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Is the game really THAT bad?

FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231

I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?



  • LowcaianLowcaian Member Posts: 265

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

    No, but it's nothing special either and space is epic fail.

  • SatariousSatarious Member UncommonPosts: 1,073

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

    The trolls who spend all their time unfairly bashing the game are bad, not the game.  The game is great!  I've been having a blast.  Try it for youself and stop listening to people who have probably never even tried the game.

  • PuremallacePuremallace Member Posts: 1,856

    Go try it yourself or wait for a trial. Some of us do not like it and some do. It seems to be 50/50 right now.

  • sanosukexsanosukex Member Posts: 1,836

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

    if you are interested in game for PVP and are the type thats tired of rift and wows pvp you probably won't enjoy this games pvp very long.. if yo liked KOTOR and bioware's other games like dragon age and mass effect you will enjoy the game

  • YamotaYamota Member UncommonPosts: 6,593

    As a single player game, no it is quite good. Nice story lines and what not.

    As an MMORPG, it is terrible. Over-instanced with little to no impact on the conflict that is allegedly occurring between the two factions.

  • AdamTMAdamTM Member Posts: 1,376

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

    "Bad" is relative.

    So relative to what?

    Id say its bad, relative to it coming from a AAA publisher, a AAA studio, and around 100 million backing the game in dev cost.


    But your milage may vary.

  • PrecusorPrecusor Member UncommonPosts: 3,589

    Its better than 99% of the mmos listed on this website.

  • RizelStarRizelStar Member UncommonPosts: 2,773

    Originally posted by sanosukex

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

    if you are interested in game for PVP and are the type thats tired of rift and wows pvp you probably won't enjoy this games pvp very long.. if yo liked KOTOR and bioware's other games like dragon age and mass effect you will enjoy the game


    I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.

    I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.

    P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)

    Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.

  • GolelornGolelorn Member RarePosts: 1,395

    Originally posted by Precusor

    Its better than 99% of the mmos listed on this website.

    99% of the MMOs on this website don't cost 60 dollars with a 15 dollar a month upkeep.

  • dubyahitedubyahite Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    I don't think it's bad at all. I'm having a great time. I would even say it's great.

    Shadow's Hand Guild
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  • SatariousSatarious Member UncommonPosts: 1,073

    Originally posted by sanosukex

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

    if you are interested in game for PVP and are the type thats tired of rift and wows pvp you probably won't enjoy this games pvp very long.. 

    OK.  I have to disagree with this statement.  There's nothing wrong with the pvp.  So far,  nobody has really gotten exposure to the open world pvp since it's at max level (50).  We won't be able to truly evaluate the open world pvp until a sizeable portion of the server is at max level.

    Second, the instance pvp is pretty much on par with WAR's instanced pvp, the way I see it.  Instanced pvp will always just be capture the flag nonsense.  There's not much you can do to improve it.  Open world pvp is where it's going to be at, and anybody who reviews that aspect is just talking out their ass since a good portion of the community hasn't reached the necessary level yet.

  • PuremallacePuremallace Member Posts: 1,856

    Originally posted by Yamota

    As a single player game, no it is quite good. Nice story lines and what not.

    As an MMORPG, it is terrible. Over-instanced with little to no impact on the conflict that is allegedly occurring between the two factions.

    This is my problem and why I am honestly waiting for them to put it on sale. I refuse to pay a sub fee for a game where I know I will not want to be in a guild or want to talk to anyone.  This was the main feeling I got when I played in BETA that I could not justify paying a subscription for this.


    Few people said it right. If another dev besides ArenaNET took the B2P model and ran with it they would literally take over the genre. SWTOR B2P with content packs every 4-5 months for 10$ would change everything. They took the WoW route and unfortunately it is not going to last. They are wasting time sorting out basic crap like macros, UI, or getting people sub'd to the game.


    Bioware has 30 days to make one hell of a impression on people playing on free time and they are wasting it in my view. The impression Trion made was damn fast developer, but really heavy handed on class fixes, so Rift got labeled as such.

  • PoufPouf Member Posts: 341

    I love the game , don't like pvp battlegrounds too much , love open-world pvp. Dont care about queues I've seen all the other MMO release days and SWTOR is doing great.. SWTOR subscription is making wayyy to much noise for something like all subscription MMOs do...


    While beta when NDA lifted most of the post here were about how good the game was. Now that its release people who likes it plays it, people who doesnt come complain here that is it.


    This game have some problems, but for a launch its doing great and have a lot of potential


    That's my opinion

  • I'm having a great time, completely different mmo experience. Watching youtube videos does not do this game justice. The gameplay is very fun and engaging for me. I had my doubts, even made a thread on here named 'Yes or No' because I was on the fence, I have to say, if I knew it would be this good, I would've preordered.

  • SmikisSmikis Member UncommonPosts: 1,045

    ill say its worth month sub, it just isnt worth current asking price.. i doubt you will lvl more than 2 characters, even at that you probbly wont lvl second as zones are mirrors, if you done empire you will notice republic zones after first 2 planets are mirrors,

    you will feel " i did this.. just with different npcs "  pve is horrible,

    pvp is broken due how terrible combat animations are ( not from viewing point, from actuall battle performance, you can have animation go for 1-2s, yet damage you do will be done in first 0.1 of animation cast time , its not fluid at all either, ui is horrible for pvp, can never see if you debuffed anyone or not and so on )

    flashpoints are barely fun for first time.. not to mention second

    grind..grind grind, dont let story fanboys fool you, yes its good, but none of them will admit you can complete story in 30 mins or less per planet, and another 3-5 hours doing kill 50 rebels/monsters/ whatnot quests

    and moment you realize just how copy paste everything is.. i played as empire in beta, and republic for first couple days of release,zones felt new.. untill i reached third planet.. same planet story, same theme, i couldnt feel i did this.. then i went to narshadar (4th planet ) oh my , that was even more copy paste

    then tatoine, now at that point quests were exactly same as for empire. i might been killing droids instead of thugs, for one quest.. or mandaliorans instead of droids, but it didnt change the fact it was exactly the same


    at that point i realized there is barely even 2 faction replayability.

  • winterwinter Member UncommonPosts: 2,281

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

      Haters hate, its what they do. Its what they live for, doesn't have anything to do with reality or the state of the game.

  • sanosukexsanosukex Member Posts: 1,836

    Originally posted by Satarious

    OK.  I have to disagree with this statement.  There's nothing wrong with the pvp.  So far,  nobody has really gotten exposure to the open world pvp since it's at max level (50).  We won't be able to truly evaluate the open world pvp until a sizeable portion of the server is at max level.

    Second, the instance pvp is pretty much on par with WAR's instanced pvp, the way I see it.  Instanced pvp will always just be capture the flag nonsense.  There's not much you can do to improve it.  Open world pvp is where it's going to be at, and anybody who reviews that aspect is just talking out their ass since a good portion of the community hasn't reached the necessary level yet.

    let me ask you why pvp here? there is nothing differn't here than games like rift and wow.. pvp is a gear grind plain and simple.. open world pvp in this game is a joke because of how instanced this game is.. some people love to PVP for the gear grind but if you are tired of it theres no reason to really pvp.. you have no arenas no leaderboards. No political structure that makes PVP meaningful.. its just more of the same and worse in many ways

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    Originally posted by Satarious

    Originally posted by Fearmeirl

    I knew it wouldnt be a great game since its based off Star Wars and such but is the gameplay and PvP really as bad as people make it out to be?

    The trolls who spend all their time unfairly bashing the game are bad, not the game.  The game is great!  I've been having a blast.  Try it for youself and stop listening to people who have probably never even tried the game.

    This site is the last place I would choose to base an opinion off a game. The majority who post either aren't playing anything or are so burnt out on MMos that they see World of Warcraft in almost everything. They go start threads with the same topics over and over again which is nothing more than a rant.Some people here even go so far as to create multiple accounts just to make their points seem more important than they are.I can't wait until the hype for this game dies down and they go off to the next new thing. Then maybe this forum will actually have some type of real game discussion and important threads won't get  buried.


    As to the OP,make your own judgement. If you can't do that then wait for a free trial.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • ThorbrandThorbrand Member Posts: 1,198

    If you are talking about gameplay wise? Yes, it is the most casual gameplay you can have in an MMO.

    If you are a true PvPer (DAoC, DF, AC, EQ2) or any type of PvP skill game you will not like it.

    The gameplay is exactly like WOW. The whole game itself is pretty much exactly like WOW. Except SWTOR is missing a lot of  standard MMO features for today's MMO gen.

    This game is about as easy mode as you can get. Just don't take it seriously because BW sure didn't.

    It should be F2P!

  • tachgbtachgb Member UncommonPosts: 791

    Wasn't so keen on this game, took a few days before I really began enjoying it. Too many people trying to persuade you it's a bad or good game, I said to myself, screw that, tried it and loved it. Let these people squabble amongst themselves. I was  disapointed with RIFT and I haven't touched an MMO since as I'm finding the MMO genre quite stale, but SWTOR has some brilliant questing and grouping content and I believe Bioware will release some great new additions to SWTOR.

  • lightningjaclightningjac Member Posts: 92

    why wouldnt it be a great game just because its based off of star wars?  I didnt understand that statement...

  • winterwinter Member UncommonPosts: 2,281

    Originally posted by Golelorn

    Originally posted by Precusor

    Its better than 99% of the mmos listed on this website.

    99% of the MMOs on this website don't cost 60 dollars with a 15 dollar a month upkeep.

      The old saying you get what you pay for. If your only willing to play free crap then you'll only get free crap

  • If you're a sandbox gamer you will hate this game if for no other reason than it drives a nail into the coffin of a future sandbox game. Sandbox games are dead.

    Actually, this is a very good game. Tons of fun and of course, fun is what I pay for ... not feature "A" compared to feature "B" or whatever is needed to play the hate game.

    There are some very interesting concepts in this game that have kept me glued to the screen. The story line for each of the classes I've tried out has been fantastic ... I even got laid last night by an evil NPC. I like the graphics. I love the combat which reminds me of a cross between WoW and CoH. Very nice animations.

    The game feels like it has depth ... yes I know the sandboxers think no theme-park game could ever have depth ... and there is plenty to do so far. Oh ... there are no elves.

    Best thing to do is either buy and play it or wait until they give a free trial.


  • drbaltazardrbaltazar Member UncommonPosts: 7,856

    it is rp a bit ,start slow !but it is good ,it give feed back etc i recommand not to skip movie when you havent been and even when you have been make sure you already saw it!you ll need to force your gpu to do the graphic stuff cause aa is kind of lowish but the game look good (way better then people said)the world is a nice change of scenery!so far it is worth my money!1 advice in this game nothing look instanced like say wow bc,it is instanced i think but more a la cataclysm !where you go do daily !it is similar you go in ,i could be wrong but i dont think it is locked .so far as i saw yet so when you go in and you know it is something you need wait at the door and invite people!this way of doing is way smoother then i saw in any game (could be wrong tho not sure how the heck this work for population?half server are full it is thrusday afternoon.a  lot of tthe othger are very heavy other are heavy so i think by friday 6 pm all server will be minimum at heavy and god there are lot of server on us side never saw so many server aside from wow

  • HengistHengist Member RarePosts: 1,317

    Ultimately the only person who is going to make the call, is you.

    Is the game that bad? No, but it depends on who you ask. Then look at most of the comments and say "Would I even want to play an MMO with that person?" I think you can see where some of the negativity comes from, it's insecure people who only acknowledge things that they agree with. It's kind of sad, but hey....

    I spent months in the beta, and I'm still here now and for the forseeable future. What I've found, is that an awful lot of friends love the game. They love seeing the Star Wars stuff, they have enjoyed the flashpoints, and the PvP. We all recognize that there are some legitimate shortcomings, lack of choice during character creation for example, and an abundance of CC in PvP. The game isnt perfect, and being honest what game ever is? What it does deliver on though, it does exceptionally well.

    Looks like some folks think that it should have pushed the genre futher, taken bigger chances than it did, because the core (beneath the story) is very familiar to people who have played MMO's in the last 10 years. I'm not sure they were out to revolutionize the genre, but they did move it in one direction, the direction they do well.

    No reason that it cant co-exist with other games, or future ones that go different directions. Choice is yours. Oh, and if you think it is THAT bad, I'd suggest you are reading a small minority of people who have time to say that. The majority of folks are too busy in-game enjoying what TOR has to offer.

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