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F2P account matrix in full... still looking good IMO

VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

 Seems like all Vets will be seeing is an increased CD timer for instances and a limit on siege rewards, which will really only effect those that want to play harder then casual (and I suspect those folks will be happy going Gold anyhow)...

In other words all content will be open for all players that have spent a single penny on the game in the past, which is the clever way to go IMO.

It says the Gold is 'Temp', which I assumed would be the case as a 'sub' option... Wonder how much it will be set at?  The smart move would be cheaper then the price point we saw under NCsoft but who knows.


*edit* Just saw the price and features chart... £8.40/ 9.99 Euros a month for the Gold pack. As a subber by nature and someone that usually plays somewhat more then casual that seems fine to me.




  • OtakunOtakun Member UncommonPosts: 874

    My only question is whether US players can play on those servers. I know we wont be able to transfer characters but as long as I can play I will still hop on there.

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Originally posted by Otakun

    My only question is whether US players can play on those servers. I know we wont be able to transfer characters but as long as I can play I will still hop on there.


    I haven't found any info about region locking...

    What I would GUESS though is that there won't be any, but you will need to start a new Gameforge-Aion account (meaning that you will lose applied codes and vet rewards) if you play on the UK server or whatever.

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908 

    Oops... didn't click on the other button lol...

    Prices are here.

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