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Swtor is obviosuly caters to averge gamer joe, who have never played mmo OR players who have burnt out on World of warcraft. This game is not for crazy players or shoudl i say hardcore gamers demographic.
Basically what it boils down to 800k average joe subscribers, and ex wow vets. So swtor is successful financially theyve hit their target audience.
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
I can nothing but agree with you. But one point I believe isn't correct. It doesn't cater to ex WoW vets, but ex WoW Average Joes.
Min-Max-people don't find this challenging enough.
That 800k subs was an interesting find. Care to share the link?
First I think it is true that they are targetting mainly the non MMORPG crowd, this is evident with the lack of any innovative MMORPG features and even lack of basic MMO features such as group finding tool. They are again trying to do what WoW did, which is to try to bring in non MMORPGs to pay and subscribe to an MMORPG.
However I very much doubt that they will retain 800k subs. I believe they already have lost 20-30% of the people who bought the box and next month it will likely be another 20-30% and due to lack of any compelling end game it will probably continue until it has less than 500k subs and my guess is that it will stabilizie around 3-400k after about 6 months.
For me the reason is clear, once most people play through the class story lines which interest them there is not a whole alot of things to do, atleast not to warrant a sub fee.
My gaming blog
Mainly white men in the USA is a narrower demographic. There was a fair bit of talk on the servers I was on where the female players felt disappointed that they didn't get more man 'eye-candy', lol.
even your average Joe that has never played MMOs before have a bare minimum of standards to be met, and SWToR isnt meeting them.
I cant see many people sticking with this game for long, there are far better options even for single player games out there, and soon they will have Diablo 3 and ME3.
going after the "non-MMO" players' crowd will prove to be a terrible idea
Not so sure about the wow-vet assumption.
At least I'm an exception; played WOW and loved it for a few years (until a few months into TBC) but SWTOR didn't nearly interest me for such a long period.
I think mainly because what WOW did offer, is a "whole", consistent open gameworld which still offered incentives to max level people and better implemented world pvp throughout the leveling proces. Also quite a bit more immersion if I say so myself.
My brand new bloggity blog.
Min-Max people never find anything challenging enough. They are the bored elite...always were and always will be. Which MMO, game, movie, music track (or anything else for that matter) is being dicussed is irrelevant. Everything fails.
It really sucks to be them.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
.....that poor horse
If only what you said made sense
People burned out by WoW would never touch SWTOR
More Immersion? How? By the boring music the game had the boring combat? Sorry did'nt mean to insult wow but come on. Wow is not open world my friend, it is a themepark like the rest of them, and personaly, I find SWTOR offers ALOT more immersion that WoW ever did, because of the story and the connection players have with their characters.
This game caters to anyone who loves a good mmorpg period. I am a old school everquest vet from beta of 1998 and have done hundreds of raids in EQ and yes even WoW, and honestly the raids in Swtor are far supperior to that of WoW, not EQ because in EQ we used to have 300 man raids on my old server to take down a single boss ( Sleeper anyone? ).
So not to insult you here Dark, thats not my intention, but I don't agree with you that the immersion of WoW surpasses that of swtor, and also cannot compare a seven year old game to a less then two month old game, it's just not fair nor is it plausable.
In wow, all they want you to do is get to level cap, and they make you do it fast, for me it took me less then a month of game time to get to 80, and I was like damn now THIS is easy, and 99.9% of the time, I was soloing so ya, at least it took me alittle over a month in swtor to get to 50, 30 levels below the cap of WoW and I was not bored at all during my time.
Anyhow, time to go see if swtor is back up, later gents see you in whatever game you play, just you won't see me in wow, so pick something else Lol.
I maxed five characters in WoW. Maxed their professions too. Spent a lot of time doing it and, while there were some boring moments, I found them few and far between. There was always something else to do.
I got one SWTOR to L48, having finished their class quest. There is no way in hell I was going to grind another toon to that level again - and there is nothing else to do but grind.
Fry would say:
Not sure if talking about DarkPony or the dead horse.
Yeah but I am talking about Vanilla WOW here mainly (check my post).
Compared to SWTOR Vanilla WOW was a ton more immersive to me. I actually liked the music much more (damn Ashenvale EMO chanting always made me shiver from longing and angs), the world was MUCH more whole and consistent and world pvp was great fun because of factions actually being put in eachother's ways. Also clever npc guard mechanics which made raiding towns a possibility.
Next to that crafting and raiding and traveling to and from instances made the world much more of a factor at max level compared to SWTOR where the world(s) are mainly used for leveling content and that's it.
My brand new bloggity blog.
at first I thought he meant DarkPony (noticed no more swtor sig) but then realised he meant SWTOR. lol.
To the op. i guess im an average joe....
Played SWG pre-cu, CU and some time in the NGE. Ground millions upon millions of xp for my Jedi status.
Played WoW and raided engame for many years on my warlock and paladin
Been a member of this site since (2005) 6 years before you decided to sign up).
tried most mmo's Rift, Lotro, Cov, Coh, CO, STO, Eve, AOC, Ryzom, etc etc. Played video games since my first consol (Atari 2600), played competivie Counter-strike winning money, LAN events and obtaining sponsership deals. Own a 360, Wii and PS3. I love SWTOR and will continue to play it because I enjoy it...but I guess (waves hand) I am not the demographic BW/EA are looking for
They cater to people who are new to both MMORPGs and console/pc RPGs. In other words: people who wouldn't know what a WoW clone is since they've barely played any before and they wouldn''t know what a good single player experience is since they have barely touched those games either.
The min-max people have plenty of challenges outside the realm of games, but they probably think that those problems are too difficult, so they just stick to games.
I'm proof that your wrong
Pretty much this. SoE handles it by releasing obviously broken content which acts as a deliberate gate, making people think that the best players are still working on a progression, when in fact noone will kill the encounter until it gets nerfed / fixed in a patch.
Bioware took the cheap way out by making their encounters completable under reasonable circumstances, so people are actually beating it.
There are surely males that can enjoy Justin Bieber's music, but that doesn't mean that the music isn't catering to teenage females.
Point is: catering to a group doesn't mean that only that specific group can like the product.
You forgot to mention that the game caters to Star Wars fans :P
Music is what makes MMO? please music is fun as long as you love it, but saying that one music is better than the other music, is just stupid, it really is.
Boring combat in WoW? If there is one thing that wow has it right, it is combat. It's responsivness it's speed, I can't even think how could one compare combat in wow against swtor combat. Anything but combat, wow wins this fight by miles and miles.
The rest is your opinion, that is true for some people and not true for others. I personally, don't enjoy leveling process, everytime i've started new character in the game where I already have 1 max character, leveling was pain for me, I don't enjoy doning same content over and over again, I do it once, and I want to remember it as good times, rather than make it big part of my MMO experience. But than again I like the competition and massive multiplayer part of the game, where I ethier pvp or raid. If i would like single player aspect of the game, I would play single player game. For example, i've played COD , and I did enjoy the game, the story, it was fast paced, easy to burn through and fun, i've done it, now sometimes i play multiplayer mode, i cant say that i enjoy it to much, but play it only because i want to play with other people, kill them or be in a team with them to kill others. Same in here, I complete the story once, it's interesting, great, but now I would like to play with or against human intelect, so i go pvp, or i go raid. I don't need a friend running with me killing mobs that are easily killed by smashing one button. And there are many, way too many people like that, people play MMOs not to do solo or group easy quests or listen to long conversations. If you discount them, and say oh we are targeting only at those will listen to a cheap novel about your ship being stolen, well, than 500k sub is a little too much.
I haven't tried raids in this game, but from what i saw in the videos its tank and spank period. Why would I, burned out wow player, who hates tank and spank, would love swtor raids? because I have lightsabre, because characters look better, i highly doubt that.
Why i stopped playing swtor? because i thought, well pvp isn't there, 3 warzones are simply not fun, i am tired of instanced BG's in wow, illum? well i watched the videos, expoits, terrible fps, reminded me of wintergrasp or tol barad with expoits and faction imbalance? PVE? it was tank and spank, but with robots. Yea and all characters when running with lightsabres look like they have radiculitis.
Likewise, its a solid game and the instanced PvP is fun, more fun than I ever had in EQ2, WoW or Rift.
Will the novelty wear off eventually? Probably, and for me the game is only a stop-gap until a next gen MMO comes out (either TERA or GW2 at this point). But for now its definitely the best themepark around as far as fun goes.
The raids and dungeons in this game are very fun too, probably a bit easy, but at least all the encounters make sense and are interesting. The fights in Karagas Palace are really fun.
Vanila wow was the best, and the world pvp did exist, because as u say "factions actually being put in eachother's ways"
SSvsTM raids, stv was a warzone, arshanvale wars, it wasn't really thought of, but it was fun, and it was ver ver enjoyable, I wish they would have developped town raiding instead of BGs.
Played many MMOs. WoW not being the first.
Loving SWTOR. Sure it's got a lot of bugs that need to be fix. But I'm in it for the long haul. It's like you're looking for the perfect gal that doesn't exist.
Enjoy being lost with out a game to play and looking for another MMO I guess.
Because at this point, there is nothing better than SWTOR.
-Azure Prower
Exactly reason why I am not playing any mmorpg atm.