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So I just found out that Aion is going Free-To-Play in February 2012, I presume due to the releases of SWTOR and GW2.
The link to the site :
So what are your thoughts on this?
Personally, being an existing Aion player I think this is exactly what Aion has needed as servers barely have any people on them now and it's getting harder and harder to find groups. With the inflow of free-to-play players, more fun is to be had with this game.
The issue I have with subbed games going f2p is they end up costing more to play than when they was a sub model, and end up being a P2W model.
my tought is if all else fails can always go back to aion fly around with limited flying time..
but this is also true, most f2p games are p2w, without you can play but be succesfull ingame you need buy items.
Saw this coming a Mile off... i played this at launch and it was great up until lvl 30ish when the grind Drove me away with the Bots and other issues it had going like balance for one... This is gonna be another game for the asain P2W pile unfortunly..
This will make aion The most popular F2P game when it comes out, The game is one of the best P2P MMOS currently avilable, I did not see that coming and it kinda hit me by surprise. Seeing how well Aion is doing in Asia will they leave the Asian servers as P2P or convert them too? I will be playing Aion for sure while waiting on TERA.
coolz, i will try the game
Lol yeah, the so called 'Gold membership' price is still not shown so it may cost more than $15 a month and it gives the same perks as what 'normal' players have now. I really hope they don't release a cash shop with OP stuff lol, that's the sure way to kill a MMO.
RIP Orc Choppa
I'm worried with the Gameforge taking over.
Most of there f2p games have hidious cashshops.
also news
doesn't make me anymore pleased.
Lol yeah, the so called 'Gold membership' price is still not shown so it may cost more than $15 a month and it gives the same perks as what 'normal' players have now. I really hope they don't release a cash shop with OP stuff lol, that's the sure way to kill a MMO.
the 100% mana. stone, maybe plus all the scrolls will be inside the shop, o truly believe
RIP Orc Choppa
RIP Orc Choppa
Well that depends, I mean Lineage 2 is also from NCSoft and recently went F2P, I tried it out, it doesn't have many unbearable OP cash shop items, like you said eg. 100% success manastone socketing, etc. I am hoping they follow this road with Aion and add AT MOST exp boosts and costumes with no stats(only for remodelling etc)
I wouldn't be surprised if the Cash shop in Aion did become pay 2 win.
Not to long ago they had a Candy Bundle for sale that increased your stats, making pvp god damn stupid for the people not paying.
my only concern is that when it goes f2p are they gonna add a pve server or just stick with the rookie server..the game itself is damn great..i just dont like gettin my ass handed to me on a plate lol.i,m so desperate to play this game but not under the current system..i will still d/load and log in and see whats what with the game.i wonder why just EU though.
Thats nice it means I can play around with the Aion character generator I heard its pretty powerful.
The Character creation is very indepth xD and I doubt they will add a PvE only server as that would kinda disrupt the story of Asmo vs Elyos and would make end game too easy to obtain and boring.
Well veteran status for ex-subscribers is to lure them back into Aion EU.
Gameforge will do money by putting things like 100% socketing thingy into cash shop.
For me this info is 'meh'.
Not gonna play.
I will wait and see.
I will never use cash shops, but if the game gets a small relaunch and gets fresh blood (which is the core point for me) I will play because this game is actually really good now. It will NEED to be cosmetic though so I can ignore it... the only way that devs get ongoing money off me is through a sub.
If they decide to take the stupid route and go pay to win though that will be suicide (again) and I will pass.
They really should go live with a PvE server or two (with PvP limited to the abyss/ instances) for this as well.
i always hated high lvls with full pvp gear goin on lowby areas and killin ppl..but the day its goin f2p i will perpetrate a massacre on those lowby areas untill gw2 release
It won't pick up much because of it, Aion was a horrible game with ancient design choices at launch, then they tried to take the one thing people liked, ganking lowbies, and took it away.
Then, when everyone stopped playing the game, they apprently brought that back, it didn't work, so it's going f2p.
yap, I wouldn't come back without a pve server if its goes f2p, will have tons of griefers around, u can call me care bear
RIP Orc Choppa
Going to give it a go!
So WAR is the only failure that wont switch to F2P?
AND plz tell me i can choose to play on NCSoft West Servers like in Lineage 2. I dont wanna play on fucking trash shit gameforge servers. They are even worser then Inova.
Aion simply wasn't worth paying a monthly fee for. As is usual for new MMOs these days, it promised much and all it delivered was a warmed-over rehash of 12 year old MMO concepts. Five of us bought the game, hoping for an exciting new gaming experience... we subbed for a couple of months and we all gave up on it due to boredom and feelings of "we've done this 1000 times already since 1999".
The true test of how poor a game is? How fast it goes F2P. Frankly, I'm surprised Aion didn't go F2P months ago. Even as a F2P game I won't be returning to it - it was THAT bad.
Agree totally.personally i dont get the bit where they cant seperate the pvp guys from the pve...most mmo's have pve and pvp..would be nice to have the option . i do get its meant to be pvp based game...but on the basis of the pvp alone its been a dismal failure.thing is , that they never seem to listen to the player base..and look where its got them.i know peeps want pve servers,there have been many posts about it..i have made a few myself.they have had 2 yrs to sort the pvp mess out and its not worked..even if it goes f2p its not guaranteed to work ,mainly because it will be back to the same routine of gankin lowbies unless you are on the rookie server,in which at lvl 46 you got to pvp instantly.which is kind of strange because the majority of the game you have spent playing pve.