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Jedi Covenant Server

jjjk29jjjk29 Member Posts: 295


CorSec is a Republic guild located on the Jedi Covenant server now recruiting players who are interested in end-game, flashpoints, Ops, and Warzones. 


Currently we have nine 50’s, and are in need of healers and ranged DPS to fill our Ops groups.


We currently have an active Vent server and are looking for players who prefer vocal chat for flashpoints, Ops, and PvP.


As well as supporting a Vent server we built and maintain a community website.  This website houses our guild application, code of conduct, and forums relating to our community operations. 


We are looking for valued players who enjoy community and strive to be the best.


If anyone is interested here is a link to our application page:


Come join the Republic guild of CorSec on the Jedi Covenant server!



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