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any new games starting OB soon or can you point me to the right place to look for games that are coming out? i have been with out a good pc to play game on now i like to get back into it so i like to find a new game ob or cb that just started or is going to start soon ... plz dont flame me lol.
No reason to flame you mate.
You can go sign up to:
Tera beta: (p2p mmorpg)
The Secret World beta: (p2p mmorpg)
Tribes: Ascend beta: (f2p mmofps)
Firefall beta: (f2p mmorpg)
Also, be on a look out for beta sign ups to join GW2 beta (b2p mmorpg) The registration is closed for now, but will be reopened in a month or two. At least that is my guess anyway :P.
If waging war with robots is your thing, you can follow MechWarrior Online at (premium f2p mmorpg). Though not sure when the beta will start for this game.
These are pretty much the big ones to watch
Hope that helps!
Looking forward to EQL and EQN.
Tanks i will give the f2p ones a look im also waiting one GW2 to come out if it will stil be the one time fee like gw1 was that is..
GW2 will indeed have a one time fee. Just buy the box and play 4eva for free thereafter. Hence the b2p (buy to play) model.
Looking forward to EQL and EQN.