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Can we rename to



  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by Remains

    Funny thing is that TSW should be before GW2 on the list ( release june 19th?), while GW2 doesnt even have a release date yet.

    But its pretty much dead quiet about TSW, it's really odd imo. Or is it just my imaginary spider sense tingling (maybe its a stroke of tinnitus even image).

    Its fans who create most of the hype. Companies release videos and press blogs and rest is doen by fan. In case of TSW Funcom is playing safe and trying not to hype their game too much and some time ago TSW community decided to stick to official forums for discussion about TSW. It is a very mature community and stick to official forums mostly.

    Leave it to GW2 fans for running around and telling everyone how their game sucks compared to GW2. Since there are no official forums it is hard to contain them . lol



  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722

    Originally posted by maitrader



    Really seems like the only people using now are GW2 people... 80% of the posts these days are GW2 releated!! UGHHHH!!! lol for people who hated GW2 and have no interest to play GW2, this GW2 Fever is much like todays Jr. High Bieber Fever.. irritating.

    remember when Rift was coming out? -> forum madness

    oh, and remember when Swtor was coming out? -> forum beyond madness

    it comes naturally with every long awaited mmo  image


  • IlayaIlaya Member UncommonPosts: 661

    Originally posted by WellzyC


    gw2 is the only thing to be excited about in the mmo world right now. sorry bub.

    SWTOR failed,

    Rift is another lame wow clone,

    Panada land expantions is laughable.



    Gw2 is the only thing that offers mmo fans any glimmer of hope that this genre isnt going straight into the dumpster...


    Finally we as player get a Game which is not a "clone of [insert game name here]"

  • stringboistringboi Member UncommonPosts: 394

    GW2 is just the next big's called hype!  People are excited and have been excited for a while and until its released, thats mostly what your going to hear about.  What rock have you been living under....this happens all the time.  It will slowly go away after release....and then begin again with the next big thing.


  • RefMinorRefMinor Member UncommonPosts: 3,452
    OP is misinforminated, stop hating on GW2
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,263

    Sure, why not, change the name to whatever the flavor of the season is, makes it easier to know what game I'm discussing.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • SlampigSlampig Member UncommonPosts: 2,342

    Originally posted by WellzyC


    gw2 is the only thing to be excited about in the mmo world right now. sorry bub.

    SWTOR failed,

    Rift is another lame wow clone,

    Panada land expantions is laughable.



    Gw2 is the only thing that offers mmo fans any glimmer of hope that this genre isnt going straight into the dumpster...

    And that is totally YOUR opinion. It is tiring when people speak for everyone, you certainly do not speak for me...

    That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!

  • RobsolfRobsolf Member RarePosts: 4,607

    Originally posted by kakasaki

    Because it is the next "IT" game to come up for release. These forums were the same when TOR, WAR, AoC, etc, etc, etc were nearing release. Welcome to MMO forums. image

    yep.  It will be this way probably til' about a month after it launches, where people will then fight over whether it failed or not.  Then it'll be onto the next big thing.

  • gambe1gambe1 Member UncommonPosts: 123

    Originally posted by Sarariel

    It's like that whenever a new MMO is coming out

    Not really. Swtor was bashed constantly from GW2 fanboys. I don't play swtor and i'm not planing to play GW2, but guild wars fans do tend to act as Twillight and Beaber fans. Even if there is a constructive thread about GW's potential weaknesses, GW fans will take it as a personal offence and act like a mob with torches. 

    It is quite funny and annoying at the same time. On the other hand, when someone writes something positive about the game it is like watching episode of my little pony.

  • AnkurAnkur Member Posts: 334

    Originally posted by gambe1

    Originally posted by Sarariel

    It's like that whenever a new MMO is coming out

    Not really. Swtor was bashed constantly from GW2 fanboys. I don't play swtor and i'm not planing to play GW2, but guild wars fans do tend to act as Twillight and Beaber fans. Even if there is a constructive thread about GW's potential weaknesses, GW fans will take it as a personal offence and act like a mob with torches. 

    It is quite funny and annoying at the same time. On the other hand, when someone writes something positive about the game it is like watching episode of my little pony.

    From pony i remember..Dark pony's signature describes the situation best... and it is already happening. For example this guy...

     Where is darkpony and his signature when you really need him?

    Originally posted by Alot

    Originally posted by maitrader



    Really seems like the only people using now are GW2 people... 80% of the posts these days are GW2 releated!! UGHHHH!!! lol for people who hated GW2 and have no interest to play GW2, this GW2 Fever is much like todays Jr. High Bieber Fever.. irritating.

    If renaming the site will keep you away, sure why not?


  • ElderRatElderRat Member CommonPosts: 899

    Originally posted by WellzyC


    gw2 is the only thing to be excited about in the mmo world right now. sorry bub.

    SWTOR failed,

    Rift is another lame wow clone,

    Panada land expantions is laughable.



    Gw2 is the only thing that offers mmo fans any glimmer of hope that this genre isnt going straight into the dumpster...

    My opinion is that if GW2 represents hope for the MMO fans then we are truly forsaken and doomed.  I see GW2 as being more of the same crap. My opinion.

    Currently bored with MMO's.

  • LarsaLarsa Member Posts: 990

    Funny thread.

    I think the pre-release praise for GW2 is a lot louder than it has been for other releases. The current overdrive of some GW2 fans certainly beats anything that the fans of other games (Tera? TSW?) manage. But I think that was to be expected: with the competitive PvP focus of GW2 it attracts many young males (young being anywhere between 15 and 35), thus there's a lot of testosterone involved. :)

    But, please, keep it that way, I sometimes read the GW2 boards, it's good entertainment.

    I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.

  • cutthecrapcutthecrap Member Posts: 600

    Originally posted by itgrowls

    We should have changed the name to because of all of the biased reviews and all of the non-sensical posts about how that game cured cancer and had the ability to bring people back from the dead. That's seriously all i saw constantly so welcome to my world. Then we saw post after post for months after it's release about how terrible it was and how everyone was leaving.

    I'm guessing here, but I don't think you'll find even 1 post where it's stated that SWTOR cures cancer or brings people from the dead. This makes the rest of your arguments equally suspicious and likely false. Sounds to me like a grudge you're fostering, hence the extreme and ridiculous statements.

    On topic, I like GW2 and am looking forward to it, but the extreme zealotry of some (newly?) converted hardcore GW2 fans as seen on this site is getting annoying sometimes. I notice that I start to take nothing seriously of their posts when I spot some names. Not a good thing to do, but better than getting constantly annoyed by some people's almost religious doting on and crusading for this or that game to the point of abandoning reason, logic or facts.

  • BeansnBreadBeansnBread Member EpicPosts: 7,254

    I think instead of it should be named:

  • rileyman1211rileyman1211 Member Posts: 65

    Everyone has different tastes in games m8.. its like this everytime a new highly hyped MMO comes out.. and it will continue to be like this lol..

    “Wakka wakka wakka” - Pac-Man

  • gambe1gambe1 Member UncommonPosts: 123

    Originally posted by Larsa

    But, please, keep it that way, I sometimes read the GW2 boards, it's good entertainment.

    I agree, it's like going to fox news site to see comments under articles. Funny because of all stupidity and somewhat scary.

  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319

    Originally posted by Robsolf

    Originally posted by kakasaki

    Because it is the next "IT" game to come up for release. These forums were the same when TOR, WAR, AoC, etc, etc, etc were nearing release. Welcome to MMO forums. image

    yep.  It will be this way probably til' about a month after it launches, where people will then fight over whether it failed or not.  Then it'll be onto the next big thing.

    Queue "Circle of Life" music with dancing ponies and such. Not that Pony, though. I hear he has 4 left hooves.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • TwistingfateTwistingfate Member Posts: 177

    Originally posted by Sarariel

    It's like that whenever a new MMO is coming out



  • gambe1gambe1 Member UncommonPosts: 123

    Originally posted by rileyman1211

    Everyone has different tastes in games m8.. its like this everytime a new highly hyped MMO comes out.. and it will continue to be like this lol..

    It is not the same. I do know that has a huge GW2 fan base and i don't have anything against that, but it is quite annoying when discussing other games and constantly seeing: "you should buy GW2, GW2 will be better" posts.

  • karmathkarmath Member UncommonPosts: 904

    Like every other mmo messiah before it, the constant fanboi hurrr will turn into hate a week or two after release. Its only temporary. 

  • cippalippacippalippa Member UncommonPosts: 108

    No i think

    is far more appropriate and nonetheless linguistically igenic. We're talking journalism boy!

  • RefMinorRefMinor Member UncommonPosts: 3,452
    Originally posted by gambe1

    Originally posted by rileyman1211

    Everyone has different tastes in games m8.. its like this everytime a new highly hyped MMO comes out.. and it will continue to be like this lol..

    It is not the same. I do know that has a huge GW2 fan base and i don't have anything against that, but it is quite annoying when discussing other games and constantly seeing: "you should buy GW2, GW2 will be better" posts.


    Or being constantly told you are misinformed and need to educate yourself because you have come to a slightly different conclusion.
  • MMOarQQMMOarQQ Member Posts: 636

    Originally posted by RefMinor

    OP is misinforminated, stop hating on GW2

    lol its misinformed please learn too spell.

  • FalcomithFalcomith Member UncommonPosts: 831

    Originally posted by maitrader



    Really seems like the only people using now are GW2 people... 80% of the posts these days are GW2 releated!! UGHHHH!!! lol for people who hated GW2 and have no interest to play GW2, this GW2 Fever is much like todays Jr. High Bieber Fever.. irritating.

    Could have said that a few months back when there was nothing but SWTOR posts going up. Big deal. It goes on in every forum. Tech sites were nothing more then IPAD 3 posts a few weeks back. People are always going to talk about the next big thing.

  • gambe1gambe1 Member UncommonPosts: 123

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Originally posted by maitrader



    Really seems like the only people using now are GW2 people... 80% of the posts these days are GW2 releated!! UGHHHH!!! lol for people who hated GW2 and have no interest to play GW2, this GW2 Fever is much like todays Jr. High Bieber Fever.. irritating.

    Could have said that a few months back when there was nothing but SWTOR posts going up. Big deal. It goes on in every forum. Tech sites were nothing more then IPAD 3 posts a few weeks back. People are always going to talk about the next big thing.

    If i remember right (and i think i do, since it was only months ago), around half of them were from GW2 fans "teaching us" why Swtor will fail and GW2 win. 

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