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Who else went out on a limb to support Funcom through Lifetime?



  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    Originally posted by bansan

    Why do we even have discuss why lifetime memberships are bad from a player perspective?

    1.  You are betting on liking a game for over a year just to save a bit of money.  If you don't like the game, or if it absolute sucks, you lose big.  Even if you end up liking the game, you at least are paying for something you like.

    People who have followed the game for years now (It has been developed for 10 years) know all the core game mechanics and they know what they are putting themselves into. The only way you wouldn't gain from the lifetime is

    A) You don't play the game

    B) The game gets shutdown (10 year developed AAA title, not gonna happend)

    2.  You will feel obligated to like this game because you already sunk so much money into it.  If the game sucks, you will become miserable trying to force yourself to like the game and become one of those dreaded fanbois.

    People who buy the lifetime are not obliged to keep playing. They can play as much as they like, take a break, come back, take a break, come back, without actually having to pay for subs everytime they want to try out a new patch or something likewise. Most of the people who buy lifetime are already fanbois and white knights of the game, I don't see the problem Oo

    3.  THEY DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE.  Sure, they'd like you around to bolster the numbers, but if they could get rid of you, they would in a second.  Everything that they do will be to get new players, which many times will contradict with the long term health of the game.

    Developers need a solid and loyal playerbase to keep working on the game. AoC for example would've flopped unless people who bought the game stick with it/came back once they got it fixed up a bit. It actually was the players who bought longtime subs that helped FC out of the really rough start with AoC. Also lifetime subscriptions are still active subscriptions and incase of TSW the people buying lifetime are most likely to spend on cosmetic clothing and convienience items. Wouldn't be much business sense in saying to the most loyal fans to scram after their money has been transacted. You are actually contradicting yourself by saying lifetimers become fanbois and the game doesn't need them. Every game needs fanbois.

    4.  When they introduce a cash shop, they  will care about you again.  And it will be sooner rather than later, because that's the only way they will get more money out of you.

    You give very little credit to developers. First and foremost they want to make a great game. Then they want to please their publishers by making profit out of it. Refer to point 3.

    5.  You will start posting "I paid for a lifetime sub, I should get everything for free!"

    Beats the 200 lines of fanboi s#it about GW2 from people who haven't even played the game.

    6.  Etc

    Imho lifetime subs are a great idea and I would like to see more of them. You can instantly show your support to the game and the developers and you get freed from the monthly subscriptions. Sure hitting 250$ on a game hurts as it should, but once it's done it's done. I won't have to play a nickel for this game (except for expansions) even when it goes freemium in the future.


  • dageezadageeza Member Posts: 578

    I am not a funcom fan and dislike the way they consistantly nickel and slime their customers so i would never pre-purchase a game or even a lifetime sub from them..

    With that said if i were a fan and liked fukcoms games which i generally dont due to constant changes i would not hesitate to buy in because every game they have made is still operational so they if nothing else have that going for them..


    Sony once was my least favorite but their lastest efforts have took me from scowling to dubious and closer to apprehensive..

    With funcom i am not sure there is anything they can do to change the way i feel about them and their products, i would warn all funcom fans to be prepared for disappointment and frustration as it is the fukcom way to always without fail overhype their game to the point it cannot possibly live up to it, beware doctored pics and vids as well...

    Playing GW2..

  • NethriilNethriil Member Posts: 178
    Originally posted by dageeza

    I am not a funcom fan and dislike the way they consistantly nickel and slime their customers so i would never pre-purchase a game or even a lifetime sub from them..
    With that said if i were a fan and liked fukcoms games which i generally dont due to constant changes i would not hesitate to buy in because every game they have made is still operational so they if nothing else have that going for them..
    Sony once was my least favorite but their lastest efforts have took me from scowling to dubious and closer to apprehensive..
    With funcom i am not sure there is anything they can do to change the way i feel about them and their products, i would warn all funcom fans to be prepared for disappointment and frustration as it is the fukcom way to always without fail overhype their game to the point it cannot possibly live up to it, beware doctored pics and vids as well...


    PAx east this weekend. Lots of user feedback after that as you ll be able to Play it. Nickel and slime?? Most is optional. Tsw is not hyped at all compared to gw2. Tsw hype may start now after PAx. Be it funcom or arenanet they both out to give investors a return on their investment.
  • BaxslashBaxslash Member UncommonPosts: 237

    IF Funcom would actually place money back into a game called Anarchy Online, from the revenues of TSW, then, I'd might sub as a lifer to TSW, but, Funcom hasn't done anything with AO in years, and, the promised Graphic Engine upgrade, along with a full game engine has been long awaited by the community. They even dangled the new GE in front of the AO community, just to keep players around for years on end, a great many of the bugs haven't been addressed at all, nor, do they even care about the game, other then they are making money from players, even though the promises keep rolling in from Funcom.


    Personally, I've passed on AOC, and, more then likely TSW, and, have already dropped AO from my list of games. But, if they sunset AO, and bring out AO II, that has a greatly improved game and graphic engine, something more inline to 2013-2015 standards, I'd resub to AO in less time it take my heart to beat once.

  • KendaneKendane Member UncommonPosts: 225

    I never get lifetime subs, and its not that I think the games will be bad or anything. Its just, I usually only play mmos for 3 months or so. The longest I've played an mmo was EQ and WoW, EQ 1999-2003, WoW 2004-2006 with off and on returns. I will grant in those cases I would have saved money if there were a lifetime sub, but there are so many games I would have lost money on. Hellgate is a shining example of wasted money if I had gotten a lifetime sub. Another would have been AoC or Vanguard(again if there was an option available). I just don't think plunking down 200 bucks just in case I will play a game for a long long time is worth the risk of me dropping it at the end of the free month. Nothing against this game or any of the others either.

  • ariboersmaariboersma Member Posts: 1,802

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    5.  You will start posting "I paid for a lifetime sub, I should get everything for free!"

    Beats the 200 lines of fanboi s#it about GW2 from people who haven't even played the game.



    as opposed to the TSW fanbois who haven't played the game and think its great? and waste 200 bucks?!?!!? Trust me.. the game SUCKS! but I know you won't.. you will just think im a "GW fanboi" and ignore my information which is from actual game experience. 

    Now what I came back to this thread to inform you all of is the bad customer server from Funcom you can hope to experience. I just had 2 wonderful conversations with live chat because I need to verify my account for like the 3rd or 4th time...

    ugg ok so the post is being dumb this part is supposed to be AFTER the live chat but it wont let me >.< Anyways I still cannot access any account, I had to EMAIL them to get things fixed. This is just not acceptable for a company.. emails from 1970?!?! really?!?!? and 2 different guys giving 2 different contact emails. Just be warry.

    (01:50:25 PM GMT) Tony: Please make sure to add [email protected] to your contacts and I can try to resend your email verification again.

    (01:51:40 PM GMT) Me: its added


    (02:42:29 PM GMT) Greg: Have you checked your spam folder and your oldest emails? We have received reports about emails being listed as coming in from 1970 instead of 2012.

    (02:42:29 PM GMT) Greg: Have you checked your spam folder and your oldest emails? We have received reports about emails being listed as coming in from 1970 instead of 2012.

    (02:43:25 PM GMT) Me: well there is no NEW mails even if the date is wrong, but yes nothing in spam folder.. even checked my other email address in case that was the issue

    (02:44:16 PM GMT) Greg: I see. Please add [email protected] to your trusted contact list, then disable any antivirus you have running. Once you do so, let me know so that I can send a new verification email to you.

    (02:44:40 PM GMT) Me: last time the guy said to add [email protected] which I did

    (02:44:54 PM GMT) Me: this is so I can access **NDA**

    (02:45:32 PM GMT) Me: not age of conan

    (02:45:58 PM GMT) Greg: I understand, but the verification emails come from [email protected] regardless of the game account.


  • PukeBucketPukeBucket Member Posts: 867

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by PukeBucket
    I don't think I'd life time sub to any MMO. Just cuz it's real easy for a plug to be pulled and that "investment" goes nill.
    That's my decision. As a person in the creative industry I'm glad suckers are born every minute.
    How many AAA MMO's have been shut down so far? all the MMOS i have payed sub for are still up and running. Sorry but you are grasping at straws here. If i remain so fearful all the time i wouldn't buy and play  a single MMO.

    More than a few, and with the market getting even more crowded more likely than ever.
    I'm not fearful of it happening, but I'm not a retard thinking a life time sub to any MMO is a good idea.
    But hey, if you're that irresponsible and reckless I'd rather see you waste that cash on a video game rather than the hardcore shit you hit on that pipe before thinking this was even remotely worth defending. Unless you're a sucker and got offended. In that case, HAHAHAHAH what a sucker.

    I used to play MMOs like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by PukeBucket


    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by PukeBucket

    I don't think I'd life time sub to any MMO. Just cuz it's real easy for a plug to be pulled and that "investment" goes nill.

    That's my decision. As a person in the creative industry I'm glad suckers are born every minute.

    How many AAA MMO's have been shut down so far? all the MMOS i have payed sub for are still up and running. Sorry but you are grasping at straws here. If i remain so fearful all the time i wouldn't buy and play  a single MMO.


    More than a few, and with the market getting even more crowded more likely than ever.

    I'm not fearful of it happening, but I'm not a retard thinking a life time sub to any MMO is a good idea.

    But hey, if you're that irresponsible and reckless I'd rather see you waste that cash on a video game rather than the hardcore shit you hit on that pipe before thinking this was even remotely worth defending. Unless you're a sucker and got offended. In that case, HAHAHAHAH what a sucker.

    Don't give yourself too much credit here because i wasn't ofended. Just found your post very strange. Care to give examples of these AAA mmos that were shut down? investment is an investment whether it is F2P or B2P. you invest in your character and once servers shut down does it really matter? you will lose your character and progression in both type of MMOS.

    Also you seem angry for some reason, but i think a guy who calls himself puke, i should be prepared for anything ;)

  • YilelienYilelien Member UncommonPosts: 324

    I did the life time thingy once. For a game called Hellgate London. I know, i deserve a good kick in the berrys. Well. I wont ever do that again! Dont care what the game is, until i can play it. With a regular sub, then make up my mind. Yesum.

  • KuppaKuppa Member UncommonPosts: 3,292

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.



  • UnlightUnlight Member Posts: 2,540

    Originally posted by maitrader

    Sup guys,


    I have been a long-time fan of Funcom... unlike many people who nitt-pick the crap out of funcom and their games, it truly is the ONLY company to offer something different and revolutionary to the genre with each game... We need more FUNCOMS ... not more Blizzards and Anets... I dont make tons of money, but I wanted to support funcom for trying a brand new spin on the genre through TSW... such balls (regardless of whether it works or not) deserves to be supported.. especially in a genre full of clones trying to be EQ or WoW... This game is being done unlike any game before its time.. for the amount of time they have been working on it (4 - 5 years anyone?), I believe this game will be good at launch, and spectacular in time. WHO ELSE BOUGHT LifeTime?!

    Yeah, we need more companies who fall flat on their faces as they rush from the gate because they couldn't be bothered to finish their game before releasing it.  We definitely need more of that.

    Spend the money you have squirreled away for a lifetime sub, on lottery tickets.  You have a better chance of recovering your investment.

  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

  • KuppaKuppa Member UncommonPosts: 3,292

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    I specifically say in my post that all they show is press events, all staged footage of specific places. There is no footage of anyone playing the game running around doing what they please not looking at a developer playing the game. When a game is this close to release and they have to stage everything so carefully, I don't have much faith to put any money into the game.



  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by PukeBucket


    (mod edit)

    If we do not invest in subscription why even bring the 'investment' in first post? all i said was that investment is an investment whether you pay normal sub or pay life time sub or stick to B2P model. i asked example for AAA mmos wiht lifetime sub that were shut down and other than HGL there no other example. Also you give example of three MMOS that had a long and respectable run. Especially Shadowbane and SWG.

    You are still angry though..i still don't know why.

  • RyukanRyukan Member UncommonPosts: 860

    I'm really really tempted to drop the money on a preorder+lifetime sub, but I'm not going to. At least not until I have a chance to beta test TSW and see if it lives up to the hype around the net and in my head. Unfortunately for my SWTOR guild if I do end up liking TSW then I am out of SWTOR and my guild will need a new Republic side leader.

    If I do like TSW after some playtime then I will surely drop money on a lifetime sub.

    So it is confirmed that one can purchase a lifetime sub at some point after preordering?

  • ariboersmaariboersma Member Posts: 1,802

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.


  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.

    There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you do search you will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search. Infact there is one 35 minute long video of gameplay from this very month.

    Also i wouldn't knock it without playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.

  • KuppaKuppa Member UncommonPosts: 3,292

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.

    There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you dos earch u will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search.

    Also i wouldn't knock it before playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.

    There is 2012 footage. None of it is of people actually playing the game outside a specific spot that developers wanted them to play. If the game is so close to release why would'nt they have done a beta before getting ppl to put money on the game? I don't know if its just me but I am not putting any money of a game I haven't at the very least seen gameplay of that is not staged.



  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.

    There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you dos earch u will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search.

    Also i wouldn't knock it before playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.

    There is 2012 footage. None of it is of people actually playing the game outside a specific spot that developers wanted them to play. If the game is so close to release why would'nt they have done a beta before getting ppl to put money on the game? I don't know if its just me but I am not putting any money of a game I haven't at the very least seen gameplay of that is not staged.

    I am going to try beta before i throw money on lifetime sub. I haven't made up my mind about purchase yet but i never put too much faith in gameplay videos anyways because experince is completely different when you play it yourself.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857

    Originally posted by dageeza

    I am not a funcom fan and dislike the way they consistantly nickel and slime their customers so i would never pre-purchase a game or even a lifetime sub from them..

    With that said if i were a fan and liked fukcoms games which i generally dont due to constant changes i would not hesitate to buy in because every game they have made is still operational so they if nothing else have that going for them..


    Sony once was my least favorite but their lastest efforts have took me from scowling to dubious and closer to apprehensive..

    With funcom i am not sure there is anything they can do to change the way i feel about them and their products, i would warn all funcom fans to be prepared for disappointment and frustration as it is the fukcom way to always without fail overhype their game to the point it cannot possibly live up to it, beware doctored pics and vids as well...

    I have given Funcom credit where it has earned it. That is, their games are still online and they can be fun. I have spent time in their games and enjoyed them a lot. Especaily Anarchy Online.

    However, he's telling the truth about doctored videos. Take a look at this recent release regarding their new engine for AO. But don't look at what they are trying to show you, instead look at how over the top they are with all the light rays, fog, dust, smoke and flashy effects.

  • ariboersmaariboersma Member Posts: 1,802

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.

    There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you do search you will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search. Infact there is one 35 minute long video of gameplay from this very month.

    Also i wouldn't knock it without playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.

    why would you think I haven't played it... NDA! all I can say >.<


  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.

    There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you do search you will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search. Infact there is one 35 minute long video of gameplay from this very month.

    Also i wouldn't knock it without playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.

    why would you think I haven't played it... NDA! all I can say >.<

    Because you anyways said a lot;) NDA means you are not even supposed to talk about NDA ;)

  • ariboersmaariboersma Member Posts: 1,802

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by ariboersma

    Originally posted by Ankur

    Originally posted by Kuppa

    It takes a lot of faith to put that amount of money into a game that has shown very little footage and there are minimal player experience articles out there. All the time they show the game is a press event because they haven't let the public get their hands on it on a wide open beta or test. They have some interesting ideas but unfortunately I have no clue how will they work in an unsupervised enviroment like press events. Sorry, but I don't have that much faith.

    There is a lot of footage if you search for it.


    There are more but i found all this without even putting any effort into search.

    thats almost all a year old or older... and it shows just how bad the game really is. That area discussed(after leaving Kingsmuth) is so bad.. the quests are ridiculous and boring, combat is terrible.. the only thing that is nice is the whole I forget the name I call them runes butt hats not right. Basically your armor.. pretty unique and the weapons are interesting, like a lighter is the focus for fire magic. However the heart of the game is flawed.. was a great idea gone terribly wrong.

    There are latest footage too like i said earlier if you do search you will find videos from 2012 to, i just didn't put too much effort into search. Infact there is one 35 minute long video of gameplay from this very month.

    Also i wouldn't knock it without playing it. it is hard to say how flawed the game is without even tryign it out.

    why would you think I haven't played it... NDA! all I can say >.<

    Because you anyways said a lot;) NDA means you are not even supposed to talk about NDA ;)

    I am pretty sure you can say there is an NDA....


  • bakabrödbakabröd Member Posts: 129

    well i will , when i get the cash. sad but true.

  • April-RainApril-Rain Member UncommonPosts: 316

    sometime ago i was really intrested in this game, and sometime ago i would drop money on any game and even have stretched to the lifetime sub, my last waste was the ToR's ce - even though i still play the ce was a rip off lol

    but this year times are harder and with so many mmo's coming at a similar time i have to pick one as i cant afford all of them or have the time to put in.

    after careful consideration over Tera, mists of panda's, secret world and guild wars 2 im gonna hang around and dump my coin into GW2

    Playing: FFXIV
    Future: wishing for SWG 2, World of Warcraft Classic
    Played: Most current and extinct MMO's - 18 Years in....

    Interesting Fact - I own 27 Tarantula's

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