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Who else went out on a limb to support Funcom through Lifetime?



  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by saltydog3

    No way ever for any game. Learned my lesson.

    Learned a lesson as in hated the game or life time sub is waste of money? because for all the games i bought life time subs for i am still playing them. it is like B2P for me.

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465

    Originally posted by Torvaldr

    No fricken way.  I don't buy a game until I get to play it or try it out.  If they have an open "beta"/preview week or something like that, prior to release, and I loved it then I would pre-order it.  It would have to be the best thing in the world since bottled beer for me to buy a lifetime sub.

    Yeah, even playing the beta is not enough anymore: TOR showed us that. What was released was different in several ways from the final beta....


  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by xZeRGz

    Originally posted by EndDream

    I think the game will certainly eventually be f2p... but they may give cool stuff when it does anyway.


    Considering every other title they own is... me thinks it's a safe bet.

    Atleast funcom will go F2P instead of commiting a suicide like Warhammer Online.

    Now that would've been a wasted lifetime subscription :o

    while they are F2P, they really aren't. You only get a partial experience for free. Not nearly the full effect of the game.

    Well, AO anyway. You miss out on all the expansions after NW. And that is where the game is played these days.

    As far as TSW.....

    Funcom has the creativity.

    They also have a history.

    The best thing you can say is that histrically, they missed the ball for 2 out of 2 games, but they they were able to turn those games around and make them really good games. Unfortuneatly, this becomes a situation of "Too little, too late" The damage is done and the games lose what should be heathy populations due to players feeling that they got played by Funcom instead of playing Funcom.

    Personally, I like their

    However, To order a lifetime mebership to a game still under NDA?


    It's like ordering a mail-order bride from Russia.

    You might be up for the best years of your life or you start thinking "How can I get out of this?!".

    Especially when you also get the inlaws as a package deal.

    Then 6 months later, you are in a divorcee and being sued for half your game collection.

  • ZekiahZekiah Member UncommonPosts: 2,483

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by xZeRGz

    Originally posted by EndDream

    I think the game will certainly eventually be f2p... but they may give cool stuff when it does anyway.


    Considering every other title they own is... me thinks it's a safe bet.

    Atleast funcom will go F2P instead of commiting a suicide like Warhammer Online.

    Now that would've been a wasted lifetime subscription :o

    while they are F2P, they really aren't. You only get a partial experience for free. Not nearly the full effect of the game.

    Well, AO anyway. You miss out on all the expansions after NW. And that is where the game is played these days.

    As far as TSW.....

    Funcom has the creativity.

    They also have a history.

    The best thing you can say is that histrically, they missed the ball for 2 out of 2 games, but they they were able to turn those games around and make them really good games. Unfortuneatly, this becomes a situation of "Too little, too late" The damage is done and the games lose what should be heathy populations due to players feeling that they got played by Funcom instead of playing Funcom.

    Personally, I like their

    However, To order a lifetime mebership to a game still under NDA?


    It's like ordering a mail-order bride from Russia.

    You might be up for the best years of your life or you start thinking "How can I get out of this?!".

    Wouldn't that be considered pay to... oh never mind. image

    "Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky

  • EmwynEmwyn Member Posts: 546

    Originally posted by ameese

    My spin on it is this-TSW will survive and thrive

    Reason being, I estimate, in a few months, we will hear this from CCP

    ..."Due to the changing marketplace/competition(insert excuse here)

    We are cancelling the World of Darkness MMO project that everyone wants

    so bad, so we can jam Dust down your throats.

    Don't say that image

    the poster formerly known as melangel :P

  • khelbonkhelbon Member UncommonPosts: 124

    Me? No i did not and will not unless they would offer it 3 months after release and the game is not a total cess pool like AoC was at launch. They (Funcom) burnt me once and I will not support them in any kind of way unless they put out something worth buying. I do hope this game is good as on paper it seems like a killer game but I don't trust them at all.

    But if the game is not a buggy pile of crap them yes, I'll buy a lifetime in a second!

  • saltydog3saltydog3 Member Posts: 53

    Originally posted by saltydog3

    No way ever for any game. Learned my lesson.



    No as in I will never pay for lifetime got burned. As for as the games that burn me at this point it is not relevant.

  • JojinJojin Member UncommonPosts: 120


    TSW is a little different from previous Lifetime offers when you consider this Business model and game design.


    From the start, they made the clothing to be aesthetic only and planned on implementing a cash shop for clothes.  We can see, like in LoL, which people will pay quite a bit of money for looks.  So it would make sense they are expecting to have decent revenue from it.


    Aside from the extreme social games like second life, funding a game purely on cosmetic items hasn't been tried before in a MMO it can’t be guaranteed to work.


    So, why not build such a system on top of the typical MMO subscription.  Then if it does or doesn’t work, they can fall back on the standard or even change things up drastically with lowering or eliminating subscription.


    Now in regards to the lifetime offer, the typical player which would drop $200.00 USD for a lifetime will most likely also be someone who would spend even more money for their game.  Because they have a cash shop, with cosmetic items, they can almost count on these lifetime players will feed their hobby and continue to make purchases.  Especially since they will keep coming back since there is no subscription for them.


    This means the lifetime might be a safe bet to offer to the players and one of the reasons why they would offer it even after release.


  • DecoyTrooperDecoyTrooper Member Posts: 239

    I will wait for a free trial. I will be busy playing other stuff lol

  • Mad+DogMad+Dog Member UncommonPosts: 788

    wont touch aother funcom game till free trial or at least 3 months aster release.

  • DrunkWolfDrunkWolf Member RarePosts: 1,701

    Originally posted by Mad+Dog

    wont touch aother funcom game till free trial or at least 3 months aster release.

     i agree, and the same goes for EA.

  • CingeCinge Member Posts: 120

    Originally posted by DrunkWolf

    Originally posted by Mad+Dog

    wont touch aother funcom game till free trial or at least 3 months aster release.

     i agree, and the same goes for EA.

    So you will wait 6 months for this? Since its FC and EA together :)

  • DrunkWolfDrunkWolf Member RarePosts: 1,701

    Originally posted by Cinge

    Originally posted by DrunkWolf

    Originally posted by Mad+Dog

    wont touch aother funcom game till free trial or at least 3 months aster release.

     i agree, and the same goes for EA.

    So you will wait 6 months for this? Since its FC and EA together :)

     actually i didnt even know its both, i havnt followed it to much because i saw funcom was makeing it. but since it is both i probably wont even do the free trial i will just wait for the game to go free to play 6 months after launch.

  • Mad+DogMad+Dog Member UncommonPosts: 788

    Originally posted by DrunkWolf

    Originally posted by Cinge

    Originally posted by DrunkWolf

    Originally posted by Mad+Dog

    wont touch aother funcom game till free trial or at least 3 months aster release.

     i agree, and the same goes for EA.

    So you will wait 6 months for this? Since its FC and EA together :)

     actually i didnt even know its both, i havnt followed it to much because i saw funcom was makeing it. but since it is both i probably wont even do the free trial i will just wait for the game to go free to play 6 months after launch.

    no ill wait till at least 3 to 6 months after release to look at it again.

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  • PieRadPieRad Member Posts: 1,108

    I pre-ordered the game, but non of the extras.......


    What if the game blows?


  • ropeniceropenice Member UncommonPosts: 588

    Originally posted by maitrader

    Sup guys,


    I have been a long-time fan of Funcom... unlike many people who nitt-pick the crap out of funcom and their games, it truly is the ONLY company to offer something different and revolutionary to the genre with each game... We need more FUNCOMS ... not more Blizzards and Anets... I dont make tons of money, but I wanted to support funcom for trying a brand new spin on the genre through TSW... such balls (regardless of whether it works or not) deserves to be supported.. especially in a genre full of clones trying to be EQ or WoW... This game is being done unlike any game before its time.. for the amount of time they have been working on it (4 - 5 years anyone?), I believe this game will be good at launch, and spectacular in time. WHO ELSE BOUGHT LifeTime?!

    Revolutonary design + execution = deserved support. Without the execution, no design choices matter, unique and great ideas, or not. Also with AoC, they lied about what was ready and working in the game, so no, they don't deserve any benefit of the doubt. If they do launch with everything they promise, ploished and finished, then yes they will have redeemed theor rep enough to deserve lifetime sub, but only after launch.

  • mrw0lfmrw0lf Member Posts: 2,269

    Can't believe so many don't see the outright joke this industry is becoming, they are preying on our ignorance and lack of foresight. We should be horrified, angry and embarassed, this path was built on our greed.

    “The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.”

  • Ambros123Ambros123 Member Posts: 877

    Not more ANets?  What you want a non-innovative stagnant genre?

    Anywhos I think life-time subs are retarded and people are retarded for getting it before even playing the game.  How many MMOs tanked and failed to live up to expectations?  Vast majority that tanked and every single MMO has failed to live up to player's expectations.  Lifetime subs is just a ploy for companies to trick the foolish and overindulgent customers as p[eople are real quick to purchase stuff on the net.

  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by GeezerGamer
    However, To order a lifetime mebership to a game still under NDA?

    You don't have to, wait till after beta or hear tester feedback..

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • pierthpierth Member UncommonPosts: 1,494

    Originally posted by mrw0lf

    Can't believe so many don't see the outright joke this industry is becoming, they are preying on our ignorance and lack of foresight. We should be horrified, angry and embarassed, this path was built on our greed.

    +1, as others have posted buying a game before having the chance to play it is the height of idiocy. That's why we're stuck with so many craptastic games in the genre. Imbeciles buy hype.

  • RelGnRelGn Member Posts: 494

    i would advise you to keep your money and try the game for one month and then decide if it worths a lifetime sub.

    Additionaly have u ever heard of the word "fast cash".

    It means lets get as much cash as fast as we can and then screw them all.

    Are u sure u wanna support those kind of guys.

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    Originally posted by mrw0lf

    Can't believe so many don't see the outright joke this industry is becoming, they are preying on our ignorance and lack of foresight. We should be horrified, angry and embarassed, this path was built on our greed.

    You are right about the gaming industry. It will be interesting to see where the line is drawn and how far the greed can keep going on. I doubt there will be any mass boycotting since we gamers enjoy games. Even if we are completely ripped off by them.

    The old days are gone, we must adjust to the reality or jump out of the wagon once and for all.

  • RelGnRelGn Member Posts: 494

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    or jump out of the wagon once and for all.

    I think that will be the only option in the end.

  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by pierth

    Originally posted by mrw0lf
    Can't believe so many don't see the outright joke this industry is becoming, they are preying on our ignorance and lack of foresight. We should be horrified, angry and embarassed, this path was built on our greed.
    +1, as others have posted buying a game before having the chance to play it is the height of idiocy. That's why we're stuck with so many craptastic games in the genre. Imbeciles buy hype.

    I usually dont do preorders but look at it this way..

    Pre order TSW, get some cool stuff, get beta access...Don't like it > Charge back = 0 expenses.

    Buy it on launch day, miss out on all the perks / can still charge back..

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

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