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Is Recruiting! Adult Only PvP Guild -Tarantatek Server- | 01.09.2012 , 10:57 PM |
-Saga- is recruiting! Adult-only! Requirements: Level 40 Or Higher Looking For: Smugglers (Gunslinger or Scoundrel) and Trooper Healers Vent/Microphone Faction: Republic Server: Tarantatek Goal: World domination! (or some PvP, whichever we can achieve first) Before you start, our general rule set is the same for all games, regardless whether it's hardcore PvP or casual raiding. We are firm believers of the "If you are red, you are dead" policy and we will enforce that. Guild members always come first, keep that in mind. Now, without further ado: Saga is organized, helpful to its members, and a great community where like-minded gamers have fun and work together as they explore everything SWTOR has to offer. We use the forums and our Vent server, as well as in-game clan chat, to stay connected. Saga is not a one trick pony and as a result, we do a bit of everything. Both PVE and PVP will be a part of what we do, and of course crafting. In our opinion, the people make the clan, and we are looking for mature gamers who share our idea of what a clan should be. Some of the core ideas of Saga: - We believe that working together makes us all better players. We share information and help to educate new members on the game. - We work for a positive reputation within the game. Every member is a representative of Saga at all times, and we want people who will contribute to our good name. We want to make a contribution to the SWTOR community as a whole. - We have a great sense of humor, and we have fun. We also respect each other, and insults or jokes mocking someone's race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. are not okay. - We can be skilled players without taking ourselves too seriously. We play the best we can, but we always remember it's a game. - We recognize that real life comes first, and while we want active players for our community, you'll never be penalized if real life takes you away from the game for whatever reason. If you're removed from the clan for extended inactivity, you're always welcome to rejoin when you come back. Most Saga members, both men and women, have been gaming for many years and have played multiple MMOs. We view ourselves as more than just a Legion--we're a gaming community. If you like what you read here and think you might be a good fit, please fill out an application here on the forums. We think choosing a clan is an important decision. We're not a zerg guild and we would rather have a small tight-knit group than a shapeless mob of strangers. Feel free to talk to any of our officers in game, post on the forums, or pop into our Vent server to get to know us before you make a decision. Thanks, AudioVisual |
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