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Basically I'm tired of alot of the mmo's I've seen so far. I'm looking for an mmo with consequence, something that would make me give a damn about an area. idk how to put it.. a horde of monsters attack a town, but afterwards there's zip, zilch nada affect besides players killed. maybe that's it, an mmo that would have meaning and impact to situations that would/could lead to things going to pot. maybe it's skyrim, but any storyline that advances when the player tells it to can get old a little fast. I just know I don't want another mmo with thick kiddy theme, but I don't want to do fallout 3 online. hell, why can't there be an mmo that does anime style like dbz or bleach or suck, without dumbing down?
I am sad to say but mmo's like that do not exist anymore since world of warcraft became popular.. they are all theme parks now and quite boring at that. heh.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
If you can get immersed in a game without graphics, MUDs might be a good way to get what you're looking for. Persistence is common, partly due to the ease of making it happen in a world where you can change the text and have the player imagine it instead. Playing on a roleplaying MUD, you can see the importance of player decisions and reputation. It's a hard jump, though, but if you'll do /anything/ to play a game that you described, then you can forego graphics.
Other than that, I can't really recommend anything to you. Depending on how Guild Wars 2 implements its dynamic events in comparison to WAR's public quests and RIFT's own zone events, GW2's world could become interesting. From the Wiki, it seems that even though the DEs will have temporary consequences, they can last for 'days, weeks, or even months' until a player interacts with it. It's a pretty weak adaptation of what you are looking for, though.
If you need help finding a MUD, I can help.
GW2 sounds like it's the closest thing to what you may be looking for, although some of their ideas come across as hype to an extent. GW2 might be what you want, but I'm really not sure - depends on how is meaures up on release. There are anime influences in their art, I believe, but it's meant to be an option of some kind (?) (Disclaimer : I dislike the art style of anime)
Other than that, you could try games like A Tale in the Desert, but that's very far from anime, has a niche population, and may be too sandboxy for your taste. Eve Online could perhaps float your starship, if sci-fi is your thing.
One last thought....meant in all seriousness....have you tried tabletop RPG? The kind of consequence you're looking for is of the *really* permanent kind, and a tabletop setting could cater to that (I understand that this option may well not suit)
been a long time since I did a tabletop. 1st and last time was like when I was 15(?), and at this point there hasnt been any obvious gathering for it, everyone/everything where i live is theatres, malls and other business. last time I mudded, the title of the mud said thing, the experience once begun said something totally different.
in unrelated chit-chat....I'm beginning to resent companies that advertise one thing, and it looks nothing like the ad. IE: luvinia ad vs luvinia youtube vids.
what computer you have!i would suggest you try swtor but make sure you can use ss!(otherwise your gaming experience will be subpar)
Not all MUDs are going to be like the one you played. There are many out there still, so chances are we can find something you will like.
Do you like roleplaying? Would you mind being required to roleplay?
What theme / setting are you looking for?
How should character progression be handled?
Do you like PvP? How about permadeath?
Are you looking for specific features?
Add any other info that would help too.
I know exactly how your feeling, I feel the same way too.
One thing that i've looked at to try and combat this feeling of "you move the story" is any game with territory wars. it doesn't necessarily have to be open world (Though, with open world, it really does make it one of those things where if you don't protect your territory at all times, you could lose it), and you could get very involved in the game this way. Certain groups in these games tend to cause alot of tension in the game, like when one group of gamers doesn't like the other, usually lots of ganking is involved and whatnot.
I would look at any sandbox game/game with territory war as a possible option for you. Also guild wars 2, because some of the features it will have (if the hype is true) will blow tons of other MMOs out of the water.
Personally, i'm waiting for Planetside 2. Not only is it an FPS, its a large scale open world territory war. I'll be the dude flying the dropship in and out (if there is one).
Archeage Online !!!!!!!
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
Of course there is - the Galaxy. It's confirmed to make a comeback in PS2. Don't know the capacity, but in PS1 it could transport a full squad (10) of soldiers and a light vehicle, so it will probably be somewhere similar.
I don't think I'd have the time to put enough careful thought into roleplay to tabletop. Star wars will remain on my dvd shelf.
Guild wars has been a good lean on for some time. My pc can handle skyrim well enough so that says all I can care enough to say of it without searching home depot for a sledgehammer.
I think for now I'll just look for a copy of harvest moon or something, just too tired to think straight enough to define what I'm looking for in games right now.
Ive been playing Skyrim lately but it keeps making me appreciate Darkfall more because I get sick of having to drink potions and stuff during combat. I think Darkfall is the closest thing to what you are looking for that has others playing. There is also Mortal Online but I didnt like it when I played.
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As someone else already suggested, you could try Darkfall.
either that, or you could give Ryzom a shot. It doesnt have most of stuff you mentioned though, but the world itself is beautiful and its actually the closest thing to 'real' world, sort of. Unlike most other games there are no exclusively snowy areas, it just does snow during winter time, somtimes
It does feel like a real living world, with alive mobs, and some incredible AI behaviour.
Its quite old somewhat sandboxish game thought, and i havent played it for years, so not sure how is it doing today, or how big is its playerbase and such. Theres a free trial i believe, so you could give it a shot :P
You can always try out a game from Iron Realms Entertainment. Being OOC is forbidden in public, so you'll never see anything like "WTB 300 health potions, PST", any "trade trolling", and each of the games are reactive to the players. That is, you can actually change the way the game is going if you get into a leadership position and cook something up with your Patron. It's something that's unique to this type of game -- everything else is really just on rails to the same ending.
Immersion is so hard to pin down, People may find immersion in <insert game> and others will not. It pretty much depends on the person. And because of that I will not offer any game suggestions.
Good luck trying to find that perfect game for you.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Hate to be the guy who does it (nah who am i kidding, i don't hate to be that guy) but sounds to me like you are waiting for GW2 like the rest of us. These events WILL have consequences especially when you choose not to help. Say some pirates are attacking a port city and a little kid runs up to you and asks for help. If you decide not to help, the townsfolk will be killed, the town burnt and ransacked, and the pirates will setup in that town to attack other cities etc and even prevent say the traveling salesman that sold you those awesome armbands from passing without paying them a toll. It's going to be awesome like that.