Very silly arguments, considering that even Yoshi called FFXIV a half-finished game.
Yoshi said the game was halfway to having that "Final Fantasy" feeling. A common misquote that needs to die already. And the arguments are valid. The core systems are here to stay. No ones losing progress once 2.0 hits.
Well, how exactly should we translate that? Oh, I know, let's do it so it seems more positive.
"To be honest, I consider that we're about half-way to the point where we can confidently call it Final Fantasy."
This was also brought up at a later date, and he said he stood by that assertion. To me, that sounds an awful lot like he's saying that they have half of a Final Fantasy game.
Well, how exactly should we translate that? Oh, I know, let's do it so it seems more positive.
"To be honest, I consider that we're about half-way to the point where we can confidently call it Final Fantasy."
This was also brought up at a later date, and he said he stood by that assertion. To me, that sounds an awful lot like he's saying that they have half of a Final Fantasy game.
Yeah, but he also went into detail saying it was halfway to having that Final Fantasy feeling saying that Chocobos and Airships helped a lot with that. Not that the game itself was half complete. That, and he said the reason they're charging is they're now to the part to call it a Final Fantasy game. Haters just gonna hate, even if it was cleared up.
I just hope they fix the Final Fantasy series name sake.
This game never damaged FF for me. It was a noble attempt to do something that went wrong. When I see Tifa being pimped out like trailer trash in some cheesy browser game, then FF is dead.
You are defending everything about this game. You even blamed the players that are feeling scammed for not researching before buying, saying it's not SE's fault, even it's a FACT that most ppl considers FFXIV unfinished. So yes, you are a fanboy, there is no doubt about that.
You keep on nagging about core systems being in. Guess what, that's common even in alphas, and certainly doesn't make the game worth a sub.
Not blind to the game's problems? Well, you had me fooled, and probably everyone else too.
Defending everything? Blind to its problems? Read a few topics down on this board. I started one saying there's some things about 2.0 I'm not going to like. But again, haters gonna hate.
And I said people can't complain knowing how bad the beta was/didn't research about a game before preordering yet still complain. That they can't blame SE for. Never did I say it wasn't SE's fault for releasing a half finished game. But it's cool, you can act like I said what you believe as you did about Yoshi P.
Please explain why the games in beta, I'd like to hear why. Never did I say the game was worth a sub for keeping it's core systems. It seems reading things as you want to see them is a problem of yours. Whether it's worth a sub or not is based on opinion only.
Point is, the game's not in beta. Games go through more changes years after they launched in an expansion than what XIV will go through. So you can stop running that point now unless you have proof SE say's its in beta. It doesn't matter what the complainers are saying.
Once again, I never said you can't blame SE for releasing a half finished product. That, and the reviews were almost unanimously bad back in beta, not good. The fact people would preorder an MMORPG of all genres and not research the game is a bad decision, and I would bet most people who purchase an MMO DOES research rather than blindly buy a game, or wait after launch for more impressions. They gave a free year, and the game is enjoyable by most that play now (the poll on the lodestone has most people staying when they charge). If the game's not to there liking now, I dare say they won't like XIV even with the 2.0 launch. They get a free trial period then anyways, so calm down and be patient.
I'm not a fanboy, the game's not in beta, and SE didn't force you to buy the game at launch.
So, the only "truth" is what SE spoonfeeds you. That's beyond sad. It also backs up a few of my arguments, but I doubt you see that.
Know what's "beyond sad"?
Originally posted by Netspook
Explain why the game is a beta? Most ppl (check both here, lodestone, and loads of other forums) seems to agree that the game is unfinished. An unfinished game that's possible to play = beta.
When your reason why it's in beta is either that forum posts say so or a game is getting new content/features.
Any MMO is unfinished till the day it shuts down. So I guess all MMO's are beta products?
I'm not being spoonfed by SE, but at least in your views I'm going by the desingers title rather than random forum posts.
When the replies get to slinging insults rather than offering reasons why I'm wrong, I know you have nothing. So I'm done here. Enjoy your time hating on a game.
There will stay no people @their servers. This leads nowhere. Who would pay for such junk. Only complete fanboys who re defending this pile of no-game at all cost.
There will stay no people @their servers. This leads nowhere. Who would pay for such junk. Only complete fanboys who re defending this pile of no-game at all cost.
A poll on the official forums have 3/4th of the players staying after the fee. And I'm no fanboy, thus your theory is disproven.
There will stay no people @their servers. This leads nowhere. Who would pay for such junk. Only complete fanboys who re defending this pile of no-game at all cost.
A poll on the official forums have 3/4th of the players staying after the fee. And I'm no fanboy, thus your theory is disproven.
Did you also see the thread where people are posting server populations found with the new LFG tool? The highest number reported thus far was on Selbina during NA primetime. The number was 941. Some of the more unfortunate servers are reporting numbers anywhere from 200-500. This is right after a huge patch. These numbers are going to go down come Jan. That paints a pretty grim picture for the next few months. So, 3/4 of the polled players may be staying, but when server pops are already so low, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
I dont understand how some people can be so dam annoying. I understand this is a forum, and people come here to post their thoughts and opinions but it is just so hard to sit here to read and learn about a game that some may actually enjoy with all these individuals spending their afternoons and evenings just bashing a game that is trying to grow. I bought the CE for FFXIV and I was so upset at square for releasing a half assed game. But my god the game has been free for 1 YEAR. Any other company would of shut down by now and not have a complete plan which is dedicated to rereleasing the game. Ya they are asking for money on the 6th. How is this a problem? You either pay the steep $9 charge that they are asking or go play WoW or Guild Wars 2. They have apologized, they have shown dedication, the game is 100X more enjoyable then it was at launch and probably one of the most interesting MMOS i have played since FFXI itself. It has a different feel, its not a trash themepark remake and I enjoy it. It needs work, and lots of it, but all MMOS do, and all MMOS grow and change everyday. You dont like the game thats fine. You had an entire year to vent and whine. But shut your mouths now and let these forums be a place where people who have decided to pay money come for information instead of dividing the forums into people who hate or enjoy the game. I am no Square fanboy I just enjoy the combat, the music, and the world that FFXIV has to offer because its not a clone of any other game. They will fix it. Now you better check yourselves, before you wreck yourselves.
PS. I wrote this on my android while i was on the toilet. TY
I dont understand how some people can be so dam annoying. I understand this is a forum, and people come here to post their thoughts and opinions but it is just so hard to sit here to read and learn about a game that some may actually enjoy with all these individuals spending their afternoons and evenings just bashing a game that is trying to grow. I bought the CE for FFXIV and I was so upset at square for releasing a half assed game. But my god the game has been free for 1 YEAR. Any other company would of shut down by now and not have a complete plan which is dedicated to rereleasing the game. Ya they are asking for money on the 6th. How is this a problem? You either pay the steep $9 charge that they are asking or go play WoW or Guild Wars 2. They have apologized, they have shown dedication, the game is 100X more enjoyable then it was at launch and probably one of the most interesting MMOS i have played since FFXI itself. It has a different feel, its not a trash themepark remake and I enjoy it. It needs work, and lots of it, but all MMOS do, and all MMOS grow and change everyday. You dont like the game thats fine. You had an entire year to vent and whine. But shut your mouths now and let these forums be a place where people who have decided to pay money come for information instead of dividing the forums into people who hate or enjoy the game. I am no Square fanboy I just enjoy the combat, the music, and the world that FFXIV has to offer because its not a clone of any other game. They will fix it. Now you better check yourselves, before you wreck yourselves.
PS. I wrote this on my android while i was on the toilet. TY
1. Everything you could expect to learn from this thread, is revealed in the title.
2. Your "contribution" to the information discussions is telling us to shut our mouths. Check ourselves? Right back at you.
There will stay no people @their servers. This leads nowhere. Who would pay for such junk. Only complete fanboys who re defending this pile of no-game at all cost.
A poll on the official forums have 3/4th of the players staying after the fee. And I'm no fanboy, thus your theory is disproven.
Did you also see the thread where people are posting server populations found with the new LFG tool? The highest number reported thus far was on Selbina during NA primetime. The number was 941. Some of the more unfortunate servers are reporting numbers anywhere from 200-500. This is right after a huge patch. These numbers are going to go down come Jan. That paints a pretty grim picture for the next few months. So, 3/4 of the polled players may be staying, but when server pops are already so low, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
A few people on notoriously low pop servers reported 300-700 people online at one time (I know of not one server on that thread that didn't at least breach 600 once even though only a handful of people were running searches, and those numbers are hardly definitive or accurate for the total population across all timezones).
The number on Selbina was 1400+ I know because I posted it, and no one ever said that was the "highest". Yes it is right after a patch, but it is also right after the launch of another MMO and close to Christmas when many are traveling, many are busy with end of year work, and those in school are finishing finals.
Anyways Selbina's population is just fine. We have had server queues since patch, and the new content areas are extremely crowded at nearly all hours of the day. But keep telling yourself the game is dead if it makes you feel justified in coming here to bash it constantly.
For those who are interested the latest letter is up and includes a preview of the AF armor/jobs coming in 1.21 (February):
There will stay no people @their servers. This leads nowhere. Who would pay for such junk. Only complete fanboys who re defending this pile of no-game at all cost.
A poll on the official forums have 3/4th of the players staying after the fee. And I'm no fanboy, thus your theory is disproven.
Did you also see the thread where people are posting server populations found with the new LFG tool? The highest number reported thus far was on Selbina during NA primetime. The number was 941. Some of the more unfortunate servers are reporting numbers anywhere from 200-500. This is right after a huge patch. These numbers are going to go down come Jan. That paints a pretty grim picture for the next few months. So, 3/4 of the polled players may be staying, but when server pops are already so low, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
A few people on notoriously low pop servers reported 300-700 people online at one time (I know of not one server on that thread that didn't at least breach 600 once even though only a handful of people were running searches, and those numbers are hardly definitive or accurate for the total population across all timezones).
The number on Selbina was 1400+ I know because I posted it, and no one ever said that was the "highest". Yes it is right after a patch, but it is also right after the launch of another MMO and close to Christmas when many are traveling, many are busy with end of year work, and those in school are finishing finals.
Anyways Selbina's population is just fine. We have had server queues since patch, and the new content areas are extremely crowded at nearly all hours of the day. But keep telling yourself the game is dead if it makes you feel justified in coming here to bash it constantly.
Because the game is still awful 15 months after launch.
im currently playing the game and i really dont see how people call it awful? Am I to stupid to see the games faults? Maybe im not high enough in level? From what I remember FFXI was not that big of a smashing hit when it first got launched. NA didnt get the game until 1 year of its launch in Japan and it was released with an expansion so im sure that FFXI had just a terrible launch as XIV. Now im not saying that releasing a game in half assed condition is alright by any means. In the current era of MMOS and how many come out if a company wants to maintain its fanbase it is espically important to get it off the ground in a playable stable manner. Just because the company is Square doesnt give them right to take advantage of its customers. I unfortunatley was one of the individuals who had purchased the CE for its full price. I was very dissapointed. What else would you like square to do though? Many other companies would of trashed the game by now, opened up an item shop and gone down that path. Square had to train an entire new team, come up with an entire new gameplan, fire and hire producers, change combat completely, practically rebuild the game from the ground up, made it f2p for more then a year, and to me personally have made many new changes that are satisfying. Many people may not like the game and I guess i can understand because of the sour taste in their mouths from the launch, but I dont see to many issues anymore. Square has said themselves that they will continue to support the game and it will be rerelased for the ps3 as version 2.0. I find it very fun and refreshing.
Because the game is still awful 15 months after launch.
im currently playing the game and i really dont see how people call it awful? Am I to stupid to see the games faults? Maybe im not high enough in level? From what I remember FFXI was not that big of a smashing hit when it first got launched. NA didnt get the game until 1 year of its launch in Japan and it was released with an expansion so im sure that FFXI had just a terrible launch as XIV. Now im not saying that releasing a game in half assed condition is alright by any means. In the current era of MMOS and how many come out if a company wants to maintain its fanbase it is espically important to get it off the ground in a playable stable manner. Just because the company is Square doesnt give them right to take advantage of its customers. I unfortunatley was one of the individuals who had purchased the CE for its full price. I was very dissapointed. What else would you like square to do though? Many other companies would of trashed the game by now, opened up an item shop and gone down that path. Square had to train an entire new team, come up with an entire new gameplan, fire and hire producers, change combat completely, practically rebuild the game from the ground up, made it f2p for more then a year, and to me personally have made many new changes that are satisfying. Many people may not like the game and I guess i can understand because of the sour taste in their mouths from the launch, but I dont see to many issues anymore. Square has said themselves that they will continue to support the game and it will be rerelased for the ps3 as version 2.0. I find it very fun and refreshing.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. I don't have the time or will to go over why I think the game is awful. It's all been said before.
Because the game is still awful 15 months after launch.
im currently playing the game and i really dont see how people call it awful? Am I to stupid to see the games faults? Maybe im not high enough in level? From what I remember FFXI was not that big of a smashing hit when it first got launched. NA didnt get the game until 1 year of its launch in Japan and it was released with an expansion so im sure that FFXI had just a terrible launch as XIV. Now im not saying that releasing a game in half assed condition is alright by any means. In the current era of MMOS and how many come out if a company wants to maintain its fanbase it is espically important to get it off the ground in a playable stable manner. Just because the company is Square doesnt give them right to take advantage of its customers. I unfortunatley was one of the individuals who had purchased the CE for its full price. I was very dissapointed. What else would you like square to do though? Many other companies would of trashed the game by now, opened up an item shop and gone down that path. Square had to train an entire new team, come up with an entire new gameplan, fire and hire producers, change combat completely, practically rebuild the game from the ground up, made it f2p for more then a year, and to me personally have made many new changes that are satisfying. Many people may not like the game and I guess i can understand because of the sour taste in their mouths from the launch, but I dont see to many issues anymore. Square has said themselves that they will continue to support the game and it will be rerelased for the ps3 as version 2.0. I find it very fun and refreshing.
Not likely...
I predict a whole new generation of players listing the same complaints.
Why would anyone PAY to play for this game, when there are so many MMOs that are better, cheaper, and some are FTP.
The excuses you listed, are beyond forgivable seeing it's been past the year-mark and "not ready yet" or "they are training a whole new team" doesn't cut it.
Because the game is still awful 15 months after launch.
im currently playing the game and i really dont see how people call it awful? Am I to stupid to see the games faults? Maybe im not high enough in level? From what I remember FFXI was not that big of a smashing hit when it first got launched. NA didnt get the game until 1 year of its launch in Japan and it was released with an expansion so im sure that FFXI had just a terrible launch as XIV. Now im not saying that releasing a game in half assed condition is alright by any means. In the current era of MMOS and how many come out if a company wants to maintain its fanbase it is espically important to get it off the ground in a playable stable manner. Just because the company is Square doesnt give them right to take advantage of its customers. I unfortunatley was one of the individuals who had purchased the CE for its full price. I was very dissapointed. What else would you like square to do though? Many other companies would of trashed the game by now, opened up an item shop and gone down that path. Square had to train an entire new team, come up with an entire new gameplan, fire and hire producers, change combat completely, practically rebuild the game from the ground up, made it f2p for more then a year, and to me personally have made many new changes that are satisfying. Many people may not like the game and I guess i can understand because of the sour taste in their mouths from the launch, but I dont see to many issues anymore. Square has said themselves that they will continue to support the game and it will be rerelased for the ps3 as version 2.0. I find it very fun and refreshing.
Not likely...
I predict a whole new generation of players listing the same complaints.
Why would anyone PAY to play for this game, when there are so many MMOs that are better, cheaper, and some are FTP.
The excuses you listed, are beyond forgivable seeing it's been past the year-mark and "not ready yet" or "they are training a whole new team" doesn't cut it.
What was that again "There are so many MMOs that are better??? Really? What MMOs elaborate cause all I see in the market are WoWlike games and only one that looks close to FFXI is FFXIV and actually with my super PC you can't find even single players that look as good as FFXIV. I'm enjoing this game is better then the clones, it's a game that differs from all those copy/paste so called games.
I dont understand how some people can be so dam annoying. I understand this is a forum, and people come here to post their thoughts and opinions but it is just so hard to sit here to read and learn about a game that some may actually enjoy with all these individuals spending their afternoons and evenings just bashing a game that is trying to grow. I bought the CE for FFXIV and I was so upset at square for releasing a half assed game. But my god the game has been free for 1 YEAR. Any other company would of shut down by now and not have a complete plan which is dedicated to rereleasing the game. Ya they are asking for money on the 6th. How is this a problem? You either pay the steep $9 charge that they are asking or go play WoW or Guild Wars 2. They have apologized, they have shown dedication, the game is 100X more enjoyable then it was at launch and probably one of the most interesting MMOS i have played since FFXI itself. It has a different feel, its not a trash themepark remake and I enjoy it. It needs work, and lots of it, but all MMOS do, and all MMOS grow and change everyday. You dont like the game thats fine. You had an entire year to vent and whine. But shut your mouths now and let these forums be a place where people who have decided to pay money come for information instead of dividing the forums into people who hate or enjoy the game. I am no Square fanboy I just enjoy the combat, the music, and the world that FFXIV has to offer because its not a clone of any other game. They will fix it. Now you better check yourselves, before you wreck yourselves.
PS. I wrote this on my android while i was on the toilet. TY
Well, the thing is that there is a time limit on how long time after launch a game can be forgiven.
Vanguard is an excellent game with almost no players since it launched in such bad shape to mention another game.
Sure, it was the right thing to do to let people play a year for free but they really shouldn't had release the game when they did, they shouldn't even had released it now.
MMO players don't forgive such misstakes and the only large game around with a bad launch is Eve, and that is mainly because most people didn't even hear about it until the game was fixed up.
Once Square realized their misstake they have been handling the whole thing good but I am just not sure that is enough. A lot of people will quit now and chanses are that the game never will see the 2.0 which is how it should have been released in the first time.
There is no worse sin for a MMO than releasing far too early. The only hope now is a rerelease when the game is ready.
I dont understand how some people can be so dam annoying. I understand this is a forum, and people come here to post their thoughts and opinions but it is just so hard to sit here to read and learn about a game that some may actually enjoy with all these individuals spending their afternoons and evenings just bashing a game that is trying to grow. I bought the CE for FFXIV and I was so upset at square for releasing a half assed game. But my god the game has been free for 1 YEAR. Any other company would of shut down by now and not have a complete plan which is dedicated to rereleasing the game. Ya they are asking for money on the 6th. How is this a problem? You either pay the steep $9 charge that they are asking or go play WoW or Guild Wars 2. They have apologized, they have shown dedication, the game is 100X more enjoyable then it was at launch and probably one of the most interesting MMOS i have played since FFXI itself. It has a different feel, its not a trash themepark remake and I enjoy it. It needs work, and lots of it, but all MMOS do, and all MMOS grow and change everyday. You dont like the game thats fine. You had an entire year to vent and whine. But shut your mouths now and let these forums be a place where people who have decided to pay money come for information instead of dividing the forums into people who hate or enjoy the game. I am no Square fanboy I just enjoy the combat, the music, and the world that FFXIV has to offer because its not a clone of any other game. They will fix it. Now you better check yourselves, before you wreck yourselves. PS. I wrote this on my android while i was on the toilet. TY
Well, the thing is that there is a time limit on how long time after launch a game can be forgiven.
Vanguard is an excellent game with almost no players since it launched in such bad shape to mention another game.
Sure, it was the right thing to do to let people play a year for free but they really shouldn't had release the game when they did, they shouldn't even had released it now.
MMO players don't forgive such misstakes and the only large game around with a bad launch is Eve, and that is mainly because most people didn't even hear about it until the game was fixed up.
Once Square realized their misstake they have been handling the whole thing good but I am just not sure that is enough. A lot of people will quit now and chanses are that the game never will see the 2.0 which is how it should have been released in the first time.
There is no worse sin for a MMO than releasing far too early. The only hope now is a rerelease when the game is ready.
EQ2 falls into the "irredeemable" category as well, sadly, despite being pretty good itself. (Even if $0E are entirely colossal douchebags.)
Because the game is still awful 15 months after launch.
im currently playing the game and i really dont see how people call it awful? Am I to stupid to see the games faults? Maybe im not high enough in level? From what I remember FFXI was not that big of a smashing hit when it first got launched. NA didnt get the game until 1 year of its launch in Japan and it was released with an expansion so im sure that FFXI had just a terrible launch as XIV. Now im not saying that releasing a game in half assed condition is alright by any means. In the current era of MMOS and how many come out if a company wants to maintain its fanbase it is espically important to get it off the ground in a playable stable manner. Just because the company is Square doesnt give them right to take advantage of its customers. I unfortunatley was one of the individuals who had purchased the CE for its full price. I was very dissapointed. What else would you like square to do though? Many other companies would of trashed the game by now, opened up an item shop and gone down that path. Square had to train an entire new team, come up with an entire new gameplan, fire and hire producers, change combat completely, practically rebuild the game from the ground up, made it f2p for more then a year, and to me personally have made many new changes that are satisfying. Many people may not like the game and I guess i can understand because of the sour taste in their mouths from the launch, but I dont see to many issues anymore. Square has said themselves that they will continue to support the game and it will be rerelased for the ps3 as version 2.0. I find it very fun and refreshing.
Not likely...
I predict a whole new generation of players listing the same complaints.
Why would anyone PAY to play for this game, when there are so many MMOs that are better, cheaper, and some are FTP.
The excuses you listed, are beyond forgivable seeing it's been past the year-mark and "not ready yet" or "they are training a whole new team" doesn't cut it.
What was that again "There are so many MMOs that are better??? Really? What MMOs elaborate cause all I see in the market are WoWlike games and only one that looks close to FFXI is FFXIV and actually with my super PC you can't find even single players that look as good as FFXIV. I'm enjoing this game is better then the clones, it's a game that differs from all those copy/paste so called games.
It's funny you mention Copy and Paste... FFXIV Terrains are all about Copy and Paste... Here you go.
And for WOW clones, FFXIV tried that stunt day one... Click click click attacks and lagging at it.... it failed at being a WOW-clone as well...
Which probably doesn't bother you since you like playing WOW-clones enough to post it on your profile, and you are waiting for Guild Wars 2 (another wow-clone).
Well, how exactly should we translate that? Oh, I know, let's do it so it seems more positive.
"To be honest, I consider that we're about half-way to the point where we can confidently call it Final Fantasy."
This was also brought up at a later date, and he said he stood by that assertion. To me, that sounds an awful lot like he's saying that they have half of a Final Fantasy game.
Yeah, but he also went into detail saying it was halfway to having that Final Fantasy feeling saying that Chocobos and Airships helped a lot with that. Not that the game itself was half complete. That, and he said the reason they're charging is they're now to the part to call it a Final Fantasy game. Haters just gonna hate, even if it was cleared up.
This game never damaged FF for me. It was a noble attempt to do something that went wrong. When I see Tifa being pimped out like trailer trash in some cheesy browser game, then FF is dead.
Defending everything? Blind to its problems? Read a few topics down on this board. I started one saying there's some things about 2.0 I'm not going to like. But again, haters gonna hate.
And I said people can't complain knowing how bad the beta was/didn't research about a game before preordering yet still complain. That they can't blame SE for. Never did I say it wasn't SE's fault for releasing a half finished game. But it's cool, you can act like I said what you believe as you did about Yoshi P.
Please explain why the games in beta, I'd like to hear why. Never did I say the game was worth a sub for keeping it's core systems. It seems reading things as you want to see them is a problem of yours. Whether it's worth a sub or not is based on opinion only.
{mod edit}
Point is, the game's not in beta. Games go through more changes years after they launched in an expansion than what XIV will go through. So you can stop running that point now unless you have proof SE say's its in beta. It doesn't matter what the complainers are saying.
Once again, I never said you can't blame SE for releasing a half finished product. That, and the reviews were almost unanimously bad back in beta, not good. The fact people would preorder an MMORPG of all genres and not research the game is a bad decision, and I would bet most people who purchase an MMO DOES research rather than blindly buy a game, or wait after launch for more impressions. They gave a free year, and the game is enjoyable by most that play now (the poll on the lodestone has most people staying when they charge). If the game's not to there liking now, I dare say they won't like XIV even with the 2.0 launch. They get a free trial period then anyways, so calm down and be patient.
I'm not a fanboy, the game's not in beta, and SE didn't force you to buy the game at launch.
Know what's "beyond sad"?
When your reason why it's in beta is either that forum posts say so or a game is getting new content/features.
Any MMO is unfinished till the day it shuts down. So I guess all MMO's are beta products?
I'm not being spoonfed by SE, but at least in your views I'm going by the desingers title rather than random forum posts.
When the replies get to slinging insults rather than offering reasons why I'm wrong, I know you have nothing. So I'm done here. Enjoy your time hating on a game.
There will stay no people @their servers. This leads nowhere. Who would pay for such junk. Only complete fanboys who re defending this pile of no-game at all cost.
A poll on the official forums have 3/4th of the players staying after the fee. And I'm no fanboy, thus your theory is disproven.
Did you also see the thread where people are posting server populations found with the new LFG tool? The highest number reported thus far was on Selbina during NA primetime. The number was 941. Some of the more unfortunate servers are reporting numbers anywhere from 200-500. This is right after a huge patch. These numbers are going to go down come Jan. That paints a pretty grim picture for the next few months. So, 3/4 of the polled players may be staying, but when server pops are already so low, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
I dont understand how some people can be so dam annoying. I understand this is a forum, and people come here to post their thoughts and opinions but it is just so hard to sit here to read and learn about a game that some may actually enjoy with all these individuals spending their afternoons and evenings just bashing a game that is trying to grow. I bought the CE for FFXIV and I was so upset at square for releasing a half assed game. But my god the game has been free for 1 YEAR. Any other company would of shut down by now and not have a complete plan which is dedicated to rereleasing the game. Ya they are asking for money on the 6th. How is this a problem? You either pay the steep $9 charge that they are asking or go play WoW or Guild Wars 2. They have apologized, they have shown dedication, the game is 100X more enjoyable then it was at launch and probably one of the most interesting MMOS i have played since FFXI itself. It has a different feel, its not a trash themepark remake and I enjoy it. It needs work, and lots of it, but all MMOS do, and all MMOS grow and change everyday. You dont like the game thats fine. You had an entire year to vent and whine. But shut your mouths now and let these forums be a place where people who have decided to pay money come for information instead of dividing the forums into people who hate or enjoy the game. I am no Square fanboy I just enjoy the combat, the music, and the world that FFXIV has to offer because its not a clone of any other game. They will fix it. Now you better check yourselves, before you wreck yourselves.
PS. I wrote this on my android while i was on the toilet. TY
So, basically, you are telling us the game IS worth a shit to you? Hahahahahahahaha
The moment I read "It's like" or "WoW" is the moment I stop reading your post.
1. Everything you could expect to learn from this thread, is revealed in the title.
2. Your "contribution" to the information discussions is telling us to shut our mouths. Check ourselves? Right back at you.
A few people on notoriously low pop servers reported 300-700 people online at one time (I know of not one server on that thread that didn't at least breach 600 once even though only a handful of people were running searches, and those numbers are hardly definitive or accurate for the total population across all timezones).
The number on Selbina was 1400+ I know because I posted it, and no one ever said that was the "highest". Yes it is right after a patch, but it is also right after the launch of another MMO and close to Christmas when many are traveling, many are busy with end of year work, and those in school are finishing finals.
Anyways Selbina's population is just fine. We have had server queues since patch, and the new content areas are extremely crowded at nearly all hours of the day. But keep telling yourself the game is dead if it makes you feel justified in coming here to bash it constantly.
For those who are interested the latest letter is up and includes a preview of the AF armor/jobs coming in 1.21 (February):
Meanwhile they're planning server merges.
why so much hate on the game?
Because the game is still awful 15 months after launch.
im currently playing the game and i really dont see how people call it awful? Am I to stupid to see the games faults? Maybe im not high enough in level? From what I remember FFXI was not that big of a smashing hit when it first got launched. NA didnt get the game until 1 year of its launch in Japan and it was released with an expansion so im sure that FFXI had just a terrible launch as XIV. Now im not saying that releasing a game in half assed condition is alright by any means. In the current era of MMOS and how many come out if a company wants to maintain its fanbase it is espically important to get it off the ground in a playable stable manner. Just because the company is Square doesnt give them right to take advantage of its customers. I unfortunatley was one of the individuals who had purchased the CE for its full price. I was very dissapointed. What else would you like square to do though? Many other companies would of trashed the game by now, opened up an item shop and gone down that path. Square had to train an entire new team, come up with an entire new gameplan, fire and hire producers, change combat completely, practically rebuild the game from the ground up, made it f2p for more then a year, and to me personally have made many new changes that are satisfying. Many people may not like the game and I guess i can understand because of the sour taste in their mouths from the launch, but I dont see to many issues anymore. Square has said themselves that they will continue to support the game and it will be rerelased for the ps3 as version 2.0. I find it very fun and refreshing.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. I don't have the time or will to go over why I think the game is awful. It's all been said before.
Not likely...
I predict a whole new generation of players listing the same complaints.
Why would anyone PAY to play for this game, when there are so many MMOs that are better, cheaper, and some are FTP.
The excuses you listed, are beyond forgivable seeing it's been past the year-mark and "not ready yet" or "they are training a whole new team" doesn't cut it.
What was that again "There are so many MMOs that are better??? Really? What MMOs elaborate cause all I see in the market are WoWlike games and only one that looks close to FFXI is FFXIV and actually with my super PC you can't find even single players that look as good as FFXIV. I'm enjoing this game is better then the clones, it's a game that differs from all those copy/paste so called games.
Well, the thing is that there is a time limit on how long time after launch a game can be forgiven.
Vanguard is an excellent game with almost no players since it launched in such bad shape to mention another game.
Sure, it was the right thing to do to let people play a year for free but they really shouldn't had release the game when they did, they shouldn't even had released it now.
MMO players don't forgive such misstakes and the only large game around with a bad launch is Eve, and that is mainly because most people didn't even hear about it until the game was fixed up.
Once Square realized their misstake they have been handling the whole thing good but I am just not sure that is enough. A lot of people will quit now and chanses are that the game never will see the 2.0 which is how it should have been released in the first time.
There is no worse sin for a MMO than releasing far too early. The only hope now is a rerelease when the game is ready.
Well, the thing is that there is a time limit on how long time after launch a game can be forgiven.
Vanguard is an excellent game with almost no players since it launched in such bad shape to mention another game.
Sure, it was the right thing to do to let people play a year for free but they really shouldn't had release the game when they did, they shouldn't even had released it now.
MMO players don't forgive such misstakes and the only large game around with a bad launch is Eve, and that is mainly because most people didn't even hear about it until the game was fixed up.
Once Square realized their misstake they have been handling the whole thing good but I am just not sure that is enough. A lot of people will quit now and chanses are that the game never will see the 2.0 which is how it should have been released in the first time.
There is no worse sin for a MMO than releasing far too early. The only hope now is a rerelease when the game is ready.
It's funny you mention Copy and Paste... FFXIV Terrains are all about Copy and Paste... Here you go.
And for WOW clones, FFXIV tried that stunt day one... Click click click attacks and lagging at it.... it failed at being a WOW-clone as well...
Which probably doesn't bother you since you like playing WOW-clones enough to post it on your profile, and you are waiting for Guild Wars 2 (another wow-clone).