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This has been really buggin me over the past week or two as I read more posts in which people call the Diablo 3 RMAH a Gambling system.
Are you all MAD!, to Gamble AT ANYTHING you need to have the potential to lose something, you goto a casino you gamble your money against the house, if you lose, you lose your money, if you goto the track its your money against the winning outcome of a race, if you play cards, poker , its your money won or lost against the other players.
Can some one explain to me WHY, they think it's gambling and show me where the loss is, and even IF there is a very small fee taken for posting an item to the AH, thats the same FEE that eBay takes, the same FEE that banks take , you call them Gambling as well ?
You still haven't figured out that the majority of forum posters, especially feeble-minded gamers who are projecting a superiority complex behdnd internet anonymity, just say whatever they hear some prominent person in the industry say? They're mostly sheep.
gam·ble (g
v. gam·bled, gam·bling, gam·bles
a. To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest.
b. To play a game of chance for stakes.
2. To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.
3. To engage in reckless or hazardous behavior: You are gambling with your health by continuing to smoke.
1. To put up as a stake in gambling; wager.
2. To expose to hazard; risk: gambled their lives in a dangerous rescue mission.
1. A bet, wager, or other gambling venture.
2. An act or undertaking of uncertain outcome; a risk: I took a gamble that stock prices would rise.
and yes ebay/craigslist or whatever they are called is also a form for gambling, you risk (maybe very little) money with no guarentee that you will get it back.
and no, i don't consider the RMAH gambling but it still is a risk with no guarentee of profit
I don't care if it's gambling or not. My only gripe is that they won't let me play it yet.
Just saying your using banks is totaly wrong. Banks provide services for their fee's. And they do not have a time limit like auctions do:)
I would not say it is gambling either though. But is is a easy way for people to lose RL cash, even if it is a small amount, if their auctions do not sell. Just another way for games to get cash from people. But that is another discussion.
If player had to put up a real money amount before being allowed to sell items in the RMAH then I could see it as gambling. There is no "fee" for the producer and digital labor for loot won't count as legal tender if I'm not mistaken. There will be no risk involved and the result is pure profit. Not any more than the PLEX exchanges that go on within EVE.
I assume that if the item doesn't sell it gets deleted within a certain time period. Will the player loose any money if that happens? I thought that Blactivision only takes a cut of the sale.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
I don't think it's gambling either. I'm not 100% convinced that they are really blocking the game in South Korea because they believe it's actually gambling. What they definitely want to stop is the online gaming addiction and one of the tools they use is the gambling laws. They could be afraid that the game will cause behavior similar to the behavior that online gambling causes*, so they label it 'gambling' and say it's not allowed.
* People plug all of their money into the game, and get nothing out of it while their children starve to death and other similar, horrifying stories.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Every action you partake in, regardless of the perceived certainty of the outcome, is ultimately a gamble ;o
If i have read it right. There will be 2 ways to use the RMAH.
One, you tie it to a account like paypal, and every time you sell an item they (Blizz) take a small transfer fee out of your sale to transfer it to paypal account.
Two, you tie it to your battlenet account, and you get charge nothing when you sell an item. But the sell is tied to your battlenet accout and can never be taken off of it. Just used for battlenet stuff, including other battlenet games they allow it for., IE: you sell whatever and use the procedes to buy other things on your battlenet account, wow time or whatever.
So basicaly, you pay only if you turn it into RL cash through a site like pay pal or whatever else you use.
OK that does not sound like gambling to me but I can understand why the S. Koreans might not want to go down this route. Internet overuse withing gaming is a problem they take seriously and a RMAH may turn into a "whiskey galore" scenario.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
Pretty much.
I really DO want to get angry at Blizz over this, but it's hard to. Honestly, they are just taking advantage of sloppy players that are willing to pay someone else for their godlike drops, and then take a cut of the action. It's genius... evil genius, and "will print money" in the same way Nintendo is accustomed to. I think my major beef is that it will jsut set a precedent that money can be made without trying, and especially without cycling it *back into the product*, of which Blizz/Activision is notorious for considering it a risk to their bottom-line.
In the end, it will make a lot of money, make things worse, and only have lazy players to blame for *encouraging* them.
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