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Best game since UO ?

FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

I spent nearly 15 years playing UO. Judging from the beta of tera, I may spend a good decade playing this game.


Anyone else?


Shits epic, son.



  • mrcalhoumrcalhou Member UncommonPosts: 1,444

    Doesn't remind me that much of UO. Reminds me more of EQ. Very linear.

    "Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"

    The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
    Front: UNO Chemistry Club
    Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions

  • moosecatlolmoosecatlol Member RarePosts: 1,531



  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

    It's not so much a reminder of UO... its just the same quality of game.

  • MaitraderMaitrader Member UncommonPosts: 389

    The game is unimpressive at best.... boring and un-innovative, except for the races you can choose. Unfotunate.

  • JakardJakard Member Posts: 415

    I'm not sure if anyone could really legitimately say that after 15 hours of beta that they're going to play for the next ten years. And no, I don't think it's the best game since Ultima Online. Just my opinion though.

  • FadedbombFadedbomb Member Posts: 2,081

    Originally posted by mrcalhou

    Doesn't remind me that much of UO. Reminds me more of EQ. Very linear.

    Doesn't remind me whatsoever of EITHER UO or EQ. It remidns me HEAVILY of WoW, Rift, Allods, and SWTOR.


    Linear questing 1-58 is freaking terrible. ALL of my friends, whom i talked into preordering it with me, have quit before ever reaching level 20.


    We played for 7hrs straight today and on the 7th hour they ALL quit (all 4 of my friends!!) leaving me groupless :'(. I hit lvl 20 by the 8th hour, and I myself am feeling the strain. The game, quite simply, reminds me HEAVILY of L2 in some aspects, but the linear hand-held questing is absolutely the most boring thing i've ever seen.

    Additionally, I'm pretty much FORCED to do the linear quests. If i try to go out and randomly kill things the "Resting" mechanic completely stops me by the 10 or 15th kill because then my Stamina drops below 90% (which affects your HP, MP, and Regen rate....the tiny bit that there is) and i have to go back to town & find a campfire to rest at. Campfires themselves are rediculously expensive below lvl 35, so you end up blowing all your money on campfires, potions, or bandages (nearly worthless too).


    So far, I'm considering cancelling my preorder :(.

    The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
    Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.

  • PivotelitePivotelite Member UncommonPosts: 2,145

    Originally posted by Fadedbomb

    Originally posted by mrcalhou

    Doesn't remind me that much of UO. Reminds me more of EQ. Very linear.

    Doesn't remind me whatsoever of EITHER UO or EQ. It remidns me HEAVILY of WoW, Rift, Allods, and SWTOR.


    Linear questing 1-58 is freaking terrible. ALL of my friends, whom i talked into preordering it with me, have quit before ever reaching level 20.


    We played for 7hrs straight today and on the 7th hour they ALL quit (all 4 of my friends!!) leaving me groupless :'(. I hit lvl 20 by the 8th hour, and I myself am feeling the strain. The game, quite simply, reminds me HEAVILY of L2 in some aspects, but the linear hand-held questing is absolutely the most boring thing i've ever seen.

    Additionally, I'm pretty much FORCED to do the linear quests. If i try to go out and randomly kill things the "Resting" mechanic completely stops me by the 10 or 15th kill because then my Stamina drops below 90% (which affects your HP, MP, and Regen rate....the tiny bit that there is) and i have to go back to town & find a campfire to rest at. Campfires themselves are rediculously expensive below lvl 35, so you end up blowing all your money on campfires, potions, or bandages (nearly worthless too).


    So far, I'm considering cancelling my preorder :(.

     Lol, under 90% affects the buff you get, campfires are also cheap after level 15, you can buy stamina pots, and to counter your story, all 5 of my friends are level 27 right now and we are fighting BAMs and gearing up in the instance for GvG battles.


    I have been loving the game, also you shouldn't be losing health much, that's the point of the low HP regen rate.


  • Butch808Butch808 Member UncommonPosts: 383

    TERA for me goes like this:

    PvE Server = Boring

    PvP Server = The Bomb (if you can handle a few deaths & ganks)


  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

    Well sure, questing sucks. But who cares, I don't play for the quests I play for whats after the quests (and some of the content during... tons of world pvp).


    The PvP and general feel of the game is great.

  • AzmodaiAzmodai Member UncommonPosts: 154

    I agree, The community will be great for TERA too. All the WOW fanboys will go to Guildwars 2.

    All the PVE lovers will most likely go to some other game so we will have a very strong community I hope.

    Great game design, No MMO has better looking environment. The Lore is really great too.


  • PivotelitePivotelite Member UncommonPosts: 2,145

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    Well sure, questing sucks. But who cares, I don't play for the quests I play for whats after the quests (and some of the content during... tons of world pvp).


    The PvP and general feel of the game is great.

     Agreed, loving the PvP and the feel of the environment is lovely, lots of ambient sounds, decent music and all the grass/trees are swaying always. 


  • rexzshadowrexzshadow Member Posts: 1,428

    Originally posted by Fadedbomb

    Originally posted by mrcalhou

    Doesn't remind me that much of UO. Reminds me more of EQ. Very linear.

    Doesn't remind me whatsoever of EITHER UO or EQ. It remidns me HEAVILY of WoW, Rift, Allods, and SWTOR.


    Linear questing 1-58 is freaking terrible. ALL of my friends, whom i talked into preordering it with me, have quit before ever reaching level 20.


    We played for 7hrs straight today and on the 7th hour they ALL quit (all 4 of my friends!!) leaving me groupless :'(. I hit lvl 20 by the 8th hour, and I myself am feeling the strain. The game, quite simply, reminds me HEAVILY of L2 in some aspects, but the linear hand-held questing is absolutely the most boring thing i've ever seen.

    Additionally, I'm pretty much FORCED to do the linear quests. If i try to go out and randomly kill things the "Resting" mechanic completely stops me by the 10 or 15th kill because then my Stamina drops below 90% (which affects your HP, MP, and Regen rate....the tiny bit that there is) and i have to go back to town & find a campfire to rest at. Campfires themselves are rediculously expensive below lvl 35, so you end up blowing all your money on campfires, potions, or bandages (nearly worthless too).


    So far, I'm considering cancelling my preorder :(.

    If you have to stop to rest after 10-15kils obviously you need to play lot better. coz me and my friend go at least 30-60mins before we need to stop infront of a camp fire to rest.... I fought dungeon bosses with around 6x stamina you can kill normal mobs with 90 -.-

    Also i never had to buy a single campfire because if you haven't notice most npc area has a built in one and you find enough to go around unless of playing it as a tab target mmorpg,  which in that case your playing it wrong and this is not the game for you.


    WTF who here did SM at lvl 26? My god it was a mana nightmare for Tanks Q_Q

  • SereliskSerelisk Member Posts: 836

    Originally posted by Azmodai

    I agree, The community will be great for TERA too. All the WOW fanboys will go to Guildwars 2.

    All the PVE lovers will most likely go to some other game so we will have a very strong community I hope.

    Great game design, No MMO has better looking environment. The Lore is really great too.

    All the WoW fanboys will go to Guild Wars 2, a game that is unlike WoW in almost every respect, over TERA, a game that follows most of the major features of WoW, but with a rehauled combat system? image

  • Superduper69Superduper69 Member Posts: 363

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I spent nearly 15 years playing UO. Judging from the beta of tera, I may spend a good decade playing this game.


    Anyone else?


    Shits epic, son.


  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    I think the Tera developers should be happy if they manage a retention rate of 6 months in 2012, considering the competition of good games that is coming out this year and all the games that are turning F2P and thus becoming more accessible.

  • rexzshadowrexzshadow Member Posts: 1,428

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    I think the Tera developers should be happy if they manage a retention rate of 6 months in 2012, considering the competition of good games that is coming out this year and all the games that are turning F2P and thus becoming more accessible.

    What? In term of sub goes Tera is a niche game and people going to play Tera are going to play it for the combat since no other game coming out at all going to offer that i don't see Tera lossing any of their subs.....Just like GW2 doesn't have to worry about subs Tera doesn't have to worry about people leaving because people who play will want what Tera has and no one else does. And stop thinking everygame will go F2P, yes F2P will be more common and HOPEFULLY better planned but some games will still remain P2P, and there peopel who will play it because they are P2P because they want to avoid large troll community of F2P games.

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    I believe that every MMO will go F2P, sure.

    I also believe that a good portion of those MMOs will provide a subscription option for golden members with loads of perks to go along with it.

    What I describe is already happening btw. LOTRO, AoC, EQ2 and recently Aion all follow this model with more to follow in their steps.


    On topic now, I think you're wrong about the retention expected for this game. If others are like me, we're excited by all the launches of 2012 (TERA, TSW & GW2) and are waiting to try them all. There is so much time I can play so it'll come down to what entertains me the most. Tera has many good qualities, but it remains to be seen how they measure up to the other MMOs that will launch during the same period. Unlike though a good portion of people in this site, I reserve judgment for what I haven't played for after I do.

  • CetraCetra Member UncommonPosts: 359

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I spent nearly 15 years playing UO. Judging from the beta of tera, I may spend a good decade playing this game.


    Anyone else?


    Shits epic, son.

    lol i guess the only MMO you played is UO and now Tera. Thus Tera looks like a game made from the heavens. Omg amazing graphics and colours, 3D characters and environment, cute girls with boobs.

    i cant think of any other reason. :/

  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    I believe that every MMO will go F2P, sure.

    Why isn't UO F2P ?


    You just sound angry at the world when you make stupid statements like this. The game has held subs since '97.


    You have no idea how anything works do you?

  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

    Originally posted by Cetra

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I spent nearly 15 years playing UO. Judging from the beta of tera, I may spend a good decade playing this game.


    Anyone else?


    Shits epic, son.

    lol i guess the only MMO you played is UO and now Tera. Thus Tera looks like a game made from the heavens. Omg amazing graphics and colours, 3D characters and environment, cute girls with boobs.

    i cant think of any other reason. :/


    I really don't like admitting I played wow, warhammer, etc because they were honestly some of the worst games ever to be developed. My MMO (and other games) list is semi long, and across several genres, so thats a failed generalization you have. I don't comment on tera's graphics at all, since graphics mean absolutely nothing when I judge or rate a game.


  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    I believe that every MMO will go F2P, sure.

    Why isn't UO F2P ?

     You just sound angry at the world when you make stupid statements like this. The game has held subs since '97.

     You have no idea how anything works do you?

    I've already given you examples of every major MMORPG publisher that has converted their games already to what I believe will become a reality in subscription based MMOs across the border. I should have clarified that I've meant MMORPGS that has developers producing content for them. UO was a nice game once upon a time, but it's been dying the death of all those MMOs with no developers backing it up.

  • NBlitzNBlitz Member Posts: 1,904

    If you've been reading around a bit you'd know these kinds of threads only serve as bait for the people who have jumped on the hate-bandwagons.

  • ArchidArchid Member UncommonPosts: 210

    I did get the same feeling when i jumped to wow from lineage 2... and in a good way i mean. I think its the combat... and i like how the game looks and feels, except the loli and pedobears.

    the best way to kill a troll is to FLAME ON! ...or with acid...

  • Superduper69Superduper69 Member Posts: 363

    Originally posted by rexzshadow

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    I think the Tera developers should be happy if they manage a retention rate of 6 months in 2012, considering the competition of good games that is coming out this year and all the games that are turning F2P and thus becoming more accessible.

    What? In term of sub goes Tera is a niche game and people going to play Tera are going to play it for the combat since no other game coming out at all going to offer that i don't see Tera lossing any of their subs.....Just like GW2 doesn't have to worry about subs Tera doesn't have to worry about people leaving because people who play will want what Tera has and no one else does. And stop thinking everygame will go F2P, yes F2P will be more common and HOPEFULLY better planned but some games will still remain P2P, and there peopel who will play it because they are P2P because they want to avoid large troll community of F2P games.

    People don't just play a MMO for one feature alone. For MMO to be a success it needs a lot more than just combat if it was true than AOC and DCUO would be a hit too. Unlesss you are telling us that Tera will end up just like AOC and DCUO..then i agree. Niche is another word to describe horrible games these days.


  • rexzshadowrexzshadow Member Posts: 1,428

    Originally posted by Superduper69

    Originally posted by rexzshadow

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    I think the Tera developers should be happy if they manage a retention rate of 6 months in 2012, considering the competition of good games that is coming out this year and all the games that are turning F2P and thus becoming more accessible.

    What? In term of sub goes Tera is a niche game and people going to play Tera are going to play it for the combat since no other game coming out at all going to offer that i don't see Tera lossing any of their subs.....Just like GW2 doesn't have to worry about subs Tera doesn't have to worry about people leaving because people who play will want what Tera has and no one else does. And stop thinking everygame will go F2P, yes F2P will be more common and HOPEFULLY better planned but some games will still remain P2P, and there peopel who will play it because they are P2P because they want to avoid large troll community of F2P games.

    People don't just play a MMO for one feature alone. For MMO to be a success it needs a lot more than just combat if it was true than AOC and DCUO would be a hit too. Unlesss you are telling us that Tera will end up just like AOC and DCUO..then i agree. Niche is another word to describe horrible games these days.


    Well ya if the game offer nothing to go with teh combat its not going to work, but Tera has end game dungeon with hard mode for those who like a challenge. open world pvp, 24hr guild wars, can war up to 3 guild at once, and political system. soon there be massive PvE event, Server vs Server and 10-20man raids. So ya to people who like Tera for its Combat will stay because Tera offer us many thing to do with that combat system. Ofc if you don't like those t hing than this game won't be for you, and most likely almost no mmorpg well be good for you since those are what most mmorpg has offered as end game content.

    Originally posted by Xasapis

    I believe that every MMO will go F2P, sure.

    I also believe that a good portion of those MMOs will provide a subscription option for golden members with loads of perks to go along with it.

    What I describe is already happening btw. LOTRO, AoC, EQ2 and recently Aion all follow this model with more to follow in their steps.


    On topic now, I think you're wrong about the retention expected for this game. If others are like me, we're excited by all the launches of 2012 (TERA, TSW & GW2) and are waiting to try them all. There is so much time I can play so it'll come down to what entertains me the most. Tera has many good qualities, but it remains to be seen how they measure up to the other MMOs that will launch during the same period. Unlike though a good portion of people in this site, I reserve judgment for what I haven't played for after I do.

    I disagree with that because one key thing of any mmorpg game is never split your community. By adding in golden member you split your community between people who play and people who don't and thus no matter what you do will make the game unfair to those who play more, also pitting your community against each other.

    This video talks about the subject, its a good watch.

    Also i do thank yo for reserving your judgement until you have tried other game thus have more solid reasoning behind your thoughts.

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