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I have come to a somewhat sad conclusion, I think I have grown out of the genre of MMO's.
There was a time when I couldn't wait to log in to whatever game I was into at the time, would talk about the game and think game related stuff when I wasn't playing.
Now i just cannot get into any game at all, I have bought every new MMO, in the hopes of catching some of the "fun" I used to have, as well as going back and revisiting ones i had already played. I thought it may be burnout, but have taken many breaks.
TO ME, it just feels like a chore to log in and spend any time in " insert game here "
I wonder if any of you feel the same.
I am currently having more fun learning how to play Chess at the moment.
I kinda feel like i have lost my puppy.....
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
I sort of feel the same, but I think it's the result of themepark overload in my case. Once youve played one thempark game, youve played them all, with differing graphics. and flavor text.
Im with you. I've spent an awful lot of money on MMO's hoping to rekindle what I once loved. I even stopped playing for the better part of a few years. Lately I have been enjoying SWTOR, but I know that will come to an end soon as well.
I still have some hope that another awesome mmo game is around the corner that will get me hooked.
It happens. Tastes change. Don't be afraid to take a break from the genre and take up another hobby.
Sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder.
saying there is an age limit for mmo is stupid, i dont believe there is one but maybe the one trying to make mmo's are so that why they suck lately.
Just have patience, a new game called ArcheAge is on the horizon and it "will re-define the genre". ^_^
I think we'll all jump on that bandwagon when they announce a Western publisher. So far it's still looking like a 2013 release at best.
I feel the same way. It has been 12 years since my first MMO. I don't have time to really play the 'sandbox' types, and the 'themepark' types don't entertain me. I do pick up cheap/free games on Steam, and it's actually kind of nice to play through a game in 2 weeks and then be done with it. I don't have to feel like I'm working toward anything anymore... I just enjoy the game and the story.
I have heard the same about Darkfall and Mortal online. I really hope you are right this time.
Personally I give WoDO, GW2 and Class 4 better odds, based on what I know about their devs.
But AA do sound great in theory at least, lets hope they can deliver.
Watch this video, these guys designing the game get it. They know that UO is what should have defined these games and should have been the model for the design of MMORPG's. Go watch this video.
ArcheAge <<< clicky
They all said the same thing about DFO and MO. I followed DFO since they were RazorWax and had high hopes.
Both failed epically.
Ill save any comment or hopes about AA until its released.
As for the OP, I havent grown out of MMOs. Though I dont have as much time as I used to.
MMOs have grown (or not grown) in a different direction that Im looking for.
I prefer a Virtual Open and Dynamic World not some Themepark linear scripted path to max level where you raid/pvp for epic loot.
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR
Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT
Playing: Skyrim
Following: The Repopulation
I want a Virtual World, not just a Game.
ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
And there you have a part of the problem. We'll never see better games when we buy the crap the studios produce anyway, why would they try for something different when hundreds of thousands buy their current games? ;-)
I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions. world PVp and eastern grind mechanics is gonna set the town on fire. The 50k subs will have devs scrambling to make a game based upon its mechanics. /sarcasm off
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
I'm in the same boat, though I would word it differently: instead of the seasoned gamer growing out of MMOs, the MMO has regressed from the seasoned gamer. Core game design becoming more simplified and childish, written for the lowest common denominator and all that.
If all the games you pay seem nearly the same, then try playing something different. Try Uncharted Waters Online. Try A Tale in the Desert. Try Puzzle Pirates. You may or may not like the games, but if you don't, then it will surely be for different reasons from other games you dislike.
I feel its less you grow out of them and more we are simply to spoiled by how many we have to play and what we have to expect.
I feel the same. After years playing MMOs, the stupid MMOs we have now makes me think "you dev waste your time playing your game if you like it".
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
Agreed, they don't have the dazzle they once had. Tera is my next great hope but if it ends up in the archives 3 months in I won't be all that surprised.
They all feel like movie sequels but you need to pedal a bike to keep the movie going untill it ends. By the time you reach the end you are just dog tired and you are asking why the hell did I go see Nighmare on Elm street 34? It isn't even worth bitching about because I can't even put my finger on what is 'broken' about them. They just seem so predictable with every effort to make them unpredictable turning in to unplayable.
I completely disagree with you. It's more of the same. Elves and what not. Girls with big breasts and miniskirts swinging gigantic swords. It is exactly what we already have on the market. Sadly. looked interesting until it turned out the developers messed that game up and incredible few people play it.
At the moment I'm sticking to what I know and have cancelled three MMO's. What I got left if singleplayer games.
If it ain't dead you're not pressing 2 hard enough.
Don't give up OP. I too feel the same way. Even my much loved Vanguard is startingh to wear thin. New games are on the horizin and maybe at least one of them will be something new instead of the same rinse and repeat going on in the genre for the past few years. Until then, listened to some on here and gave Uncharted Waters Online a try. Not a bad little game...
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
I think you need to do some more research into a game before you call it more of the same trust me on that when its comes to archage... mind you we probably wont see it til 2013-14
Same here :'o
But its not only you, those games are really, really bad since 2005.
I am glad i can still enjoy things in life. I am actually growing along with MMOS and not growing out of them.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
*flat expression*
I never heard that one before.
If it isn't fun anymore, that's a good sign that it's time to move on. You can always pick it up again later if the mood hits you.