I've made videos of riding through all 18 regions in Lord of the Rings Online.
I think its good for people who want to see how different regions looks and how big is the game world.
One of my favourites videos I have watched many times is video 15 Enedwaith. It is because of very good weather effects like rain, wind and very good sounds and epic soundtrack starting at 2:15. Not the best quality but worth watching in my opinion
Not often you can see weather effects like this. Usually in this game its nice and sunny.
After making all these videos I am sure Lotro is the game with largest game world mmorpg. Even if you find larger world it will not be as much detailed, complex with that many different regions and landscapes. Example Fallen Earth, huge 3 sectors but mostly empty desert. I have nothing against FE, its a good game, just comparing world size and structure.
As for Lotro more regions coming this year. The Great River region in spring and Rohan (almost twice the size of Moria) in end of the year.
Alpet - level 65 loremaster.
i watched 2-3 videos , u did nice job
yes the true is that lotro have a very nice world!
Gorgeous videos. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for response. Travelling by horse through all 18 regions took me in total 206 minutes, which is 3 hours and 26 minutes.
Now I am recording some of the skirmishes and Isengard Epic quests starting from Vol 3. Book 4, Chapter 18 - when i was captured and threw in Isengard caves as a prisoner. Still I am trying to escape in the following movies.
All movies in 720p HD.
Vol 3. Book 4, Chapter 19,20 http://youtu.be/Uolx3lMtCso
Vol 3. Book 4, Chapter 21 http://youtu.be/zjE2TJ4yyYY
Vol 3. Book 4, Chapter 22 (including session play) http://youtu.be/NjN94Y0jLqw
Vol 3. Book 4, Chapter 23 (escaping from Isengard) http://youtu.be/gyYEUe1zdm4
thanks for watching.