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Who else went out on a limb to support Funcom through Lifetime?

MaitraderMaitrader Member UncommonPosts: 389

Sup guys,


I have been a long-time fan of Funcom... unlike many people who nitt-pick the crap out of funcom and their games, it truly is the ONLY company to offer something different and revolutionary to the genre with each game... We need more FUNCOMS ... not more Blizzards and Anets... I dont make tons of money, but I wanted to support funcom for trying a brand new spin on the genre through TSW... such balls (regardless of whether it works or not) deserves to be supported.. especially in a genre full of clones trying to be EQ or WoW... This game is being done unlike any game before its time.. for the amount of time they have been working on it (4 - 5 years anyone?), I believe this game will be good at launch, and spectacular in time. WHO ELSE BOUGHT LifeTime?!



  • ZekiahZekiah Member UncommonPosts: 2,483

    I suspect a lot of gamers feel shafted by Funcom and don't feel a need to "support" them by handing over $200 before the game is even out. Just a guess though.

    "Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    I DID!

    I'm fully supporting Funcom and their upcoming title.

    I takes guts to bring something challenging and different to the MMORPG market. This game will not cater everyone and it's not meant to do it. I sincerely hope this game reaches the level of subscriptions it deserves ranging from 500k-1mil.

    It might sink, every game can sink. But if it does I'll be the last one banging the dragon chick in captain's quarters when the deck hits the water o/

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465

    Originally posted by Zekiah

    I suspect a lot of gamers feel shafted by Funcom and don't feel a need to "support" them by handing over $200 before the game is even out. Just a guess though.


    Have people not learned that buying a lifetime sub is dumb? Twice as much pre-release?

    STO? that ring a bell? DCUO as well (I think).

    When the customer buys a lifetime sub, they are giving up all the power to "vote with their wallets" to the developer, who is free to make any/all the unwanted or unpopular changes to a game they want.

    And if you bought a lifetime sub, they don't care and won't ever care what you think: they already have your money.



  • Sora2810Sora2810 Member Posts: 567

    I did. almost reluctantly.

    hate funcom, love TSW (in theory). Way I look at it, if It only exists for a year, I only lose an extra $20; it ends up surviving, glad I spent it.

    Played - M59, EQOA, EQ, EQ2, PS, SWG[Favorite], DAoC, UO, RS, MXO, CoH/CoV, TR, FFXI, FoM, WoW, Eve, Rift, SWTOR, TSW.
    Playing - PS2, AoW, GW2

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    Well, it's been confirmed that you can still purchase the lifetime after the game goes live, so you can play it safe and have a good idea if you really like the game so much that lifetime makes sense.

  • EndDreamEndDream Member Posts: 1,152

    I think the game will certainly eventually be f2p... but they may give cool stuff when it does anyway.

    Remember Old School Ultima Online

  • marcustmarcust Member UncommonPosts: 495

    I was looking forward to this game, but watching a recent video I got the impression that while there are 500+ skills you dont level them by using them, you tab target to kill mobs, get SP and AP and then use these points to buy skills. I was hoping for more of a UO style - if I use a gun my gun skill goes up by 0.1

    That combined with tab targetting (I know theres some weapons you don't aim) have been enough for me to decide to hold off and wait to see how it goes. Lack of OWPvP means to me that theres no rush to get involved, unlike say Tera, where the OWPvP means there are distinct advantages from an early start.

    So its back to focusing on Tera and Lotro (life sub) while keeping an eye on the others.

    I do sincerely hope TSW is good though, I can see myself buying it in 6-12 months to experience the content.

    Playing: Darkfall New Dawn (and planning to play Fallout 76)
    Favourite games have included: UO, Lineage2, Darkfall, Lotro, Baldur's Gate, SSX, FF7 and yes the original Wizardry on an Apple IIe

  • CingeCinge Member Posts: 120

    There is a reason FC is giving so many "pay extra" options before the release. They have failed twice now, they know their reputation is complete crap. The fact the offered all these extra options for more $ ( on top of box and sub fees) shows to me they are just trying to get as much money as they can right away. They probably don't have a lot of confidence themselves in their own game.


  • ZekiahZekiah Member UncommonPosts: 2,483

    Originally posted by Burntvet

    Originally posted by Zekiah

    I suspect a lot of gamers feel shafted by Funcom and don't feel a need to "support" them by handing over $200 before the game is even out. Just a guess though.


    Have people not learned that buying a lifetime sub is dumb? Twice as much pre-release?

    STO? that ring a bell? DCUO as well (I think).

    When the customer buys a lifetime sub, they are giving up all the power to "vote with their wallets" to the developer, who is free to make any/all the unwanted or unpopular changes to a game they want.

    And if you bought a lifetime sub, they don't care and won't ever care what you think: they already have your money.



    Good point although I think the pre-release STO people made out ok, assuming they're still playing/enjoying the game.

    It's kinda like playing the lottery as to how the game will turn out. Probably similar odds as well. image

    "Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky

  • grimfallgrimfall Member UncommonPosts: 1,153

    When I see "lifetime sub" being offered, to me it's a red flag that says "We don't feel confident that we can get you to play for 18 months".  WoW didn't offer any lifetime subs.

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    Originally posted by Burntvet

    Originally posted by Zekiah

    I suspect a lot of gamers feel shafted by Funcom and don't feel a need to "support" them by handing over $200 before the game is even out. Just a guess though.


    Have people not learned that buying a lifetime sub is dumb? Twice as much pre-release?

    STO? that ring a bell? DCUO as well (I think).

    When the customer buys a lifetime sub, they are giving up all the power to "vote with their wallets" to the developer, who is free to make any/all the unwanted or unpopular changes to a game they want.

    And if you bought a lifetime sub, they don't care and won't ever care what you think: they already have your money.



    Yeah it's like when I bought Lotro lifetime subscription and got nothing out of it.

    Wait a minute...

    Lotro is still going strong and I've only spent 130$ on the game Oo

    But you are correct, it's not smart by any level to buy the lifetime blindly at the moment. The only sensible reason to buy lifetime would be if you want to support Funcom and show them you are actually interested in their product and firmly believe in it.

    If I were to calculate the raw math, it would be blatantly STUPID to buy the lifetime, unless you actually expect to play it 2 years+ intensively and don't mind the game being bugged/glitchy at the beginning.

    On the subject of "voting with wallet" I'd say that one subscription here or there ain't gonna make major design changes. Overall 1 lifetime subs gives the devs more enthuaism to keep working on the game and make it better by the day.

    Lifetime subscription is a gamble if you buy to save money.

    Lifetime subscription is a win if you buy to support the developer.

    Lifetime subscription gives you a snake skin jacket that is gonna get you laid ingame.

  • xZeRGzxZeRGz Member Posts: 118

    Originally posted by EndDream

    I think the game will certainly eventually be f2p... but they may give cool stuff when it does anyway.


    Considering every other title they own is... me thinks it's a safe bet.

  • ameeseameese Member UncommonPosts: 30

    My spin on it is this-TSW will survive and thrive

    Reason being, I estimate, in a few months, we will hear this from CCP

    ..."Due to the changing marketplace/competition(insert excuse here)

    We are cancelling the World of Darkness MMO project that everyone wants

    so bad, so we can jam Dust down your throats.

    Boba Fett-"Reality doesn't care if you believe it."

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    Originally posted by xZeRGz

    Originally posted by EndDream

    I think the game will certainly eventually be f2p... but they may give cool stuff when it does anyway.


    Considering every other title they own is... me thinks it's a safe bet.

    Atleast funcom will go F2P instead of commiting a suicide like Warhammer Online.

    Now that would've been a wasted lifetime subscription :o

  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270

    It seems like a pretty bad investment in a genre that is almost entirely moving towards F2P.

    TSW wont get the millions that Rift, SWTOR and WoW have, so its likely to go F2P fairly quickly, especially when they already have AoC as a measuring stick / guideline.

    I guess its a bit of a gamble, if it lasts a year without going F2P you made your money back, if not you lose.

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465

    Originally posted by Zekiah

    Originally posted by Burntvet

    Originally posted by Zekiah

    I suspect a lot of gamers feel shafted by Funcom and don't feel a need to "support" them by handing over $200 before the game is even out. Just a guess though.


    Have people not learned that buying a lifetime sub is dumb? Twice as much pre-release?

    STO? that ring a bell? DCUO as well (I think).

    When the customer buys a lifetime sub, they are giving up all the power to "vote with their wallets" to the developer, who is free to make any/all the unwanted or unpopular changes to a game they want.

    And if you bought a lifetime sub, they don't care and won't ever care what you think: they already have your money.



    Good point although I think the pre-release STO people made out ok, assuming they're still playing/enjoying the game.

    It's kinda like playing the lottery as to how the game will turn out. Probably similar odds as well. image

    That's the thing: many or even most aren't.

    The ones I knew gave up after just a few months, as the game was so fast to level and so shallow, that why would you want to play the same missions, over and over, forever?

    The friends I knew that bought lifetime subs, some on the hype, to a one regretted it after.

    And lifetime subs did not stop STO from going F2P either... granted the conversion was still somewhat generous to lifetimers, but for laying out $249 or $299 for an MMO is a lot: 5-6 full priced regular titles. And that is even if the game doesn't end up stinking.

    Personally, I would never buy a lifetime sub to anything at this point: if I really liked a game, getting a multi-month discount is good enough, and I'd not do that until after the game were out...

    The way MMOs have been these last several years, I am amazed anyone would buy a lifetime sub at all...


  • elockeelocke Member UncommonPosts: 4,335

    I'm still debating with myself about it.  Told the wife, said she might think about buying it for me for Father's Day...I figure...sure, why not.  I tend to come back to games no matter what even when they suck and have been pleasantly surprised.  Did it with Lotro and AoC, as those games have gotten far better than they ever were at launch.  It's nice to not have to worry about subbing and unsubbing and having the monthly bill come out all the time.  Just easier and better to have lifetime sub and full time access whenever and however forever.  Plus, unlike Cryptic(would never consider a lifetime sub for their games, ever), I actually like Funcom games.

    I just need to find out how long this lifetime sub offer is for so the wife can make the payment in tme.

  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by Burntvet

    Originally posted by Zekiah

    I suspect a lot of gamers feel shafted by Funcom and don't feel a need to "support" them by handing over $200 before the game is even out. Just a guess though.


    Have people not learned that buying a lifetime sub is dumb? Twice as much pre-release?

    STO? that ring a bell? DCUO as well (I think).

    When the customer buys a lifetime sub, they are giving up all the power to "vote with their wallets" to the developer, who is free to make any/all the unwanted or unpopular changes to a game they want.

    And if you bought a lifetime sub, they don't care and won't ever care what you think: they already have your money.



    Yeah it's like when I bought Lotro lifetime subscription and got nothing out of it.

    Wait a minute...

    Lotro is still going strong and I've only spent 130$ on the game Oo

    But you are correct, it's not smart by any level to buy the lifetime blindly at the moment. The only sensible reason to buy lifetime would be if you want to support Funcom and show them you are actually interested in their product and firmly believe in it.

    If I were to calculate the raw math, it would be blatantly STUPID to buy the lifetime, unless you actually expect to play it 2 years+ intensively and don't mind the game being bugged/glitchy at the beginning.

    On the subject of "voting with wallet" I'd say that one subscription here or there ain't gonna make major design changes. Overall 1 lifetime subs gives the devs more enthuaism to keep working on the game and make it better by the day.

    Lifetime subscription is a gamble if you buy to save money.

    Lifetime subscription is a win if you buy to support the developer.

    Lifetime subscription gives you a snake skin jacket that is gonna get you laid ingame.

    Bingo....that's why I got it.....Not really..I did pre-order the game and the initiate package though. If it is a really different and lasting experience then I have no problem buying the lifetime sub if it is still available at some point in the future.

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228

    Nope. I did pre-order a AoC CE back in the day. That was my support, they didn't use it well.

    I did pre-order TSW but just the game and the smaller starter pack.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    I will buy lifetime sub because even if the game goes free model like AOC, the lifetime sub will still stay just like it did for me in STO and LOTRO. I don't pay a dime to play these games.

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    Originally posted by evilastro

    It seems like a pretty bad investment in a genre that is almost entirely moving towards F2P.

    TSW wont get the millions that Rift, SWTOR and WoW have, so its likely to go F2P fairly quickly, especially when they already have AoC as a measuring stick / guideline.

    I guess its a bit of a gamble, if it lasts a year without going F2P you made your money back, if not you lose.

    When the game goes F2P you are bound to get boons for buying the lifetime. Such as all the content for free/monthly free CS currency/subscribers exclusives. So even if you only get 5$ worth of cash shop currency each month you are still getting something out of your lifetime as long as the game stays alive and has a decent playerbase. This is assuming the game doesn't go s#it once it converts to F2P. Since TSW has the CS structure in it's core the transforming to F2P won't be a big deal either.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by xZeRGz

    Originally posted by EndDream

    I think the game will certainly eventually be f2p... but they may give cool stuff when it does anyway.


    Considering every other title they own is... me thinks it's a safe bet.

    Atleast funcom will go F2P instead of commiting a suicide like Warhammer Online.

    Now that would've been a wasted lifetime subscription :o

    while they are F2P, they really aren't. You only get a partial experience for free. Not nearly the full effect of the game.

    Well, AO anyway. You miss out on all the expansions after NW. And that is where the game is played these days.

    As far as TSW.....

    Funcom has the creativity.

    They also have a history.

    The best thing you can say is that historically, they missed the ball for 2 out of 2 launches, but they they were able to turn those games around and make them really good games. Unfortuneatly, this becomes a situation of "Too little, too late" The damage is done and the games lose what should be heathy populations due to players feeling that they got played by Funcom instead of playing Funcom.

    Personally, I like their

    However, To order a lifetime mebership to a game still under NDA?


  • jdnewelljdnewell Member UncommonPosts: 2,237

    I am thinking about it. I have never bought a lifetime sub to anything and am hesitant to do so now.

    The only real reason I am even thinking about it is to support a company who at least is trying to make something different. Just based on the fact of no elves or dwarves is almot enough for me.

    I love the idea behind TSW, I am a little worried about Funcoms ability to implement that idea. They had a bad launch with AoC but turned it into a great game ( IMO ). Hopefully TSW will launch in a better state.

    If they extend the lifetime sub option until after the game goes live that would be nice. I cant remember any game doing that before. Usually its the buy before release or dont get it option.

    I am tempted and very well may. Not just yet tho.

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by xZeRGz

    Originally posted by EndDream

    I think the game will certainly eventually be f2p... but they may give cool stuff when it does anyway.


    Considering every other title they own is... me thinks it's a safe bet.

    Atleast funcom will go F2P instead of commiting a suicide like Warhammer Online.

    Now that would've been a wasted lifetime subscription :o

    while they are F2P, they really aren't. You only get a partial experience for free. Not nearly the full effect of the game.

    Well, AO anyway. You miss out on all the expansions after NW. And that is where the game is played these days.

    As far as TSW.....

    Funcom has the creativity.

    They also have a history.

    The best thing you can say is that histrically, they missed the ball for 2 out of 2 games, but they they were able to turn those games around and make them really good games. Unfortuneatly, this becomes a situation of "Too little, too late" The damage is done and the games lose what should be heathy populations due to players feeling that they got played by Funcom instead of playing Funcom.

    Personally, I like their

    However, To order a lifetime mebership to a game still under NDA?


    It's like ordering a mail-order bride from Russia.

    You might be up for the best years of your life or you start thinking "How can I get out of this?!".

  • saltydog3saltydog3 Member Posts: 53

    No way ever for any game. Learned my lesson.

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