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[US Jung Ma] - Exiled - (Republic Heavy RP/World PvP)

Guild Name: Exiled



Faction: Republic



Server: Jung Ma



Setting: The soft, orange orb of the setting sun is just beginning to nestle beneath the loftier peaks to the north as you step into a large clearing. It has been more than three days’ journey by foot through country too rough even for speeders, and you are aware that you smell an odd combination of sweat, mud and pine sap. But you have finally reached your goal: the isolated township of Bastion. Constructed out of the remnants of an old government survey base, this small settlement has managed to remain undetected by either the Republic or the Sith Empire, and as you pass a rogue Sith engaging in pleasant conversation with a two Dark Jedi near an overgrown road, you reflect on how that was a necessity for this place’s survival.



Controlled by the infamous Syndicate, whose name is whispered of only in hushed tones across the galaxy, Bastion is a refuge of solitude and reflection for outcasts from either faction who have been unable commit wholly to either the Jedi or the Sith. Oh, there are a collection of other individuals – a few trappers and traders, and even a handful of bold farmers eek out a living in the upper vale, using Bastion as a trading post. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters also gather at the cantina here to seek work, exchange in shady contracts, or barter underworld contracts. Finally, a couple of AWOL Republic Troopers and Imperial Agents can be seen from time to time, hiring out for odd jobs or even serving as guards for the base.



But the true purpose of Bastion is to serve as a sanctuary for those force users who cannot find peace with either the Empire or the Republic. Too free-thinking to be members of the Jedi Order, they cannot bring themselves to commit the breathtaking evils asked of by the Sith. And so they have been drawn to Bastion, to seek sanctuary from those who would demand too much of them, and to work in concert for a greater understanding of the force, without the biases associated with either polar extreme.



To be certain, there is the occasional quarrel or harsh word between former enemies, but for the most part, aside from the occasional wary look, business here is amiable, and even trusting. Jedi and Sith reflect together on their studies as they walk amongst the high groves, or tip back a Corellian Ale at the cantina and catch a pod race on the holoscreens mounted overhead. And if trouble arises, there is always the strict authority of the Syndicate council to consider. Presided over by a chair, the council of five members is the only ‘law’ in Bastion, and they enforce policies through a garrison commander and his elite guard stationed in the small barracks.



As you pass by the gate, you quickly come to appreciate just how Bastion could have remained hidden for so long. Aside from the squat, six-storey glass and steel central office, Bastion really just consists of a few small exterior buildings like the cantina, the aforementioned barracks, and a few tiny shops. Surrounding this is a short duracrete wall studded by the occasional laser emplacement, many of whom appear to be in a state of disrepair. In most places, the surrounding forests lean long limbs over the wall like an unwelcome guest, and give the entire settlement a powerful sense of age, and even neglect. Vines grow everywhere, and tall grasses rustle in the steady breezes of the mountains. You imagine that this place must get a lot of snow come winter, and some is even visible on the higher peaks that loom nearly a vertical mile overhead. It is a timeless and naturally beautiful place.



But the true beauty of Bastion lies in its secret abodes. A large steel hangar door is built directly into the side of an abutting cliff, and beyond this is an entire service facility for multiple ships. These vast man-made caverns hold training centers, meditation rooms, a decently-stocked medical facility, storage, individual apartments, and even an underground garden replete with waterfalls and springs. For most of the full-time residents of Bastion, these windowless corridors are also home. And while they are certainly a long way from the glamorous penthouses of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, they are sufficient for a group like-minded individuals who only desire to be remain in secret.



You make your way towards the central office in order to present yourself to the council. As you approach the entrance, a local farmer and his young son grin and wave. You find yourself returning the gesture. What an odd place this is – so far from the trials and terror of the ongoing war… so ‘normal.’ Already, you feel your old life slipping away.



As the doors slide open you smile inwardly. You’ve finally come home.



Intent: We’d like to be a heavy RP guild with a world PvP focus at endgame, as well as a significant and dedicated approach to world PvE. We realize that there are a lot of characters in this bi-polar game that don’t really fit in with either faction – who are looking to RP something that isn’t a diehard Imperial or a brave and bold Republic citizen. We want to serve as a home for these characters – the smugglers who are truly devoted to crime; the Jedi who were cast out of the Order for their beliefs; the troopers who are more interested in mercenary work than duty.



And, eventually, we’d like to start a similar Imperial guild for alts that RPs the same basic idea. However, at this point, we’re going to focus on the Republic.



How to contact: Simply send an in-game tell or mail to Provence, and – following a very brief interview – you’ll be invited into the ranks. We’re not picky about level, gear, etc… we just want dedicated roleplayers who are interested in something a little different. 

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