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MMO Mice

Four0SixFour0Six Member UncommonPosts: 1,175

Currently I use a G5, but it is almost 5 years old, and I'm taking a look at the newer models with more buttons..


Any thoughts/sugestions?


  • FalcomithFalcomith Member UncommonPosts: 831

    Best mmo mouse I have found. Razor Naga. 17 buttons. 12 of which is at the thumb.

  • NevulusNevulus Member UncommonPosts: 1,288

    I made a transition from g5 to Epic Razer Naga and I can honestly say I miss the button responsiveness of my g5, BUT the epic naga did grow on me. Save yourself $$ and get the wired version of the epic razer naga.

  • Four0SixFour0Six Member UncommonPosts: 1,175

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Best mmo mouse I have found. Razor Naga. 17 buttons. 12 of which is at the thumb.

    Does the Naga have weights? My G5 does, and frankly I like a heavy mouse.

  • FalcomithFalcomith Member UncommonPosts: 831

    Originally posted by Four0Six

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Best mmo mouse I have found. Razor Naga. 17 buttons. 12 of which is at the thumb.

    Does the Naga have weights? My G5 does, and frankly I like a heavy mouse.

    They actually add a weight system to the G5? RAzor doesnt have a weight system. The site says it weighs in at 0.30 pounds. 

  • Four0SixFour0Six Member UncommonPosts: 1,175

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Originally posted by Four0Six

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Best mmo mouse I have found. Razor Naga. 17 buttons. 12 of which is at the thumb.

    Does the Naga have weights? My G5 does, and frankly I like a heavy mouse.

    They actually add a weight system to the G5? RAzor doesnt have a weight system. The site says it weighs in at 0.30 pounds. 

    Yes G5 has weights, I use all 8, 4.5 gram weights...which means it doesnt slide when bumped lol.


    Anyone used one of these

  • JetrpgJetrpg Member UncommonPosts: 2,347

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Best mmo mouse I have found. Razor Naga. 17 buttons. 12 of which is at the thumb.

    i love this thing, its pretty heavy.

    "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine

  • RidelynnRidelynn Member EpicPosts: 7,383

    The G5 is still my favorite mouse. Mine passed on a couple of years ago (the scroll wheel went out after 2-3 years of hard use). I currently have a Razor Mamba that has a similar shape and feel - I only use it in wired mode, and you can't use the Razor drivers or it has "issues". It's not the same as the G5, but it's close.

    I had tried another Razor a few years ago - just before I got my G5. I can't remember which type it was, it was pretty well similar to the G5 all in all. It lasted 4 months before the scroll wheel went out ><. All in all, I'm not very impressed with Razor, even though a lot of people rave about the Naga. I use 2 buttons and a scroll wheel at most, the rest of the buttons are wasted on me.

    I only got it because I had some Best Buy gift cards to burn. It was rediculously expensive, and I thought I may use it wirelessly on my HTPC - turns out it sucks because you have to leave it on the charger pretty much any time you aren't using it, and I am not good at remembering that, not to mention my HTPC doesn't have any continuous powered USB ports after I turn it off. I now use a BT mouse I can just swap AA's out, or my phone via VNC, and started gaming with the Razor because I didn't like the feel of a Steelseries I had tried out. I probably will try a G500 or G9x when this Mamba breaks down or I get sick of it.

  • KalferKalfer Member Posts: 779

    The RAT 7 Looks cool!

  • SpallieroSpalliero Member Posts: 147
    Razer naga hands down. I've used a fair cross section of mmo(gaming) mice with tons of mmos, the naga is king. I will say I haven't used the wow specialized mice but have friends who own both iteration (not molten core razer one) and they've deteriorated heavily over time.

    Sic Luceat Lux

  • ZezdaZezda Member UncommonPosts: 686

    Use the Razer Mamba myself, no need for a million buttons on my mouse as long as my left hand functions well enough :)

  • miguksarammiguksaram Member UncommonPosts: 835

    Originally posted by Four0Six

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Originally posted by Four0Six

    Originally posted by Falcomith

    Best mmo mouse I have found. Razor Naga. 17 buttons. 12 of which is at the thumb.

    Does the Naga have weights? My G5 does, and frankly I like a heavy mouse.

    They actually add a weight system to the G5? RAzor doesnt have a weight system. The site says it weighs in at 0.30 pounds. 

    Yes G5 has weights, I use all 8, 4.5 gram weights...which means it doesnt slide when bumped lol.


    Anyone used one of these

    I have gone through quite a few mice trying to find one that fits my play style and overall design preferance.  This includes both the G5 and Naga.  While the G5 is a solid mouse I felt it was just too basic for me.  The Naga seemed like it would be a dream mouse for MMO's and honestly it does do it's intended job well.  However, I found the overall size of the Naga to was a bit too small for my hands, and I don't have large hands.  So while I certainly endorse if for those who find it comfortable I think most who buy it just allow themselves to get used to it's smaller stature due to it's button benefits not currently offered by other mice.  My current mouse is the R.A.T. 7 and I absolutely LOVE this mouse.  I'm actually considering buying the one in the link you offered as it now seemed to be the perfect blend of massive amounts of buttons (ala Naga) combined with total mouse size/weight/shape configurations from the original R.A.T. 7.  If you can afford the one in that link, and it's performance is equal to the original, that is the mouse to buy period!

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042

    If only logitech would make one with the buttons of the naga. I'd love to have that many at the thumb but i've hated the light flimsy feel of every razer mouse i've had, they don't have anywhere near the build quality of logitech.

  • miguksarammiguksaram Member UncommonPosts: 835

    Originally posted by Kabaal

    If only logitech would make one with the buttons of the naga. I'd love to have that many at the thumb but i've hated the light flimsy feel of every razer mouse i've had, they don't have anywhere near the build quality of logitech.

    Logitech makes a great solid product no doubt but based on my personal experience I'd say you'd be hard pressed to find a sturdier mouse than the new CYBORG series.  I can only speak for the R.A.T. 7 of course but the hard plastic and metal frame is as solid a build as I have ever come across, even with the all the hinges and swappable parts.

  • The_GekkoThe_Gekko Member UncommonPosts: 28

    Lovin my Logitech G700, has nearly as many bindable buttons (13) as the Razer Naga, but not all cramped together on the thumbside. I also like how the thumb buttons have over/underhangs so you can basically flick em instead of pressing them in.

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