expansions. Guild Wars 1 had three of such expansions. Also, for GW1 they didn't have a CS right at the start. They started with that roughly 2 years ago, gradually offering more paid services like: extra storage and extra character slots.
I am fairly sure that their NDA says you can't say NDA. because you cant' admit that you are in Beta under the NDA in the 1st place. You have clearly implied that you are in the beta.
I am truly not trying to be a jerk, please don't think I am, but I am just telling you that you should consider being more careful.
I have no idea who you really are, but that doesn't mean someone can't figure it out somewhere. (someone you know)
FUncom learned with both of their previous titles to get as much as you can BEFORE the game launches....What still amazes me is how many gamers will just hand over money blindly without hardly knowing a single thing about what they are buying.
actually I said I cant say because of NDA, everything I said was visible in the vids listed. I dont imply anything here I meant that you shouldn't assume that I hadn't played.. especially when I can't say if I had because of NDA
Maybe he did what I did, I played it for a little bit at a pax afterparty with no NDA
Honestly "different" I would have to say is relative to the person viewing the rpoduct because Funcom doesn't strike me as revolutionary in the least. While the first mmo they made certainly had a different setting I don't know of anything that really sets it apart from other mmo's in terms of actual gameplay. and AOC in theme and in many game play elements offers not much different than some of the games and companies you dismiss. I like the concept that I've seen surrounding TSW but it hasn't blown me away by any stretch.
But these to me aren't even Funcoms biggest problems what are is the history of the mmo releases they have had problems abound from the beginning in both and some of the other problems faced by AOC went further to me like advertised features on the box not being in game and so much of the story elements dropping out after tortage while reviews hardly touched on anything beyond it (not sure if the company restricted this but i seem to remember them as having done so).
I wish them luck with this game but when companies like SOE releaseing statements claiming to have always intended to go free to play with DCUO after having taken so much money from customers I can't see myself throwing away money with a company that has shown itself to be less than forthcoming on multiple occasions.
I hope it works out for all who pre ordered but it's far too big a risk given who we are talking about.
In fact implies you are talking about something that has proof behind it and to my knowledge we are still waiting for Funcom to have a first smooth release so how do you know they have learned anything?
If they have a successful this release maybe you could say that in regards to the next game after TSW but that would still give them one successful release compared to two crappy ones.
Nothing wrong with you having faith but your faith doesn't automatically become absolute no matter how hard you believe.
If you fork out $200+ for ANYTHING your yet to even see outside of developer/press marketing you are the sole reason why the MMO genre has bcome nothing more than a bait and switch cash grab. Congrats.
How do you know they have learned from their previous releases? where is the proof of that? seems like we would have to wait until TSW is released to even talk about them learning anything.
"Much detail has been released"...lets examine, you know alot about how the game is supposed to work. You have seen montages of developers playing the game or taking other people through specific parts of the game, which actually dont look that groundbreaking at all. Have you seen any footage of people enjoying the game by themselves, doing what they want and trying out the game's ideas on their own? Have you seen articles from people doing that?
I pre-ordered on day one, but even being a fan of Funcom, i didn't go for lifetime. Fact is that there are plenty of reasons why I may not end up sticking with the game. For example, while I quite enjoyed AoC at launch and played it for a few months, it simply turned out to be a lot more PvP-focused than I like in my games. Nothing wrong with that as I'm sure many people enjoy PvP, however, i do not, so because the game had more of a PvP focus, it ended up being not for me.
I see the same potential with TSW. There is a lot of talk of 3-way PvP and massive battles and such.. if this ends up being the focus of the game, I probably won't stick around. I enjoy PvE and buy MMOs to partake in PvE. So for me to stay with a game for more than a year, it needs to be heavily PvE focused.
Now, if funcom ever announces AO2, i'm willing to pay $200 for lifetime based on announcement alone
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
Your own business, huh? That business wouldn't entail uhh... "online community management" now, would it?
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
To say that you can't remember the launch of any mmo being spectacular is relative and at the least we can atleast rate games by release as in better or worse. From my experience games like LOTRO,COH,EVE(from what I hear) had relatively smooth releases games like Vanguard,AO,and AOC had some of the worse.
I do agree it seems that some of the games that try for complexity seem to have worse releases. Honestly though I'm a consumer and if I consume a good I expect a certain level of quality one that Funcom has yet to reach while many other mmo's have until they get that fixed I wouldn't trust them to give them money for something I haven't seen work completely as intended.
No matter if it's an indie company or a large corporation, if I like what I see in their product I'll buy it. In the case of The Secret World I know I like it and I'll leave it at that so yes I had no issue paying them for something I liked and truth be told I will have a harder time giving ArenaNet a similar amount for their MMO at this point in time but that's because I have yet to see it for myself.
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
Why do all of your posts assume to otell us what Funcom "knows" how do you "know" what they "know" you can't even prove they believe that.
What I would assume Funcom knows at this point is that they haven't messed up too bad yet because folks are still willing to give them money before seeing the product while they have already squandered two opportunities to build a positive rep in this industry.
Whether you think $200 is alot or not is irrelevant to me I wouldn't be happy about giving a single dollar to someone who was either decieving me to get it or simply wasn't going to deliver what I expect for that money.
honestly if you believe so much in Funcom and what they do (and money is no object) why not go all in and actually invest in the company.
GW2's lifetime sub is $60
Not only do they get their income from box sales and CS, but also from expansions. Guild Wars 1 had three of such expansions. Also, for GW1 they didn't have a CS right at the start. They started with that roughly 2 years ago, gradually offering more paid services like: extra storage and extra character slots.