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FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

Where's the pvp at ?


Dont care about themepark, sandbox, blah blah blah.


I need a PvP game. arenas, bgs, open world, W/E.




What do?



Played and uninstalled: Darkfall, Eve, Rift, WoW

Playing: League of Legends

Waiting for: GW2


  • kirak2009kirak2009 Member UncommonPosts: 543

    Battlefield 3 is a blast

    "All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda

  • LluluienLluluien Member Posts: 54

    I feel your pain OP.  I don't think Guild Wars 2 will be the 2nd coming of the messiah for PVE players, but I'm really hoping it's going to feel that way for PVPers.  I think this is the first time when the claim that structured PVP will give completely open access to everything might actually be true.  They claimed this in Guild Wars 1 but it wasn't true when the game released because you still had to unlock the skills.  I started playing it again about a week ago to try to rush the Hall of Monuments points, and I noticed they had "PVP unlock packs" you could buy now to solve that problem, so I have faith that when they make the claim this time for Guild Wars 2, it will be true.

    It still might not solve grindy problems for World PVP depending on how many of their other claims are true, but we'll have to wait and see on that.  If they can keep the classes relatively balanced (that's a big if, I'll grant you), then this will still be the most PVPer-friendly MMORPG that has ever released.

  • 77lolmac7777lolmac77 Member UncommonPosts: 492

    I was going to say BF3 but someone said it



    so try Counter-Strike

  • BullseyeArc1BullseyeArc1 Member UncommonPosts: 410

    Originally posted by kirak2009

    Battlefield 3 is a blast

     This, the only MMO pvp that I ever enjoyed was on Star Wars Galaxies.   100 vs 100 on some days, laggy as hell but fun.    Normal 30 vs 30 till it started to die off in the end when they started free transfers.   

  • TriadninjaTriadninja Member Posts: 111

    If your not playing it already, play League of Legends to tide you over until GW2.


    I can feel the drive you have to fight real people in combat. I love PvP as well, and trust me, GW2 will be quite good when it comes out. Especially WvWvW pvp, if you help your server achieve victory, your server will get bonuses that the other two won't, all because you helped your side achieve victory in WvWvW. And yeah, the structured PvP will definitley allow for Esports, since you can jump in and start PvPing right away.

  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

    Originally posted by Triadninja

    If your not playing it already, play League of Legends to tide you over until GW2.


    I can feel the drive you have to fight real people in combat. I love PvP as well, and trust me, GW2 will be quite good when it comes out. Especially WvWvW pvp, if you help your server achieve victory, your server will get bonuses that the other two won't, all because you helped your side achieve victory in WvWvW. And yeah, the structured PvP will definitley allow for Esports, since you can jump in and start PvPing right away.

    Yeah, im playing league currently.. Silver ELO in ranked 3s and a shitty 1500 in solo queue. But I want something better =

  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177

    Have you played the original Guildwars? Thats gotta be the best instanced PVP I have come across. You can create a unique build that no one else uses and sometimes stumble across a great one that no one knows about . .. image


    I heard that AoC went F2P . .. is this true?! Hrmmm its actually pretty fun creating a twink for Tortage Underhalls (the first dungeon) and just trying to claim the dungeon for myself. I wonder if you can get to level 25 in the free version of the game? It really sucks to reroll in that game though so make sure you pick the right class or youll be forced to repeat the same storyline and there is a lot of running from NPC to NPC in that game while you PVE. The most fun I had in the game was just claiming that first dungeon for as long as I could. The last time that I played I couldn't which is a good sign that it still may be crowded. G


    For F2P (besides AoC) I would probably go with Global Agenda or Warhammer but those games get old really fast. Vindictus is another one thats really fun for a few days . ..


    Battlefield 3 is currently the best FPS imo. Mount and Blade has PVP and is a very addicting game for a couple weeks.

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  • BLueBEarBLueBEar Member Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl
    Where's the pvp at ?
    Dont care about themepark, sandbox, blah blah blah.
    I need a PvP game. arenas, bgs, open world, W/E.
    What do?
    Played and uninstalled: Darkfall, Eve, Rift, WoW
    Playing: League of Legends
    Waiting for: GW2

    Define your defination of a good pvp system, looks like you tend to uninstall a lot...


    Oh my got!!!
    i neber see a graphic of this before,
    i neber p2p any game before, but this game i must!

  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

    Originally posted by BLueBEar


    Define your defination of a good pvp system, looks like you tend to uninstall a lot...


    UO is my defination of good PvP & MMO.


    Obviously nothing mimics or closeley resembles what UO was, but anything that can give the same feeling will suffice.


    Warcraft 2 is my defination of a great RTS, if anyone has a good RTS suggestion.


    Not that much into FPS but I'll try em. I own l4d2 and it sucks balls.


    FPSMMO's like darkfall was great but the game is dead/sucks now. (No population, retarded lag/exploits/bugs/etc)


    Heard about AoC... I'm on the fence about this game, mostly due to the structure of the "free to play" vs whatever they are calling the paid version. I may infact give it a try sooner than later but still looking for other options atm.


  • skyexileskyexile Member CommonPosts: 692

    Watch Planetside 2, Proper MMOFPS.

    TRF - GM - GW2, PS2, WAR, AION, Rift, WoW, WOT....etc...
    Future Crew - High Council. Planetside 1 & 2.

  • TriadninjaTriadninja Member Posts: 111

    Originally posted by skyexile

    Watch Planetside 2, Proper MMOFPS.

    Also this. Watch for this.

  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424

    DAoC is still the best pvp.  Now you can go from level 1-50 in a day's time, so you get to the 3-way struggle of awesomeness that is the Frontiers.  If you don't want to do that, you can hang out in Thidranki (20-24) or Molvik (35-39) Battlegrounds for that pvp itch without having to go through 40-50.   It's not as bad as it once was, but 40-50 still takes forever, when compared to 1-40.  Some say it's still imbalanced, and it is...but it's fun that way.  Not to mention there's a million classes to choose from hehe.

  • KogruKogru Member Posts: 4

    DAOC, if you cant handle the interface and dated gfx etc. then try  warhammer. Guild wars has the best instanced pvp, but if the control system is not to your liking then WOW is where its at.

  • BLueBEarBLueBEar Member Posts: 242

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    Originally posted by BLueBEar

    Define your defination of a good pvp system, looks like you tend to uninstall a lot...

    UO is my defination of good PvP & MMO.
    Obviously nothing mimics or closeley resembles what UO was, but anything that can give the same feeling will suffice.
    Warcraft 2 is my defination of a great RTS, if anyone has a good RTS suggestion.
    Not that much into FPS but I'll try em. I own l4d2 and it sucks balls.
    FPSMMO's like darkfall was great but the game is dead/sucks now. (No population, retarded lag/exploits/bugs/etc)
    Heard about AoC... I'm on the fence about this game, mostly due to the structure of the "free to play" vs whatever they are calling the paid version. I may infact give it a try sooner than later but still looking for other options atm.

    Try Tibia online? and I don't mean to just play it through the tutorial and then uninstall, give it a chance for a month or so and try out the pvp later on as you progress through skilling up, besides the given fact of there being no sound, this mmo resembles a lot of what UO was. I suggest you give that a try if you haven't already.


    Oh my got!!!
    i neber see a graphic of this before,
    i neber p2p any game before, but this game i must!

  • stayontargetstayontarget Member RarePosts: 6,519

    Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...

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