Really seems like the only people using MMORPG.com now are GW2 people... 80% of the posts these days are GW2 releated!! UGHHHH!!! lol for people who hated GW2 and have no interest to play GW2, this GW2 Fever is much like todays Jr. High Bieber Fever.. irritating.
It's like that whenever a new MMO is coming out
gw2 is the only thing to be excited about in the mmo world right now. sorry bub.
SWTOR failed,
Rift is another lame wow clone,
Panada land expantions is laughable.
Gw2 is the only thing that offers mmo fans any glimmer of hope that this genre isnt going straight into the dumpster...
The way mmo's were: Community, Exploration, Character Development, Conquest.
The way mmo's are now : Cut-Scenes,Cut-Scenes, solo Questing, Cut-Scenes...
I just noticed it since the pre-order details and availability. When something comes between peoples money the controversy begins.
Because it is the next "IT" game to come up for release. These forums were the same when TOR, WAR, AoC, etc, etc, etc were nearing release. Welcome to MMO forums.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
Please talk for yourself and not all the MMO fans. I am actually lookign forward to Panda expac and had loads of fun with Rift.
*shoves wellzyc down from soap box*
If you're that fed up with GW2 info, don't go into threads with it in the title? And for having no interest in GW2, posting a thread about GW2 seems really, really stupid. There are multiple forums here dedicated to different game, perhaps discuss one of those?
At any rate, once the game is released there will be plenty of people here complaining about it, have patience.
^ this
Spoken from your point of view there mate. GW2 is not my messiah...
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
If renaming the site will keep you away, sure why not?
Being bitter is quite ok. Expressing it by posting a thread like this is rather idiotic.
Haters gonna hate, huh?
Maybe ArenaNet are just doing something that's connecting with a lot of people man...
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
You are right..no matter how bitter a person is expressing it is rather idiotic.
*goes through sgel's post history and cackles*
What games do you think, in your opinion, people should be talking about or getting excited about?
For example, I think Archeage looks amazing but I guess we won't be seeing that for a while.
So, what do you propose as an alternative to the excitement over GW2 and what is it about that game/games that you feel is worth more attention?
"Loading screens" are not "instances".
Your personal efforts to troll any game will not, in fact, impact the success or failure of said game.
We should have changed the name to SWTORfansite.com because of all of the biased reviews and all of the non-sensical posts about how that game cured cancer and had the ability to bring people back from the dead. That's seriously all i saw constantly so welcome to my world. Then we saw post after post for months after it's release about how terrible it was and how everyone was leaving.
GW2 fan site sounds great to me. iits really the only mmo i give two shakes of a lambs chops about
Well, in my case I didn't really start posting or interacting with the community until GW2 beta information started getting spread. Perhaps there are a lot like me who were inspired by mmorpgs again.
Not saying its the greatest thing ever, just freshly inspiring for someone looking for an epic story where things can actually happen.
Yeah this site doens't even come close to the bias for either of those two games that mmo-champion does for WoW. I don't even know why they bother saying it's an mmo site and instead just rename it something WoW-related. 99% of their official post are about WoW.
The same thing happens with every other *big* new release. TOR owned this site for at least a year, if not longer, so you can't just claim it's a GW2 thing.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
I'm really afraid for GW2 fans. I don't want their game to be a disappointment. Everything looks good, and I hope it is, but just watch out for expectations.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
And the same thing will happen with other MMOS that release after GW2.
Funny thing is that TSW should be before GW2 on the list ( release june 19th?), while GW2 doesnt even have a release date yet.
But its pretty much dead quiet about TSW, it's really odd imo. Or is it just my imaginary spider sense tingling (maybe its a stroke of tinnitus even
What really is there to talk about with TSW?? the info about the game comes at a slugs pace compared to GW2 info and vids....
Sure, I'll vote for the change of name.
the OP is for sure wow fanboy.