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Aion goes F2P in 2012 - Thoughts?



  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803

    I was looking forward to trying this game once it goes f2p. All this talk of "don't look at the game - grinding your way to max level to pvp is all that matters" amuses me.

    Good thing some people can boost their ego by slaying low level players. All hail to the epeen! *salutes*

    Harbinger of Fools
  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Originally posted by Otakun

    Originally posted by MMO_REVIEWER


    No opinion is terrible or wrong...


    Actually, have to say, despite modern common thinking, opinions can easily be both of those things. :/


  • mithossmithoss Member UncommonPosts: 227

    i think its worth trying. liked the combo'ing of abilities.

  • bobericboberic Member Posts: 97

    Vesavius...i love your freakin signature. I looked at cus i didnt get it at first...after seeing it i kind of want to join mmo review in his children punching tirade...

    runescape != goodgame;

  • OtakunOtakun Member UncommonPosts: 874

    Originally posted by boberic

    Originally posted by Otakun

    Originally posted by boberic

    Originally posted by MMO_REVIEWER

    Originally posted by Otakun

    Originally posted by MMO_REVIEWER

    Originally posted by Disdena

    Originally posted by Homitu

    Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world.  I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.  

    That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)

    I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.

    It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.

    What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.

    Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.

    No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.


    Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying

    "Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."

    I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...

    Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".

    I gotta agree with this...well for the most part. It's a bit harsh, but his point is pretty valid...It is a bit rude to just look at the colours in a game when devs put hours and hours of work into makin the stuff. How would you feel if you cooked an awesome kick ass dinner  and then people only wanted to look at it...feel like you wasted some serious time, eh? but review is being a bit harsh...

    however rp'ers do get realy annoying in /3 chat -referring to one Amastacia from Vaizel server- GOD that chick is annoying...

    No different then players just going in and leveling up going from location to location as fast as possible without looking and exploring the world like most MMOers do anyway. No more of an insult then to cook a kick ass dinner for the people to just gobble it down like savages and not actual taste or savor the food. Still would feel like a waste of time to someone on the dev team.

    In some cultures gobbling food down as quickly as you can and not leaving a crumb on your plate is the best complement you can give a chef ;) ...means you realy enjoyed the much that you seemed to be enhaling it rather than swallowing.

    None of those cultures being the ones that make the MMOs that we play. So, pointless to bring that up.

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Originally posted by boberic

    Vesavius...i love your freakin signature. I looked at cus i didnt get it at first...after seeing it i kind of want to join mmo review in his children punching tirade...


    lol scary shit right?

    I hate all of this cash shop trend tbh, IMVU is exactly where they are taking us and few folks even see it. The wording change from 'game' to 'entertainment product' we are seeing in industry talk is profound... but thats a different rant for a different thread ;)

    TBH give me a sub option any day of the week, but I will play Aion on the new UK server for this 'relaunch'... if only to have the fun of levelling up with a fresh crowd of players and to see the new content and adjustments they have thrown in since I left. At least I guess if Aion focuses on cosmetics and PvE 'easers' I can ignore it and just play the game (with the added element of sniggering quietly at folks that spend stupid money on this stuff).

  • heimdall22heimdall22 Member UncommonPosts: 76

    I'm not surprised at all that it finally happened. TBH it should have happend way earlier, now SWTOR and upcoming release of GW2, Diablo 3 and (maybe) TERA will  take many players away from Aion anyways.

    I don't think many will play this horrible grinder having way more attrictive b2p GW2 at hand.

    As for myself, I'll be glad to have a look at my toons once again but I don't want to spend so much time in this game doing same things all over again, for a remote possibility of being rewarded with some shiny pixels with golden colour on it's name.

    Life is too short for that and I'd rather have some fun while playing.

    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation

  • DisdenaDisdena Member UncommonPosts: 1,093

    Originally posted by MMO_REVIEWER

    Originally posted by Otakun

    Originally posted by MMO_REVIEWER

    It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.

    What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.


    No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.


    Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying

    "Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."

    I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...

    Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".

    It's hard to tell whether you've distorted the intent of my post by accident or on purpose. Absolutely nowhere did I say or even hint that I only stood around and never participated in PvP or PvE. I was a member of the legion that claimed the very first artifact on Lumiel (back in the earliest days after launch) and I consistently showed up to attack and defend forts. I got a character to 50, capped both gathering skills, and nearly capped clothcraft. I played the game a lot. I eventually left because MMOs are not fun if you're just going through the motions without goals. I no longer had goals, so I was no longer enjoying the game.

    The endless Abyss conflict just did not resonate with me. I'm into playing against other people, but Aion's brand of PvP didn't hold my interest because there's never a winner. In a game of Soul Calibur—just to pull a name out of the air—about a minute after the game begins, someone wins and that's it. If you play again, you're starting from scratch on even ground. If you play a game of League of Legends or Magic: the Gathering or Team Fortress 2, take the same concept but stretch it out to half an hour or more. Game ends, winner, loser, back to a blank slate for the next game. When I'm playing against someone and the game can never be won or lost, it's just impossible for me to care for a prolonged period of time. I can appreciate the smaller battles for what they are, but there's no big picture for me to appreciate. For that reason, striving to defeat the other side and win the war could never be a goal for me in Aion. The game doesn't allow it.

    If the individual fights and fort raids were deep enough that they could hold my interest without the context of a larger long-term faction war, then I'd continue to play it just for those fights and fort raids. But compared to other forms of player vs. player gaming (the four games that I mentioned above), Aion doesn't even hold a candle IMO.

    I like certain aspects of Aion: the lore and the aesthetic. You attack people for not liking a certain aspect of Aion: the PvP. Furthermore, you claim that the aspects that I like have "almost no substance." If we were to actually ask the developers which of us was doing a disservice to them, I am completely confident that they would say it's you.

  • wowfan1996wowfan1996 Member UncommonPosts: 719

    When in 2010 I said Aion was dying, nobody believed me. Well, now it's time for "I told you so".


    MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).

  • MadimorgaMadimorga Member UncommonPosts: 1,920

    Socketing failure + cash shop = nightmare


    I'll come back for a bit and dabble once 3.0 launches, though.  I'm a big fan of player housing.


    I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.

    ~Albert Einstein

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043

    Put smexy armor with skimpy undies in the cash shop!

    And glowing crystal swords!

  • SoulSurferSoulSurfer Member UncommonPosts: 1,024

    I will stay either way,  I don't mind a bunch of cheap-skate trash hopping on to play.  At least this way there will be more pixels to light up in pvp.  I'm not starting over, as I just got a real career and won't have as much time to play.  I can look back at those 2 years since NA release as an investment.  

    My legion feels the same way.  Sometimes the friends and community you establish makes all the difference.  I like how everyone just keeps hopping mmo's, maybe you will find the one that is right for you in good time.

  • khartokhar3khartokhar3 Member UncommonPosts: 486

    game is almost dead a member of one of the big legions on telemachus (elyos side) and i can say since this news almost the whole guild has switched to swtor. just a week ago we had 20+ on at almost every time. now there are max 10 ppl on and that only in the evening. u also see less ppl on day by day. i will play it till february then take a break from mmos.

  • SlampigSlampig Member UncommonPosts: 2,342

    Here are my thoughts. 


    Wasn't interested when the game came out, and...let me think...nope, still not interested now...

    That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!

  • JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410

    holly Batman!

    F2P?! nice!

    too bad the cash shop will ruin all pvp since this game is heavely geared based. still, can't bitch about playing for free.

  • eye_meye_m Member UncommonPosts: 3,317

    Hmm, let me think on this. Played in last 3 beta's for game. Pre-ordered. Took a day off work to be there the moment the servers started up. Managed to get the name I had hoped for, and eagerly played for about 9 months. Servers merged and they gave the name I worked so hard for to a player that hadn't even hit lvl 30 yet.  Nope, still pissed. That game can rot for all I care.

    All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.

    I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.

    I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.

    I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Originally posted by Azmodai

    This will make aion The most popular F2P game when it comes out, The game is one of the best P2P MMOS currently avilable, I did not see that coming and it kinda hit me by surprise. Seeing how well Aion is doing in Asia will they leave the Asian servers as P2P or convert them too? I will be playing Aion for sure while waiting on TERA.

    I am not so sure. AION have too much PvP to be a truly successful F2P. They will always turn into P2win games.

    Look on which F2P games that are most popular, they are mainly PvE focused like LOTRO and DDO.

    I don't see the Korean servers going F2P as well, they are still doing fine.

  • HestiaHestia Member UncommonPosts: 119 These are the F2P features. Now if these options were to be implemented to the NA AION, I "sort of" don't mind as the "gold package" (the pay every month) version is pretty much like how it is now - BUT CHEAPER. Although if you take a look at some of the "perks" that each of these account types get, Starter, Veteran (an account that has paid the subscription) and Gold Pack, it looks quite unfair and unbalanced... Some features are limited to F2P players.

    Here are the details :

    Also, they would probably implement a cash shop/boutique system and IF they don't mess up with it such as selling gear improvement items or anything that could power you up easily (even items to help you level up faster) I wouldn't mind... but IF they do put all those disgusting items, it really will make the game even more incredibly unbalanced, I would quit and I wouldn't be surprised if many others do. From what I see so far, I'd still stick with P2P AION. I'd like the subscription to be cheaper though hehe and the monthly veteran rewards are neat.

  • SyrusSyiSyrusSyi Member Posts: 366

    I think it will be a great addation to the F2p market but i also think it is going to end up a pay to win game.

    Playing: Single player games |

    Awaiting: Wild Star |Blade & Soul | The Repopulation | The Elder Scrolls online | ArcheAge | Firefall | Survarium | Bless | Black Desert |

    Played: Guild Wars | Diablo 3 |The War Z | Runescape |World of Warcraft |Combat Arms |Perfect World | Rift | Fiesta | DC universe online | Aion | Age of Conan |Allods | Vindictus | The Secret World | Forge | Battle of the Immortals | Global Agenda| Cabal Online | Tera |

  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157

    I am not sure if I will return to Aion or not but hey its gone Free 2 Play so I dont have to pay a dime.

    1. I returned to Lineage 2, another NC Soft game recently, and my account gets magically compromised 1 month after it went free 2 play, I had subscribed to the game 1 month before it went Free, and I was fine playing the game, so keylogger I really dont think so, their crappy security in not offering a Secondary Password, or Authinticator.

    2. Aion, NC Soft again Charged a hell of a lot for Cosmetic Appearance changes, I did not like this, and this was while the game was Pay 2 play they make you pay a ton just to customize a characters looks when I should be able to do this when ever I frigging feel like without having to pay a single cent but just a small monthly fee for it. They ruined my original characters looks and think giving a ticket to customize my character once was enough and I totally gave up on Aion.

    On top of this Aion has a large number of multihacks out for it, people can easily cheat, see stealthed assassins so if your planning on playing a Assassin, or a ranger anything that can cloak be aware before you play it people can easily cheat.

    3. Poor Customer Service, After my Lineage 2 account was compromised however it happend, but was fine for years before it came F2P same password, I sent in a ticket, they said they fowarded it to other department whatever over a week I still have not got a reply, I can't even get access to their support portal to update my ticket, and I have not got my items across all characters and cash restored. * Either iths this or a lot of accounts got ripped off.*

    4. Let me give you the real reason NC Soft went F2P with Lineage 2, Based on my opinion.

    1. NC Soft wants extra money because of their new development in Lineage 3, and dont be shocked when Lineage 2 goes down just like Lineage 2 unless it keeps a very large player base, or source of income for them.

    2. To undermine Aeria Games, and similar games which had similar game play just like Lineage 2, with this done it can easily put their F2P games out of business and cost them loss of profit, as well as to compete with high graphiced games like Perfect World.

    3. Aion Gone F2P because they lacked customers anyways due to poor decisions in the past, if they can make a profit out of it they will keep it running, and if not it will go to the dumpster, but is Aion Worth Playing? Well it is free so you don't have to put a single dime into it, however if the cash shops become in Lineage 2, or Aion where it costs too much to customize characters or such, and you are like me then you might consider this.

    Buy Tera Online Instead, or Another MMO that gives players the Freedom To Express Their Character, and be Who They want to be without the Nickel & Dime, and way over priced cash shops. Chances are that Tera if they have Character Recustomize might allow people to change their appearance when they want after all that is one thing that at least a few MMO's released recently allow, for example APB, I can change my character Appearance when I want without paying a dime, Crime Craft, not free, but it costs only a few gold bars to change my appearance, same with Global Agenda, and compared to NC Soft with Aion $10 USD per change per character, and Nexon with their cash shop in vindictus which just costs way too much it doesnt cost much at all.

  • slickbizzleslickbizzle Member Posts: 464

    Originally posted by warlocxl

    So I just found out that Aion is going Free-To-Play in February 2012, I presume due to the releases of SWTOR and GW2.

    The link to the site :

    So what are your thoughts on this? 

    Personally, being an existing Aion player I think this is exactly what Aion has needed as servers barely have any people on them now and it's getting harder and harder to find groups. With the inflow of free-to-play players, more fun is to be had with this game.


    If I lived in Europe, I would love it (Since that is the only place it is F2P).   Oh yeah.....I left that part out so you could make it sound like the game is on its last legs with the "barely any people in it" thing.

  • ForumTrollForumTroll Member Posts: 140

    I didn't want to make a new thread for a simple question such as this. Can american players play on the EU version of the game when it hits F2P?


    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."

  • MmoSwanMmoSwan Member Posts: 134

    Originally posted by ForumTroll

    I didn't want to make a new thread for a simple question such as this. Can american players play on the EU version of the game when it hits F2P?


    No, US players won't be able to do so without using proxies. Current US players can't move to EU, current EU users can't move to US server.

    || Languages for gamers:
    /where God
    ERROR: Target could not be found
    /target Believer
    /skill science
    You missed your target since Believer ignores science
    /skill logic
    You missed your target since Believer traded all his INT for faith.

  • Originally posted by Loke666


    Look on which F2P games that are most popular, they are mainly PvE focused like LOTRO and DDO.


    LotRO is hardly playable in F2P. I'd curse at it for that but I got a lifetime account lol. 

  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207

    There is no way, no how, that this won't be P2W when it comes to PVP. The manastone socketing itself, i felt, was designed with paying cash in advance to have any decent rate.

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