I am looking for a new pvp game to play till GW2 releases. Would anyone, who is more familiar with DCUO, answer a couple of questions?
At max lvl, are arenas, scenarios, bgs or whatever they are called popping frequently?
Which faction has shorter queue times heroes or villains?
Population wise, is this game still worth playing or have the majority of pvpers jumped ship?
On the pvp server, I was positively surprised that a hero killed me in my first 10 minutes of running around. So far world pvp seems pretty active.
Many thanks!
At max lvl, are arenas, scenarios, bgs or whatever they are called popping frequently?
Which faction has shorter queue times heroes or villains?
Population wise, is this game still worth playing or have the majority of pvpers jumped ship?
1. Yes, quite often same with legends pvp "I'm on EU but I expect NA to be alot more populated.
only downfall to the pvp is it's not balanced so some games you get people who are weak, then the next could be an over-powered premade group ect ect, it's quite annoying at times but still fun.
2. On EU I'd say they're about the same.
3. population I would say is still decent, better now it's f2p then before, and with the expansion coming out tomorrow "13th march" which introduces new raids / arena / alerts and Earth Powers a fair few people should be returning to atleast try it out.
but heck it's worth playing for an hour or so a week, especially since it's free.
1). There were soem recent changes that hurt the ques but anything invloving 8 total player or less ques fast. 4v4 2v2 etc
2). villians on US servers.
3). pvpers dont really jump shipe here were getting leader boars next update so they will be sticking around.
Some heads up PUg pvp is better on villians side its faster and players tend to be better (likely due to shorter ques). In the long run as a fresh 30 you will be run over often by better geared players with more skill points to avoid this play legends an pvp as much as you can from 1-30 since you still earn marks and influence from legends. Only other thing is learing the rock paper scissors of pvp lunge beats block breaker block beats lunge block breaker beats block. Clipping kiting etc are all later on. good luck.