Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
Still won't help the game in the NA and EU market. Sadly it is just not a very good game - yet. In time though it may be worth it to give it a shot once we get all the things we saw in the old Aion 3.0 video.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
Maybe someone can answer this for me. Just read the article on Gamespot and it says that it's going F2P across Europe. Does this mean that American players will still be playing? Hope someone can clear this up for me. I didn't think it was a bad game when I downloaded the trial. Just not enough to compel me to pay 15 bucks a month.
Are there any pure subscription games left after this?
FFXI, FFXIV is having subs instated early Jan. 2012, TERA will launch with subs, TOR will have subs, Secret World will have subs, Darkfall and Mortal Online both still have subs, Rift is sub-based, WoW is sub-based still (playing up to 20 for free is another take on a free trial, it's not "F2P", as much as Blizz is trying to milk that trend for all its worth).. I know there are others I'm forgetting as well.
Subscriptions aren't going anywhere. The role they seem to be filling here in the West is a way to keep them active and still profitable once their subscription-only populations have gotten low and the game is getting long in the tooth.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
So I'm going to be very honest and blunt here. Aion is a good game. There I said it. It has more than what most games can spit at. Now to back myself up...*deep breath*. Aions dev's actually listen to their community(especially after a change in leadership). The issues that scared alot of people off initially e.g bots, gold spammers, grinding are non-existant at present and the game is headed in a very good direction. Balance is hardly an issue anymore. Things like the Remove Shock skill which is available for ALL classes does more than to balance one class against another it balances all the classes at the same time. Quite impressive if you ask me...
"How do we balance all these damn classes??"
"Lets make a skill that adresses all of their issues and give it to them all."
And it works like a charm thus far...ofcourse nothing in an mmo is without its issues but there are obvious work arounds. If you are silenced and cant use your remove shock...then pop a pot. Things like that. With its recent graphics update in 2.5 it looks better than ever... Several new effects and an advanced lighting system have been added to the game to give it the well deserved shine that players have been waiting for. 3.0 is no longer a myth...its on the horizon and coming quick! In fact there is a trailer(not the one from like 2 years ago) out that demonstrates the features of 3.0. So i can happily say...
Yes. There will be player housing(I've seen and played it in action).
Yes. Pvp will be as intense as what we saw in the Aion vision trailer.
Yes. The game looks as awesome as it did in that trailer...with minor adjustments to some of the graphics that were displayed back then...(as some things we saw were not so appealing).
Yes. There will be new, and actually rather exciting, forts.
Yes. They added an arena(that's actually useful and yields good results e.g good gear) in which you can fight elyos OR asmodians...No need to wander around looking for PvP...just talk to this npc and you can do team or FFA fights!
No. No swimming unfortunately.
I've seen and played alot of the features...All of them work as promised and are a refreshing addition to an already good game. And in good time...
The game was desperate for content, desperate for new things other than new instances. However the new instances introduced in 2.0-2.5 are rather exciting with their animated environments...We all seemed to burn through them far too quickly.
PvP has taken a huge leap forward. Low level PvP is sloooowly returning. A bit difficult to do when everyone and their mother is level 55 and awaiting the raised level cap(60). But there are a fair amount of players who have level 40 and 50 twinks. You will most often run into level 50 twinks...BUT the meat of PvP happens at 55. It's "pulse pounding" as it has always been...but more-so now than ever. I play the assassin class and everytime I jump out of stealth to attack someone I never know what to expect. Back in the day, just because i was an assassin my kill was pretty much secured; this is no longer the case. Mass PvP is actually feasible, now that you're not required to own one of NASA's super computers to play aion(2.5 introduced some nice stability upgrades as well). Also there was a bit of 64-bit happiness floating around the aion folders, however it wasnt an official 64-bit client. IT WAS, HOWEVER, COMPLETELY USABLE! And many players swapped out their 32-bit and 64-bit folders and found the game to run and look alot better. However since the 64-bit client isn't ready yet and NCSOFT wasnt too excited about players poking around in the game folders it was removed to halt any errors that might arise. Good call in my opinion.
Fort raids have taken a good step forward as the stability in that respect was also increased. I think it has been a good year and a half since I've had Aion crash during a raid. Unless you're playing on a should be just fine. Though it's always a good idea to consult the system requirements. AND UPGRADE YOUR FREAKIN PROCESSORS....QUIT PLAYING ON YOUR OLD CORE 2 DUO! Aion is, after all, a processor intense game.
Leveling and low level ganking wont be much of an issue anymore the new mentor system that was introduced will put an end to both the grind and the grief. Having trouble leveling? Get your level 55(soon to be 60) friend to help you burn through those quests...AND you still get full exp and all the drops! O HAPPY DAY! But wait...theres an asmo ranger in hide near-by...*casts Wintry Armor* *the lvl 35 ranger kills himself on the reflect damage*...Not anymore !
And on the note of the cash shop issues...I doubt they will sell armor and weapons in the shop. Lets look at this historically. What has aion hosted in its shop in its website. Skins....lots and lots of skins. Skins for weapons armor. A wedding dress. Aside from skins there were, for a limited time, items to help you socket your weapons and armor(since that is still as difficult as it always was). And that was great! I for one bought up a bunch and got my armor and wepons socketed as quickly as I could. This sort of helped to balance things out. Now having good gear and good manastones isn't limited to the insanely lucky and those of korean descent.
If anything they will add more skins and novelty items. And maybe a few of the mana stones that are a bit rare. I can even imagine them adding high level enchantment stones (level 100+). But none of these will make the game pay to win. You can still socket your armor without the socketing the manastones are available without you paying a dime. And the ingame mechanic for socketing and enchanting works just fine as real NEED to pay for it, but you are always welcome to it. Adding high level enchantment stones wont change the game most are available in game as well...however if there comes an instance where NO ONE is selling the level stone you need....theres always that handy cash shop to help you out.
Also you have to look at the pets as well...with the pet system theres a HUGE potential there for cash shop food that raises the chance for you pet to poop out something good for you; Special pets that have certain, rare perks. Still none of this will break the game as pets aren't necessary to your success in the game. They are nice to have though.
In all honesty It's like they've set themselves up to succeed as a F2P MMO. Pets, Mounts, Awesome skins, the crucible, a massive amount of pve content, 3.0 on the horizon...I don't forsee them having any trouble making it and bringing players back.
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.
Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying
"Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."
I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...
Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
So AION going F2P when their biggest expansion is at the gates, and right in the middle of the time window between SWTOR and GW2....never saw THAT coming!!
AION is a great game untill you get to LvL10. Then you hit a never ending twist of grind, boring quest leveling and even worst instance leveling. Gets a little better when you get to enter the PvP Abyss area, but only to find out it is it does not get better. You will be tumbling down that rabbit hole untill you splat yourself on the ground of end game content and call it quits.
This game that had so many to offer and could have been one of the greatest mmos ever was left to bleed subscriptions after a bit of a nasty 2 weeks launch and a failed PvP Area with so many issues to solve, making so many players angry, giving word to its name "The Abyss" where AION started to drown itself.
Im not even going to mention Assault on was so bad i cannot describe it in here is an emote
Still, it has a solid game lore, nice environments, the classes are not boring and some of them are vey fun to play (miss my Chanter) the game soundtrack is very good and im probably hoping that the 3.0 patch can raise this game to what it should have been at the original launch.
Even if the F2P model turns out to be one of those P2W cookie monsters, ill be having a look at it after the 3.0 patch.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.
Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying
"Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."
I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...
Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".
I gotta agree with this...well for the most part. It's a bit harsh, but his point is pretty valid...It is a bit rude to just look at the colours in a game when devs put hours and hours of work into makin the stuff. How would you feel if you cooked an awesome kick ass dinner and then people only wanted to look at it...feel like you wasted some serious time, eh? but review is being a bit harsh...
however rp'ers do get realy annoying in /3 chat -referring to one Amastacia from Vaizel server- GOD that chick is annoying...
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.
Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying
"Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."
I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...
Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".
Well, one, "players like you"? You mean people that let people do whatever they want? Forgive me for thinking people should be able to do whatever they want. I never claimed to be an explorer type MMOer but I am not the type of person to say that people shouldn't be allowed to be explorer types. Your caveman like thinking of "me see you, me kill you" isn't any different to me then them staring at the trees and bushes. It's just how you want to play the game.
Again, the point of letting people play how they want to play doesn't mean that everyone should do it. Like how not everyone should do nothing but solo PvE or just PvP all the time. People should play how they want to play and to say that one aspect of play shouldn't be played is the same as saying that no one should have PvE or PvP.
Also, your mediphor is off, a better example would be giving someone a toy in box where you can see the toy but not actually play with it and then they take it and place it on a shelf or mantle to look at but not play with. They can still get enjoyment out of the toy by watching it and not actually playing with it. Which is the point of their opinion.
I see where your coming from but you are still not seeing their point of view. If you did you wouldn't say that there is almost no subsistence cause you don't know or understand how they feel about just exploring the world. PvP IMO has no subsistence cause in most MMOs it serves no real purpose and is usually a pointless throw in for players epeens but to say that people shouldn't PvP cause I think that way would make me just as bad which I wouldn't.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.
Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying
"Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."
I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...
Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".
I gotta agree with this...well for the most part. It's a bit harsh, but his point is pretty valid...It is a bit rude to just look at the colours in a game when devs put hours and hours of work into makin the stuff. How would you feel if you cooked an awesome kick ass dinner and then people only wanted to look at it...feel like you wasted some serious time, eh? but review is being a bit harsh...
however rp'ers do get realy annoying in /3 chat -referring to one Amastacia from Vaizel server- GOD that chick is annoying...
No different then players just going in and leveling up going from location to location as fast as possible without looking and exploring the world like most MMOers do anyway. No more of an insult then to cook a kick ass dinner for the people to just gobble it down like savages and not actual taste or savor the food. Still would feel like a waste of time to someone on the dev team.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.
Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying
"Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."
I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...
Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".
I gotta agree with this...well for the most part. It's a bit harsh, but his point is pretty valid...It is a bit rude to just look at the colours in a game when devs put hours and hours of work into makin the stuff. How would you feel if you cooked an awesome kick ass dinner and then people only wanted to look at it...feel like you wasted some serious time, eh? but review is being a bit harsh...
however rp'ers do get realy annoying in /3 chat -referring to one Amastacia from Vaizel server- GOD that chick is annoying...
No different then players just going in and leveling up going from location to location as fast as possible without looking and exploring the world like most MMOers do anyway. No more of an insult then to cook a kick ass dinner for the people to just gobble it down like savages and not actual taste or savor the food. Still would feel like a waste of time to someone on the dev team.
In some cultures gobbling food down as quickly as you can and not leaving a crumb on your plate is the best complement you can give a chef ...means you realy enjoyed the much that you seemed to be enhaling it rather than swallowing.
Since Aion could never quite hold my attention for more than a month at a time, and since my favorite things about Aion are the art style, music, the environments and animations, i'm glad I will be able to log in once every so often just to induldge myself in the world. I haven't been able to justify spending $15 just to log in and roam around.
Still won't help the game in the NA and EU market. Sadly it is just not a very good game - yet. In time though it may be worth it to give it a shot once we get all the things we saw in the old Aion 3.0 video.
That's my feeling exactly. I played the game for about 7 or 8 months starting at launch, and I enjoyed the lore, the visuals, the flying, even the combat. And I grew very attached to my characters, which I think is mainly due to the great character creation system. But after getting one character to 50 and another to 40, I wasn't really motivated to keep playing. Just didn't have any meaningful goals. The back-and-forth of the Elyos-Asmodian war really failed to hold my interest because there was no real consequence for it. (Not that I wanted them to put in harsher consequences for the losing side... I guess I wouldn't have liked that either. I think maybe I just don't like large-scale MMO PvP.)
I would have liked being able to log in every now and then just to see the world and run around in it and maybe grind a little, but that didn't feel like enough fun to justify a monthly fee. If it does go F2P, I'll gladly head back in to see all the new stuff that was patched in and enjoy playing my characters again.
Maybe someone can answer this for me. Just read the article on Gamespot and it says that it's going F2P across Europe. Does this mean that American players will still be playing? Hope someone can clear this up for me. I didn't think it was a bad game when I downloaded the trial. Just not enough to compel me to pay 15 bucks a month.
but I think its just a matter of time, especially if it proves successful in EU, maybe NA will go f2p at Christmas?
RIP Orc Choppa
FFXI, FFXIV is having subs instated early Jan. 2012, TERA will launch with subs, TOR will have subs, Secret World will have subs, Darkfall and Mortal Online both still have subs, Rift is sub-based, WoW is sub-based still (playing up to 20 for free is another take on a free trial, it's not "F2P", as much as Blizz is trying to milk that trend for all its worth).. I know there are others I'm forgetting as well.
Subscriptions aren't going anywhere. The role they seem to be filling here in the West is a way to keep them active and still profitable once their subscription-only populations have gotten low and the game is getting long in the tooth.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
The FTP is Europe only.
It seams NCSoft is made a change of their business model in West.
It was COH, then L2 and now AION. Dont think it as to do will failure or sucess of each game.
After AION been a P2P with CS for several months, the f2p was the only option available imo.
In fact, im sure this idea was in their heads a few months ago and the cash shop was implemented allreay with this idea.
When they implement for a limit time the 100% manastones they sad: "We are testing the community"
Now i know what they were testing....
I dont care if the game is P2P or F2P, AION is a amazing GAME but fail as a MMO for me.
So I'm going to be very honest and blunt here. Aion is a good game. There I said it. It has more than what most games can spit at. Now to back myself up...*deep breath*. Aions dev's actually listen to their community(especially after a change in leadership). The issues that scared alot of people off initially e.g bots, gold spammers, grinding are non-existant at present and the game is headed in a very good direction. Balance is hardly an issue anymore. Things like the Remove Shock skill which is available for ALL classes does more than to balance one class against another it balances all the classes at the same time. Quite impressive if you ask me...
"How do we balance all these damn classes??"
"Lets make a skill that adresses all of their issues and give it to them all."
And it works like a charm thus far...ofcourse nothing in an mmo is without its issues but there are obvious work arounds. If you are silenced and cant use your remove shock...then pop a pot. Things like that. With its recent graphics update in 2.5 it looks better than ever... Several new effects and an advanced lighting system have been added to the game to give it the well deserved shine that players have been waiting for. 3.0 is no longer a myth...its on the horizon and coming quick! In fact there is a trailer(not the one from like 2 years ago) out that demonstrates the features of 3.0. So i can happily say...
Yes. There will be player housing(I've seen and played it in action).
Yes. Pvp will be as intense as what we saw in the Aion vision trailer.
Yes. The game looks as awesome as it did in that trailer...with minor adjustments to some of the graphics that were displayed back then...(as some things we saw were not so appealing).
Yes. There will be new, and actually rather exciting, forts.
Yes. They added an arena(that's actually useful and yields good results e.g good gear) in which you can fight elyos OR asmodians...No need to wander around looking for PvP...just talk to this npc and you can do team or FFA fights!
No. No swimming unfortunately.
I've seen and played alot of the features...All of them work as promised and are a refreshing addition to an already good game. And in good time...
The game was desperate for content, desperate for new things other than new instances. However the new instances introduced in 2.0-2.5 are rather exciting with their animated environments...We all seemed to burn through them far too quickly.
PvP has taken a huge leap forward. Low level PvP is sloooowly returning. A bit difficult to do when everyone and their mother is level 55 and awaiting the raised level cap(60). But there are a fair amount of players who have level 40 and 50 twinks. You will most often run into level 50 twinks...BUT the meat of PvP happens at 55. It's "pulse pounding" as it has always been...but more-so now than ever. I play the assassin class and everytime I jump out of stealth to attack someone I never know what to expect. Back in the day, just because i was an assassin my kill was pretty much secured; this is no longer the case. Mass PvP is actually feasible, now that you're not required to own one of NASA's super computers to play aion(2.5 introduced some nice stability upgrades as well). Also there was a bit of 64-bit happiness floating around the aion folders, however it wasnt an official 64-bit client. IT WAS, HOWEVER, COMPLETELY USABLE! And many players swapped out their 32-bit and 64-bit folders and found the game to run and look alot better. However since the 64-bit client isn't ready yet and NCSOFT wasnt too excited about players poking around in the game folders it was removed to halt any errors that might arise. Good call in my opinion.
Fort raids have taken a good step forward as the stability in that respect was also increased. I think it has been a good year and a half since I've had Aion crash during a raid. Unless you're playing on a should be just fine. Though it's always a good idea to consult the system requirements. AND UPGRADE YOUR FREAKIN PROCESSORS....QUIT PLAYING ON YOUR OLD CORE 2 DUO! Aion is, after all, a processor intense game.
Leveling and low level ganking wont be much of an issue anymore the new mentor system that was introduced will put an end to both the grind and the grief. Having trouble leveling? Get your level 55(soon to be 60) friend to help you burn through those quests...AND you still get full exp and all the drops! O HAPPY DAY! But wait...theres an asmo ranger in hide near-by...*casts Wintry Armor* *the lvl 35 ranger kills himself on the reflect damage*...Not anymore
And on the note of the cash shop issues...I doubt they will sell armor and weapons in the shop. Lets look at this historically. What has aion hosted in its shop in its website. Skins....lots and lots of skins. Skins for weapons armor. A wedding dress. Aside from skins there were, for a limited time, items to help you socket your weapons and armor(since that is still as difficult as it always was). And that was great! I for one bought up a bunch and got my armor and wepons socketed as quickly as I could. This sort of helped to balance things out. Now having good gear and good manastones isn't limited to the insanely lucky and those of korean descent.
If anything they will add more skins and novelty items. And maybe a few of the mana stones that are a bit rare. I can even imagine them adding high level enchantment stones (level 100+). But none of these will make the game pay to win. You can still socket your armor without the socketing the manastones are available without you paying a dime. And the ingame mechanic for socketing and enchanting works just fine as real NEED to pay for it, but you are always welcome to it. Adding high level enchantment stones wont change the game most are available in game as well...however if there comes an instance where NO ONE is selling the level stone you need....theres always that handy cash shop to help you out.
Also you have to look at the pets as well...with the pet system theres a HUGE potential there for cash shop food that raises the chance for you pet to poop out something good for you; Special pets that have certain, rare perks. Still none of this will break the game as pets aren't necessary to your success in the game. They are nice to have though.
In all honesty It's like they've set themselves up to succeed as a F2P MMO. Pets, Mounts, Awesome skins, the crucible, a massive amount of pve content, 3.0 on the horizon...I don't forsee them having any trouble making it and bringing players back.
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
It's things like this that make me want to punch children. If you want to play a game just to look at it go watch a movie, it will hold your interest longer. Aion wasn't mean't to simply just be looked at and walked around in...if that were the case there would be no pvp or pve...we'd all just frolick around and take screenshots of everything to show to our friends. No my friend there is PvP and other content to be had. You seem t have bought a steak and are now complaining that it tastes like steak.
What i just read was "I enjoyed logging in and staring at my character as she moved aimlessly about. I really liked the way the trees swayed in the wind too! But at the end of the day I just couldn't bring myself to actually PLAY the game...just too much effort i guess." Now I by no means am calling you a lazy bum...but seriously. Play the game and find out that theres more than just pretty trees and a story for the ages. Although I can say you may be in the wrong genre of games if that's all youre looking for. Skyrim just came out...I'd give that a go If those ar ethe things you're looking for.
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
Yeah, nice. See how it turns out.
Sweet, gives me a chance to see the changes. Not played since beta.
Wow, just wow. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, your name is undeserved. A person can play and enjoy the game however they want. If they want to just run around a see all the work that the artists and world builders put into the game then that is what they want to do. Aion has big and beautiful environments and I can easily see people wanting to run around exploring the world. To tell someone they shouldn't play how they want to play ruins the original fundamentals of what MMOs were for, to build a new world for people to do what they want in which is why you see so many people go on about 'sandbox' MMOs. Not everyone is out for their epeen like you seem to think. So yeah, seriously go punch a kid so you end up in jail so no one has to deal with your terrible opinion.
Love a good drama *eats popcorns
No opinion is terrible or wrong...but honestly it is players like you who i just can't stand. In my time we called them RP'ers, but it seems the name carebear has been given to them now. Sure play the game however you my guest. Just another piece of meat waiting to be cut down in my opinion. I'll sit by in stealth while you stare at that pretty tree...and then I'll thorougly enjoy steam rolling you. Afterwards I'll await a thread in which you will complain about the pvp in the game. Sure the artists put alot of time and effort into their environments but they're not the only part of the game. There's PvP to be had...Theres more than enough PvE to sink your teeth into(equipped with pretty trees). For you to sit in an MMO and just look at the pretty colours does a disservice to the developers that you were so fervently praising.
Lets say we all shared your view...and just sat around in this behemoth of a game and did nothing but look at the colours. All the effort and sweat and hard work the devs put into the pvp, instances, and other content would be an absolute waste. It's like youre slapping them in the face and saying
"Hey i know you worked realy hard to get A, B, and C working and it was hard to make, but I'm just gonna look at the colours."
I'm sure if your husband/wife or friend got you a christmas gift that was wrapped in some nice wrapping paper, they would be mighty offended if you rejected the gift but kept the wrapping paper instead...
Do you see where I'm coming from. You only choosing to enjoy a single part of the game(a part that has almost no substinance) is more insulting than my "terrible opinion".
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
So AION going F2P when their biggest expansion is at the gates, and right in the middle of the time window between SWTOR and GW2....never saw THAT coming!!
AION is a great game untill you get to LvL10. Then you hit a never ending twist of grind, boring quest leveling and even worst instance leveling. Gets a little better when you get to enter the PvP Abyss area, but only to find out it is it does not get better. You will be tumbling down that rabbit hole untill you splat yourself on the ground of end game content and call it quits.
This game that had so many to offer and could have been one of the greatest mmos ever was left to bleed subscriptions after a bit of a nasty 2 weeks launch and a failed PvP Area with so many issues to solve, making so many players angry, giving word to its name "The Abyss" where AION started to drown itself.
Im not even going to mention Assault on was so bad i cannot describe it in here is an emote
Still, it has a solid game lore, nice environments, the classes are not boring and some of them are vey fun to play (miss my Chanter) the game soundtrack is very good and im probably hoping that the 3.0 patch can raise this game to what it should have been at the original launch.
Even if the F2P model turns out to be one of those P2W cookie monsters, ill be having a look at it after the 3.0 patch.
I gotta agree with this...well for the most part. It's a bit harsh, but his point is pretty valid...It is a bit rude to just look at the colours in a game when devs put hours and hours of work into makin the stuff. How would you feel if you cooked an awesome kick ass dinner and then people only wanted to look at it...feel like you wasted some serious time, eh? but review is being a bit harsh...
however rp'ers do get realy annoying in /3 chat -referring to one Amastacia from Vaizel server- GOD that chick is annoying...
runescape != goodgame;
I played Aion for 2-3 months, got bored and the content was such a grind. F2P with reworked content could work.
Well, one, "players like you"? You mean people that let people do whatever they want? Forgive me for thinking people should be able to do whatever they want. I never claimed to be an explorer type MMOer but I am not the type of person to say that people shouldn't be allowed to be explorer types. Your caveman like thinking of "me see you, me kill you" isn't any different to me then them staring at the trees and bushes. It's just how you want to play the game.
Again, the point of letting people play how they want to play doesn't mean that everyone should do it. Like how not everyone should do nothing but solo PvE or just PvP all the time. People should play how they want to play and to say that one aspect of play shouldn't be played is the same as saying that no one should have PvE or PvP.
Also, your mediphor is off, a better example would be giving someone a toy in box where you can see the toy but not actually play with it and then they take it and place it on a shelf or mantle to look at but not play with. They can still get enjoyment out of the toy by watching it and not actually playing with it. Which is the point of their opinion.
I see where your coming from but you are still not seeing their point of view. If you did you wouldn't say that there is almost no subsistence cause you don't know or understand how they feel about just exploring the world. PvP IMO has no subsistence cause in most MMOs it serves no real purpose and is usually a pointless throw in for players epeens but to say that people shouldn't PvP cause I think that way would make me just as bad which I wouldn't.
wheres that popcorn...its gettin interesting.
runescape != goodgame;
No different then players just going in and leveling up going from location to location as fast as possible without looking and exploring the world like most MMOers do anyway. No more of an insult then to cook a kick ass dinner for the people to just gobble it down like savages and not actual taste or savor the food. Still would feel like a waste of time to someone on the dev team.
1st RE and nough said...
Tho i undoubtably checkz it out, neva played it and lookin for a solid mmo with gd playabase, gd comm, low grind and gd immersion.
4 now I'll wait for fb on SWTOR and decide if I wanna play,
if not I'll sit around and wait for GW2 whilist i play diff MMO's like LoL. ( if ya play plz add me, NLRikkert )
(Cant hate meh typin, I'm Dutch! and besides I do it on purpose)
When someone does something so utterly moronic that it kills your brain cells at the very thought of it.
In some cultures gobbling food down as quickly as you can and not leaving a crumb on your plate is the best complement you can give a chef
...means you realy enjoyed the much that you seemed to be enhaling it rather than swallowing.
runescape != goodgame;
oh and +1 to this guy...for bein so damn cool.
runescape != goodgame;